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The production technology available to the Canadian beef industry comprises a much broader range than is generally recognized. It includes forest and pasture improvement, new grading standards, cross breeding, performance testing, use of bull and dairy beef, artificial insemination, introduction of new breeds, use of new physiological and nutritional knowledge, environmental control, and others. This article appraises the prospect for Canadian beef production moving onto a new technology base, and combining this technology with competent management and promotion in order to meet the demands for beef in the 1980“s. PERSPECTIVES ET POSSIBILITÉS DE PRODUCTION DU BOEUF AU CANADA–La technologie de production à la disposition de l'industrie canadienne du boeuf comprend une gamme beaucoup plus et éndue qu'on le pense en général. Elle comprend ‘amélioration des forêts et des pâturages, les nouvelles normes de classification, le métissage, les assais de rendement, l'usage de la viande de taureaux et de vaches laitières, l'insémination artificieile, l'introduction de nouvelles races, l'utilisation de nouvelles connaissances physiologiques et nutritives, le contrôle écologique et autres. Cet article évalue les perspectives du déplacement de la production canadienne de boeuf à une nouvelle base technologique, et la combinaison de cette technologie à une gestion et promotion compétentes pour répondre à la demande en boeuf au cour des années 1980. 相似文献
中国对日蔬菜出口竞争力研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
一、中国对日蔬菜出口现状进入 2 0世纪 90年代以后 ,中国对日蔬菜出口贸易快速发展 ,对日出口量一直保持递增势头 ,成为日本市场的第一大蔬菜供应国。近年来中国对日蔬菜出口增长具有以下特点。1 .对日出口数量增长快。从表 1中可以看出中国对日蔬菜出口量急剧增加的趋势。主要表现在 :①中国对日蔬菜出口总量呈上升趋势。虽然 1 997年出现一点波动 ,但占日本进口总量的比重并没改变。 2 0 0 0年日本进口中国蔬菜 1 1 7.5万吨 ,是 1 991年的 3 .1倍 ;在日本蔬菜进口总量中所占的比重也由 1 991年的 2 9.9%上升到 2 0 0 0年的 45.1 %,接近日… 相似文献
20世纪80年代末以来,中国生鲜蔬菜对日出口快速增长,并于1998年超过美国成为对日出口生鲜蔬菜的最大供给者。针对促进中国生鲜蔬菜对日出口急剧增长的原因,本文运用Johansen协整检验进行了分析。结果表明:长期来看,中国生鲜蔬菜对日出口量与相对价格优势、汇率、日本进口总需求之间存在着稳定的关系,相对价格优势增强是出口量急剧增加的主要影响因素;从短期来看,相对价格优势和日本进口总需求对出口起促进作用,汇率短期波动的影响不显著,误差修正项为反向修正机制,调整力度较大。 相似文献
In this article, we explore the role of local production as an attribute in consumer preferences for beef and attempt to quantify consumers’ purchasing behavior with respect to changes in price. We develop and employ a survey instrument using a randomly selected sample of consumers in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Using data from the survey, we use conjoint analysis to estimate own-price elasticities of demand for beef produced using different production technologies and at different distances from purchase site to place of origin. Results show that consumer demand for beef and beef products is highly elastic, and the implications of this for producers and marketers are explored. 相似文献
Richard R. Barichello 《Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie》1999,47(5):45-55
The Canadian dairy industry is heavily protected from world markets. With the coming WTO Round of trade negotiations, this protection is likely to be reduced. I review the policies and characteristics of the sector and explore the possibilities and likely effects of various policy changes. Canadian domestic milk prices are high relative to U.S. prices, because of (a) prohibitively high over-TRQ tariffs, (b) relatively small TRQ levels for dairy products and (c) restrictive domestic marketing quotas faced by individual producers. The industry trade policy position is to maintain existing policies and specifically to resist attempts to increase access to the Canadian milk product market. Industry data suggest that the Canadian milk industry has increased its competitiveness with the U.S. industry since the 1980s, largely due to the depreciation of the Canadian dollar over the period. These data suggest that a drastic reduction of protection in the Canadian industry in the next WTO Round may not result in significant increases in U.S. exports to Canada. In addition, quota