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This article surveys the asymmetric spillover effects between the mainland China-based Shanghai Composite Index (SCI) and the Hong Kong based Hang Seng Index (HSI) using a quantile lagged regression model. Compared to previous studies, this article, based on data before and after the 2008 global financial crisis, presents a more detailed analysis, as we investigate the spillovers in terms of returns, volatilities and exchange rates between the renminbi (RMB) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) throughout the entire conditional return distribution, including the central quantiles, which are closely related to the normal circumstances, and the extreme quantiles, which correspond to the bear and bull markets. First, we find that the return spillovers from its lagged returns or from the other index not only vary across time but also depend on stock state. Second, while return volatility may boost the stock market in a bull market, it accelerates the decline in a bear market. Third, the depreciation of the RMB relative to the HKD does not significantly affect current returns for the HSI, while it negatively affects current returns for the SCI in a bad state after the crisis. The findings presented in this article will facilitate investors’ understanding of the two stock markets.  相似文献   

基于R/S分析的上海股市有效性实证研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以上海股票市场为研究对象,以1995年10月24日至2009年3月16日这一时间段的上证综合指数日收盘价对数收益率序列为研究样本,利用R/S分析方法计算出上证指数的Hurst指数,并对上海股市分形特征加以描述。实证结果表明,上证综合指数日收益率序列的Hurst指数为0.619607,明显偏离0.5,说明上海股票市场具有明显的分形特征,投资者可以通过分析股价的历史数据来获得超额利润,因而市场是无效的。最后,分析了上海股市无效的原因,并提出了政策和建议。  相似文献   

Traditional finance theory considers that the impact of noise traders' attention on asset prices is offset by attention from smart investors. This paper uses online search data to study the influence of noise traders and smart investors on stock returns and volatility. Adopting an original approach, we construct a proxy for smart investor attention based on investors' online search behavior provided by Wikipedia Page Traffic. We combine this new measure with a standard measure of noise traders' attention as proxied by Google Search Volume Index. We show for a sample of 87 French firms over the period 2008–2018 that only noise traders' attention influences stock returns. Noise traders' attention increases volatility by creating an extra risk that is priced into the market. Conversely, smart investors' attention decreases volatility because their presence stabilizes stock prices by reducing uncertainty. Our empirical results support a behavioral explanation of stock prices.  相似文献   

秦伟广  杨瑞成 《技术经济》2010,29(11):103-109
本文对2002—2009年中国股票市场与国际主要股票市场的每日收盘数据进行统计分析,运用相关性检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果关系检验实证了上证综合指数、深圳成分指数分别与香港恒生指数、道.琼斯指数、日经225指数、法国CAC40指数和伦敦金融时报指数之间存在相关、协整关系。进一步研究我国股票市场与国际股票市场的联动性,结果表明,国际股票市场对我国股票市场的影响越来越明显。这表明中国股票市场日趋成熟,逐渐与相对完善的国际股票市场接轨。  相似文献   

秦学志  胡友群  张康 《技术经济》2011,30(10):95-98
以上证综指、深圳成指和沪深300指数为研究样本,构建了多因子模型,并利用2003年1月—2009年2月三类指数收益率及各因子的月度数据,用最小二乘法实证反演了上海证券交易市场、深圳证券交易市场以及沪深综合证券交易市场隐含的无风险利率和风险价值。研究发现:股市隐含的风险补偿为负,与传统的风险溢价理论相悖;以短期银行存款利率、7天Shibor利率及7天国债回购利率为度量基准,股市隐含的无风险利率与其存在较大差异,因此在金融衍生品等相关研究中不宜不加选择地将它们作为无风险利率的代理指标。  相似文献   

文守逊  黄文明 《技术经济》2011,30(1):99-104
以我国上证综合指数波浪曲线的顶位、底部的时间点为研究对象,利用可公度法分析了自1991年以来上证综合指数波浪曲线的特性。研究发现:上证综指波浪曲线的浪顶、浪底的时间窗口序列具有良好的可公度性特征,可公度法在预测股票市场指数波浪曲线的时间窗口方面具有一定精确性。  相似文献   

以2000年1月——2008年6月的上证综合指数、宏观经济景气指数以及货币政策和财政政策的相关数据为样本,利用GARCH模型实证研究宏观经济环境、政府调控政策与中国股票市场波动性的关系。研究结果表明,中国股票市场对宏观经济环境变化的反映功能存在一定程度的缺失,财政政策的调控功能基本上处于失效状态,利率政策在现实经济环境中也未能发挥作用,货币供应量政策因其直接影响股票市场资金供给而产生了明显的影响。论文研究结果能够对中国股票市场的某些异常现象进行比较合理的解释。  相似文献   

