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文章以海上钻井平台的救援井为研究对象,对其工作中出现的井喷事故救援技术进行分析。通过对救援井位选择、井下连通设置、井压模拟分析、弃井备用方案这四方面内容的详细论述,为海上钻探工作提供技术参考。  相似文献   

在地形、地势复杂的地区输送应急救援人员或物资面临着道路中断等情况。为了解决这类问题,依据国标规范和实地工况,提出了小型救援系统的基本设计要求和工作原理,设计了结构参数。针对该救援系统的承载索部件,阐述了其设计方法和力学计算过程,并建议采用超高分子量纤维绳替代钢丝绳的设计,以降低系统成本,提高工效,然后对该救援索系统的牵引驱动模块进行了设计计算。在湖北省某地,采用机械提升倒装法对该救援索系统进行了现场组装、调制和试验,证实了在复杂的地理条件下利用临时组装架空索道实现小型物资应急输送的可行性,为实现经济物资的远距离、快速架设索道应急输送技术开发提供了数据支持及设计试验方法,具有一定的推广应用意义。  相似文献   

叶飞 《化工管理》2023,(18):75-77
危化品仓库火灾具有危险元素多、复杂程度高的特点,对消防救援机构的应急救援带来巨大挑战。文章针对危化品仓库火灾救援工作,探索消防救援机构对5G技术与无人机技术的应用方法,在对5G联合无人机技术发展现状简要分析后,指出5G与无人机技术应用于消防应急救援领域的优势。随后,围绕搭建无人机平台、事故现场侦查、空中监测、协助消防四个维度详细探讨消防救援机构在危化品仓库火灾应急救援中对5G与无人机技术的应用方法。  相似文献   

煤矿安全与生产关系越来越重要,生产必须安全是煤矿企业长期探讨的主题,通过探索煤矿救援与安全监察执法合二为一办公,解决了安全监察与煤矿救援信息沟通的便利,使救援中心充分掌握了煤矿企业危险源分布,制订出准确的事故应急预案,以便更好地进行应急救援;应急救援经费不足问题是困扰救援队伍发展和装备更新的关键,通过服务于社会进行有偿服务来弥补.  相似文献   

针对渤海地区采油平台新增桩腿方案的基础条件、主轴间距、桩腿设计及海上安装等关键条件与技术,总结方案设计的基本原则,应用SACS软件对新增桩腿及上部组块进行结构强度分析,并应用ANSYS软件对局部杆件进行有限元分析,确定方案的可行性。经实践证明,通过新增桩腿可以外挂井槽以增加井槽数量,扩大甲板面积、增加平台产量、提高处理能力,同时还可以实现缩短海上钻井作业的工期、节省钢材用量的目的,有效降低油气田开发开采成本。  相似文献   

2010年英国石油(BP)公司在墨西哥湾的Macondo深水井发生井喷爆炸事故,导致"深水地平线"钻井平台倾覆沉没。介绍了事故后美国政府、国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际钻井承包商协会(IADC)、美国石油学会(API)和欧洲国家石油天然气行业协会对监管政策法规、标准规范再认识,并制修订深水钻井相关标准规范情况,包括深水井设计及建井工艺、井控设备、井喷失控应急救援计划、应急封堵装置、救援井等方面内容。梳理分析了国外相关行业标准规范制修订及关键技术点改进;简述了国内深水钻井标准规范的需求和进展,提出了我国制定深水油气开发监管政策、制修订深水钻井、井控及应急救援相关标准规范建议。  相似文献   

洪涝灾害是我国影响范围较广、持续性较强,且具有较高危害性的自然灾害.一般情况下,强降雨是洪涝灾害的主要成因之一,而地方水文环境也与之息息相关,为了有效预警洪涝灾害,设计基于水文数据的分析整理和计算,以多类统计模型为基础,建立洪涝灾害预警系统.通过超限水量的评估以及后续流域水文淹没分析及数据分析,建立矢量数据集合,再通过...  相似文献   

河长制综合管理信息平台建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水利信息化背景下,河长制综合管理信息系统平台的构建对于提高河长工作效果,实现"河长治"具有重要意义。文章对我国目前河湖信息化管理的主要问题进行分析,讨论了河长制综合管理信息系统平台的建设要点,包括平台成功标志、平台建设关键以及平台建设目标。以新疆乌鲁木齐"南湖河"河长制综合管理信息平台建设为例,分析了系统总体框架设计、系统功能模块划分以及数据库的设计,为我国推进河长制综合信息平台顺利建成提供借鉴。  相似文献   

对原料药厂存在的职业病危害因素进行了识别与分析,从总体布局、厂房设计、防尘、防毒、防暑降温、噪声控制、应急救援等方面进行针对性的防护设计,并对职业病防护设施的预期效果进行评价。  相似文献   

方良 《水利技术监督》2022,(4):86-87,161
修河长江流域降水强度大且易发洪涝灾害,给下游地区人民生命财产安全带来严重威胁,因此研究防洪结构具有重要意义.文章将新型塑料材料与金属结构相结合,设计了一种新型挡洪结构,并基于有限元分析、载荷场试验以及现场测试验证得出,该挡洪结构抗水压和抗冲击能力较好,且易生产、易装配,对小范围的防洪防涝具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

