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This study examined how taking charge was related to job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and job performance among Hong Kong Chinese newcomers, and how emotional competence moderates the latter relationships. The results of a two-wave survey involving 137 newcomers supported the proposition that taking charge would be positively associated with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment, but not with job performance. In addition, emotional competence significantly moderated the relationship between taking charge and job performance, such that taking charge was positively related to job performance only when newcomers’ emotional competence was high.  相似文献   

In the debate surrounding the relationships between HRM and performance, there is an argument suggesting that a focus on understanding the role of employee attitudes and behaviours may elicit valuable insights into performance drivers. In examining individual behaviour and performance links, there is evidence that well-being plays a significant role. Other notable performance antecedents are personality and emotional intelligence (EI). This paper explores the relationships between these variables and reports the findings from a study of 156 managers. Results show relationships between well-being and EI as well as with personality, although EI explained variance beyond personality dimensions. The implications for HR of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the consistency between human resource (HR) managers' roles and HR performance indicators. In particular it considers the moderating effects of interpersonal trust on the relationship between HR managers' roles and HR performance indicators. We selected 116 HR managers from the top 500 manufacturing companies in Taiwan as our sample, and hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to test our hypotheses. The results showed that the HR managers' roles were consistent with HR performance indicators. Also, a high level of affective trust weakened the positive relationship between HR manager roles and HR performance indicators. Thus we suggested that Chinese companies should design HR performance indicators according to the roles HR managers play. Additionally, when HR managers are playing the role of a strategic partner or change agent, top executives should avoid high affective trust with HR managers.  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of emotional intelligence (EI) as a mediator in the relationship between salary at early career and personality. The longitudinal data was collected from a selected sample of 130 university graduates, who were in the early stages of their professional careers. The results of a path analysis indicated that salary was indirectly predicted by personality traits, as measured by the Big Five model. Salary was predicted by neuroticism (both positively and negatively), extraversion (positively), and openness (positively) via the EI dimensions following the causal chain: perception, understanding and emotional regulation. Our findings have suggested the advantages of using EI measures as a complement to more dispositional measures, such as ability or personality measures, for personnel selection and people development in organizations and have provided real practice with clear suggestions for improving HRM.  相似文献   

Framed within an emotion‐centred model, the current study investigated the mediating role of negative and positive emotion between job stressors and counterproductive work behaviours (CWB) and organisational citizenship behaviours, and the moderating effects of personality and ability‐based emotional intelligence (EI) on the relationships between job stressors and emotions. Results from a sample of 202 Caribbean employees across eight public and private sector organisations showed that both positive and negative emotion mediated the relation between job stressors and citizenship behaviours, whereas only negative emotion was found to mediate the relation between job stressors and CWB. Some support was found for the moderating effects of personality and EI. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Australia, like many other countries, suffers high turnover of nurses and police officers. Contributions to effectively manage the turnover challenge have been called for, and there are few Australian studies of nursing/policing turnover intentions. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of supervisor–subordinate relationships and perceived organisational support (POS) upon engagement, well-being, organisational commitment and turnover intentions. Second, we examined the similarities and differences between nursing and policing work contexts. The retention of nurses/police has been investigated from traditional management perspectives; however, we used a different theoretical approach – social exchange theory – and evaluated its utility as a framework. Findings are from Australian data collected during 2010–2011 from 510 nurses and 193 police officers, using a survey-based, self-report strategy. Partial least squares path modelling was used to analyse these data. Results indicated that for both samples, engagement predicts well-being and then, well-being predicts affective commitment and intentions to leave. MANOVA results suggested that nurses had significantly higher levels of satisfaction with their supervisor–subordinate relationships, POS, engagement, well-being and affective commitment than police officers. Only the intention to leave was similar for both groups. Given that turnover can be influenced by supervisors/management, this study provides new knowledge about targeted retention strategies.  相似文献   

核心竞争力是企业持续竞争优势的源泉,高新技术企业的特点决定了核心技术竞争力是高新技术企业核心竞争力的关键。文章在分析高新技术企业和核心技术竞争力内涵的基础上,从如何培育核心技术竞争力和如何保持核心技术竞争力两个方面探讨了高新技术企业竞争优势的构建。  相似文献   

The present study explores predictors of perceived competence mobilization, as well as their direct and indirect impact on turnover intentions. Findings from a survey of 840 employees of a public civil service organization support the predictions that perceived competence mobilization is positively related to intrinsic motivation, peer support and supervisor support, career system satisfaction, and pay system satisfaction. Moreover, findings indicate that there is a curvilinear relationship between self-efficiacy and perceived competence mobilization, and that medium levels of self-efficiacy are associated with higher levels of perceived competence mobilization compared to very low or very high levels of self-efficiacy. Furthermore, findings indicate that turnover intention is best predicted by intrinsic motivation followed by career system satisfaction, followed intrinsic motivation, and that perceived competence mobilization partly mediate the effects of some predictors.  相似文献   


While prior research has examined the strategic role of social enterprise managers in the achievement of a double economic and social performance objective, a clear understanding of the supervisors’ role in fostering employees’ attitudes and behaviors is still lacking. To address this gap, our paper aims to examine the impact of supervisor interpersonal justice on supervisor-directed citizenship behaviors by developing a moderated mediation model. Survey data were collected from 196 supervisor-subordinate dyads employed in diverse French social enterprises. Our results show that psychological contract breach mediates the supervisor interpersonal justice – supervisor-directed citizenship behaviors relationship. Further, employees’ prosocial motivations moderate this indirect effect. Our research provides insight into the mechanisms of social exchange relationships in social enterprises. In a practical perspective, it also demonstrates that the development of an effective HRM in social enterprises requires the implementation of specific training and development programs for managers.  相似文献   