文章对上证指数2006年1月6日-2011年5月23日收盘价的波动率进行了研究,介绍并使用随机系数SETAR模型与ARCH族模型进行对比拟合,根据数据的特点,文章构建了一种新型的SETAR模型,即AR(r)-SETAR(l,p1,p1)模型,模型利用ADF检验和AIC准则进行识别和估计。结果表明:可用AR(4)-SETAR(2,1,1)模型来拟合中国股市中的上证指数,研究其波动率特点,上证指数波动率呈不对称的响应,而且"负"响应比"正"响应高出约1.3倍。用ARCH族模型也证明了这种不对称响应的特征,但无法度量波动的强度,预测效果也没有SETAR模型精确。说明上证指数波动率不对称响应明显且呈现非线性的趋势,这种非线性的趋势更适合用SETAR模型来拟合。  相似文献   

碳排放权交易市场作为金融市场的一部分,与股票市场有着一定的联动性.我国在2017年底开启全国性碳排放交易市场,其关联必将引起越来越多的关注.本文一方面通过线性Granger因果检验与非线性Granger因果检验综合检验各碳交易试点地区的碳收益率与股票市场整体的相关性,研究结果发现只有广东、天津的碳收益与深证综指和湖北与上证综指之间存在单向的Granger因果关系,而北京、上海、广东与上证综指、深证综指存在双向或单向的非线性Granger因果关系;另一方面,通过对各碳排放权交易试点地区的价格、收益率与试点区域股票市场的相关性进行非平衡面板数据的实证分析,发现碳排放权交易试点地区与其区域股市在长期、短期上都存在显著的关联性.  相似文献   

景气指标是否科学决定了景气指数预测是否及时、准确。运用判断景气评价指标的常用方法K-L信息量法对影响饭店业劳动力市场的部分指标进行了计算与判断,发现营业总额为一致指标,城镇居民可支配收入、农村居民人均纯收入等指标为滞后指标。  相似文献   

The defaulted and distressed, public and private debt markets in the United States swelled to a record $680 billion (face value) at the end of 2001. The market value of this 'niche' segment was approximately $400 billion.
Defaulted security investors enjoyed an excellent year on average, as returns in 2001 were 17.5 per cent on bonds, 13.9 per cent on bank loans, and 15.6 per cent combined defaulted public bonds and private bank loans.
The Altman–New York University Salomon Center Index of Defaulted Bonds grew to over 200 individual issues and a face value of $56.2 billion; the market value was only $11.8 billion. The market–to–face value ratio of the Bond Index grew somewhat to 0.21 from 0.15 one year ago, but remained at a relatively low figure. The face value of our Defaulted Bank Loan Index also grew to $44.7 billion and the market–to–face value ratio remained quite low at 0.53.
The recovery rate on defaulted bonds (price just after default) was very low at 25 cents on the dollar; likewise, the bank loan recovery rate in 2001 was also relatively low at 55 cents on the dollar. With new defaulted bonds rising in 2001 to a record $63.6 billion (default rate of 9.80 per cent) and the default outlook for 2002 high investment opportunities should abound in the distressed debt market.
Indications are that distressed investors (both old and new) are successfully raising funds because investor expectations are buoyant.
(J.E.L.: G21, G33).  相似文献   

本文在研究久期测度理论的基础上,归纳了国外通行的住房抵押贷款支持证券的久期测度方法。结合我国当前金融市场现状,对通行的久期测度方法进行了修正,为我国机构投资者选择适当的住房抵押贷款支持证券的久期测度方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine sustainable investments returns predictability based on the U.S. Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and a wide set of uncertainty and financial distress indicators for the period 2002:01–2014:12. To this end, we employ a novel non-parametric causality-in-quantile approach that captures non-linearities in returns distribution. Based on our findings we conclude that the aggregate economic policy uncertainty (EPU) indicator and some components have predictive ability for real returns of the U.S. sustainable investments index. Moreover, if we split our sample to before and after the global financial crisis our results suggest that predictors carry causal information for real returns only in the after-crisis period. Finally, some marginal evidence of predictability from sovereign debt is also observed at the lower and upper ends of the conditional distribution of the real returns of sustainable investments. Our results might entail policy implications for investors and market authorities.  相似文献   

