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This paper reports the use of a stakeholder‐based, bottom‐up approach to determining leadership training needs and designing leadership training programs which contrasts with the top‐down policy that is often applied. The context is a Canadian medical school. Leadership training in medicine is in its infancy. Discussed and outlined in this study are stakeholder opinions on the pillars and priorities upholding leadership development. Seventy‐seven semi‐structured interviews were conducted with stakeholder groups including Trainees, Mid‐Level University Leaders, Senior Medical Clinician Leaders, Senior University Leaders, Medical Scientists and Senior Executives and Directors external to the University. Conventional content analysis was used to group the text into common themes and then group the themes into more general categories. Five general categories emerged: formal programming, organizational support, program evaluation, skill development and participant selection. A successful training program starts with identifying the individuals most likely to benefit from such a program. It emphasizes early training, mentorship and experiential learning. Programs should focus on developing: self‐awareness, communication skills and team‐building capability. Formal training programs would be most successful if they were regularly evaluated and strongly supported by their parent organizations.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to introduce and validate a new model of ethical consumption intention with the aim of identifying salient factors that influence consumer's attitude and purchase intention towards ethical products. For this purpose, this study introduces an extended model of the theory of reasoned action, which embraces the emotional component (positive anticipated affection) and socially oriented value component (altruism), as predictors of ethical consumption attitude and intention. Using a questionnaire‐based survey, the data were collected from 343 respondents who had previously purchased ethical products. The result showed that ethical obligation, self‐identity and altruism were positively related to consumer attitude towards ethical consumption. Also, ethical obligation and altruism were found to positively influence ethical consumption intention. Further, attitude and positive‐anticipated affection positively affected ethical consumption intention.  相似文献   

The authors propose a simplified multivariate GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) model (the S‐GARCH model), which involves the estimation of only univariate GARCH models, both for the individual return series and for the sum and difference of each pair of series. The covariance between each pair of return series is then imputed from these variance estimates. The proposed model is considerably easier to estimate than existing multivariate GARCH models and does not suffer from the convergence problems that characterize many of these models. Moreover, the model can be easily extended to include more complex dynamics or alternative forms of the GARCH specification. The S‐GARCH model is used to estimate the minimum‐variance hedge ratio for the FTSE (Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange) 100 Index portfolio, hedged using index futures, and compared to four of the most widely used multivariate GARCH models. Using both statistical and economic evaluation criteria, it was found that the S‐GARCH model performs at least as well as the other models that were considered, and in some cases it was better. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:575–598, 2007  相似文献   

What does a community‐centric approach to impact assessment look like? That is the central question addressed in this article. Our community‐centric perspective provides an alternative to discipline‐centric approaches to impact assessment that emphasize specific methodological gold‐standards (e.g., randomized controlled trials [RCTs] in development economics). Disciplinary approaches to impact assessment owe their principal allegiance to the discipline's knowledge‐creation norms. Consequently, the concerns, interests, and voices of community members are not fully captured in the impact assessment process. In this article, we flip the conventional perspective to offer a community‐centric view of impact assessment that places the concerns, interests and voices of community members front and center. We present the case for why we need a community‐centric approach to impact assessment and clarify its axiological content, theoretical perspective, and methodological stance. Specifically, we advocate for a relational axiology, a system‐theoretic perspective, and a phenomenological methodology.  相似文献   

This study conceptually and empirically develops an improved approach for classifying full‐nest households. Unlike existing life‐cycle models, this study separates traditional full‐nest couples who marry and have children at a young age from those who delay marriage and childbearing until their 30s. Nontraditional delayed full‐nest spouses held nontraditional sex role norms and values and experienced greater work and time pressures. They also consumed more healthy foods and beverages, avoided convenience and junk foods, but consumed more meals prepared away from home, as well as alcoholic beverages, than their traditional counterparts. While extant life‐cycle approaches use age of head of household to separate school‐age and older full‐nest families, this study uses the transitions of the youngest child to school age, and then to teenage years. This distinction more effectively captures life‐style and consumption differences than does the traditional life‐cycle approach. Overall, this new full‐nest classification scheme outperforms existing life‐cycle approaches in identifying unique sex‐role norms and values profiles as well as household food and beverage consumption patterns. It also captures meaningful and significant differences, in dollar values of home entertainment devices and furniture and of major durable assets not uncovered by previous research. Based on these findings, it is recommended that this full‐nest classification approach be incorporated into extant life‐cycle models. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article discusses plant‐closing decisions by multinational enterprises (MNEs) applying a stakeholder theory approach. In particular, we focus on the emergence of “intrastakeholder alliances,” that is, alliances among the various stakeholder groups of a specific corporation. We analyze the emergence of stakeholder alliances in reaction to MNEs' decisions to terminate production locally and discuss their influence on the outcomes of such decisions. Our research is inspired by two exceptional case studies of two multinational breweries that announced their decisions to close niche breweries in small towns in Italy and Belgium. In both cases, the initial decision was ultimately reversed through the actions of intra‐stakeholder alliances. We combine insights from stakeholder theory and the social movement literature to analyze the action and influence of intra‐stakeholder alliances in seven cases of plant‐closing decisions. We conclude by formulating four general propositions that can provide guidance to MNE management in plant‐closing decisions. Our findings extend managerial stakeholder theory, show how this approach can improve strategic management analysis, emphasize the importance of the relationships among (local) stakeholders in the (global) value‐creation process, and shed light on the collective action and influence of intra‐stakeholder alliances.  相似文献   

