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This paper examines key static determinants and dynamic diffusion processes to develop a diffusion model of network products from the case of rapid growth of Broadband Internet in Korea. In the competitive environment of shortening product life cycle, there have been few studies on the key factors affecting the rapid and dynamic diffusion of network products. This paper identifies that market and technological factors have had a great impact on the explosive diffusion speed, while government and socio-cultural factors moderately contributed to the rapid diffusion. This paper also explores the dynamic diffusion processes: diffusion for the early-adopter and diffusion for the majority. Finally, theoretical propositions are developed on the diffusion of innovation for network products and practical implications for expediting the diffusion of emerging technologies are discussed. 相似文献
基于特征价格与SVM的二手房价格评估 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
二手房价格的准确衡量一直是个永恒的话题。为了避免传统评估方法的不足,更加合理地预测二手房价格,引入特征价格理论和支持向量机理论(SVM),以杭州市西湖区内的二手房价格数据,构建价格评估模型,实证研究表明具有良好的评估效果。 相似文献
We investigate the impact of housing wealth, credit availability and financial distress on college enrolment decisions. We find that housing wealth is negatively related to enrolment in public schools and positively related to enrolment in private schools. This evidence suggests that, on average, students substituted away from private schools towards public institutions during the recent financial crisis. 相似文献
Bank capital requirements aim at reducing the likelihood of banks' failure. However, these policies may generate externalities on the overall economy. By investigating the pathways from capital requirements to housing tenure using structural equation modelling, we show that community banks' capital requirements increase the gap between the regional real estate loans-based and non-real estate loans-based housing purchase rate and act as driving factors of housing market imbalance. The drop in residential real estate loans caused by the increase in capital requirements has two opposite effects: the direct effect motivates residents to rent properties, while the indirect effect motivates residents to purchase them due to the fall in housing prices. When both effects exist in housing purchases with real estate loans, the former effect is more influential than the latter one. Our findings suggest that the impact of capital requirements on housing tenure will depend on residents' reliance on real estate loans. If a housing purchase requires real estate loans, capital requirements will have a negative impact on the housing purchase, and vice versa. 相似文献
Mélisande Cardona Anton Schwarz B. Burcin Yurtoglu Christine Zulehner 《Journal of Regulatory Economics》2009,35(1):70-95
This paper analyses residential demand for Internet access in Austria with a focus on broadband Internet connections. Austria
has cable network coverage of about 50% and is, therefore, a good candidate to analyse the elasticity of demand for DSL where
cable is available and where it is not. We also include mobile broadband via UMTS or HSDPA in our analysis and estimate various
nested logit models to derive conclusions for market definition. The estimation results suggest that demand for DSL is elastic
and that cable networks are likely to be in the same market as DSL connections both at the retail and at the wholesale level.
We discuss possible implications for the regulation of wholesale broadband access markets.
All views expressed are solely the authors’ and do not bind RTR or the Telekom-Control-Kommission (TKK) in any way nor are
they official position of RTR or TKK. 相似文献
We use Google searches of the word ‘mortgage’ to explain monthly housing transactions in the Netherlands in the period from 2004 until 2015. Our estimates indicate that Google searches of the previous months are significantly positively associated with housing transactions in the current month. This shows evidence that Internet search data can provide information about real market behaviour. 相似文献
ngel Luis Lpez 《Economics Letters》2011,112(1):3-6
For an arbitrary number of networks, I study the impact of asymmetric interconnection charges on competition for consumers and websites in the Internet backbone market. I show that the configuration of interconnection charges has important implications for the market structure. 相似文献
房地产融资渠道多元化探析--基于我国金融信贷与房地产融资的实证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
房地产业的发展是我国经济增长的稳定器。本文从研究目前我国房地产金融调控措施出发,通过回归和关联分析阐述金融信贷对房地产业发展的互动关系,并探析房地产融资的多元化渠道,进而提出完善建议,对促进房地产业健康发展具有重要意义。 相似文献