经典金融经济学假定投资者是同质的,无法对证券市场的产生、市场价格的随机性和波动性作出满意的解释。证券市场投资主体分为个人投资者和机构投资者,个人投资者追求效用最大化,效用取决于风险和收益;机构投资者追求利润最大化。投资主体行为差异是证券市场产生和发展的原因。  相似文献   

Previous studies have provided evidence that investors have gambling propensity in the stock market and exhibit a preference for lottery-type stocks. In this study, we use high total skewness and high maximum daily return (MAX) to measure lottery-type stocks and examine whether investors do exhibit distinct herding pattern in these stock types. Empirical results show that investors display stronger herding among lottery-type stocks, thereby indicating that such stocks induce correlated behaviour with the investors. In addition, we find that stocks with the highest skewness exhibit stronger herding under upmarkets, whereas stocks with the lowest skewness display stronger herding under downmarkets. Regarding the highest MAX portfolio, no significant herding asymmetry is seen between upmarket and downmarket. The results reported in this article demonstrate that comovement in stock returns may be partly attributed to the nonstandard preferences of investors in the stock market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the correlation and feedback relationships between the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index (HSI), the Hang Seng Chinese Enterprise Index (CEI) and the S&P 500 Index (SP). We divide the indexes into two separate periods, from the inception of the CEI in 1994 to the stock market crash in 2000, and from 2001 to 2011. Our results show that the feedback relationship between the CEI and the SP is stronger after 2000. As the feedback relationship grows stronger, the diversification benefit reduces for US investors who utilizes the CEI as a tool for diversifying into Chinese markets.  相似文献   

This article investigates the determinants of the size of domestic bond market using economic, social and institutional factors. We expand the body of existing literature by suggesting that economic and social environment as well as institutional settings vary between developed and emerging economies. The article uses recent data from a wide range of countries, incorporates a variety of macroeconomic variables, social indicators and institutional factors to reassess the determinant of domestic bond markets. Robustness of the empirical analysis is established through both two-stage least squares and generalized method of movements techniques. The results of this article show that the size of the economy, breadth and depth of the banking system, the monetary policy stance, the degree of openness, the level of corruption, the degree of civil liberty and status of market access to investors, all play a crucial role in the determination of the size of the domestic bond market. We also find differences across developed and emerging market samples. The results are robust to different specifications and the corresponding estimation techniques.  相似文献   

This paper presents the concept of psychological point of equilibrium (PPE), which is a mental state achieved by average investors when trying to make decisions during market bubble's inflationary stages. The PPE results from an interplay between agents acting in a volatile market that is characterized by predatory behaviors. Prior to the 2008 subprime crisis, average investors are assumed to have displaced their logical PPEs in large part as a consequence of their attraction towards predatory mortgages and teaser rates. A better understanding of average investor's vulnerabilities may help governments to implement more efficient measures aimed at curving predatory behaviors.  相似文献   

We study the disposition effect across market states in the context of mutual fund investors in Taiwan. Using mutual fund data at the fund and individual levels during July 2001 to October 2008, we find that the disposition effect varies across market states. Our results suggest that investors redeem their mutual fund units more under a bear market than a bull market when they have extreme capital losses. When investors have moderate capital gains, they are less active in redeeming their mutual fund units under a bull market relative to a bear market. Under a neutral market, investors actively redeem mutual fund units in both winner and loser mutual funds except when they have extreme capital losses. Thus, disposition effect is not uniform; it varies by market condition. In addition, the disposition effect phenomenon also exists for Taiwan mutual fund investors as well. Our findings are robust to aggregate and individual investor levels.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the market-making system helps to improve the price discovery ability of New Third Board (NTB) market in China. We first estimate the time-varying coefficients error correction models, then apply common factor weight method to quantify the time-varying price discovery contributions, and finally explore the impacts of trading volume and volatility to price discovery contributions. Empirical results show that both markets have time-varying characteristic in terms of the magnitudes and directions of the equilibrium price adjustment due to error correction term. The Shanghai Composite Index, SZSE Component Index, and SME Index are found to lead in price discovery, while NTB exhibits the leadership on the GEM Index. Volume and volatility have significant influence on the price discovery contribution. The NTB contribution is positively related to its own trading activity, negatively related to the trading activity of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, while negatively correlated with the volatility of both markets. In comparison, trading activity of SZSE Component Index and volatility of GEM Index have the greatest negative impacts on the contribution of NTB market. As an important part of China’s multi-level capital market, the pricing mechanism of the NTB market needs further to be improved.  相似文献   

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