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Using South African data, and developing a classification of goods on ‘search’ and ‘experience’ lines it was found that interindustry advertising intensity varies with the media mix used in any given industry. This in turn depends on the cost‐effectiveness to the consumer of a given medium's message characteristics.  相似文献   

Using state-level panel data for the USA spanning three decades, this research estimates the demand for cigarettes. The main contribution lies in studying the effects of cigarette advertising disaggregated across five qualitatively different groups. Results show cigarette demand to be near unit elastic, the income effects to be generally insignificant and border price effects and habit effects to be significant. Regarding advertising effects, aggregate cigarette advertising has a negative effect on smoking. Important differences across advertising media emerge when cigarette advertising is disaggregated. The effects of public entertainment and Internet cigarette advertising are stronger than those of other media. Anti-smoking messages accompanying print cigarette advertising seem relatively more effective. Implications for smoking control policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Japan's computer manufacturers realize that they need more than a new generation of software (or hardware) for success in world markets. The missing ingredients are primarily multinational busines experience factors, which have worked to the past advantage of US companies. Japan's past export successes — textiles, steel, consumer electronics—have come with products that, unlike computers, could be sold through existing distribution channels. Realizing their disadvantages in selling computer systems worldwide, the Japanese designed the heavily publicized fifth-generation project seeking technology that could serve as a wedge into markets where US-based multinationals had already become firmly entrenched. For this as for other joint government-industry R&D projects in Japan, the indirect effects will be at least as important as the technological outcomes; asking whether the fifth-generation project could have reached particular technical objectives poses the wrong question. In terms of technological capability, Japan could emerge as a formidable rival of the USA in world computer markets. Given the international presence of US companies large and small, this will not be as quick or as easy as in other Japanese export industries: Japan will continue to have far more difficulty exporting computer systems than VCRs or integrated circuits.  相似文献   

A unique aspect of the equine breeding industry is the way in which the current year's demand for stud services depends on the previous year's production levels. In a monopolistically competitive market, product differentiation and product promotion and advertisement are important aspects of industry conduct. A stallion's reputation and therefore demand for his services depend on the stallion owner's ability to differentiate the product.

The price a stallion owner charges depends on the quality of the stud himself, and also on the quality of his offspring. The producer's output (foals) become advertisements for the stallion when they are raced, shown, etc. They also can become substitutes for the stallion, since they are an alternative source of the stallion's genes. Stallion owners are in the special position that they need to prove their stallion's ability to sire quality offspring, while bearing in mind they are producing possible substitutes. Outstanding offspring will generate demand for the parent's services if they are successfully shown, raced, etc. Conversely, progeny who compete unsuccessfully will decrease demand by contributing to a poor reputation for themselves, their breeder and their sire. But, outstanding individuals eventually become breeding stock and therefore offer an alternative source for the ‘winning genes’.

This intergenerational dependence has led to pricing policies and practices in the equine breeding industry which have important implications. Common practices include: incentives to compete, rebates for gelding male offspring, price discrimination in favour or quality mares and limited bookings. These policies illustrate aspects of industry conduct commonly discussed in industrial organization literature such as first-degree price discrimination, non-linear pricing and non-price competition. The use of artificial insemination and other new breeding technologies and thus the potential for a stallion to breed larger numbers of mares, further compounds the extent and results of such practices.

This paper investigates pricing policies in the equine breeding industry, using a case study approach. A model of indsutry pricing policies is developed and tested using data for American Quarter Horses.  相似文献   

Japan's computer manufacturers realize that they need more than a new generation of software (or hardware) for success in world markets. The missing ingredients are primarily multinational busines experience factors, which have worked to the past advantage of US companies. Japan's past export successes — textiles, steel, consumer electronics—have come with products that, unlike computers, could be sold through existing distribution channels. Realizing their disadvantages in selling computer systems worldwide, the Japanese designed the heavily publicized fifth-generation project seeking technology that could serve as a wedge into markets where US-based multinationals had already become firmly entrenched. For this as for other joint government-industry R&D projects in Japan, the indirect effects will be at least as important as the technological outcomes; asking whether the fifth-generation project could have reached particular technical objectives poses the wrong question. In terms of technological capability, Japan could emerge as a formidable rival of the USA in world computer markets. Given the international presence of US companies large and small, this will not be as quick or as easy as in other Japanese export industries: Japan will continue to have far more difficulty exporting computer systems than VCRs or integrated circuits.  相似文献   

