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"A multinomial logit model of place-to-place migration focusing on economic, geographic and demographic factors is applied to empirical data on inter-regional migration in Israel in 1980. It explains 75% of the (cross-sectional) variance in the data. The results presented in this paper depart from previous empirical work due to its industrialized context and its focus on risk aversion as a determinant of the migration decision. The results support the Harris-Todaro (1970) hypothesis, and indicate that regional similarities in the structure of industrial employment promote migration."  相似文献   

We demonstrate how it is possible to generate value for an investor with a hedge attached to the buy-and-hold strategy of an S&P 500 index fund. We study the S&P 500 index portfolio (not including dividends) and the value-weighted S&P 500 index portfolio (including dividends) of the Center for Research in Securities Prices for 1967:01–2011:12, using the capacity utilization and the unemployment rates in real time to determine if a hedge position should be initiated or closed. A hedge is initiated if the capacity utilization, the unemployment rate or a combination of the two signals a contraction in the real economy. The hedge position is closed if it signals otherwise an expansion. We use utility gains (Campbell and Thompson 2008), the manipulation-proof performance measure (MPPM) statistics (Ingersoll et al. 2007) and the P-Sharpe ratio (Bailey and López de Prado 2012) to evaluate the performance of a particular hedge strategy. The empirical results show that there are infinitely many hedges that can generate positive utility gains, higher MPPM statistics and higher P-Sharpe ratios.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with linear portfolio value-at-risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) computation when the portfolio risk factors are leptokurtic, imprecise and/or vague. Following Yoshida (2009), the risk factors are modeled as fuzzy random variables in order to handle both their random variability and their vagueness. We discuss and extend the Yoshida model to some non-Gaussian distributions and provide associated ES. Secondly, assuming that the risk factors' degree of imprecision changes over time, original fuzzy portfolio VaR and ES models are introduced. For a given subjectivity level fixed by the investor, these models allow the computation of a pessimistic and an optimistic estimation of the value-at-risk and of the expected shortfall. Finally, some empirical examples carried out on three portfolios constituted by some chosen French stocks, show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Recent empirical evidence indicates that size and book-to-market ratios explain adequately a large part of average stock returns. This paper examines the association of a number of fundamental variables with the cross section of stock returns in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The results suggest that, during the 1990s, the small-firm effect has actually gone into reverse and that size and book-to-market equity have a statistically significant relationship with average returns. Beta has little or no role as an explanatory variable.  相似文献   

Jun Ma 《Applied economics》2013,45(21):2462-2476
This article examines various state-space and VAR model specifications to investigate the contributions of expected returns and expected dividend growth to movements in the price-dividend ratio. We show that both models involve serious inference problems that need to be dealt with carefully. We propose procedures that offer more reliable inference results, and the corrected inferences indicate that the aggregate data of dividends and returns alone do not provide strong enough evidence to support the notion that the expected returns dominate the stock price variation. However, we show that an alternative measure of cash flows termed the net payout by Larrain and Yogo (2008) appears to lend strong support to the notion that the expected cash flow explains a large fraction of the firm value variation. This finding remains robust in both state-space and VAR decompositions with the corrected inference.  相似文献   

"This paper is an attempt to analyze the process of rural-urban migration based on the data relating to the ?Place of Birth' for Andhra Pradesh [India]. The specific objective of this study is to present a rigorous economic analysis of the process of inter-district rural-urban male migration as seen from 1971 migration data. With the help of a simple model...the direction and magnitude of relationships between selected explanatory variables and migration have been identified."  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1987,25(2):137-142
A relatively unrestricted market in goverment indexed bonds operated in the high-inflation Argentine economy from 1975 through 1982. The indexed bond yields from this period provide an interesting opportunity to examine the relation between real interest rates and expected inflation. The test results support the hypothesis that expected inflation is a significant source of variation in real interest rates, depressing the real yields on indexed bonds.  相似文献   

"Migration flows in the integrated Nordic labor market are heavily dominated by Finnish migration to Sweden. Differences in migration behavior across the Nordic populations are identified. Elasticities of migration are obtained from a logistic human capital model estimated as seemingly unrelated regressions. Differences in migration behavior are shown to exist, but the elasticities are not systematically higher for the Finns as could be expected. The domination of Finnish migration to Sweden is instead explained by real wage differences and since these have narrowed, major migration flows should not be expected in the future, unless large differences in labor market performance arise."  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of family background attainments and on returns to own and wife's schooling, for Jewish males Israel. Three dimensions of paternal background are referred to: father's education, the prestige of the father's occupation, and whether the father is of a western origin (an advantage in the western-oriented Israeli society). For each of these types of segmentation it is found that both the level of and the returns to own and wife's schooling (after some years of marriage) are higher for those coming from a more favourable background.

These empirical findings are consistent with an investment in schooling model in which differences in demand (productivity of own and wife's schooling) vary more than differences in supply of investment funds.  相似文献   

Abstract. The rural elderly in China have 40% of the income of the urban elderly, spend a larger share of their income on food, are in worse health, work later into their lives and depend more on their children, lacking pensions and public services. The birth quota since 1980 has particularly restricted the childbearing of rural, less educated, women, who therefore have fewer children to rely on for support. This inequality is reinforced by increasing returns to schooling, especially beyond secondary school. Government restrictions on rural–urban migration reduces national efficiency, adds to the urban–rural wage gap and increases inequality.  相似文献   

