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An exchange economy using gold as a means of payment is considered where it is possible to borrow gold in a money market. A positive money rate of interest is encountered as the shadow price of the capacity constraint in an economy without enough gold. The meaning of enough gold and the role of the default penalty are noted in the determination of the interest rate.Revised from Enough Gold in a Society Without and With Moneylenders, CFDP No. 753. The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Aequus Institute.  相似文献   

A Baumol type model of money demand is employed to predict a discrete jump in steady-state money holdings following the introduction of foreign exchange transactions costs. Such an increase was observed following the 1979 break-up of the Irish-United Kingdom currency union.  相似文献   

Amir Kia 《Applied economics》2013,45(12):1389-1407
This study identifies Canadian fiscal and monetary policy regime changes that could influence the services of money. It is argued that if these policy regime changes were not incorporated in the estimation of demand for real balances, the resulting estimate would be biased and unstable. Using Canadian monthly data for the January 1975 to June 2001 period, the paper estimates a standard demand-for-money (M1) function with and without these policy regime changes. It was found the demand for money in Canada is stable over the short- and long-run periods when these policy regime changes are incorporated and the estimated coefficients have correct signs.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of Chow's money-demand equations using Chow's data. The equations are adjusted for autocorrelation using two autocorrelation transformations, the standard Cochrane-Orcutt transformation that deletes “initial” observations, and one that does not delete these observations. The estimates focus on the question of the asset versus the transactions specifications. The results reaffirm Chow's original conclusion which supported the asset motive and, thereby, reversed nearly all of the findings recently reported by Lieberman (1980). The paper concludes that one should be wary about using the Cochrane-Orcutt transformation, especially when the ratio of the number of deleted observations to total observations is large.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the money demand function for Malaysia in the 1971-1996 period using the multivariate cointegration and error correction model methodology. The results suggest that a stable long-run relationship exist between real M2, the interest rate differential, income and stock prices. Stock prices have a significant negative substitute effect on long-run as well as short-run broad-money demand (M2) and its omission can lead to serious misspecification in the money demand function. The analysis from the vector error correction model (VECM) and the Toda & Yamamoto (1995) causality tests find that money is endogenous and that there is at least a unidirectional relationship between stock prices and real M2. Stock prices Granger cause real M2 indirectly through income between interest rates and stock prices and stock prices and money stock. This paper comes to the conclusion that due to the endogeneity of money, M2 cannot be completely controlled by Malaysia's central bank. Therefore, in formulating future monetary policy, the response of money demand to stock prices should be considered.  相似文献   

Using monthly data for Ireland we test the hypothesis that the combined effects of currency substitution and capital mobility renders the demand for money function subject to instability over time. The empirical evidence supports the view that both “the” expected exchange rate change, giving rise to currency substitution, and the latter as a component, along with “the” foreign interest rate, of the gross yield on foreign currency-denominated assets, giving rise to capital mobility, are important determinants of the domestic demand for money. Their inclusion as arguments yields a money demand function which is more stable than if they are (incorrectly) excluded.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the money demand function is estimated using a linear regression of the logarithm of money demand on a number of variables. In this article, we aim to estimate the long-run properties of money demand specification for a number of East Asian economies and within a panel framework with the presence of structural breaks. Various country-specific coefficients are allowed to capture inter-country heterogeneities. Consistent with theoretical postulates, it is found that (a) the demand for money in the long-run positively responds to real income and inversely to the interest rate spread, inflation, the real effective exchange rate and the US real interest rate; (b) the long-run income elasticity is greater than unity; and (c) both the currency substitution and capital mobility hypotheses hold. The empirical findings in this article can provide useful policy guidelines to the East Asian countries’ central banks in their quest for price stability. If one of the primary objectives of these countries is to minimize price instability, they should avoid creating unnecessary disequilibrium in the money market, while the employment of cointegration with the presence of structural breaks clearly recommends to central banks to use the supply of money to attain price and macroeconomic stability.  相似文献   

Recent criticism of money growth targets has been based on the implications of spreading financial innovation, since the latter has been considered to undermine monetary policy effectiveness both by bringing about an increase in the interest elasticity of money demand and by producing instability of the money demand function. The empirical results presented in this paper – focusing on a single and specific case of financial innovation particularly suited to study the isssue at stake – falsify both hypotheses.  相似文献   

