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This study investigates the dynamic relationship between crude oil and retail gasoline prices during the last 21 years and determines that, in February 1986, the relationship had drastically changed. Since that date, the results show that gasoline prices include higher profit margins, respond substantially less to changes in crude oil prices(but still within one month), and are more volatile. Also discussed are the developments in crude oil and gasoline markets that have led to the above changes.  相似文献   

齐明 《技术经济》2020,39(1):74-81
价格风险是我国原油进口面临的主要风险之一,通过构建我国原油进口的价格-风险模型,量化研究了我国原油进口来源国的最优风险结构。结论显示,中东地区依然是我国最重要的原油进口来源地,进口更多来自政治稳定地区的原油,可以有效地分散我国原油的供应风险。从长期来看,我国需要积极拓展更多的石油供应渠道,进一步提高从阿联酋、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、哈萨克斯坦、埃及以及卡塔尔的进口量,保证我国的原油进口安全。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between crude oil prices, US dollar exchange rates and 30 selected international agricultural prices and five international fertilizer prices in a panel framework. The study uses panel VAR methods and Granger causality tests on panel data sets of agricultural commodity prices (as well as specific agricultural commodity sub-groups) and fertilizer prices with monthly observations of the period from June 1983 to June 2013. The empirical results of the present study indicate that crude oil prices as well as US dollar exchange rates affect international agricultural commodity and fertilizer prices. Furthermore, contrary to the findings of several studies in the literature, the present study supports bidirectional panel causality effects between crude oil prices and international agricultural prices as well as between US exchange rates and international agricultural prices.  相似文献   

When a country imports goods that have been assembled abroad, some amount of the labor and capital services embodied in those goods may originally be from the country that is now importing them. Similarly, some of the value added of a country's exports may be foreign in origin. For the median country in my sample of 14, I calculate that 21.5% of imported labor services are domestic labor, 17.7% of imported capital services are domestic capital, 12.3% of exported labor services are foreign labor, and 23.3% of exported capital services are foreign capital.  相似文献   

This paper uses the panel data of energy consumption and GDP for 82 countries from 1972 to 2002. Based on the income levels defined by the World Bank, the data are divided into four categories: low income group, lower middle income group, upper middle income group, and high income group. We employ the GMM-SYS approach for the estimation of the panel VAR model in each of the four groups. Afterwards, the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth is tested and ascertained. We discover: (a) in the low income group, there exists no causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth; (b) in the middle income groups (lower and upper middle income groups), economic growth leads energy consumption positively; (c) in the high income group countries, economic growth leads energy consumption negatively. After further in-depth analysis of energy related data, the results indicate that, in the high income group, there is a great environmental improvement as a result of more efficient energy use and reduction in the release of CO2. However, in the upper middle income group countries, after the energy crisis, the energy efficiency declines and the release of CO2 rises. Since there is no evidence indicating that energy consumption leads economic growth in any of the four income groups, a stronger energy conservation policy should be pursued in all countries.  相似文献   

I construct a two-sector growth model to study the effect of the structural transformation between manufacturing and services on the decline in GDP volatility in the US. In the model, a change in the relative size of the two sectors affects the transmission mechanism that relates sectoral TFP shocks to endogenous variables. I calibrate the model to the US and show that, for given stochastic sectoral TFP processes in manufacturing and services, structural change generates a decline in the volatility of both aggregate TFP and GDP, in the volatility of each broad component of GDP (manufacturing consumption, services consumption and investment) and in the volatility of labor. Numerical results suggest that the structural transformation can account for 28% of the reduction in the US GDP volatility between the periods 1960–1983 and 1984–2005.  相似文献   

This paper studies the connection between intermediate input imports and firms’ export quality using firm‐level data from 2000 to 2007. Our regression results show that intermediate input imports promote manufacturing firms’ export quality through ‘variety effects’ and ‘innovation effects’, though the effects are significantly different among firms with different characteristics, and the magnitude of these effects differs across import sources and the quality of imported intermediate inputs themselves. Moreover, we find that a good institutional environment is conducive to the strengthening of the positive influence of intermediate input imports on export quality. Furthermore, the dynamic decomposition demonstrates that the reallocation effect is the key force through which imported inputs boost industrial aggregate quality growth. Taken together, these results suggest that product upgrading facilitated by quality embedded in imported intermediate inputs, a good institutional environment and market share reallocation help Chinese firms to improve the quality of their export products.  相似文献   

