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A new explanation of why dividends may be informative is put forward in this paper. We find evidence that dividends signal the severity of the conflict between the large, controlling owner and small, outside shareholders. Accordingly, dividend change announcements provide new information about this conflict. To test the rent extraction hypothesis and discriminate it from the cash flow signaling explanation, we utilize information on the ownership and control structure of the firm. We analyze 736 dividend change announcements in Germany over the period 1992-1998 and find significantly larger negative wealth effects in the order of two percentage points for companies where the ownership and control structure makes the expropriation of minority shareholders more likely than for other firms. The rent extraction hypothesis also has implications for the levels of dividends paid. We find larger holdings of the largest owner to reduce, while larger holdings of the second largest shareholder to increase the dividend pay-out ratio. Deviations from the one-share-one-vote rule due to pyramidal and cross-ownership structures are also associated with larger negative wealth effects and lower pay-out ratios. Finally, using Lintner's (American Economic Review 46 (2) (1956) 97-113) model of dividend determination we find corroborating results. The presence of a second largest shareholder with a considerable equity stake makes a crucial difference in the governance of the firm. Our results call for better minority shareholder rights protection and increased transparency in the course of European Capital Market Reform.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is the 8th largest remittance recipient country in the world and one of the heavily dependent (11 % of GDP) countries of remittances. Despite its importance in policy making in developing countries like Bangladesh, there is absence of any study regarding the effect of remittances on the level of investment. In an attempt to fill the gap, we examine the cointegrating property and stability of the relationship among these variables using the ARDL bounds testing approach combined with CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests. Our findings show that both remittances and trade openness positively and significantly influence the level of investment in Bangladesh, meaning that contrary to most conclusions found in the literature, migrant remittances in developing countries are not entirely spent in basic consumption needs. We also find that foreign aid has very little and insignificant impact on investment. Finally, we find long-run unidirectional causal relationship running from remittances to investment indicating that favorable policies to increase the flow of remittance will promote investment in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between remittances and output is still inconclusive in literature, most studies find that remittances have a positive effect on output in the long run. Contrary to this conventional direction of causality from remittances to output, our study finds that output alone determined long-run movements in remittances in a positive direction in the Bangladesh economy over the last 35 years from 1976 to 2010. We use the autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach to cointegration to explore this long-run relationship. Surprisingly, remittances do not appear to be a long-run forcing variable to the explanation of Bangladesh’s output over the same period. While examining the channels of this output–remittance mechanism remains an area of research for the future, we hypothesize that the rise in remittances in response to increased income occurs through higher import demand and greater investment opportunities. This finding implies that Bangladeshi policymakers can influence remittances through national output in the long run.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the unit root hypothesis and long-term growth by allowing for two structural breaks. We reject the unit root hypothesis for three-quarters of the countries – approximately 50% more rejections than in models that allow for only one break. While about half of the countries exhibit slowdowns following their postwar breaks, the others have grown along paths that have become steeper over the past 120 years. The majority of the countries, including most of the slowdown countries, exhibit faster growth after their second breaks than during the decades preceding their first breaks. First version received: May 2001/Final version received: January 2002  相似文献   

The paper attempts to identify an empirical relationship that characterizes the way the Bundesbank adjusted its short-term rate with respect to various objectives. By building on a careful exploration of the properties of the variables involved, it is established that interest rate rules —often remarkably similar to the Taylor rule— remain valid and relevant in a Vector Error Correction framework, and thereby proposing a distinctive interpretation of German monetary policy during the period 1975–1998.  相似文献   