market data indicate a perception of much less risk in holding these quotas compared to the 1980s, suggesting Canadian dairy farmers' confidence of continued stability in milk pricing and dairy policy in Canada. L'industrie laitière canadienne jouit d'une forte protection sur le marché mondial. Cet avantage risque d'être réduit dans laprochaine ronde de négociations commerciales de l'OMC. L'auteur passe en revue les politiques et les caractéristiques de chaque segment de la filiére laitiére et scrute les possibilités et les effets vraisemblables de divers scénarios d'orientation. Les niveaux relativement plus élevés du prix du lait sur le marché intérieur canadien par rapport aux prix américains s'expliquent a) par le niveau exorbitant des tarifs douaniers imposés aux importations excédentaires au contingent, b) aux niveaux relativement bas des contingents tarifaires des produits laitiers et c) aux contingents de mise en marché intérieur restrictifs auxquels font face les producteurs. La position du secteur laitier canadien en matière de commerce extérieur est de maintenir les politiques en place et, plus particulièrement, de combattre toute tentative d'élargir l'accés au marche intérieur canadien. À la lumière des chiffres, il appert que le secteur laitier canadien aurait élargi sa marge concurrentielle depuis les années 1980 par rapport aux États-Unis, en grande panic à cause de la perte de valeur du dollar canadien observée dans l'intervalle. Ces données laissent supposer qu'une réduction même brutale éventuelle des dispositifs de protection canadiens à la prochaine ronde de l'OMC ne provoquerait pas un accroissement significatif des exportations US vers le Canada. En plus, les chiffres du marché contingenté suggèrent qu'ily aurait beaucoup moins de risques que dans les années 1980 pour le Canada à garder les contingents, ce qui dénote que les producteurs laitiers canadiens s'attendent au maintien des orientations actuelles du Canada en matière de tarification du lait et de commerce extérieur des produits laitiers. 相似文献
农产品出口基地化与我国农业比较优势的发挥 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
一、加强农产品出口基地的建设是发挥我国农业比较优势首选途径(一 )加入WTO后 ,我国农业只能在积极参与国际竞争中获得发展由于农业作为一个产业本身的特性、农业在国民经济及政治中的特殊地位 ,对农业发展采取特殊的扶持政策 (如提供补贴、优先和优惠贷款、提供基础设施、设置高额的关税壁垒等 )是各个国家通行的做法。但从长远角度来看 ,随着经济全球化、一体化趋势的加强 ,农产品贸易的自由化乃是不可逆转的趋势。诚然 ,我国作为一个人口大国、农业大国和发展中国家 ,不可能也不应当放弃农业的发展。但由于在加入WTO后 ,我国经济… 相似文献
German and British Consumer Willingness to Pay for Beef Labeled with Food Safety Attributes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
Karen E. Lewis Carola Grebitus Gregory Colson Wuyang Hu 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》2017,68(2):451-470
The European Union has implemented some of the most stringent food safety policies for beef globally, ranging from banning growth hormones to mandating country of origin labeling. Using choice experiments and random parameter logit models, we examine German and British consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for American, Canadian, Argentinian, French, German and British beef, quality assurance seals, hormone‐free beef production and a gourmet label. We also determine how consumer WTP for these food safety and quality attributes is affected by the extent to which consumers consider food safety issues (FSI). Results indicate that British consumers had the lowest WTP for beef from Argentina and German consumers had the lowest WTP for beef from Great Britain. The hormone‐free label was the relatively most preferred label by consumers in both countries, and by those who considered FSI to affect their meat consumption patterns. 相似文献
中国家具出口贸易增长分析 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
从出口额、贸易产品及家具企业等方面简要介绍了我国家具出口贸易的发展现状,并在此基础上深刻分析了实现该增长的主要因素———劳动力成本优势和优越的国际国内环境,指出要实现中国家具产业的持续发展,应在充分发挥劳动力优势的基础上,重视规模经济和技术创新,培养家具产品的核心竞争力。 相似文献
中国水产品出口主要目标市场国的非传统贸易壁垒分析与比较 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