Forecasting oil prices is not straightforward, such that it is convenient to build a confidence interval around the forecasted prices. To this end, the principal ingredient for obtaining a reliable crude oil confidence interval is its volatility. Moreover, accurate crude oil volatility estimation has fundamental implications in terms of risk management, asset pricing and portfolio handling. Generally, current studies consider volatility models based on lagged crude oil price realizations and, at most, one additional macroeconomic variable as crude oil determinant. This paper aims to fill this gap, jointly considering not only traditional crude oil driving forces, such as the aggregate demand and oil supply, but also the monetary policy rate. Thus, this work aims to contribute to the debate concerning the potential impact of (lagged) US monetary policy as well as the other crude oil future price (COFP) determinants on daily COFP volatility. By means of the recently proposed generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity mixed data sampling model, different proxies of the US monetary policy alongside US industrial production (proxy of the US aggregate demand) and oil supply are included in the COFP volatility equation. Strong evidence that an expansionary (restrictive) variation in monetary policy anticipates a positive (negative) variation in COFP volatility is found. We also find that a negative (positive) variation of industrial production increases (decreases) COFP volatility. This means that volatility behaves counter-cyclically, according to the literature. Furthermore, the out-of-sample forecasting procedure shows that including these additional macroeconomic variables generally improves the forecasting performance.  相似文献   

Since the oil price shock of 1973–74, researchers have waged an intense debate regarding the connection between the U.S. energy sector and national income. Studies examining the relationship between oil prices, oil consumption, and real output have produced remarkably mixed results. In particular, the two most widely cited investigations by Darby and Hamilton come to dramatically different conclusions concerning the effect of oil shocks on economic activity. To date, however, studies of this issue have been either correlation based and thus void of causality inferences, have used overly restrictive bivariate causality techniques, or covered periods that exclude major oil price disruptions. This paper analyzes a quarterly multivariate VAR model to investigate the existence and direction of causality between oil prices, oil consumption, real output, and several other key macroeconomic policy variables. Among the key findings is that oil price shocks are not a major cause of U.S. business cycles. Moreover, our findings also suggest that both oil prices and real output cause significant changes in oil consumption without feedback. These results support the contention that a systematic U.S. conservation policy would not significantly impair real economic activity.  相似文献   

This study extends the empirical literature on the determinants of renewable energy consumption in the case of 25 OECD countries for the period 1980–2011. Preliminary analysis suggests the presence of cross-sectional dependence within the panel data. As a result, second-generation panel unit root tests of Smith et al. (2004) and Pesaran (2007) are undertaken to find the respective variables that are integrated of order one. Panel cointegration and error correction modelling reveal that a long-run relationship exists between renewable energy consumption per capita, real GDP per capita, carbon dioxide emissions per capita and real oil prices. The long-run elasticity estimates are positive and statistically significant for real GDP per capita, carbon dioxide emissions per capita and real oil prices. The panel error correction model shows that a feedback relationship exists among the variables.  相似文献   

Welfare gains from increasing product variety are an important source of the gains from international trade. Previous empirical studies, however, typically focus on measuring gains from imported varieties. This paper introduces a measure to analyze changes in domestically produced varieties to estimate the total variety gains. Our analysis suggests that, for US manufacturing, losses in domestic varieties from 1992 to 2006 seem substantial given the large decline in the number of US establishments. Yet, once we account for the reallocation of resources towards large multi‐variety firms, we find considerable domestic variety gains, adding to those from imported varieties.  相似文献   

