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Income mobility of individuals in China and the United States   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although much has been written about annual income inequality in China, little research has been conducted on longer‐run measures of income inequality and on income mobility. This paper compares income mobility of urban individuals in China and the United States in the 1990s. The following questions are taken up: To what extent are measures of annual income inequality misleading indicators of long‐run income inequality? How much income mobility was there in China in the first half of the 1990s and how did this compare with mobility in other countries? Have real income increases been greater for the poor or the rich? How important is the variation in permanent incomes in China and how has this changed?  相似文献   

The last 30 years have witnessed a dramatic change in the distribution of income, with the wage share falling in all major industrialized countries. Main-stream analyses, including New Keynesian ones, which retain the notion of factor substitution leading to a “factor intensity” inversely related to its rate of return, have encountered some difficulties in the interpretation of this change. Nonmainstream approaches present an advantage in the explanation of the phenomenon, consisting in the fact that they entail no a priori connections between the changes in distribution and the changes factor proportions. Hence if a change in institutions or in the bargaining strength of the parties affects distribution, income shares may vary significantly (i.e., changes in wages need not be accompanied by changes in labor to output ratio in the opposite direction as in mainstream analyses). Yet empirical observation may question also some of the analyses that have been advanced outside the mainstream. The article will explore the ways in which nonmainstream approaches have interpreted the described changes in distribution, and assess them from an analytical viewpoint and with reference to U.S. data. The purpose is that of pointing at some open questions and problems.  相似文献   

虽然各国国情和科技发展水平存在着种种差异,推动创新的发展模式也不尽相同,但是,美国在促进自主创新方面积累了大量的经验和实践,并取得了一系列良好成效,值得我们学习借鉴。美国自主创新的特点和基本经验,主要体现在:突出科技的战略地位,私营部门是自主创新的主体,不断加强产学研等创新行为主体间的联系与合作,政府在促进自主创新过程中发挥重要作用,注重创新环境的构建等。美国的繁荣永远不会依靠低工资或低价格,而是依靠开发新产品和生成新行业,在科学发展和技术创新中充当世界引擎。  相似文献   

The empirical evidence presented in this study indicates that political contributions and corruption are complements, rather than substitutes. Based on panel data for seven election cycles, regression results show that in the United States, political contributions and federal corruption convictions are positively correlated. Accordingly, we propose an alternative explanation for the relationship between political contributions and corruption: two components of a comprehensive strategy for rent-seeking. As long-term investments, political contributions influence legislators to change the rules of the game; as short-term investments, corruption influences public officials to sidestep the existing rules, in order to maximize the rent collected.  相似文献   

苏哈托时期的印尼与美国关系是影响东亚地区重要的双边关系。回顾两国关系发展的历程,其关系紧密却并不平稳。从国家利益的角度考察,以生死攸关利益和两国的价值观念为主要依据分析两国关系的发展,以及美国在对印尼关系中重点考虑的利益的变化,认为决定两国关系最根本的因素是国家利益,它贯穿两国关系发展的始终。  相似文献   

美国贸易壁垒浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为世界经济与贸易大国,美国在倡导贸易投资自由化、相对开放本国市场的同时,实施一整套严格的旨在保护本国企业利益的进口管理体制和相关贸易投资措施,涉及关税、非关税措施、技术性贸易壁垒、服务贸易、知识产权等诸多领域。对美国贸易壁垒的研究有助于我辩证地把握全球化趋势,应对加入世界贸易组织的挑战,扩大机遇。  相似文献   

Dennis C. Mueller 《Empirica》1996,23(3):229-253
This paper reviews the history of US antimerger policy. This history is divided into three periods: a period in which there was almost no effective antimerger policy at all from 1890 up to 1959, a period of vigorous antimerger policy from 1950 up through 1973, and a period of lax enforcement from 1974 to the present. The paper accounts for these shifts in antimerger policy and discusses their effects. After reviewing the logic and consequences of US antimerger policy, a critique of its permises is offered, particularly as these premises apply to the recent era of lax enforcement. The paper closes with suggestions for an alternative approach to antimerger policy that is consistent with the empirical evidence on why mergers occur and their effects.  相似文献   

This research creates a unique internet-based measure of awareness about state-level whistleblower laws and provisions to examine their effects on observed corruption in the United States. Are whistleblower laws complementary or substitutes for other, more direct, corruption control measures? Placing the analysis within the corruption literature, the findings show that greater whistleblower awareness results in more observed corruption and this finding holds across specifications. Internet awareness about whistleblower laws seems relatively more effective at exposing corruption than the quantity and quality of state whistleblower laws themselves.  相似文献   

敦蕾 《经济与管理》2007,21(9):35-37
从20世纪90年代开始,物流受到中国政府的高度重视,尤其是进入21世纪以来,中国政府出台了一系列的政策法规来促进中国物流的发展,对物流产业起到了积极的推动作用。但是,学习和借鉴美国政府在物流发展中的经验可使我们取长补短,实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

美国不同时期的经济竞争理论及观点存在分歧。其先后颁布施行的《谢尔曼法》、《克莱顿法》及《美国联邦贸易委员会法》确立了反垄断分析的基本标准、方法和程序,并先后通过判例,明确了"本身违法原则"、"合理原则",成立了联邦贸易委员会;同时,对于"相关产品市场"及"同一地理市场"的界定确定了标准和方法。至此,从方法论角度美国建立了其反垄断分析的基本框架。  相似文献   

美国在世界经济中的霸主地位,很大程度上取决于其科技创新实力。美国创新实力强,整体竞争力表现突出;基础研究能力强,科技论文产出世界领先;企业创新能力强,技术创新成果大量涌现。美国政府非常重视创新,不断出台新政策促进创新,提高对创新基础要素的投资,支持创新的商业环境,并且,产学官结合紧密。美国政府是科技创新的重要推手,美国国家创新体系有着独特的优势,而且这种优势有望继续为美国经济增长提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

