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社会资本理论将因背负创新社会管理的使命而更具活力,创新社会管理的实践也将因社会资本的优化和支撑而更加有效。社会资本关注那些嵌入社会结构之中的社会关系以及信任、互惠规范和公民参与网络等社会资本形式,社会资本与社会管理良性互动,社会资本也具有负外部性。从培育公民的公共精神、建设廉价服务型政府、实现制度供给的法治化、引导民间组织健康发展等维度探寻创新社会管理的进路,以期实现“公平、正义、和谐”的良序社会治理。  相似文献   

本文通过分析新农村建设的两个方面和两种资本,指出了现阶段农村在社会资本方面的不足之处,认为通过成立农协的方式是合理构建农村生产性社会资本和分配性社会资本的重要途径,要实现社会主义新农村的宏伟蓝图,迫切需要进行农村管理体制上的改革.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of social capital and various prevailing beliefs on household repayment behavior in Europe, after accounting for household-specific characteristics and country differences in institutions. Arrears are more common among households living in regions with dense corruption beliefs, low confidence in institutions and authorities, and a low fraction of religious people. Moreover, high stocks of social capital reduce the likelihood of arrears, net of the influence of various potentially relevant factors. Households in these communities face a higher hazard of losing standing in the group and access to the positive externalities of social capital.  相似文献   

The study investigates the relationship between the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) and different bank-specific and macroeconomic variables for 28 Islamic banks. We document that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the CAR and the bank-specific and macroeconomic variables. In particular, bank-specific variables such as ROA, ROE, leverage, credit risk and size show a strong association with the CAR, while on the macroeconomic side, inflation, market capitalization and exchange rate have an impact on the average Islamic bank in our sample study. Furthermore, we run another model (equity to assets ratio) as dependent, with similar control variables, and the results reveal that, except for inflation, all the variables that have a significant effect on the CAR also influence the equity to assets ratio.  相似文献   

In 2009, China began to implement a new social pension scheme in rural areas. We examine the impacts of this social pension on two main components of rural household expenditure, consumption and agricultural production investment. Our findings show that on average, rural households increase consumption by 1–3% and agricultural investment by as high as 6–9% in pilot counties. Further estimations reveal that the pension mainly affects the households with old-aged members and the poorer families, and that the saving rate hasn’t been changed by the pension, which support more the contingent income than the life-cycle hypothesis. We also find that among various types of expenditures, the most dramatic increases have occurred in food consumption and operational inputs on agricultural production.  相似文献   

使用中国人民大学中国调查与数据中心"中国教育长期追踪调查"数据,分析大学生求职就业中所呈现出的性别差异,社会资本对大学生求职的影响及作用机制的性别差异。女大学生社会资本存量、尤其是自致性社会资本存量并不低于男大学生,她们对于社会资本的利用程度也并不弱于男大学生,但社会资本对男女两性就业的影响体现出明显差异。相较于女性,社会资本对男性就业发挥更大作用。刻板化的性别意识会阻碍社会资本对女大学生就业的促进作用,从而难以缩小大学生就业的性别差异。  相似文献   

Theory suggests that religious piety is associated with greater risk aversion and more conservative financial policies. Returns to shareholders through dividends are much more certain than returns through capital gains expected to be realized far into the future. We hypothesize that religious piety leads to a higher likelihood of dividend payments. We exploit the variation in religious piety across the US counties and estimate the effect of religion on dividend policy. To draw a causal inference, we use historical religious piety in 1971 as the instrument. Our two-stage least squares results confirm that religious piety induces firms to pay larger dividends.  相似文献   

This paper is on social capital and the meaning that Bourdieu has given to this concept in his Notes provisoires, published in 1980. He considered social capital as one of the most important forms of capital, along with economic capital and cultural capital. Even though he did not propose an explicit measure of social capital, so it remained in a conceptual state, he promoted an innovative research programme. Our contribution is to propose a generic method to empirically measure and test hypotheses on social capital, based on Bourdieu's work. We aim at creating an analytical framework that places this concept at the centre of the Bourdieusian theoretical approach. For this purpose, we combine two sociological tools that relate to two different sociological traditions, namely social network analysis and multiple correspondence analyses. Thus, our paper describes the ways to combine field and network analyses, and illustrates this with an empirical study.  相似文献   

This study empirically tests the predictions of four primary theories applicable to joint-liability microcredit programs’ repayment performance using an administrative data in a metropolitan setting. We introduce a new variable, group names, as a proxy for social capital to capture cooperation, solidarity, and drive for success, which shows a significant positive impact of 9.9% on repayment performance. Precise calculations of residential distance between group members show a deterioration of repayment performance by 1.1% with a 15-min increase in minimum walking distance. The results also show that joint liability, sectoral diversification, type of sector that the borrowers facilitate, the ratio of new members in a group, characteristics of loan officers, loan amount, interest rate, income-loan amount coverage ratio, the existence of senior members, average education, and diversity in income streams significantly affect repayment performance.  相似文献   

