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This paper studies the effects of the monetary policy regime shift to inflation targeting on the stochastic properties of the real interest rate in the U.K. The empirical analysis suggests a constant mean of the real interest rate that shifts with the monetary policy regime change to inflation targeting in October 1992. The mean-reverting level of the real interest rate has decreased from 5.1% to 2.3% per annum with the change in monetary policy to inflation targeting. In addition, the shift in monetary policy regime to inflation targeting has reduced the volatility of the real interest rate and increased the persistence of real interest rate deviations from the mean. The results suggest that the central bank can affect the stochastic properties of the real interest rate through the choice of monetary policy regime over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Kui-Wai Li 《Applied economics》2013,45(24):3450-3461
This article uses a Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) approach to study the different shocks to the monetary performance in the two decades of the US economy prior to the 2008 financial crisis. By using the Federal Fund Rate as a measure of change in the monetary policy, this study shows that interest rate expectation is informative about the future movement of Federal Fund Rate and the anticipated monetary policy should be one of the crucial reasons in causing monetary and financial deterioration in the US economy. This article discusses a possible conjecture of a low interest rate trap when a persistent and prolonged low interest rate regime led to financial instability.  相似文献   

孙超 《经济经纬》2008,(3):62-64
房地产是一种具有消费和投资双重属性的特殊商品,其需求和供给都会受到金融政策变化的影响。如果提高利率必将减少房地产市场的需求,如果降低利率必将增加房地产市场的需求。另外,贷款的首付比例,汇率的变化,股市的变化等,都和房价的变化具有十分明显的互动效应。深入分析这些影响对于合理制定金融政策、控制房地产商品价格具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper studies a simple monetary model with a Ricardian fiscal policy in which equilibria are indeterminate if monetary policy consists solely of a rule for fixing the short-term interest rate. We introduce explicitly into the model the agents’ expectations of inflation which create the indeterminacy and show that there are two types of policies—a term structure rule or a forward guidance rule for the short rate—which lead to determinacy. The first consists in fixing the interest rates on a family of bonds of different maturities as function of realized inflation; the second consists in fixing the short-term interest rate and the expected values of the short-term interest rate for a sequence of periods into the future as a function of realized inflation. If the monetary authority chooses an inflation process that satisfies conditions derived in the paper and applies one of these rules, it anchors agents’ expectations to this process, in the sense that it is the unique inflation process compatible with equilibrium when the interest rates or expected future values of the short rate are those specified by the term structure or forward guidance rule.  相似文献   

金融结构及其对货币传导机制的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
樊明太 《经济研究》2004,39(7):27-37
本文在简要考察中国金融结构转型中货币政策机制 ,包括货币政策的工具、效率前沿和规则及相应的货币传导机制变迁轨迹的基础上 ,根据结构分割点原则 ,实证检验、估计和分析了金融结构变迁对货币政策的适用工具和反应函数的影响 ,以及对货币传导的利率机制 ,即由政策利率到市场利率、并进而到通胀率 -产出波动前沿的影响。基本的结论是 ,金融结构变迁深刻地影响着货币传导机制的性质和作用程度  相似文献   