This paper examines empirically whether the expected and unexpected components of monetary policy have nonlinear impacts on the dynamics of REIT returns. Empirical results find the nonlinear response of REIT returns to expected and unexpected components of monetary policy. The unexpected component of monetary policy plays a more prominent role in influencing REIT returns than does the expected component of monetary policy. Specifically, unexpected contractionary monetary policy has a significantly adverse impact on REIT returns, and the adverse effect in a bust market is stronger than in a boom market. In addition, the unexpected monetary policy will also affect the boom-bust dynamics of REIT returns through its effect on the time-varying transition probability matrix. The tightening of the expected and unexpected components of monetary policy will enhance the probability that the REIT market will stay in the bust regime.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of intergenerational mobility in the internal migration decisions of families. The geographic variation in intergenerational mobility suggests that if parents value their children's human capital accumulation and future outcomes, they would have an incentive to move to areas with a higher upward mobility. To identify the effect of intergenerational mobility on family migration, we first use an instrumental variable approach, based on a heteroskedastic covariance restriction, which addresses measurement-error and omitted-variable biases. Then, we apply the semiparametric maximum score estimation method to our empirical model, which yields a consistent estimator when families' choice sets are partially observed. We find that highly educated families with school-aged children choose areas that favor upward mobility. Our welfare analysis indicates that a unit increase in the absolute upward mobility of a commuting zone is equivalent to approximately a $722 higher mean wage in the local labor market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of bilateral immigrant flows to 19 OECD countries between 1998 and 2007 from both advanced and developing origin countries. We pay particular attention to dynamics by including both the lagged migrant flow and the migrant stock to capture partial adjustment and network effects. To correct for the dynamic panel data bias of the fixed effects estimator we use a bootstrap algorithm. Our results indicate that immigrants are primarily attracted by better income opportunities and higher growth rates abroad. Also short-run increases in the host country’s employment rate positively affect migration from both advanced and developing countries. High public services, on the other hand, discourage migration from advanced countries but exert a pull on migration from developing sources, in line with the welfare state hypothesis. Finally, we find evidence for both partial adjustment and the presence of strong network effects. This confirms that both should be considered as crucial elements of the migration model and that a correction for their joint inclusion is required.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of family decisions and individual decisions on rural-urban migration in India under 2 different rural institutions--family farm and wage labor systems. An analytical framework for explaining family migration decisions reveals that whenever a member of the extended family migrates, he gives up his share in the produce of the family farm. When this happens, the number of adult members on the farm goes down and the total product is affected. 3 case studies of Indian villages are analyzed for this study. 2 empirical relations are examined: 1) if individual migration decisions are predominant, and 2) if family decisions are important in determining the overall flow of migration. Relationships between migration decisions and other variables, such as: 1) number of males in urban areas; 2) urban wages; 3) daily wage rate; 4) average agricultural income; 5) railway distance between rural and urban areas; 6) size of the labor market in destination region; 7) probability that a migrant arriving in an urban area will find a job; and 8) comsumption expenditure, in urban areas estimated by working class consumer price index, are determined. Results show that: 1) the market determined wage variable does not play a very significant role in migration decisions; 2) distance is one of the most important variables in analyzing migration; and 3) the aggregate flow of migration is affected if migration decisions are predominantly family decisions. These findings have relevant policy implications for less developed countries (LDCs), especially because large flows of rural-urban migration in recent years have forced governments to adopt policies for controlling the flows to reduce the burden of unemployment in the urban areas. Government policies affecting rural institutions will have an impact on migration flow; those that lead to a reduction of uncertainty in agriculture will affect average per-capita consumption levels in family farms and hence influence the flow of migration.  相似文献   

Do people “vote with their feet” in response to a lack of political competition? Since political competition is associated with higher growth and welfare, with the free movement of labour, we argue that it should also encourage inward migration. We test this hypothesis by using data from the US and find a strong positive relation between political competition and net migration. This result is robust to alternative specifications, alternative samples and addressing endogeneity using the Voting Rights Act to instrument for political competition. The effect is economically large, specifically, we find that an increase in political competition in the order of magnitude observed in US Southern states during the post-war period leads to an increase in net migration by between 27 and 44 individuals per 1000 population.  相似文献   

Trade facilitates growth in some regions of a country while shrinking others, and therefore to benefit from trade, labour may need to be able to migrate. This mobility is particularly crucial in a developing country with high income inequality like Mexico. We seek to answer the following questions: What characteristics facilitate or hinder that internal migration? Has trade liberalization changed the pattern of internal migration in Mexico? We first predict regional economic growth resulting from changes in Mexico-US tariffs by sector. We find that trade liberalization appears to have largely benefited the manufacturing sector. Next, using a spatial gravity model of migration, we find that while economic growth from trade openness drew workers to urban regions in the northern Border States of Mexico, much of the trade-driven migration occurred before NAFTA. Second, contrary to popular belief, migration from largely rural states appears to have decreased since NAFTA. We also find evidence that migration to the United States increased after NAFTA. Last, we find that income disparity in both the destination and origin region deters migration and that this effect increases after NAFTA. Thus, we see evidence that within-region income disparity can hinder migration, potentially exacerbating income disparity among regions.  相似文献   

We provide theory for calculating bounds on both the value of an individual?s human capital and the return on an individual?s human capital, given knowledge of the process governing earnings and financial asset returns. We calculate bounds using U.S. data on male earnings and financial asset returns. The large idiosyncratic component of earnings risk implies that bounds on values and returns are quite loose. However, when aggregate shocks are the only source of earnings risk, both bounds are tight.  相似文献   

By reexamining the effect of unemployment benefits on reemployment probabilities we make two contributions to the literature: first, we estimate separate effects for reemployment in the local or a distant region. Second, we address the problem of incomplete duration within a competing risks model. Our results confirm that missing data problems at first preclude any meaningful result even though we have access to daily individual data on 50 % of the male workforce in Germany. When we impose additional assumptions, we obtain evidence that the treatment effect depends on the household context, the treatment intensity and the destination state.  相似文献   

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