企业的发展分为内部化发展和外部化发展两种,内部化即通过自身的资本积累和能力提升来实现企业的发展;外部化即通过购并或联盟等形式直接获得规模的扩张。相比较而言,外部化的发展模式有着见效快、成本低等特点。 因此,自19世纪末以来一直受到西方企业界的高度重视,购并和战略联盟的案例屡见不鲜。仅2000年一年,欧盟加瑞士16国企业通过兼并与重组方式进行的对外投资(不包括欧洲内部相互间投资)总额就高达3200亿美元,其中流入到美国的资金多达2240亿美元,占了全部投资额的70%。其跨国兼并的规模仅次于欧洲的北美企业,涉及标的金额…  相似文献   

目前,大数据已经广泛和深入地在各行各业中应用。在这种先进信息技术的推动下,传媒领域也发生着具大变革。研究传媒产业经济中大数据的应用、大数据与传媒产业的结合,能够有效地推动社会经济发展。  相似文献   

This article uses an explorative case study of the smart card industry where ‘coopetition’ is to be found. We show that the nature of interaction between smart card actors, dealing with industry and market conditions that create a very complex competitive landscape, constitutes a mix of competition and cooperation. Here, we assume that the paradoxical aspect of competition and cooperation [Quinn, R.E. and Cameron, K.S. (1988) Paradox and Transformation. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger] can be juxtaposed in order to understand the strategic phenomena characterizing actors' interactions. Actors cooperate in some activities and compete on other ones. Such strategic behaviour is called coopetitive strategy, which is increasingly adopted by high-tech industry players.  相似文献   

The radio frequency identification (RFID) system uses radio waves to remotely capture and process information stored in a tiny silicon chip. Having the potential to replace bar codes on consumer products, RFID technology can enhance the efficiency in material handling/transportation and provide more intelligence in business transactions. Although there are challenges and obstacles with the adoption of RFID in businesses worldwide, governments of a few Asian countries have established proactive policies and have taken supportive actions to facilitate the development of this emerging industry. This research summarises the approaches, progress and the development strategies of RFID in Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore. The visions and strategies in developing RFID industries in these countries could provide references for other countries.  相似文献   

Technological innovation is widely recognized as a major factor influencing competitiveness. This is particularly true i n turbulent and dynamic IT markets. Consequently, the effective strategic management of technological innovation by companies is one route to securing their survival and growth. The focus of the research presented is the evolution of marketing strategies by innovators facing diverse competitive challenges in the expert system market. The study examined the role of strategic marketing i n the commercial exploitation of technology and how this role changes, especially after market launch. What was interesting urm the extent to which suppliers were not only designing new technologies but also creating business applications for the new technology. The acquisition of market know-how to devise end-,user applications was a vital ingredient i n securing a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Technological innovation is widely recognized as a major factor influencing competitiveness. This is particularly true i n turbulent and dynamic IT markets. Consequently, the effective strategic management of technological innovation by companies is one route to securing their survival and growth. The focus of the research presented is the evolution of marketing strategies by innovators facing diverse competitive challenges in the expert system market. The study examined the role of strategic marketing i n the commercial exploitation of technology and how this role changes, especially after market launch. What was interesting urm the extent to which suppliers were not only designing new technologies but also creating business applications for the new technology. The acquisition of market know-how to devise end-,user applications was a vital ingredient i n securing a competitive advantage.  相似文献   