In a model with imperfect money, credit and reserve markets, we examine if an inflation-targeting central bank applying the funds rate operating procedure to indirectly control market interest rates also needs a monetary aggregate as policy instrument. We show that if private agents use information extracted from money and financial markets to form inflation expectations and if interest rate pass-through is incomplete, the central bank can use a narrow monetary aggregate and the discount interest rate as independent and complementary policy instruments to reinforce the credibility of its announcements and the role of inflation target as a nominal anchor for inflation expectations. This study shows how a monetary policy strategy combining inflation targeting and monetary targeting can be conceived to guarantee macroeconomic stability and the credibility of monetary policy. Friedman's k-percent money growth rule, which can generate dynamic instability, and two alternative stabilizing feedback monetary targeting rules are examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines output stabilization and inflationary consequences of short-run monetary policy. The macroeconomic framework incorporates informational discrepancies between the monetary authority and economic agents who form long-term labor contracts. Economic agents are assumed to form rational expectations of the rate of inflation. One result of the analysis is that optimal monetary policy rules for stabilizing fluctuations in output and inflation are independent of the structure of the wage contracts and the degree of informational discrepancy. A second proposition shows that the monetary authority can actually make use of specific knowledge concerning the contract structure to reduce fluctuations in the rate of change in output. In particular, the monetary authority can reduce fluctuations in output below those occurring in a frictionless system by increasing fluctuations in the rate of inflation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of monetary policy in Kenya based on policy simulations from a structural macroeconometric model. The analysis is conducted using the policy rate, i.e. the central bank rate (CBR) and the cash reserve ratio (CRR) with respect to the interest rate and bank lending channels, respectively. The results indicate that whereas a change in the policy rate is effective in influencing short term rates, the long term lending rates respond marginally. Consequently, the transmission to the real economy and the overall impact on inflation is minimal. However, a change in CBR has a comparatively higher impact on inflation while a change in CRR has a relatively larger impact on aggregate demand. Enhancing the effectiveness of the CBR and strengthening of the interest rate channel have the potential of anchoring inflation expectations and boosting the effectiveness of monetary policy in Kenya.  相似文献   

We examine optimal monetary policy in the presence of inequality by introducing unskilled agents with no access to the financial system into a DSGE model with sticky prices. Our main results are: (i) a contractionary interest rate shock increases inequality, while inflation and the output gap fall; (ii) the welfare-based objective of monetary policy includes inequality stabilization; (iii) as the proportion of unskilled agents increases, welfare decreases; and (iv) under scarcity of skilled agents, monetary policy is weakened, while fiscal policy produces a more relevant impact on the economy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the monetary policy of China in a flexible time-varying parameter vector autoregression model with stochastic volatility, with a focus on the monetary policy regime change around 2009 when the four trillion RMB stimulus started. We find that China has been transiting from targeting money quantity to targeting interest rate since 2009. The interest rate policy instrument played a bigger role in the central bank's monetary policy toolbox. We check an alternative identification strategy and a couple of different model settings to show the robustness of this conclusion.  相似文献   

本文根据1996~2007年我国短期实际利率、实际有效汇率和真实国内生产总值季度数据构建了我国近年来的货币形势指数,并运用VAR模型实证分析了我国货币形势指数比率。结果表明,汇率对产出变动的影响较大,而利率没有发挥应有的作用。因此,在当前我国宏观经济内外失衡的环境下,应以货币形势指数作为货币政策操作的参考指标,加快利率市场化进程,增强人民币汇率制度的灵活性。  相似文献   

货币政策信息作为一种对整个市场或者整个行业都产生影响的宏观信息以及同时为市场参与者获知的公共信息,其信息的公布必将对股票市场的价格行为产生影响。把利率政策作为货币政策信息的代表,可以用来测度利率政策公告的即期效应,借鉴这样的思路,我们选用事件研究法方法来研究我国存贷款利率调整对股票市场的公告效应,发现存贷款利率调整宣告会对股票市场的价格和波动产生显著的影响,但利率调整宣告对股票市场的影响并不确定。  相似文献   

中国货币政策利率传导机制有效性的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文基于新颖的和交叉性统计数据,通过协整检验与Granger因果关系检验等方法,对中国货币政策的利率传导机制进行实证研究.实证分析结果表明:(1)我国货币政策的利率传导机制是低效的.(2)货币政策在整体上却有效.这从侧面可以证明:相比较于其他几个货币传导机制,我国的利率传导机制的阻塞效用更强,即其对货币政策总体绩效的贡献度相对最小.(3)利率传导机制还存在时滞效应.本文认为,解决目前我国利率传导机制低效性的主要方法还是要通过利率市场化的渐进推进.  相似文献   