Government bonds are usually traded between the financial institutions and the Fed during the open market operations. These operations impact the bank reserves, subsequently influencing the monetary base. The monetary base and government bonds may portray a common trend and government debt could potentially bind the central bank to debt monetization. This paper, using monthly data on federal government debt and the monetary base from 1947:1 to 2018:10, investigates the presence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between the two variables and as to how the long-run equilibrium relationship vary in the short-run. Threshold cointegration tests find evidence of a long-run equilibrium relationship. Estimates of the threshold vector error-correction model find statistically significant evidence of contraction in the monetary base growth in the short-run in regime 1. In regime 2, the growth in the monetary base does not adjust to accommodate faster government debt growth. These estimates find no evidence of debt monetization or otherwise in either of the regimes in the United States. The Fed, by reducing the monetary base, perhaps focuses more on the inflation target. The findings also suggest a potential scenario where the Fed and the fiscal authority are not conjoined with each other in their operations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify monetary policy reactions in a nonlinear, structural vector autoregression (VAR) framework, with regime-switching contemporaneous policy responses in a small open economy. The key finding is that monetary policy in Canada responds contemporaneously to disturbances in the real exchange rate, as well as the output gap and inflation. The Bank of Canada is found to have much larger responses to exchange rate fluctuations during volatile periods than more stable periods. However, the Bank is found statistically to have a relatively linear reaction function with symmetric responses to output and inflation shocks across interest rate regimes. The estimates for the contemporaneous responses to the output gap in both regimes are found to be virtually identical to the 0.5 weights in the original Taylor rule for the United States, while the responses to inflation surprises are slightly smaller. Overall, the Bank of Canada is found to have operated within the range of optimal responses suggested by small-scale structural models in the normative literature on monetary policy rules.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to provide a long-run analysis up to 2050 of the interplay between financial integration, diverging labor productivity, and the aging process in the larger European countries. We use the Prometeia overlapping generation model for Italy, Germany, and France which are modeled as open economies in capital markets. Our projections provide a core-periphery structure in which Germany, the most abundant human capital country, shows the highest but a decreasing growth rate due to pronounced aging, and finances capital accumulation processes in France and Italy. We find that financial trends are reversed in the late 2010s when Italy begins to over-save as the gap in human capital endowment, and then in productivity, becomes larger compared to the other two countries. This leads to a reduction in physical capital accumulation and innovation processes in Italy. We employ fiscal experiments to correct the long-run divergent behavior of countries in order to get a more homogeneous growth rate path among countries. We also measure the impact of taxation on net-wealth in Italy, and evaluate the internal and spillover effects.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of oil prices on the real exchange rate in Iran during the 1961–2014 period using the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration as the estimation method. We find that higher oil prices lead to appreciation of the real exchange rate. The results reveal that oil prices have both short-run and long-run effects on the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper develops a Bayesian structural VAR model for Canada in order to estimate the effects of monetary policy shocks, using the overnight rate target as the policy instrument. I allow the policy variable and other home and foreign variables to interact with each other contemporaneously. The key finding is that monetary policy affects the real economy through both the market interest rate and the exchange rate. I also find that the Bank of Canada responds to any home and foreign variables that embodies information about future inflation and that external shocks are an important source of output fluctuations.  相似文献   

We employ a new panel-based testing procedure that is robust to the uncertain persistence of regressors, time-varying volatility and cross-sectional error dependence in studying the predictive dynamics between conventional US monetary policy surprises and firm-level stock returns. We find that accounting for cross-sectional dependence by means of (estimated) factors considerably alters the predictive significance of monetary policy surprises depending on the sample period being studied. Concretely, during the period 1990–2000, monetary policy has no influence on future stock returns when cross-sectional dependence is accounted for by means of common factor augmentation. By contrast, the predictive power of monetary policy is even boosted when introducing common factors into the model when the period of analysis covers 2002–2007.  相似文献   

This paper studies the long-run impact of policies aimed at fostering gender equality on economic growth in Brazil. The first part provides a brief review of gender issues in the country. The second part presents a gender-based, three-period OLG model that accounts for women’s time allocation between market work, child rearing, human capital accumulation, and home production. Bargaining between spouses depends on relative human capital stocks, and thus indirectly on access to infrastructure. The model is calibrated and various experiments are conducted, including investment in infrastructure, a reduction in gender bias in the market place, and a composite pro-growth, pro-gender reform program. The analysis showed that fostering gender equality, which may partly depend on the externalities that infrastructure creates in terms of women’s time allocation and bargaining power, may have a substantial impact on long-run growth in Brazil.  相似文献   

