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This paper measures the degree of technical efficiency of Greek farms at discrete points in time. Stochastic frontier production functions are estimated from four annual Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) surveys of the 1992–1995 period. From the results, a measure of technical efficiency is calculated for each farm for each year. The four distributions of technical efficiency values are examined and compared. All four samples show a wide range of farm-specific technical efficiency but efficiency is improving over the period. The paper also presents frontier estimates for small and large farms classified according to economic size. In that case, technical efficiency measures are calculated and their distributions are examined and compared. The results show that large farms are more efficient than small farms. However, efficiency is improving in both size farms over the period. In general, the results of this study indicate that there is substantial scope for improving technical efficiency of Greek farms.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse labour productivity convergence in the OECD countries over the period 1975-90. A nonparametric frontier approach is used to calculate the Malmquist productivity index. By breaking it down, the contribution in the growth of labour productivity of technical progress, of changes in efficiency, and of the accumulation of inputs per worker are quantified. Unlike other studies, the results obtained show that technical change has worked against labour productivity convergence, since it has always been greater in the countries with higher labour productivity.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of human capital in the productivity gains of the OECD countries in the period 1965-90, breaking down the productivity gains into technical change and gains in efficiency. For this purpose we use both a stochastic frontier approach and a non-parametric approach (DEA) and calculate Malmquist indices of productivity. The results obtained indicate the existence of both a level effect (a higher level of human capital raises labour productivity) and a rate effect (a higher level of human capital affects positively the rate of technical change) associated with human capital. The differences among countries in endowments of human capital have worked against labour productivity convergence, since the richer countries, thanks to their greater endowment of human capital, have experienced higher rates of technical change.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic endogenous growth model involving a non-renewable resource, in which innovation arrivals are governed by a non-stationary Poisson process. Using a CRRA analytical example, we characterize the optimal trajectories of the model and analyze the effects of uncertainty in the sense of Rothschild and Stiglitz by computing a mean-preserving spread. We show that increased variability in the innovation process always implies a smaller optimal R&D effort, since this leads to a reduced marginal rate of return. Effects on the other variables of the model may also be unambiguously identified depending upon the relative risk aversion of agents, the social discount rate and the marginal arrival rate of innovations. Finally, we investigate the conditions under which, on average, the economy reaches a sustainable growth path.  相似文献   

One of the more important and frequently researched topics in banking is the production process. Previous studies of bank production, however, have employed a methodology which is not appropriate for regulated firms. We generate cost estimates for large commercial banks utilizing a generalized cost model which subsumes the commonly used model as a special case. Our findings suggest that the traditional methodology is inappropriate for the sample banks and generates biased estimates of cost parameters, scale effects, and the influence of technological change. The new methodology allows us to measure directly the effect of regulation on bank costs. The effect found is small, but significant.  相似文献   

The measurement of technical efficiency requires the estimation of an appropriate production frontier. This is based on a set of inputs that are assumed to influence the level of output. Deviations from this frontier production function are separated into random variation and inefficiency. However, mis-specification of the production function through the use of inappropriate input measures may result in a bias in the measures of inefficiency. In fisheries, production is generally assumed to be a function of stock size, fishing time and the level of physical inputs employed. Defining the appropriate levels of physical inputs, however, is not straightforward, and several alternative measures are available. While economic measures of capital are more intuitively appealing, physical measures are generally readily available and hence less costly to collect. In this study, technical efficiency is measured for three fleet segments operating in the North Sea using three different gear types. The effects of using different measures of capital in the production frontier on the efficiency estimates are examined.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a translog cost function to produce econometric estimates of the separate influences of technical change versus scale efficiency in contributing to multifactor productivity growth within the US manufacturing sector. The analysis generates (two-digit) industry-specific parameters that capture the effects of output versus time-related shifts in the cost function over the 1949–1991 period. Thus initial evidence concerning the relative importance of technical progress (versus ‘scale’) cannot be provided as a source of productivity gains within two-digit industries. The parametric estimates of total factor productivity growth are compared with existing Divisia measures to explore the shortcomings of the growth accounting technique. These long-run patterns hold implications for the productivity convergence hypothesis traced to knowledge spillovers between industries.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the nature of technical change in the French labour market. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is adopted to investigate productivity change in a sample of higher education leavers over the period 1999 and 2004. In a first step, the Luenberger Productivity Indicator (LPI) is used to estimate and to decompose productivity change. Following LPI, a better productivity is found for the workers in Paris and the well-qualified occupations in France. In analysing the nature of the technical change by the concept of parallel neutrality, technical progress seems to have influenced all professions. In particular, biased inputs of human capital component benefit more for the well qualified professions with an upper increase of the efficiency scores for executives and teachers. Furthermore, some evidences show the key role of “learning by doing” in the worker's adaptation to technical change. Policy implications are then derived from our results.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on some vital issues involed in specifying the number of variables to be included in agriculture's production function and on the functional form that the agricultural production function should assume in the context of a computable general equilibrium model. When land and intermediate inputs (seeds and fertilizers) as well as capital and labor are included, modeling the agricultural sector can best be done in a more disaggregated format than simple Cobb-Douglas or CES specifications. After examining the transcendental logarithmic production function, the paper proposes to adopt ‘nested’ CES specifications on the basis of empirically observed elasticities of substitution.  相似文献   