设计管理是一门如何有力地应用及协调设计资源的学科。设计管理是提高服装设计工作效率和工作质量的有效途径,是服装企业管理的重要组成部分。服装企业的升级和产品竞争能力的增强,服装设计管理是重要的决定因素。  相似文献   

当代住宅设计要具有生态性、耐久性、建筑时空的延续性和住宅建筑时空的全面性,因此“合作住宅”、“两段式参与”和“菜单选择”等设计模式值得借鉴。  相似文献   

绿色设计在工业产品设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟 《河北工业科技》2007,24(4):241-243
随着人类生存环境的不断恶化,资源可持续发展的重要性逐渐被人们所认识,引发了绿色设计和人性化设计等设计思潮。从3个方面对绿色设计在工业设计中的应用进行了认识分析,指出绿色设计融入工业设计是工业设计发展的必然趋势,它会使工业设计更加符合人类消费心理的需求,符合社会发展的需求,使工业设计理论更为科学实用。  相似文献   

童装设计中融入趣味性设计,在满足基本穿着需求的同时,还可以进一步表现儿童的天真无邪、活泼自然,且寓教于衣,达到双收的效果。探讨了各个阶段儿童的生理心理特征,分析了儿童生理心理特征对儿童服饰设计的影响;重点对童装外轮廓、内部结构线、图案、色彩、加工工艺等方面的趣味性设计进行深入的探讨,希望对童装设计工作者有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

Building on suggestions from the work of Martin Heidegger, a distinction is made between two ways of being in the world. One is associated with the unplanned particularity and care of Dasein, another with the planning and thinking-out of design; the former is characteristic of a more traditional way of life, the latter of contemporary life. Included are brief etymologies of `Dasein' and `design', along with some reflections on the two-fold history of design of internal structure and surface appearance (that is, of engineering and aesthetic design, respectively). The conclusion sketches out a problematics of engineering design as involving a disengagement from fundamental human experience, and suggests the need to discriminate between authenticity and inauthenticity in the world of design.  相似文献   

服饰图案与服装设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图案是一种装饰语言,服饰图案作为图案艺术的一部分,是伴随着服装的产生而出现的一种特有的艺术表现形式,有着与其它装饰图案相通的美学特征,也具有其特有的存在意义。服饰图案的产生与发展是与服装文化的发展密切相关的,也与社会意识与审美心理活动相联系,服饰图案是服装设计的重要组成部分,对服装设计领域的发展有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

某220kv变电站处于规划的工业园区内,自然地形起伏大,与规划中的公路高差大,从总平面布置、竖向设计、建筑设计、地基处理、进站道路、所区边坡设计等方面,采用优化设计理念,综合考虑近期与远期的周边环境变化,深入执行资源节约型、环境友好型、工业化的“两型一化”建设原则。提出了边坡及进站公路近期用地可为园区其他远期项目再利用的设计思路。  相似文献   

分析了建筑业企业管理系统的层次结构,并从建筑业生产力与生产关系矛盾发展、建筑业落实科学发展观、建筑业企业信息化建设和参与国际竞争4个方面论述建筑业企业管理系统重新设计的必要性,探讨了建筑业企业管理系统重新设计的可行性,简要提出了建筑业企业管理系统重新设计的逻辑思路。  相似文献   

There are many published models for the process of design or open-ended problem solving. Some of these are represented in diagrammatic form while others are implicit within the text of the publication. Where do these models come from? Upon what evidence are they based and how accurately do they describe the pupil designer? The idea that we should teach pupils a procedure for completing design and make tasks or a strategy for solving problems is an attractive one but is there only one procedure and is this easily transferred to a wide variety of tasks? This article examines the similarities in a variety of published models for the design or problem-solving process including those implicitly described in the development of the National Curriculum for Design and Technology in England and Wales. It finds a surprising consensus of opinion among authors but suggests that there is little research evidence to support their claims.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a survey and qualitative analysis on the teaching of ‘Basic Design’ in schools of design and architecture located in 22 countries. In the context of this research work, Basic Design means the teaching and learning of design fundamentals that may also be commonly referred to as the Principles of Two- and Three-dimensional Design. The body of knowledge associated with Basic Design may be regarded as part of the general theory of teaching and learning design as practiced in many design schools and which has its origins in the classical design schools such as the Bauhaus. In the author’s perception and practice, the pedagogy of Basic Design promotes a holistic, creative and experimental methodology that develops the learning style and cognitive abilities of students with respect to the fundamental principles of design. This includes an understanding of the elements of shape, colour, texture, light, and rhythm in a manner complementary but usually unrelated to the common design methods teaching approach. As is well known among design practitioners, including architects and industrial designers, a deep understanding of the purpose of these fundamental design elements and principles is still relevant to contemporary design practice. The main objective of the research described in this paper was to determine the status and development of Basic Design pedagogy in a significant number of contemporary design schools. On the basis of the results of two surveys conducted in 2001–2002, this paper will identify and illustrate interesting aspects concerning the programmes and organisation of courses delivered by teachers of ‘Basic Design’. This work will also survey the viewpoints of Basic Design teachers in elementary years of design courses and of those teaching design through projects during the subsequent years of the same courses. Interestingly, the design project teachers surveyed in this research expressed a desire to be more involved in the teaching of Basic Design fundamentals which indicates strongly that Basic Design principles are still relevant in contemporary design education terms as they have ever been and that more research is needed in order to better understand and apply the related pedagogy.  相似文献   

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