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We estimate effective price elasticities for different quantiles of the demand distribution of the UK National Lottery and the Canadian Lotto 649. We show that price elasticities vary significantly from draw to draw and have a tendency to increase with lottery participation and jackpot size. Our findings indicate that setting lottery rules on the basis of mean effective price elasticities should be faced with caution because expected profits are negatively related to the evident variation of elasticities among lottery draws. We also simulate alternative active rollover distributions and show that limiting the rollover accumulation by withholding portions and ploughing them back in future nonrollover draws is potentially profitable.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is an open oil-based economy with fixed exchange rates; therefore, it has limited monetary policy autonomy. Using non-linear autoregressive distributed lag approach, this article investigates the asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on the demand of money in Saudi Arabia over the period 1990:Q1–2014:Q4. The empirical results show evidence of positive long run but asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on the money demand. In particular, we find that the positive oil price shocks are more important than negative shocks. Therefore, two policy responses can be considered: either sustaining the fixed exchange rate regime and following an economic diversification policy or switching towards a flexible exchange rate regime to achieve price stability. In that case, the existence of a stable money demand function in Saudi Arabia is a necessary precondition for adopting a monetary policy strategy targeted to price stability using instruments like money targeting.  相似文献   

This article examines variation in the income elasticity of household energy demand across the energy expenditure distribution using expenditure data from the five most recent Household Budget Surveys (HBSs) in Ireland: the 1987, 1994/1995, 1999/2000, 2004/2005 and 2009/2010 HBS. The analysis uses a two-stage instrumental variable quantile regression approach and is based on each HBS cross section, as well as the overall pooled observations. The estimated elasticities are compared across low- and high-energy-consumption scenarios and to a benchmark elasticity estimated using two-stage least squares. The results provide evidence that there is significant variation in the income elasticities across the energy expenditure distribution and that care must be taken when using the constant mean elasticity for policy purposes. More specifically, any examination of the future impact of a change in income support policy measures on energy consumption should recognize the substantial context-dependent variation in the income elasticity.  相似文献   

This article surveys the asymmetric spillover effects between the mainland China-based Shanghai Composite Index (SCI) and the Hong Kong based Hang Seng Index (HSI) using a quantile lagged regression model. Compared to previous studies, this article, based on data before and after the 2008 global financial crisis, presents a more detailed analysis, as we investigate the spillovers in terms of returns, volatilities and exchange rates between the renminbi (RMB) and the Hong Kong dollar (HKD) throughout the entire conditional return distribution, including the central quantiles, which are closely related to the normal circumstances, and the extreme quantiles, which correspond to the bear and bull markets. First, we find that the return spillovers from its lagged returns or from the other index not only vary across time but also depend on stock state. Second, while return volatility may boost the stock market in a bull market, it accelerates the decline in a bear market. Third, the depreciation of the RMB relative to the HKD does not significantly affect current returns for the HSI, while it negatively affects current returns for the SCI in a bad state after the crisis. The findings presented in this article will facilitate investors’ understanding of the two stock markets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the effect of different macro and micro variables on the distribution of unemployment duration in West Germany using censored quantile regressions. We analyze unemployment periods of more than 91,000 observations from the years 1981 to 1997 drawn from the IAB employment subsample. The latter is an administrative data set that is representative with respect to the socially insured workforce. Surprisingly, we find that the educational degree and variables indicating the macroeconomic environment such as the unemployment rate have a weak effect only. On the other hand, variables reflecting the (un-)employment history of an individual such as the length of tenure, recall to the same employer in the past, recent unemployment, and the position in the population income distribution before unemployment have the strongest effects on unemployment duration. We conclude that work history variables are the ones most suitable in characterizing the unemployment duration of an individual. From a methodological point of view, it is interesting that some regression coefficients have a different sign depending on the quantiles of the unemployment duration distribution. This clearly is a violation of the classical proportional hazard assumption which is very common in unemployment duration analysis.  相似文献   

This article analyses the effects of stocking rate on dairy production, using New Zealand dairy farm business data for the period 2005–2014. Unlike previous studies that assume a homogenous relationship between stocking rate and dairy production, we contribute to the literature by investigating the heterogeneous effects of stocking rate on milksolids production and applying an unconditional quantile regression model with fixed effects to control for unobserved farm-specific traits that are time invariant. The empirical results show that stocking rate exerts significant heterogeneous effects on milksolids production at different quantiles. In particular, we find that an additional increase in stocking rate (i.e. one cow/ha increase) increases milksolids production per hectare by between 17% and 25% but decreases milksolids production per cow by between 5% and 12%. In addition, we find that milking interval, dairy breed, farm labour, access to irrigation and farm location are important factors that increase milksolids production.  相似文献   