Employing the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)-Bounds testing approach, and using GDP – excluding the contributions from oil and gas, as well as the financial services sector – as the growth indicator between 1969 and 2008, the paper establishes a long-run relationship between economic growth and financial liberalisation, which is represented by an index. This index is calculated by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The paper finds that financial liberalisation policies have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria – both in the short run and in the long run. The study, therefore, recommends that appropriate financial liberalisation policies should be pursued in Nigeria, in order to foster economic growth. However, considering the fact that financial markets are prone to market failures, the study cautions against adopting a laissez-faire approach to financial reforms.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the impact of three key external shocks – external demand, interest rate, and uncertainty shocks – on emerging market economies (EMEs). We find that external shocks have a sizeable impact on macroeconomic fluctuations in EMEs and that a considerable fraction of this impact is through the domestic stock market. A decrease in external demand and an increase in external interest rate and uncertainty lead to a higher unemployment rate, lower stock market return, and a depreciation of the domestic currency. The EMEs' monetary policy actively responds to external shocks and dampens their impact on domestic activity.  相似文献   

Computer-mediated transactions allow insurance companies to customize their contracts, while transaction costs limit this tendency toward customization. To capture this phenomenon, we develop a complete-information framework in which it is costly to design a new market segment when the segmentation policy (number and design of segments) is endogenously chosen. Both the case of a private and a public insurer are considered. Without transaction costs, these two insurance systems are equivalent in terms of social welfare and participation. With transaction costs, this equivalence is no longer present, and the analysis of this difference is the subject of this article.  相似文献   

This study empirically analyses the impact of technology imports on the technology balance of payments in Korea during 1981–2013 using the autoregressive distributed lag bounds testing approach of co-integration. We estimate the long- and short-run coefficients of the technology balance of payments with respect to technology imports. The results show that technology imports produce positive effects on the technology balance of payments in the long run, although it has negative effects in the short run.  相似文献   

The theoretical and empirical sides of democracy-growth literature fail to offer a consensus on the impact of democracy on growth. This paper provides a disaggregated manufacturing approach that reveals different effects of democracy across industries within countries. I surmise that the interplay between democracy and technological development is crucial to the economic performance of industries. A panel dataset of 61 manufacturing industries from 72 countries between 1990 and 2010 is employed, along with a wide variety of democracy measures. The results point to a technologically-conditioned effect of democracy. Political regime changes towards democracy are growth-enhancing for industries close to the World Technology Frontier but have a negative effect on backward industries. This evidence is robust to specification changes and alternative estimation techniques, and prevails once the possible dynamics of manufacturing growth are tackled.  相似文献   

This paper exploits a structural time series approach to model the time pattern of multiple and resurgent food scares and their direct and cross-product impacts on consumer response. A structural time series Almost Ideal Demand System (STS-AIDS) is embedded in a vector error correction framework to allow for dynamic effects (VEC-STS-AIDS). Italian aggregate household data on meat demand is used to assess the time-varying impact of a resurgent BSE crisis (1996 and 2000) and the 1999 Dioxin crisis. The VEC-STS-AIDS model monitors the short-run impacts and performs satisfactorily in terms of residuals diagnostics, overcoming the major problems encountered by the customary vector error correction approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider how uncertainty affects the choice between federal monetary policy based on national and union-wide aggregate data under conditions of asymmetry in the transmission of monetary policy. We find that the uncertainty about the transmission process sustains (and, in some cases, even reinforces) the need to take into account information about national economies in the formulation of monetary policy. Also the forecasting process matters when uncertainty is additive: in particular, when union-wide forecasting is more accurate than national-based forecasting, this advantage can compensate for the welfare loss from using union-wide aggregation. There is, however, a strong case for using national information in the optimal design of common monetary policy.  相似文献   

In this article, we emphasised that ageing population does not systematically depress savings by drawing attention to the factors that may distort that prediction of the life‐cycle hypothesis (LCH). To demonstrate it, we used two indicators for ageing: the total and aged dependency ratios and we looked at the economic context influence on national saving evolution through considering the labour market imbalance interference. By applying the autoregressive distributed lag approach, with Tunisian data during 1970–2018, a dynamic long‐run relationship between ageing and national saving is found, although it seemed to be sensitive to the used ageing indicator and the economic context. Indeed, the LCH is proved only by the total dependence ratio whereas the aged dependence ratio puts a significant long‐run upward pressure on saving. Further, in a context of unemployment without any benefit scheme, the LCH prediction cannot be endorsed by the two indicators. Hence, the social and economic conditions limit the LCH scope, bearing out that elderly not depress systematically savings. Therefore, to sustain saving major economic and financial reforms are needed, as to postpone the retirement age, to move from pay‐as‐you‐go system towards funded pension system, to promote life insurance and to diversify the long‐run savings products.  相似文献   

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