论美国次贷危机的传导机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年7月,美国次级按揭贷款(以下简称次贷)引发了全球金融动荡,股市和汇市波动明显,主要金融市场呈现流动性不足。为维护金融稳定,各国中央银行纷纷出手救市。机构投资者和金融机构损失巨大,金融市场余波未定,实体经济衰退风险增大。尽管如此,投资者目前并不清楚还有多少损失没有暴露。有关次贷危机的许多问题值得我们深入思考。  相似文献   

10余年来,美国政府十分重视对纳米传感器技术的研发支持,与之相关的发展计划分布于美国《国家纳米技术计划》的各个层面,众多国家机构结合各自研究领域积极开展纳米传感器技术的研究与开发,其研究遍及国防军事、航空航天、生物医药以及电子通讯等领域,尤以涉及国家安全和人类生命健康的领域为重点。通过分析美国相关机构各年度纳米传感器技术发展计划,不难了解:近期,美国政府提出要加强机构间的合作与交流,既要加快下一代纳米传感器技术的研究与开发,同时也为开展纳米传感器技术在健康、安全与环境方面的研究提供支撑。  相似文献   

This paper explores the rebalancing of prices for voice service in the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) from conceptual and empirical perspectives. We determine the overall cost and structure of a standardized basket of residential and business services. Our data indicate that during the 1994–2000 period the degree of rate rebalancing was significantly higher in the EU than in the US. While the developments at the level of EU Member States are more heterogeneous and the process of rate rebalancing is not completed, these findings correspond to the predictions derived from our comparative institutional analysis.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of the United States Visa Waiver Program on inbound travel. We employ Difference-in-Difference estimation using panel data on US inbound travel. We conclude, ceteris paribus, that admitting a country to the programme increases inbound travel from the origin country to the US by between 29% and 44% depending on the specification.  相似文献   

十余年来,美国政府对纳米技术的投入累计已超120亿美元,如果加上2011年近18亿美元的预算和2012年的21.8亿美元的申请预算,总额则达到1604L美元。2011年2月,奥巴马总统在《创新战略》中将纳米技术列为国家优先发展的战略领域,对纳米技术寄予厚望;NNI2011战略规划和“Nano2报告”为纳米技术的未来发展指明了方向。  相似文献   

成人教育是我国教育事业的重要组成部分,是当代社会经济发展和科学技术进步的必要条件。通过查阅相关资料可以看出,西方发达国家的成人教育及其管理确实有着过人之处,他们积累了很多优秀的治学经验。通过学习他们的先进方法和理念,对我国的成人教育发展也起到了很好的促进作用。就中国国情而言,政府及教育行政部门的重视、关心、决策、管理、协调、监督及各种政策措施,将对推进成人高等教育起到重要作用。  相似文献   

随着经济和资本市场的全球化,各国股市之间的相互影响变得越来越大。为了研究中美股市自金融危机爆发后价格收益波动的关联性,可以选取上证综指和标准普尔500作为研究样本,绘出中美股市的走势图,研究两者的联动性,运用协整检验对上证综指和标准普尔500进行实证检验和分析。结果表明,中美股市价格收益波动存在一定程度的关联性。  相似文献   

美国构建餐厨垃圾等级化处理体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国已经初步构建起等级化的餐厨垃圾处理体系,按照优先顺序分为源头减量、食物捐赠、喂食动物、工业应用、堆肥、焚烧或填埋6个等级。经分析得出,该体系具有重减量和循环利用、轻分类和填埋、法律法规保驾护航、科技研发助力、社会参与渠道完善等4个特点。由此可见,完善的基础框架建设,对做好餐厨垃圾减量和循环利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of the first systematic, geographically-specific efficiency assessment of the U.S. experience with national environmental standards and with alternative approaches to establishing those standards. This ex-post evaluation assessed the net benefits that resulted from EPA's regulation of conventional air and water pollutants from the pulp and paper industry between 1973 and 1984. The paper compares the benefit-cost efficiencies of the three dominant regulatory approaches: technology, ambient, and benefits. Unlike previous studies, which assessed benefits and costs on a national basis, the study estimates both costs and benefits on a facility-by-facility basis. The analysis shows how the efficiency of national environmental regulations can vary dramatically at local levels. The authors conclude that the technology-based standards for water pollution management failed as an efficient environmental strategy. The costs clearly exceeded the benefits in the aggregate, as well as in the specific in most situations. Benefits exceeded costs at only 11 of the 68 mills investigated. The ambient based standards for air pollution management succeeded as an environmental strategy in the aggregate, but succeeded in the specific for only one-third of the mills (22 of 60 mills). The benefits-based standards for air pollution management also succeeded in the aggregate as well as in the specific for about one-half of the mills. Benefits exceeded costs at 29 of the 60 mills investigated. The results of the study point to two major conclusions. First, a regulatory policy that is based on some measure of environmental results, either ambient-based or benefits-based, will be more efficient than a policy that ignores environmental results. Second, truly efficient policies for reducing environmental risks require pollution mitigation decisions that take into account local conditions. These include not only the changes in local ambient conditions, but also the number of people who will benefit from pollution reduction decisions. This latter conclusion suggests that national environmental standards per se may be inefficient.Dr. Luken is currently Senior Environmental Advisor to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Vienna, Austria. He is on leave from the U.S. EPA where he was Chief of the Economic Analysis and Research Branch of the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation (OPPE). Mr. Clark is President of Environmental Economics Associates of Traverse City, Michigan. He was formerly Chief of EPA's Cost and Economic Impact Analysis Branch in OPPE. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  相似文献   

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