Prior literature on the impact of margin-trading activity on stock price crashes is mixed and does not reach consensus. Using data from a Chinese margin-trading pilot programme initiated in 2010, this article employs both margin-buying and margin-covering activities to investigate the asymmetric impact on stock price crashes. We find that margin-buying activities are beneficial reducing the price crash prone, especially in bad times. In contrast, margin-covering activities amplify price crashes in both good times and bad times.  相似文献   

Osama Ahmed 《Applied economics》2018,50(47):5094-5109
This study assesses price transmission along the Egyptian tomato food marketing chain in the period that followed the Arab Spring, which accentuated economic precariousness in Egypt. Static and time-varying copula methods are used for this purpose. Results suggest a positive link between producer, wholesaler and retailer tomato prices. Such positive dependence is characterized by asymmetries during extreme market events that lead price increases to be transferred more completely along the supply chain than price declines.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between real crude oil price changes and the Chinese real stock market at the industry level. Our study uses monthly data over the period 1994:03 to 2013:12. Based on input–output (IO) tables, this article will explore more details for the driving factors of sensitivity to oil price changes. We divide these driving factors into cost- and demand-side dependence. Empirical results reveal that sensitivity varies across different industries and periods based on structural breaks and asymmetric effects of oil price changes. Furthermore, some industries seemingly not directly affected by oil are sensitive to the real oil price changes. Finally, using a penalized quantile regression for panel data, we find that these two factors significantly affect lower, but not upper, quantile of sensitivity.  相似文献   

The asymmetric effects of oil price shocks on stock returns have attracted the attention of many researchers in the past several decades. Most of these researchers’ studies, however, do not separate out the sources of oil price shocks when examining the asymmetric effects. In this article, we address this limitation using a two-stage Markov regime-switching approach. Our results indicate that oil supply and demand shocks have a null or minimal impact on stock returns in a low-volatility regime and a statistically significant impact in a high-volatility regime. We observe that oil demand shocks affect stock returns significantly more than oil supply shocks. A positive aggregate demand shock significantly increases stock returns, whereas a positive oil-specific demand shock markedly decreases stock returns. These results have important implications for policymakers and investors.  相似文献   


This study addresses the price heterogeneity of the five first growths of Bordeaux. We apply the quantile regression (QR) approach with market segmentation based on wine bottle price quantiles. We compute the hedonic price of wine attributes for various price segments in the market. This approach is applied to a major dataset comprising approximately 50,000 transactions over the 2003–2017 period. The findings indicate that the relative hedonic prices of several wine attributes differ significantly among deciles. The implications of our results are manifold. Vintage and Parker grades have a strong impact on the variation in wine prices, and there is a hierarchy among the five first growths of Bordeaux. There is also a premium commanded by the reputation and experience of an auction house. Since the financial crisis of 2012–2013, investors have considered that the five first growths are overrated, save for the most expensive wines; for those most expensive ones, investors prefer scarcity to liquidity. These results are of import to several actors in the fine wine market: investors, for example, could use the findings herein to better diversify their wine portfolio, while auction houses could better anticipate their future sales based on consumers’ expectation.  相似文献   

This article analyses the conditional earnings distribution for Cuban immigrants in the USA considering Buchinsky sample selection in a quantile regression model. The test proposed by Huber and Melly to test the independence between error terms and regressors (conditional on the selection probability) is also considered. This is the first attempt in the migration literature to use quantile regression with sample selection. The data used come from the US American Community Survey. The results show that the hypothesis of conditional independence is not rejected, and increments in earnings associated with the usual socioeconomic characteristics in labour studies vary between the cohorts considered. The main conclusions are that a decline in returns from education may be a sign that a high level of education no longer provides a competitive advantage and that being a black person is associated with substantially lower earnings regardless of the individuals’ position in the earnings distribution. This may explain why, historically, comparatively fewer black Cubans have made the decision to emigrate to the USA because of a lack of economic incentives.  相似文献   

