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This explorative article develops a relational typology of PMOs based on their roles with stakeholders. A multi‐case study was used to identify the roles of PMOs in multiple‐PMO settings. A three‐dimensional role space allows locating the complex relational profiles that PMOs take on with respect to their stakeholders in practice. Superordinate, subordinate, and coequal roles were identified in a framework of servicing, controlling, and partnering in organizations. While servicing (subordinate role profile) and controlling (superordinate role profile) support organizational effectiveness and exploitation of knowledge, partnering (coequal role profile) creates the slack necessary for potential exploration of new knowledge.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to shed light on how project management office (PMO) leaders facilitate cross‐project learning and continuous improvement. Twenty leaders of PMOs were interviewed; findings were validated by two focus groups. The research reveals that PMO leaders facilitate cross‐project improvement by embedding accumulated knowledge from past project experiences into project management routines that are utilized across multiple projects. The research also points to the phenomenon of “red light learning,” where lessons learned sessions can be enculturated as punitive, undermining individual and organizational learning. Recommendations focus on enhancing the social capital of the PMO leader and improving the quality and quantity of reflective practice over the course of the project life cycle.  相似文献   

Organizations' attempts to implement and gain value from investments in project management have resulted in the rapid growth and, in some cases, demise of project management offices (PMOs). The recent research literature on PMOs provides an ambiguous picture of the value case for PMOs and suggests the tenuous nature of their current position in many organizations. In studying project management implementations for the Value of Project Management project, we chose to use three detailed cases and comparisons with the remaining 62 organizations in the value project to study how PMOs are connected to value realization for organizations investing in project management. Specifically, we sought to understand how PMOs deliver sustained value to organizations. Using the theories of Jim Collins (Collins, 2001; Collins & Porras, 1994) as an interpretive framework, we explore these cases to understand how to create and sustain project management value through investment in PMOs.  相似文献   

A better understanding of organizational performance and the contribution that project management can make is the aim. The article adopts the “Competing Values Framework,” a rich framework that is well established both theoretically and empirically but is not well known in the field of project management. The framework is summarized and applied in an empirical investigation of the contribution of project management in general and project management offices (PMOs) in particular to organizational performance. The examination of 11 case studies revealed multiple concurrent and sometimes paradoxical perspectives. The criteria proposed by the framework have been further developed through the identification of a preliminary set of empirically grounded performance indicators. The empirical results contribute to a better understanding of the role of project management generally and PMOs specifically. They also demonstrate the usefulness of this framework for the study of project management's contribution to organizational performance.  相似文献   

张武 《物流科技》2011,(7):132-136
以整个物流管理专业的专业体系作为研究背景,以工作过程系统化为研究方法,以实训课程体系的建立为研究目的的探索过程。主要解决了在工作过程系统化的实训课程开发过程中的两个问题,一是在确定学习领域时的系统化问题,二是在进行实训学习情景设计时知识链条的序化问题。同时,文中的开发方法可以为其他专业的教改教师起到指南作用。  相似文献   

社区护理是以提高社区人群的生活质量为最终目的。因此,发展社区卫生服务,培养社区护理人才非常重要,而实践教学环节是巩固理论知识和加深对理论认识的有效途径,是培养具有创新意识的高素质护理人员的重要环节,同时也是理论联系实际、培养护生掌握科学方法和提高动手能力的重要平台。由此,如何提高社区护理学实践教学的质量,已成为社区护理学实践教学探讨的重点。本文就此进行社区护理实践教学过程的构想,把护理研究课程融入社区护理学实践教学中,以培养护生自学能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及创新能力。  相似文献   

唐立新 《物流科技》2010,33(10):117-119
物流管理人才是21世纪12类紧缺人才之一,高校物流管理专业更是响应社会对人才的需求状况,处于一种强劲的发展势头上。物流专业实习也是近年我国高校、政府、实习单位和学生共同关注的热点问题。我国高校本科物流专业实习呈模式多样性与问题多样化并存的特点,它既存在认识上的缺陷又存在措施上的保障不足。作者就高校本科物流专业的实习模式进行了分析并提出了改进策略。  相似文献   

詹蓉  彭冰 《价值工程》2011,30(33):173-174
ERP沙盘模拟课程开设的主要动因是为了使学生尽量直观地理解和掌握ERP的基础实践知识。本文概述了ERP沙盘模拟课程的教学目标、教学方法和考核机制。重点研究了ERP沙盘模拟教学实践,主要包括实验平台系统及改进、实训课程过程管理要点、六年模拟经营结束后的工作。最后系统归纳总结了ERP沙盘模拟教学效果,其要点是培养并提高了学生的综合管理实践能力、思维能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

Communities of practice are a possible mechanism for improving knowledge sharing among project managers, both within and between organizations. Based on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, we theorize a model of participation intensity in communities of practice by project managers and explore the use of Web 2.0 technologies to increase this participation. Using structural equation modeling, we test the research model and find that the factors of reputation, enjoyment, and management support impact the participation intensity of project managers in communities of practice. However, we do not find support for the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on participation intensity. This study provides evidence that participation in communities of practice can result in individual benefits for the project manager, as well as in more far‐reaching organizational benefits.  相似文献   