New or long-standing public infrastructure such as highways, airports, and ports of entry (POE) can increase adjacent property values generating a value premium for private developers and adjacent property owners. States and local governments aim to determine the geographic footprint and anticipate the economic value created by transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility since it represents an opportunity to capture some infrastructure costs. Hence, it is desirable to understand the degree of correlation between transportation infrastructure proximity and changes in real property values in a spatial context particularly when defining economic development zones where transportation investments are planned and where governments expect to recover some of the infrastructure cost from increases in real property values. This research applies geographically weighted regression (GWR) analysis to determine the geographic footprint and quantify the impacts of transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility on real property values in El Paso, Texas using a 2013 cross-sectional data set. The presence of spatial nonstationarity and heterogeneity confirms that transportation infrastructure proximity and accessibility might generate premiums on real property values, but that such premiums are not always positive and are occasionally negative. GWR shows that benefits from a transportation facility can be capitalized by non-adjacent parcels. Finally, GWR maps can help better policy development by estimating how much value is added by infrastructure proximity and accessibility throughout particular locations. 相似文献
房地产泡沫问题及实证分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
自1998年开始,随着福利化分房的结束,住房商品化的开始,我国房地产业进入了持续快速发展的新时期.与此同时,房地产价格也连续快速攀升.近年来,关于我国房地产泡沫问题的争论不绝于耳,但是一直未有定论.在借鉴国内外理论研究的基础上,引用最新的统计数据,运用定量方法,对我国1997-2006年房地产业运行中是否存在泡沫进行实证分析,得出结论:我国还不存在严格意义上的全国普遍性的房地产泡沫,但泡沫化倾向明显,需警惕. 相似文献
美国电信业的经验教训 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
黄志澄 《国际技术经济研究》2002,5(4):9-15
本文分析了美国电信业发展的主要经验教训。其主要内容是:坚持电信业的普遍服务原则,建立适应竞争环境的普遍服务管理体制,以提高电信的普遍服务水平;加强监管,为公平竞争创造条件;加速技术创新是促使电信业满足经济和社会发展需求的根本途径。 相似文献
2005年被称为我国房地产市场的政策年,中央政府启动了全面调控房地产供给与需求的房地产新政,而且不断出台新的政策,直到2007年.这些新政策对各地区的房地产市场造成了程度不一的影响.本文在分析西部地区房地产市场的现状和特点的基础上,力图揭示新政对西部地区房地产市场的影响,预测西部地区房地产价格的未来走势. 相似文献
Wayne Simpson 《Applied economics》2013,45(14):1777-1786
Patterns of intermittent work activity appear to be more common in the modern labour market, at least for younger workers. This study extends earlier models of the relationship between labour market intermittency and earnings to include both part time work and nonparticipation, to differentiate between past work experience and current job tenure, to allow for nonlinear experience effects, and to account for selection bias arising from the exclusion of nonworkers. The results suggest that the effects of part time work and nonparticipation on earnings are similar. Moreover, some common patterns emerge: the effects are larger for women, greater for young workers, and greater when intermittency replaces current job tenure. 相似文献
服务业外商直接投资流入与房地产市场风险研究——以上海为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国房地产价格的持续攀升引起政府和社会的极大关注,其中以北京、上海等一线城市尤为典型。影响我国房价持续快速攀升的因素众多,着眼于服务业外商直接投资的流入对上海房地产价格的冲击及可能存在的市场风险展开分析。结果显示,外商直接投资的变动对上海房地产价格波动不构成显著性影响。这表明,目前我国政府的宏观调控措施成功规避了FDI流入可能产生的资产泡沫风险。但是,面对当前通货膨胀预期全面显现、房价居高不下的现实,政府应继续对各类以FDI名义的短期资本流动加以必要的管控;将利率维持在一个较为合理的低水平,以熨平国内宏观经济增长的大幅波动,确保房地产市场的稳定健康发展。 相似文献
经济适用房投资额与商品房价格的动态关系 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
基于VAR模型分析了经济适用房投资额与商品房价格之间的动态关系。Granger因果关系检验结果显示,经济适用房投资额与商品房价格之间存在双向的Granger因果关系;脉冲响应函数图像分析结果显示,经济适用房的投资在初期起到了平抑商品房价格的作用,但随后对商品房价格的上涨却具有推波助澜的作用。 相似文献
近几年,政府的宏观调控政策层出不穷,房地产市场受到影响的同时,各参与主体的心理也产生了极大的冲击。文章首先选择线性模型构建购房者信心指数,利用因子分析法确定各项指标的权重系数,计算合成购房者信心指数。然后在向量自回归模型基础之上,分析其和房地产开发综合景气指数之间的互动关系来评价购房者信心指数的性能。通过脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解分析,研究二者的脉冲响应特性。Granger因果关系检验结果表明,购房者信心指数和房地产开发综合景气指数之间存在单向的因果关系。脉冲响应分析和方差分解分析表明,购房者信心指数对房地产开发综合景气指数的影响远远大于后者对购房者信心指数的影响。因此,购房者信心指数能够反映消费者对房地产市场的心理变化,对未来房地产市场的发展有指导和预测作用。 相似文献
房地产建设与城市化发展的协调性分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在城市化进程中,由于房地产建设的无序、规模偏大、房价又过高等与城市化发展存在一定的不协调问题,从而制约着社会经济的进一步发展。因此,科学把握房地产市场的发展规律,从落实科学发展观和构建和谐社会的高度,通过各种调控手段并结合区位理论制定科学理性的规划,使房地产市场健康运行,促进房地产建设与城市化协调发展。 相似文献
信贷扩张、资产价格泡沫及在中国的经验分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
资产价格泡沫源自信贷扩张,信贷扩张对资产价格的作用机制是借款人的风险转移行为.从经验证据上分析了我国信贷扩张对房地产价格存在的因果关系及商业银行中长期存在流动风险和结构不合理等问题. 相似文献
以2006—2018年中国(内地)30个省区市面板数据为样本,基于企业家创业精神和创新精神两个维度测度区域企业家精神水平,并从互联网资源量和互联网普及度双重视角,全面探究互联网发展对企业家精神的影响。结果表明:互联网资源和互联网普及不仅能够显著推动企业家精神水平提升,而且有利于缩小区域之间的企业家精神差距,互联网可以成为新时代下激发企业家精神的新动能。由面板门槛模型进一步研究发现,互联网发展对企业家精神的影响具有显著非线性门槛特征且存在明显空间异质性。其中,互联网资源对企业家精神的作用呈现正向边际效率递增规律,具有网络效应;互联网普及与企业家精神之间呈现倒U型关系,存在高水平陷阱。据此,提出具有针对性的“互联网+企业家精神”融合策略。 相似文献
The novel part of this paper is to examine the individual and joint effects of the real estate segments (RETs) and environmental information disclosure (EID) on the cost of debt (COD) in the real estate industry in China. Building on extant literature, using 1,250 firm‐year observations from 2006 to 2016 and applying both Feasible General Least Squares and Two‐stage Least Squares Instrumental Variable approaches, we provide evidence that the commercial RET leads to an increase in the COD, while EID leads to a decrease in the COD. The joint effects of the RETs and EID on the COD indicate a significantly positive relationship with the COD. This signifies that even with the increased levels of EID in commercial real estate sectors, its COD is higher than for residential real estate sectors. These findings have important policy implications for environmental risk assessments for real estate sectors, their lending institutions and wider stakeholder groups. 相似文献