在Bourdieu对社会资本进行系统分析以后,不同领域的研究者开始从不同学科角度对社会资本概念进行解释。社会学、经济学和政治学学科对社会资本及其内涵的理解有差异也有联系,社会资本概念可以从二维、三维、四维等角度进行维度划分,并以此为基础进一步明确社会资本概念。  相似文献   

文章以2007-2012年我国A 股上市公司为样本,从政企关系重构的视角研究了地方政治权力转移对企业社会资本投资的影响。研究发现:(1)在地方政治权力转移当年,企业会显著提高社会资本投资力度。随着主政官员任期的增加,企业社会资本投资呈现下降趋势。这说明在主政官员任期内,企业社会资本投资呈现先增后减的周期性特点。这种周期性特点仅在民营企业中存在。(2)民营企业社会资本投资的周期性特点在地方官员来自外地、继任官员预期任期较长、管制行业以及融资约束程度高和无政治关联的企业样本中更加显著。(3)在地方政治权力转移当年,民营企业提高社会资本投资力度能够帮助其获得政府补助,但这种优势并不会立刻体现出来;同时,企业提高社会资本投资力度也会对自身的研发投入产生挤出效应,且挤出效应持续存在于继任官员的整个任期中。文章的研究为理解企业建立政企关系的手段、过程与效果提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Why is the share of happy people higher in some countries than in their equally developed neighbours? We conjecture that the apparent contradiction might depend on a country’s endowment of relational capital, which we proxy empirically with the extent of cooperativeness. In particular, within the black box of social capital, we consider relational capital as the outcome of the civil economy paradigm and use cooperativeness as the macro and objective proxy of long term face-to-face interaction. Compiling an index of the importance of the cooperative sector, we test whether more cooperativeness associates with more happiness controlling for countries’ HDI and other control variables. Checking for endogeneity, using various country samples, and through different regression methods we find support for our hypothesis. This suggests that, indeed, an institutionalized cooperative culture can promote happiness.  相似文献   

企业家社会资本:概念、影响机制及其研究新方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文梳理了企业家社会资本的概念和影响机制的相关研究成果。在此基础上,引入企业家机会要素对企业家社会资本的内涵进行了重新界定,并探讨了在新经济背景下结构洞理论对企业家社会资本影响机制研究的启示作用,阐述了该领域研究的新方向,并对相关理论研究的完善和应用研究的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic relationship between intellectual capital (measured by human capital and organizational capital) and firm value of Chinese listed firms. We do causality identification using system GMM and IV estimation, and find no significant relation between human capital and firm value, but organizational capital positively affects firm value with a lag. Our findings are robust to firms with different property rights, of different sizes, or in different industries, with the only exception of capital-intensive firms, in which human capital has a significant influence on firm value. The results imply that the improvement of organizational system plays a more important role in raising the value of a firm in a typical developing country, like China.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that religion promotes honesty. Honesty in turn motivates managers to view an expropriation from shareholders as self-serving, opportunistic and unethical, thereby alleviating the agency conflict. Religious piety is thus expected to discourage agency-driven acquisitions that reduce shareholder wealth. We exploit the variation in religious piety across US counties (and states) and show that firms located in a more religious environment are indeed less likely to make poor acquisitions, measured by the stock market reactions to the acquisition announcement. To draw a causal inference, we use historical religious piety as far back as 1952 as our instrument. The two-stage least squares (2SLS) analysis confirms that religious piety induces firms to make better acquisitions. Our analysis based on propensity score matching also corroborates the conclusion.  相似文献   

This article addresses the production of legitimate forms of power in our democracies by framing the rise and fall of “Propaganda 2” (P2) — a masonic lodge active in Italy during the 1970s — in the analysis of social capital proposed by Pierre Bourdieu. This lens emphasizes the role played by networks in the accumulation of symbolic capital and their interaction with the historical and institutional context in the exercise of symbolic violence. The experience of P2 is then analyzed to describe, on one hand, the characteristics of the networks that are critical to its success and, on the other, the lodge’s capacity to interfere with the economic and political systems within the context of the Cold War in Italy. The willingness to control and provoke institutional change expressed by P2’s affiliates also shows to what extent the accumulation of social capital, in combination with other forms of capital, may represent a threat to public welfare. By illustrating the interaction between networks and the normative framework underlying our institutions, this case study suggests that the experience of P2 is not an exception in the functioning of our democracies.  相似文献   

This paper compares the experiences of the 2004 Asian Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, to highlight the importance of social capital in strengthening resilience against extreme events. Key issues and implications for policy and research are discussed.  相似文献   

社会资本影响企业绩效的机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会资本是企业资本的重要组成部分之一,它主要是由企业内部和企业之间的信任、互惠和合作有关的一系列态度和价值观所构成的。社会资本对提高企业的绩效具有不可替代的作用。本文通过对资源配置、知识共享与信息传播、技术创新和交易费用等因素的作用来实现社会资本对企业绩效影响的机制。  相似文献   

对社会资本和人力资本与农民工工作搜寻和保留工资的关系作了理论分析,提出了实证研究的相关变量和理论假设。经对调查数据的相关分析,证明了社会资本和人力资本对农民工工作搜寻和保留工资的作用。对研究结果的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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