曾文杰  宋学臣 《价值工程》2012,31(23):248-249
生产实习是工程管理专业教学的一个重要环节,也是提高学生素质的有效手段,针对工程管理专业生产实习中存在的问题,在实习内容、实习基地建设、实习模式、实习管理等方面做了探讨。  相似文献   

This article examines project management through the lens of practice. Drawing on the literature, we develop a typological model that brings together four distinct theoretical types of project management practice. Adopting a deliberately critical perspective, we show that the first three types propose a weak conception of the logical relationship between the theory and practice of project management. In contrast, the fourth type, anchored in a pragmatist conception of the theory‐practice link, provides the potential to build strong theories of project management practice. A specific objective is to elucidate the distinct features of the fourth type of theory.  相似文献   

在简评了目前对知识管理的两种主要研究角度的基础上 ,总结了在这些思路下实施知识管理的主要途径 :进一步对知识管理的对象进行了深入的讨论 ;并结合实际状况 ,提出在现阶段全面实施知识管理对大多数企业并不现实。最后 ,结合团队这一组织形式 ,提出在小范围内特别是工作团队内开展知识管理是知识管理实施突破口之一的观点。  相似文献   

许程剑  李应彪  李疆 《价值工程》2011,30(7):249-250
随着人们对食品安全问题的关注,全国相继有很多院校增设了食品质量与安全专业,食品质量管理学作为一门应用性学科,其教学对象主要是高等院校食品科学与工程、农产品加工与贮藏、食品质量与安全专业及相关专业的在校大学生。针对食品质量管理学这门课程与实际案例联系紧密这一特点。我们在教学过程中实施案例教学和实践相结合的学法,通过经典案例、分析案例结果产生的原因;深入企业分析问题解决时适用的原理与方法,帮助同学们掌握课本知识加强实践能力。  相似文献   

郑敏 《价值工程》2010,29(34):251-252
顶岗实习是高职院校实践教学的重要环节,独立学院因培养层次与高职有别,很少采用这种实践教学形式。受多种因素影响,独立学院管理类专业实践教学存在诸多问题,其培养应用型管理人才的目标无法保证,在这种背景下,顶岗实习作为独立学院应用型管理人才实践教学体系的组成部分成为可能。文章从延安大学西安创新学院管理类专业实践教学体系存在的问题出发,讨论了顶岗实习对应用型本科人才培养的意义,阐述了顶岗实习在管理类专业实践教学体系的地位、作用,并就做好顶岗实习提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

物流管理专业实践教学环节设计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
物流是一门操作性极强的行业,物流管理专业的学生不仅需要综合性的理论知识,更需要实际的操作经验。目前,高校在培养物流管理专业学生的实际操作能力方面存在一些不足。分析物流管理人才需求,提出物流管理实践教学的相关措施,以期满足社会对物流人才的需求。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to contribute to a better understanding of project management practice by investigating the use of project management tools and techniques and the levels of support provided by organizations for their use. The study examines both general levels of use and variations among project types and contexts. Many aspects of project management practice are common to most projects in most contexts, while others vary significantly among different types of projects and among projects in different contexts. The purpose of this paper is to present empirical results that show both the common elements and the significant variations. The paper is based on a survey of 750 project management practitioners. The use of tools and techniques is seen here as an indicator of the realities of practice. The study found some aspects of practice to be common across all types of projects and all contexts, but on this background of similar patterns of practice, several statistically significant differences have also been identified. The primary focus of this paper is on these variations in practice.  相似文献   

杨蕾 《价值工程》2011,30(31):178-179
专业实习是一种重要的实践教学形式,对于完善学生知识结构、提高学生实践能力和培养学生创新意识都具有非常重要的作用。当前各高校财务管理专业实习面临实习基地建设薄弱、实践教学不成体系和实习形式单一等诸多问题。文章以中国石油大学(华东)财务管理专业学生的实习方案设计为例,探讨建立一种具有综合性、实战性、创新性的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

东北石油大学电气信息工程学院经过多年的探索与实践,通过加强实践教学平台建设、实践教师队伍建设和实践教学管理与保障体系建设,构建了模块化实践教学体系,在学生实践能力培养中取得了很好的效果。实践教学体系由基本技能、专业技能和综合技能三个模块构成。基本技能模块训练学生对外语、计算机的应用和动手操作等基本技能;专业技能模块培养学生运用专业知识解决问题的能力,提高专业素养;综合技能模块重点培养学生的创新实践能力,提高学生综合素质。  相似文献   

张永红  高晓梅 《价值工程》2012,31(3):222-223
实践教学在知识的掌握与应用之间搭建起了桥梁,它是完成人才培养目标的必要途径。实训基地建设与管理的水平已经成为衡量高职院校办学水平的重要标志,直接反映教学质量和教学水平。文章介绍了西安航空职业技术学院在省级实训基地建设过程中,进行的"工学四合"创新实践。  相似文献   

刘立云 《价值工程》2010,29(16):211-211
实践是创新的源泉,大力加强实践教学是当前高等教育改革的方向,强化校企合作是以市场和社会就业需求为导向的教育模式。本文着重探讨校企共建大学生实践基地,拓宽学生的实践渠道,培养学生社会适应能力和实际动手能力的思路;以及如何将独立学院经济管理类实验室建设和学术科研两者有机地结合起来,实现一体化运作,来应对现阶段摆在高校经管类专业面前的这一重要课题。  相似文献   

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