中医药作为中华传统文化的载体,兼具人文交流与服务贸易的双重功能,对于提升我国在"一带一路"合作中的软实力及发展服务贸易新业态具有独特作用。本文从中药标准化生产能力、国际市场份额、国际专利水平以及研发投入等角度综合阐述我国中药产业国际竞争力现状。分析表明,创新理念缺乏、制度保障不强以及管理水平不高是制约我国中药产业国际化的主要因素。提升我国中药产业国际竞争力,要制定中药产业国际化战略、增强在世界中医药标准与知识产权中的话语权、强化企业跨国经营能力并加强国际化人才培养。  相似文献   

Many industries experience a shakeout, which occurs when, after an initial increase, the number of firms drops significantly in a short period of time. A shakeout drives changes in the market structure and, thus, accompanying changes in firms’ strategies. In this paper, we explore differences in firms’ product strategies (i.e. product quality improvement, product line management, and product market strategy) before and after the initiation of an industry shakeout, focusing on the role of product exit. In analyzing a sample of US laser printer manufacturers and their products for the period between 1983 and 2002, we find clear differences in firms’ product exit decisions before and after the initiation of a shakeout. With these findings, our study contributes to the understanding of the link between industry shakeouts and firms’ product strategies.  相似文献   

Technologically dynamic industries are characterised by the availability of ample differentiation opportunities. Implementing an appropriate product differentiation strategy is a critical determinant of entrant success in such industries. Firms typically have to engage in two sequential decisions. They need to first decide whether to differentiate and if they decide to do so, they need to choose between a horizontal and a vertical differentiation strategy. Despite the growing literature on the consequences of product differentiation strategy, limited attention has been paid to ascertaining the determinants of these dynamic decisions. We suggest that a complex interplay of firm-level (firm size and pre-entry experience) and industry (technology regime) characteristics impacts the choice of differentiation strategies. Empirical tests using multinomial logit models on data obtained from a census of all entrants into the personal computer industry between 1974 and 1994 support our theory.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the presence of new competitors has influenced the behaviour of U.S. incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) with respect to pricing, advertising and the extent of diversification that they engage in. This issue is explored empirically, using data for the major local exchange carriers for the years 1994 to 1998. The period straddles periods of both absence and presence of competition in the industry, since the Telecommunications Act of 1996 has opened hitherto closed markets to competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs). While a recent Federal Communications Commission (FCC) report on local competition documents vigorous entry during the past years, the market share of the entrants is insubstantial. Our results indicate that the threat provided by market entrants has notably influenced the strategic behaviour of ILECs. The findings show that the incumbent U.S. local operators, particularly the larger ILECs, aggressively protect their profit streams from traditional business. The evidence demonstrates that the ILECs have responded to the Telecommunications Act 1996, and to the threat of market entry it has created, through entry deterrence. This strategic behaviour has been successful in providing ILECs with protection of their monopolistic markets so far.  相似文献   

With the shortage of raw materials for the production of crystalline silicon solar cells, the next generation of solar cells has reached the perfect stage for development. While in the past, researchers have emphasized the development of crystalline silicon solar cells, the application of the next generation of crystalline silicon solar cells is different. Of the thin-film solar cells (TFSCs), the most widely recognized is the amorphous silicon (a-Si) TFSC. It has the greatest potential to be developed, and many manufacturers have already invested in its research and development (R&D). In this study, we employed a set of indicators to analyze the technological development of the a-Si TFSC, and found that the major technology field has reached the mature stage in the technology life cycle of this product; moreover, four patent strategic clusters were identified. The results regarding the company and technology levels of the clusters were integrated with profile data and developmental progress information to understand the patent performance, technologic capacity, and R&D background of the a-Si TFSC.  相似文献   

运用信息技术进行课程整合是目前广泛应用的教学手段之一,也是现代教育理念和教育技术应用教学的体现.信息技术作为一种技术性教学支撑手段,必须始终服务于教学内容,遵从教育教学规律合理地进行课程整合,根据学科特点和学生状况灵活选择适当的整合形式.分析广告设计学科特点,探讨运用信息技术手段进行课程整合方法.  相似文献   

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