This paper shows that there exists a long-run equilibrium relationship between M2 and its determinants, real income and the long-term interest rate, in Korea by using Johansen and Juselius maximum likelihood cointegration method. However, M1 does not have any meaningful cointegration relationships with its determinants. The long-term interest rate is a better proxy than the short-term rate to measure the opportunity cost of holding money. Based on the results, a broad definition of money is a better measure than a narrow definition of money in considering the long-run economic impacts of changes in monetary policy in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the importance of financial innovations for the demand for currency. We use Finnish data on credit card transactions to estimate a currency demand equation which fits the data very well, implies meaningful elasticities and does not suffer from obvious diagnostic problems such as parameter instability. As far as the key elasticities are concerned, it turns out that credit card transactions have a strong offsetting effect on currency demand. By contrast, inflation and tax evasion have only an insignificant demand effect.  相似文献   

This paper uses an optimizing theoretical framework for modelling openness in the demand for money function for a small, open, developing economy; in so doing, it subsumes the ad hoc specifications of three previous studies. Its findings confirm the importance of a measure of openness in the money demand specification for Barbados. More specifically, it appears that transactions associated with the traded sector of the economy exhibit greater elasticity of money demand than those associated with the nontraded sector.  相似文献   

We try to assess the impact of exchange rate changes on the demand for money in eight Asian countries. When we followed the previous literature and the standard linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach, we found exchange rate changes had no long-run significant effects in five out of the eight countries in our sample. However, when we applied the nonlinear ARDL approach and separated appreciations from depreciations, at least one of them or both had significant effects on the demand for money in India, Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, and Singapore, supporting asymmetric effects of exchange rate changes. There was also evidence of short-run asymmetric effects.  相似文献   

Economic growth over the past two decades has failed to reduce income inequality. We contend that major reasons for this are the slowdown and bias in technological change (productivity growth). Given the complexity of the many interactions that take place, this phenomenon is best addressed in a general equilibrium context. For this purpose, we have developed a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model with advanced features relating to income distribution. We perform a series of simulations based on recent overall productivity changes, but under various forms of technological change bias, factor mobility, and government budgetary balance. We find the labour-augmenting technological change cases to be most consistent with recent experience.  相似文献   

Jyh-Lin Wu  Yu-Hau Hu 《Applied economics》2013,45(13):1635-1645
We modify the conventional money demand function by including a real exchange rate variable to reflect the effect of currency substitution. Empirical evidence indicates that the variable is crucial to the long-run stability of Taiwan's money demand. After finding the failure of a linear error-correction model (ECM) in describing the dynamics of Taiwan's money demand, we apply a nonlinear ECM to examine its dynamics and support the appropriateness of the nonlinear model empirically.  相似文献   

Matti Virén 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1591-1596
This note presents some Finnish evidence on the importance of currency substitution and financial innovations for money demand. It is also shown that conventional demend for money specifications which do not take these factors into account are clearly misspecified and produced unreasonable results. The problem is particularly acute for narrow concepts of money.  相似文献   

In this paper, the demand for real money M1, M2, and M3 is estimated for Austria over the time period 1965–96. The modelling takes place within the framework of a small vector autoregression. To estimate the demand for money, two-equation error-correction models are constructed, which contain the short-run dynamics and the long-run economic equilibrium. It is found that a stable money demand exists for all monetary aggregates. The long-run equilibrium of M1, after accounting for a structural break in 1979, can be characterised as a classical type of money demand, with no interest rate effects and an elasticity of one for real GDP. In the case of M2 and M3, we find a unit coefficient on income and a significantly negative influence of a long-term interest rate. The statistical properties of the estimated short-run money demand equations – considering in-sample and out-of-sample tests – are generally very good. First version received: October 1996/Final version received: April 2000  相似文献   

Empirical results often seem to contradict the prediction of economies of scale in money holdings of the Baumol-Tobin model. The difference between theory and results might, however, be caused by an under-estimation of transactions by the usual proxy GNP. An illustration is given by estimates of Swedish demand for money equations involving an alternative proxy.  相似文献   

The performance of alternative scale variables is explored in a simple demand function for narrow money. Sequential test establish consumers' expenditure as the preferred measure. The implications for fiscal policy and the paradox of thrift are outlined.  相似文献   

M. Kabir  I. Mangla 《Applied economics》2013,45(9):1263-1273
A money demand function for the Candian economy has been estimated to explore if recent financial innovations have caused any significant change in the structural relationship between the demand for money and its determinants. Two sets of estimation results have been analysed: the first set is obtained by estimating a standard money demand function for several overlapping sample periods and the other set is obtained by estimating a modified version which included a dummy or a ratchet variable to capture the effects of innovations. The estimated equations have been used to generate ex-post simulations and forecasts. The results suggest that innovations have displaced the money demand function in the early 1980s. It also appears that the incorporation of approriate innovation variables improves the predictive performance of the money demand function.  相似文献   

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