价格鉴证作为社会主义市场经济活动中的重要内容,对于保障社会经济的健康运行发挥着重要的作用。价格鉴证人员作为价格鉴证工作的主要承担者,为价格鉴证工作的发展做出了重大贡献,但也面临着一系列潜在的危险。从价格鉴证风险的产生与发展角度出发,对应对价格鉴证风险提供相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Regarding the stationarity of current accounts, previous studies used panel unit-root tests to improve the power of augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test. This paper applies a quantile autoregression (QAR) approach to improve ADF test in the presence of outliers, and found that first, the stationarity was present in a QAR framework, rather than ADF test. Second, current accounts exhibited symmetric (e.g. Taiwan) and asymmetric patterns, which showed that positive shocks in larger quantiles induce current accounts to adjust towards a long-term equilibrium for Korea, Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore. Japan exhibited an asymmetric pattern in response to negative shocks in smaller quantiles.  相似文献   

Using South Korean panel data from 2008 to 2019 and censored quantile regression method, this study calculates the effects of different tax incentives on charitable contributions. We observe price elasticity under two different tax-benefit systems in South Korea and find that, first, taxpayers tend to be more sensitive to tax incentives under a tax deduction system than a tax credit system. The price elasticity gap between a tax deduction and tax credit is approximately −2.3 to −1.0. Second, we show the existence of heterogeneity in taxpayers’ behaviour: the price elasticity of charitable contributions exhibits a convex shape, where more significant donors have lesser reactions to tax incentives. We further show that socioeconomic contexts, such as income, gender, marital status, and education, affect people's attitudes. In sum, the results are as expected: tax deductions work more efficiently than tax credits.  相似文献   

Ascertaining the influencing factors of carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese cities is an important issue for policy-makers. This paper investigates the effect of several determinants on carbon emissions per capita in Chinese cities. Non-normally distributed and heterogeneous features of carbon emissions per capita in Chinese cities are considerably important. The empirical results demonstrate that GDP per capita has an increasingly positive impact on carbon emissions per capita due to the growth in household consumption. Urbanization has a slightly decreasing positive effect on carbon emissions per capita with a quantile increase resulting from continuous highway construction. Industrialization has a decreasing positive effect with carbon emission per capita quantile increases because of increasing energy efficiency and lower costs related to carbon reductions. The population has a decreasing negative effect on carbon emissions because of people’s increasing demand for environmental safety. The distributions of emissions per capita conditional on the 10th and 90th quantiles of independent variables also vary considerably. Specific policy implications are provided based on these results.  相似文献   

A model for the determination of the price of forest land is estimated for Sweden from 1965–1987, when (except for a few years) private non-industrial forest owners could finance their holdings at a negative real after-tax borrowing rate. It is assumed that credit has been limited by the value of mortgage security, assessed independently of the price settlement. The estimated coefficients of the regression equation are used for a calculation of the average real rate of discount of forest owners and the average value of amenities. The model also evaluates the effect of the temporary land price regulation from 1979–1987.  相似文献   

我国房地产价格影响因素实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房地产作为我国国民经济的支柱产业,在近几年里,价格持续攀升,波动幅度较大。透过我国房地产价格的波动,深入研究其价格影响因素,对于防范房地产泡沫,稳定金融安全,维持经济持续发展有极其重要的意义。通过回归分析、协整检验、White检验和LM检验等方法进行实证研究,发现房价主要受到利率、人均收入、土地价格和房地产开发投资额因素的影响。  相似文献   

We use country-level panel data on average unemployment duration (AvgUD) to explore how the conditional distribution of AvgUD varies with primary fiscal balance (fiscal policy), short-term interest rate (monetary policy), and the state of the business cycle (output gap). We obtain the quantile estimates via a Bayesian quantile mixed effects model, which has so far received limited attention in economics. Our results reveal rich heterogeneity in both the sign and strength of these associations at different quantiles of AvgUD, in different gender and age groups, and in some transition economies that have markedly different labour markets. A higher fiscal balance/surplus is associated with higher middle-upper quantiles of AvgUD among prime-age and old-age men, whereas the empirical association is weak at all quantiles of AvgUD among young men and women. The association between quantiles of AvgUD and fiscal and monetary policies tends to be weaker among women than men. A better state of the business cycle is associated with a lower AvgUD at all quantiles among young men and women.  相似文献   

The paper investigates price dynamics under market liberalization, with a focus on the effects of lowering price floors. We analyze price dynamics by specifying and estimating a dynamic Tobit model under time-varying volatility, where the market price is censored by a government-set support price. The model is applied to the U.S. butter market over the last three decades. The econometric results show how the price support program affects both expected prices and the volatility of prices. It is found that the censoring effects of a price support program can be significant and large even if the price support is set relatively low.
Jean-Paul ChavasEmail:

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