受WTO有关协议的约束,欧盟、美国、日本、韩国以及东盟等国家和地区在水产品贸易中所实施的非传统贸易壁垒倾向于采取相对公平的、对本国产品与进口产品实行同样的技术法规与标准、合格评定程序或卫生检疫措施的形式,而其差异则表现为国别技术、标准等之间的不同。基于此,在水产品非传统贸易壁垒的应对方面,应采取政府、行会、企业协作的方式。强化政府在国际层面、宏观层面以及产业层面的职能;实现中国水产品行会的职能转换以及作用重构;不断完善水产行业企业的应对策略。 相似文献
The net economic benefits of Canadian federal beef cattle research programs were estimated using the economic surplus approach. The internal rate of return to research expenditure from 1968 to 1984 was found to be 63% at the margin, indicating substantia] underinvestment in technological change. Rates of return indicative of underinvestment were found even when an adjustment was made to research costs to reflect the marginal excess burden of taxation. Most of the benefits of beef cattle research conducted during this time period accrued to Canadian beef producers. Les bénéfices économiques nets des programmes de recherche fédéraux Canadiens sur le boeuf sont estimés en utilisant ?approche du surplus économique. Le taux interne de rendement des défenses de recherche effectuées de 1968 à 1984 est établi à 63%, indiquant un sous-investissement substantiel dans le changement technologique. Même en incluant la perte de bien-être due à ?imposition ?une taxe, ?étude montre un sous-investissement dans la recherche. La plupart des bénéfices de la recherche sur le boeuf effectuée durant cette période ont profité aux producteurs agricoles. 相似文献
European Consumers' Willingness to Pay for U.S. Beef in Experimental Auction Markets 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Consumers' willingness to pay for Irish, Norwegian, U.S. hormone-free, and U.S. hormone-treated beef was studied in an experimental auction market. We ran four simultaneous second-price auctions to elicit efficiently the complete distribution of willingness to pay differences among our four alternatives. Most participants preferred domestic to imported beef, and half the participants preferred Irish to U.S. hormone-free beef. Hormone-treated beef received the lowest mean bid, but 28% of the participants were indifferent or preferred U.S. hormone-treated to U.S. hormone-free beef. 相似文献
陈国栋 《中国国土资源经济》2004,17(6):8-10,48
我国钨矿资源量 ,产品产量的出口贸易量均居世界首位且对国际市场有着举足轻重的影响 ,但由于近年来乱挖滥采、无序竞争 ,使我国钨矿资源以惊人的速度流失和逐渐失去优势地位。文章针对此种情况 ,分析了我国钨品的出口态势 ,并提出了五项宏观调控政策策略。包括 :实行专卖制度、控制出口总量 ;有序扩大或取消出口退税范围和幅度 ;提高钨产品科技含量和国际竞争力 ;建立钨矿出口储备体系 ;加强综合治理整顿等。 相似文献
Improving Market Selection for Fed Beef Cattle: The Value of Real-Time Ultrasound and Relations Data
The introduction of value-based marketing has provided the industry with the means to price cattle based on their desired attributes and has provided an alternative marketing channel for producers to select. Gains can be made by selecting animals that will be "in the grid" for value-based marketing channels while screening out animals that won't and sending them to dressed-value or live-weight marketing channels. This study estimates the gains from using real-time ultrasound (RTU) as well as information on graded animal relations (i.e., animals that have the same parentage slaughtered and graded in previous years) to predict carcass quality and yield grades prior to slaughter. These predictions are used in an optimization model designed to select the marketing channel for individual animals that will maximize returns. The optimal marketing strategy from this study involves a mix of live-weight, dressed-weight and grid sales methods rather than marketing all of the animals together. The results suggest that increases in returns in the range of $0.61–27.26 per head from using relations data, $9.04-16.75 per head from using RTU measures and $11.27-27.93 per head from using both to selectively market beef animals. These estimates do not account for the gains that could be obtained from using RTU to improve market timing, i.e., to time when the animal will grade best. 相似文献
2001年中国农村经济形势分析与2002年展望 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
20 0 1年是新世纪的头一年 ,也是“十五”计划的开局之年。在这一年 ,中国农村经济运行保持了良好的势头 ,突出表现为 :农业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产稳步增长 ,农村经济结构调整出现积极变化 ,品种结构和区域结构更趋优化 ;主要农产品价格止跌回升 ;乡镇企业经济效益有所提高 相似文献