Assessing accurately global economic conditions is a great challenge for economists. The International Monetary Fund proposes within its periodic World Economic Outlook report a measure of the global GDP annual growth, that is generally considered as the benchmark nowcast by macroeconomists. In this paper, we put forward an alternative approach to provide monthly nowcasts of the annual global growth rate. Our approach builds on a Factor‐Augmented MIxed DAta Sampling (FA‐MIDAS) model that enables: (i) to account for a large monthly database including various countries and sectors of the global economy and (ii) to nowcast a low‐frequency macroeconomic variable using higher frequency information. Pseudo‐real‐time results over the period 2010–16 show that this approach provides reliable and timely nowcasts of the world GDP annual growth on a monthly basis.  相似文献   

This exploratory research article is concerned with students' selection of retail banks in the United States and Ghana. It is a comparative cross‐national study aimed at revealing the factors determining retail bank selection among students in different environmental settings. The key objective is to establish if there are any significant differences and/or similarities in students' selection of retail banks in developed and developing economies. A similar data‐collection method was employed in the United States and Ghana to facilitate constructive comparison. The results identified four key factors—convenience, competence, recommendation by parents, and free banking and/or no bank charges—to be consistent across the two economies. The recommendation of the study is that in the context of an open and liberalized market environment, retail bank marketing strategies should be standardized irrespective of the national development stage. It concludes that retail bank managers particularly in developing countries should learn to provide consistent and good customer care. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We analyze a family of portfolio management problems under relative performance criteria, for fund managers having CARA or CRRA utilities and trading in a common investment horizon in log‐normal markets. We construct explicit constant equilibrium strategies for both the finite population games and the corresponding mean field games, which we show are unique in the class of constant equilibria. In the CARA case, competition drives agents to invest more in the risky asset than they would otherwise, while in the CRRA case competitive agents may over‐ or underinvest, depending on their levels of risk tolerance.  相似文献   

Several studies have analysed the impact of competency‐based methodologies on human resource management, with special emphasis on their applications to management education and development. As concerns management education, however, these studies have usually focused on one or few separate aspects, never proposing a consistent application of competency‐based methodologies throughout the entire educational process. This paper shows how it is possible to design, deliver and monitor a management education programme that uses, in an integrated manner, a multiplicity of competency‐based tools in all the stages of the process, and discusses the application of such an integrated approach to an Italian MBA programme. This study provides a multiple constituency framework that integrates educational institutions, students and the companies that hire them in the design, implementation and control of effective, competency‐based, management education.  相似文献   

Although many studies have analyzed the behavior of high‐skilled migration to the United States, few have focused on the escalating migration of Mexican entrepreneurs, and particularly on the determinants of this kind of high‐skilled migration. This article addresses this gap through a qualitative approach conforming to quantitative procedures, based on 20 in‐depth interviews applied to Mexican entrepreneurs working and/or living in the United States. Theoretically, a mixed‐embeddedness approach guides this research because it allows examining both the individual characteristics of Mexican entrepreneurs, and the influence of the home and host countries' institutional contexts on their business endeavors. Findings revealed Mexico's institutional weaknesses, such as insecurity, corruption, and bureaucracy, are important drivers of migration but so are the perception of a friendly U.S. fiscal system, the search for a better quality of life, and the appeal of a more transparent business environment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reflect on the role of the Other in ethical decision‐making in corporations. The Other, in the form of a corporation's stakeholders, has already been discussed in the scientific literature, but there are still some Others that remain unconsidered and that call on corporations to be responsible. Drawing on the philosophy of Levinas, we wish to highlight a green earth and future generations as two non‐immediate Others within a corporation's group of stakeholders whose voices are silenced. We argue that Levinasian ethics can be used as a framework to extend traditional stakeholder theory in a dynamic sphere. With this model, corporations can understand the vital role that both a green earth and future generations play in their existence and can respond to contingencies by considering delays. We enrich our paper with illustrative cases to present some serious environmental disasters that have occurred as a result of ignoring the Other. Finally, we show that understanding the Other as a part of a corporation's identity can create new avenues for “infinite responsibility” towards Others. We contribute to the relevant literature by highlighting that both a green earth and future generations are important but ignored stakeholder parties whose claims urgently need to be addressed.  相似文献   