Current research continues to establish the importance of communication in the management of projects. However, little is known about the behavioral aspects of project managers' communication competency especially as they relate to crucial outcomes in virtual environments. This article reports on a survey‐based research study of 564 respondents from the Chief Project Officer Web site that validates and extends a research model of project managers' competencies in decoding and encoding communication, the satisfaction and productivity of their team members, and the degree of virtuality present in the project. The findings indicate that project managers' competencies in decoding and encoding communication significantly contribute to team member satisfaction and productivity. In addition, geographic dispersion plays an unexpected and significant role in how project managers' competency in decoding and encoding communication impacts team member satisfaction and productivity.  相似文献   

论饭店核心竞争力的培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在激烈的市场竞争态势下,饭店企业只有走出对核心竞争力的认识误区,通过正确的途径培育核心竞争力,才能真正建立自己的核心竞争优势。文章在分析目前饭店核心竞争力的认识误区基础上,提出了从科学高效地配置资源、创新产品和服务、提升饭店企业培育文化3方面培育饭店核心竞争力。  相似文献   

文章从专利与专利文献的概念与特点、专利文献信息的竞争情报功能和专利文献在竞争情报研究中的作用等3个方面论述了专利文献在竞争情报研究中的价值,重点探讨了专利文献的法律、技术、经济功能及在企业竞争对手分析、企业专利战略、行业技术发展趋势与水平、避免重复研究等4方面的价值。  相似文献   

试论期货公司核心竞争力评价体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展期货市场必须首先解决好期货经纪公司核心竞争能力的问题,文章深入研究了期货经纪公司核心竞争力的评价体系,以此作为期货经纪公司发展的借鉴。  相似文献   

文章阐述了核心竞争力和企业自生能力的内涵及其特征,总结了企业核心竞争力识别的方法,对企业如何解决自生能力进行了论述,并提出围绕主导产业,培植企业核心竞争能力和构筑企业自生能力的方法,同时给出了比较详细的实现途径,希望对现代企业的运作能起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

This study considers intellectual capital based on the assumption that this capital, which possesses social aspects, is related to the emotional capacities (i.e., emotional intelligence) of an organization’s members. A literature review indicates that this relationship has been previously noted and studied, and researchers agree that the emotional intelligence of the members of an organization affects the organization’s intellectual capital. Based on this analysis, this relationship is examined in the Turkish business context. Data are collected from top managers, who can affect the intellectual capital oftheir businesses and who, as human beings, are emotional. Thus, in this study, the emotional intelligence of top managers and their opinions regarding the intellectual capital of their businesses are considered to be related, with interesting results. When all of the factors of emotional intelligence that are likely to affect opinions regarding intellectual capital are examined using a multivariate model, the effect of emotional intelligence is revealed. Primarily, three factors of the emotional intelligence—empathy and communication skill, self-awareness and sociability—affect the participants’ opinions regarding the intellectual capital of their businesses. Univariate models are used to evaluate the effect of each emotional intelligence factor on the participants’ opinions regarding the intellectual capitalof their businesses. Empathy and communication skills affect opinions about the quality of human capital. Self-awareness affects opinions about the organizational commitment of workers. Sociability can affect opinions about information technology and information sharing. In summary, emotional intelligence affects opinions about human capital quality, information technology and information sharing.  相似文献   

We test the relationships between corporate expatriate supporting practices, cross-cultural adjustment, and expatriate performance. Specifically, we propose that the facets of cultural intelligence moderate the expatriate supporting practices–expatriate adjustment relationship. Analyzing 169 expatriates residing in Singapore, we found that expatriate supporting practices were positively related to adjustment as well as performance. Further, we demonstrated that metacognitive and cognitive cultural intelligence negatively moderated the links between expatriate supporting practices and adjustment, while motivational cultural intelligence had a positive moderating effect. These findings have implications for organizations providing support for expatriates and the expatriate selection and training processes.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查利用191家企业的资料,以网络位置和吸收能力为中间变量,实证分析了网络能力对企业绩效的影响。结果显示:企业网络能力对网络位置、吸收能力具有正向作用;企业网络位置、吸收能力对企业绩效具有正向作用;而吸收能力对网络位置的作用未能通过验证。  相似文献   

文章介绍了衡钢高锅工程达产达效的情况,分析了达产达效过程中的出现的主要困难和问题,并从生产决策理论、现代化生产管理理论、品种结构优化等几个方面探讨了高锅工程达产达效采取的对策及措施,同时还介绍了这些措施实施的效果和基本经验。  相似文献   

Despite extensive literature on green hotel management and sustainability, scant attention has been given on the role of managers to solve environmental related issues. This study's aim is to assess the effects of managers' green knowledge and green transformational leadership on firms' environmental performance with the mediating effect of green creativity. The study analyzes the perceptions of 363 employees in different managerial positions of the hotel industry employing Partial Last Square Structural Equation Modeling. The findings of the study show a positive effect of green knowledge and green transformational leadership on green creativity and green transformational leadership on environmental performance. Furthermore, green creativity is also found to have significant mediating effect between green knowledge and environmental performance, and green transformational leadership and environmental performance relations. The main implication of the current research is that managers' green concerns might help the stakeholders in the hotel industry to respond through appropriate green initiatives for their organizations. Further suggestions for literature and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

借鉴现代企业3Q人才标准以及相关考核员工的方法,构建了新型高职学生学习评价方法。该评价方法注重考核学生的学习全过程以及综合素质,不仅能较为科学地评价出学生的学习水平;还能促进高职人才培养更加贴近社会的实际要求;更重要的是能有效地引导学生更加全面的发展自己,为以后的职业发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

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