Our purpose in this paper is to expand Goodwin's (1967) distributive cycle model to an open economy framework in a way that incorporates the balance-of-payments constraint on growth. We do so by allowing technical change to be endogenous to the cyclical dynamics of the system and by adopting an independent investment function. We show that a Hopf-Bifurcation analysis establishes the possibility of persistent and bounded cyclical paths both for a 3D and a 4D extension of the model. Some numerical simulations are performed based on the analytical models developed. Motivational empirical evidence is also provided for Thirlwall's law using a sample of 16 OECD countries.  相似文献   

We examine whether affiliation in a multi-hospital system contributes to higher rates of total factor productivity (TFP) growth, technological progress and cost efficiency. With a 1996 to 1999 panel of 248 US hospitals (some are private nonprofit (church-related and other nonprofit) and the remaining are public (government, nonfederal)), empirical results indicate that urban system member hospitals experienced higher rates of both TFP growth and technical progress than the rates of TFP growth and technical progress experienced by urban nonsystem hospitals. Rural system member hospitals experienced smaller rates of both TFP decline and technical regress than the rates of TFP decline and technical regress experienced by rural nonsystem hospitals.  相似文献   

A differential structural equation system including latent variables was applied for analyzing the sources of technical change in the agricultural sector of Iran, 1971–2005. The findings indicated that international knowledge spillover, human capital, and internal research and development expenditures have a significant role in technical progress in the agricultural sector of Iran. The findings showed that international knowledge spillover has been a more effective factor on the technical progress related to internal R&D. The technical progress was found out to be Hicks-neutral.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the implications of detrimental externalities for the nonconvexity of the social production set. A simple model, allowing for induced technical change, is developed to illustrate that the imposition of effluent changes can induce technological changes which serve to ameliorate these nonconvexities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the Romer [Journal of Political Economy 98 (Part 2) (1990) S271] model in two ways. First we include energy consumption of intermediates. Second, intermediates become heterogeneous due to endogenous energy-saving technical change. We show that the resulting model can still generate steady state growth, but the growth rate depends negatively on the growth of real energy prices. The reason is that real energy price rises will lower the profitability of using new intermediate goods, and hence, the profitability of doing research, and therefore have a negative impact on growth. We also show that the introduction of an energy tax that is recycled in the form of an R&D subsidy may increase growth. We conclude that in order to have energy efficiency growth and output growth under rising real energy prices, a combination of R&D and energy policy is called for.  相似文献   

This paper provides the first ex post estimates of the effects of input controls on technical efficiency in a fishery. Using individual vessel data from the northern prawn fishery of Australia for the years 1990–1996 and 1994–2000, stochastic production frontiers are estimated to analyse the efficiency impacts of input controls on engine and vessel size. The results indicate that technical efficiency is increasing in a measure of vessel size and engine capacity that was controlled by the regulator from 1985 to 2001, and decreasing in an unregulated input, gear headrope length. The study shows that fishers have substituted from regulated to unregulated inputs over the period 1990–2000 and technical efficiency has declined coincident with increasing restrictions on vessel size and engine capacity. The decline in technical efficiency indicates that the goal of the regulator to increase economic efficiency has not been realized.  相似文献   

Advocates of ‘appropriate’ technology in LDCs often argue for encouraging very labor-intensive production methods to generate more employment. The paper demonstrates that it is theoretically possible for a relatively capital-intensive new technique to increase employment and presents empirical evidence of such an occurrence. It also points out the importance to employment generation of disaggregating the production technique to allow the development of enterprises that exploit subprocess economies of scale.  相似文献   

Abstract We analyze the long‐term dynamics of an economy in which sectors are heterogeneous with respect to the intensity of natural resource use. It is shown that heterogeneity induces technical change to be biased towards resource‐intensive sectors. Along the balanced growth path, the sectoral structure of the economy is constant as the higher resource dependency in resource‐intensive sectors is compensated by enhanced research activities. Resource taxes have no impact on dynamics except when the tax rate varies over time. Research subsidies and the sectoral provision of productivity‐enhancing public goods raise growth and provide an effective tool for structural policy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of trade openness on technical efficiency of the European Union’s (EU) agricultural sector. There are no systematic theories linking trade policy to technical efficiency; hence, the relation between trade liberalization and technical efficiency is fundamentally ambiguous. Stochastic frontier analysis is used to model the relationship between EU’s production resources and agricultural output, as well as the importance of trade openness on technical efficiency of a country. The data for 16 of the 28 EU members were available for the period 1980–2007 including land, capital, fertilizer, labour, agricultural GDP, foreign direct investments (FDI), exports and import data. Results indicate that trade openness has an immediate, negative impact on efficiency in the EU agricultural sector. Over time, however, trade openness does increase efficiency. The FDI outflows increase efficiency. This suggests that an initial reduction in capital supply forces EU nations to utilize other factor inputs more efficiently. However, there is the unexamined potential that over time the depletion of capital results in a decrease in efficiency. Finally, formerly communist member-countries of the EU are found to have the lowest technical efficiency scores whereas Southern European nations have the highest efficiency.  相似文献   

The implications of successive changes in bonus rules which have taken place between 1965 and 1986 on the input choices of the Soviet enterprise are explored under the assumption that enterprises maximize their bonus funds. The results show increasing concern about labor saving during the 1970s and 1980s as compared with the capital-saving schemes introduced in the mid-1960s. The bonus schemes presented for the second half of the 1980s induce the enterprise to use factor; in efficient combinations.  相似文献   

The effect of subsidized credit on the technical efficiency of traditional farmers in Southeastern Brazil is analyzed under two alternative stochastic specifications for the production frontier. It is found that the choice of stochastic specification significantly influences inferences regarding the effect of subsidized credit on measured technical efficiency.  相似文献   

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