This study considers the hedging effectiveness of applying the N‐state Markov regime‐switching autoregressive moving‐average (MRS‐ARMA) model to the S&P‐500 and FTSE‐100 markets. The distinguishingfeature of this study is to incorporate the observations of serially correlated stockreturns into the hedging analysis. To resolve the problem of NT possible routes induced by the presence of MA parameters associated with the algorithm of Hamilton JD ( 1989 ) and a sample of size T, we propose an algorithm by combining the ideas of Hamilton JD ( 1989 ) and Gray SF ( 1996 ). We find that the hedging performances of the three proposed MRS‐MA(1) strategies herein are superior to their corresponding MRS counterparts considered in Alizadeh A and Nomikos N ( 2004 ) over the out‐of‐sample periods, even when we realistically track the transaction costs generated from rebalancing the hedged portfolios. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:165–191, 2011  相似文献   

The non‐normality of financial asset returns has important implications for hedging. In particular, in contrast with the unambiguous effect that minimum‐variance hedging has on the standard deviation, it can actually increase the negative skewness and kurtosis of hedge portfolio returns. Thus, the reduction in Value at Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) that minimum‐variance hedging generates can be significantly lower than the reduction in standard deviation. In this study, we provide a new, semi‐parametric method of estimating minimum‐VaR and minimum‐CVaR hedge ratios based on the Cornish‐Fisher expansion of the quantile of the hedged portfolio return distribution. Using spot and futures returns for the FTSE 100, FTSE 250, and FTSE Small Cap equity indices, the Euro/US Dollar exchange rate, and Brent crude oil, we find that the semiparametric approach is superior to the standard minimum‐variance approach, and to the nonparametric approach of Harris and Shen (2006). In particular, it provides a greater reduction in both negative skewness and excess kurtosis, and consequently generates hedge portfolios that in most cases have lower VaR and CVaR. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 30:780–794, 2010  相似文献   

Cong Li 《心理学和销售学》2019,36(12):1237-1248
This study provides an alternative way to conceptualize personalized advertising and discusses when and why nonpersonalized information can be more effective than personalized information in changing people's attitudes and behavioral intentions. Different from the traditional personalization approach in the literature that personalizes a message for an individual, this alternative way of thinking is to personalize an individual for a message. It is argued that an individual can be personalized for a message via priming tactics and it leads to reverse personalization effects where a nonpersonalized message generates stronger persuasion effects than a personalized message. The effects of priming on personalization are moderated by perceived prime credibility and mediated by perceived message relevance.  相似文献   

The senior market is particularly attractive to the tourism industry. Alongside evidence of a growing propensity to travel and spend, consumption is often deliberately linked to low seasons, balancing out the peaks and valleys for tourism suppliers. Health is one variable which is particularly significant to this consumer. Personal health influences all patterns of consumer behaviour regardless of age, although the full extent to which this models senior tourism activity is unclear. An exploratory qualitative study was undertaken in the spring of 2005, with 22 senior consumers (aged 55 years plus) interviewed. Utilizing the earlier work by Zimmer et al.into self‐assessed health as a framework, travel propensity, the perceived effects of travel and factors inhibiting full participation were questioned. Conclusions drawn outline both a senior tourism typology and areas for future research. Notably the relationship between caregiving and tourism consumption is singled out for further investigation.  相似文献   

The decision process when requested to participate in a Web survey is understood most appropriately by applying a psychological theory of human action. Consequently, this study utilized an extended version of Ajzen's theory of planned behavior to predict and explain the number of participations in a five‐wave Web‐based panel study. Based on this model, the determinants of unit nonresponse in Web‐based surveys are one's attitude toward participating in Web surveys, internalized social pressure, perceived behavioral control, and extent of moral obligation toward participating. The results indicate a satisfactory predictive power of the model. Perceived behavioral control and attitude toward participation predict the intention to participate best, followed by internalized social pressure and moral obligation. The theoretical perspective pursued proved to be valuable in terms of its predictive and explanative power as well as its practical value for Web‐based survey research. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role that service attributes, customer subgoals, and goals play in forming the satisfaction judgment. Drawing on means‐ends chain theory, and on satisfaction research, satisfaction is conceptualized as the result of a process in which customers activate multiple comparative referents. In a pilot study, a paper‐and‐pencil laddering technique was used to collect attributes and goals connected to the satisfaction judgment. These elements were then used as items in a satisfaction survey of 200 customers. A mixture regression model revealed that both attribute‐related dimensions and goal‐related dimensions determine overall satisfaction, albeit not homogeneously among customers. Two customer segments were identified: Socializers, whose satisfaction is driven primarily by the goal of well‐being, and Achievers, whose satisfaction is generated mainly by the goal of efficiency. Two directed graphs describe the satisfaction path of the two groups of customers, illustrating how service attributes are connected to the satisfaction of lower‐order and higher‐order goals. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The four‐dimensional nature of the Kaplans’ model of aesthetic response to images was tested on Point‐of‐Purchase (POP) material. It was found that only two robust dimensions emerged in the analysis, Clarity and Mystery. These however, had a significant influence on the subjects’ rating of the POP’s attractiveness. Path analysis suggested each of these dimensions was independent of the other. The implications of the findings are discussed and possible future areas of research identified.  相似文献   

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