This article studies the behavior of the economy and the efficacy of monetary policy under zero nominal interest rates using a model with population growth that nests, as a special case, the conventional specification in which there is a single infinitely lived representative agent. The article shows that with a growing population, monetary policy has distributional consequences that give rise to a real balance effect, thereby eliminating the liquidity trap. These same distributional effects, however, can also work to make many agents much worse off under zero nominal interest rates than they are when the nominal interest rate is positive.  相似文献   

货币供应量作为我国货币政策中介目标虽仍具备合理性,却面临一系列困难和障碍;同时,由于利率形成机制并不完善,利率暂时不能作为货币政策中介目标.目前我国应将货币供应量作为货币政策直接中介目标,而以利率作为辅助中介目标,发挥利率在货币政策体系中应有的作用.  相似文献   

不同学派利率理论问题的分歧,根源于其所依据的货币理论的不同。“古典”学派的实物利率理论源于其“两分法”货币理论;凯恩斯的纯货币利率理论源于其缺乏微观基础的货币经济理论;马克思以其科学的货币理论为依据,给予其资本利率理论以深刻的内涵。  相似文献   

黄安仲 《当代财经》2006,(10):41-46
利率和货币量哪个更适合作为货币政策中介目标是一个很有争议的问题,目前许多文献对这个问题的研究并不涉及货币政策工具与利率以及货币量之间的关系。这样的研究实际上隐含了一个前提,即货币政策工具和利率以及货币量之间存在明确的、稳定的关系,从而保证利率目标或者货币量是可控的。基于法定准备金操作的研究表明,法定准备金操作和货币量之间存在确定的关系,而和利率之间的关系是不确定的。导致利率和法定准备金操作关系不确定的主要原因,则是IS曲线斜率正负性的不确定性;同时,对现阶段中国IS曲线斜率稳定性的实证研究表明,其斜率正负性是不稳定的。因此,利率不适合作为货币政策中介目标。  相似文献   

文章运用新凯恩斯框架下的DSGE模型对中国货币政策的福利损失进行分析,研究表明:(1)名义利率对通货膨胀的反应越是敏感,则福利损失越小,因此,货币当局应该充分利用利率政策稳定价格水平;(2)名义利率对产出的反应越是敏感,则福利损失越大,因此,货币当局不宜运用利率政策影响经济增长速度;(3)利率平滑对福利的影响不大,货币当局的利率政策应该直接针对通货膨胀,而不应该追求利率本身的稳定;(4)在一定条件下,不同的利率政策规则造成的福利损失差别不大,货币当局可以从便利的角度出发,根据上期的通货膨胀率和产出水平来设定当期的名义利率;(5)与利率变动相比,货币供应量的变动造成福利损失更大,因此,货币政策的中介目标应该逐步由货币供应量转向利率。  相似文献   


This paper examines the relative role of structural and monetary factors in the variation of inflation in India over the period 1996–1997:Q1 to 2013–2014:Q4. The paper finds that both the monetary factors and the output gap has significant role. The role of the output gap in inflation is found more prominent than the monetary factors like broad money growth, interest rate and change in exchange rate. The depreciation of exchange rate and broad money growth stimulates inflation where as the interest rate is identified as an anti-inflationary monetary instrument. In view of a comprehensive policy for price stability, it is imperative to know the role of sectoral output gap in inflation. The paper, therefore, enquires the relative role of the primary, secondary and tertiary sector output gap in inflation. Output gap of each of these three sectors provokes inflation where the contribution of tertiary sector output gap is found to be the maximum followed by the primary sector and the secondary sector output gap. The prominent role of the output gap and comparatively passive role of monetary factors does not necessarily imply a non-effective monetary policy but suggests that controlling inflation only through the monetary management may not be effective.


This article examines the response of consumer and business confidence to five measures of change in Australian monetary policy. Actual, expected and surprise increases in the official cash rate target and related interest rates are shown to negatively impact consumer sentiment. Business confidence is less affected by increases in the cash rate target, but is negatively affected by an increase in the 90-day bank accepted bill rate. Tests for model stability and asymmetries in the response of sentiment to increases and decreases in interest rates otherwise find only limited evidence for monetary policy having a perverse signalling effect on sentiment.  相似文献   

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