The tanker shipping market has been treated as the key extension of the world oil market and inevitably, its uncertainty is correlated to volatility of the oil market, besides supply and demand factors. Therefore, for improving operational management and budget planning decisions, it is essential to understand the inherent relevance between freight rates and crude oil prices. Taking time-dependent features into account, this paper focuses on the multiscale correlation between freight rates and oil prices. Given the complexity and mutability of tanker freight rate process, this paper first extracts the intrinsic mode functions from the original data using the Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition model and then reconstructs two separate composite functions: high-frequency and low-frequency components, plus the residual as the long-term trend. Secondly, correlations of the multiscale components of freight rates and oil prices are examined based on relevance structure. Empirical results show that tanker freight rates and oil prices exhibit different multiscale properties with true economic meaning and are significantly correlated in the medium and the long term when taking the relevance structure into account. These findings offer some useful information to better understand the correlations between these two markets and more importantly, propose a novel perspective to investigate the dynamic relationship between two markets.  相似文献   

Yang Zou 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1259-1270
This study performs empirical studies on the interaction between public and private investment and GDP growth for Japan and the USA. Since the data for each country used show features that are quite different from each other, empirical methods of GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) and OLS (Ordinary Least squares) are accordingly applied to Japan and the USA, respectively. The empirical results suggest that both public and private investment make great contributions to Japanese economic growth, while the US private investment seems to play a much more significant role than public investment.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the relationship between income and health expenditure in 31 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. We focus on the differences between short and long term elasticities and we also check the adjustment process of health care expenditure to changes in per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its cyclical and trend components. In both cases, we test if results differ in countries with a higher share of private expenditure on total health expenditure. Econometric results show that the long-run income elasticity is close to unity, that health expenditure is more sensitive to per capita income cyclical movements than to trend movements, and that the adjustment to income changes in those countries with a higher share of private health expenditure over total expenditure is faster.  相似文献   

The properties of concave revenue functions (in input terms) are often of considerable importance in the theory of the firm. One reason for this is the similarity between the sufficient conditions for an interior maxima (the requirement that the Hessian matrix be negative semidefinite) and the necessary and sufficient conditions for concavity. However, the concavity assumption imposes severe restrictions on the production and demand functions which apparently have not been acknowledged in the literature. It is the purpose of this note to explore these restrictions and to point out their implications for a proper formulation of some microeconomic problems.  相似文献   

In May 2001, the US Government's National Energy Policy DevelopmentGroup proposed to increase investment in domestic oil resourcesand to diversify further the sourcing of US oil imports by increasingproduction in new petroleum provinces. The paper argues thatboth strands of this policy are dependent upon a third, unstated,objective—to ensure that OPEC retains sufficient marketpower to prevent the sort of collapse in world oil prices thatoccurred in 1998–99. The consequences of that collapse,when the real price of US oil fell to its lowest level in 53years, are explored. Finally, it is argued that the outcomeof the crisis was a rapprochement between OPEC and the US. Itis suggested that the consensus between the US and OPEC as tothe desired range within which the world oil price should moveis likely to survive any temporary political disturbances.  相似文献   

郭泉  林雨 《经济研究导刊》2014,(32):160-161
以我国1990—2012年的出口贸易额和国内生产总值进行实证分析,并得出结论:我国出口贸易额与国内生产总值成正相关,并且出口贸易总额对国内生产总值的边际系数为0.28。据此,对这种关系提出了一些相关建议。  相似文献   

The presence of deterministic or stochastic trend in US GDP has been a continuing debate in the literature of macroeconomics. Ben-David and Papell (1995 Ben-David, D and Papell, DH. 1995. The great wars, the great crash, and steady growth: some new evidence about an old stylized. Journal of Monetary Economics, 36: 45375. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) found evidence in favour of trend stationarity using the secular sample of Maddison (1991 Maddison, A. 1991. Dynamics Forces in Capitalist Development: A Long-Run Comparative View, Oxford: Oxford University Press.  [Google Scholar]). More recently, Murray and Nelson (2000 Murray, CJ and Nelson, CR. 2000. The uncertain trend in U.S. GDP. Journal of Monetary Economics, 46: 7995. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) correctly criticized this finding arguing that the Maddision data are plagued with additive outliers (AO), which bias inference towards stationarity. Hence, they propose to set the secular sample aside and conduct inference using a more homogeneous but shorter time-span post-WWII sample. In this article we re-visit the Maddison data by employing a test that is robust against AO's. Our results suggest the US GDP can be modelled as trend stationary process  相似文献   

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