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Zusammenfassung Anhand österreichischer Quartalsdaten wurde untersucht, ob zwischen Preisen, Reallöhnen, Importpreisen und anderen Variablen kointegrierende Beziehungen bestehen. Da für die untersuchten Zeitreihen mehrere Kointegrationsvektoren gefunden wurden, ergab sich ein Interpretationsproblem. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Kointegrationsraum auf eine Weise transformiert, die es ermöglichte, die Kointegrationsvektoren als Long-run-Multiplikatoren zu interpretieren und daher die langfristigen Auswirkungen einer Importpreiserhöhung auf das heimische Lohn- und Preisniveau zu untersuchen. (Der Anhang beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, unter welchen Voraussetzungen solch eine kausale Interpretation möglich ist.) Die geschätzten Effekte erwiesen sich als numerisch sehr bedeutend — sie liegen etwas höher als in anderen vergleichbaren empirischen Studien — und gegenüber einer Änderung der Auswahl der Variablen als sehr robust.

I wish to thank H. Abele, E. Dockner, H. Klausinger, K. Neusser and three anonymous referees for many helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a system-wide model for the analysis of the effects of inflation on relative prices. This enables the identification of those commodities whose relative prices are distorted by inflation. The model provides measures of the natural rate of relative price variability, which is associated with zero inflation, and the inflation rate which minimizes relative price variability. An illustrative application with Australian data is provided.  相似文献   

Thomas A 《Applied economics》1993,25(9):1,261-1,268
The factors affecting choice of destination of U.K. internal migrants are analyzed using Labour Force Survey data. "A logit analysis of destination choice indicates that job movers are attracted to areas with high wages but are not affected by high house prices in such areas. In contrast, active non-job movers are deterred from areas of high house prices. Regional house price differences do not influence the destination choice of homemakers or the terminally sick but they do influence the destination choice of retirees. All groups prefer to travel the least distance when moving."  相似文献   

The analysis in this paper explains a new link between fertility and female wages that occurs through the effect of house prices. It is well known that higher female wages have an ambiguous effect on fertility: the positive income effect is offset by a negative substitution effect due to the higher opportunity cost of the maternal time required for child-rearing. Here it is shown that housing costs add a new dimension to this relationship. If the housing needs of children are a sufficiently important cost of child-rearing, then other costs of child rearing such as the opportunity cost of maternal time are rendered relatively less important. Hence the negative substitution effect of higher female wages on fertility is weaker, implying that higher female wages are more likely to boost fertility. This effect is stronger when the housing supply elasticity is high since house prices, and hence the costs of children, are kept in check. The analysis here helps to reconcile empirical observations about fertility, female wages and house prices in a number of countries. For governments concerned about low fertility, policies to increase housing supply elasticity in order to keep house prices in check would be helpful.  相似文献   

A stylised model is provided to show how the direct effect of corporate income tax on wages can be identified in a bargaining framework using cross-company variation in tax liabilities, conditional on value added per employee. Using data on 55,082 companies located in nine European countries over the period 1996–2003, we estimate the long run elasticity of the wage bill with respect to taxation to be ?0.093. Evaluated at the mean, this implies that an exogenous rise of $1 in tax would reduce the wage bill by 49 cents. Only a weak evidence of a difference for multinational companies is found.  相似文献   

The variability of relative prices is decomposed into a component due to real effects (technical change, real income growth and so on) and a component due to inflation. Using quarterly Australian data, inflation is shown to account for 24 percent of the total relative price variability.  相似文献   

This article investigates the causal impact of oil prices on stock prices in each G7 market as well as in the world market. An asymmetric causality test developed by Hatemi-J is used for this purpose. Since the underlying data appears to be non-normal with time-varying volatility, we use bootstrap simulations with leverage adjustments in order to produce more reliable critical values than the asymptotic ones. Based on symmetric causality tests, we find no causal effect of oil prices on the stock prices of the world market or any of the G7 countries. However, when we apply an asymmetric causality test, we find that increasing oil prices cause stock prices to rise in the world, the U.S. and Japan while decreasing oil prices cause stock prices to fall in Germany. This may imply that the world, the U.S. and Japanese stock markets consider increases in oil prices as an indicator of good news as this may mean that there is an increase in oil demand due to an expected growth in the economy while the German stock market treats decreasing oil prices as a signal of an expected contraction in the economy.  相似文献   

Human capital aggregation and relative wages across countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the growth accounting literature relies on an aggregate production function to determine the contribution of factors of production relative to that of total factor productivity (TFP) in explaining differences in incomes across countries. I show that the importance of TFP in accounting for cross-country income differences depends crucially on how skilled and unskilled labor are aggregated. Further, cross-country evidence on the relationship between relative wages and relative endowments of skilled and unskilled labor suggests that the two types of labor should not be aggregated into a single factor of production. Growth accounting decomposition using a commonly used nested-CES aggregate production function that allows skilled and unskilled labor to be used as separate factors of production results in a significantly greater role for TFP in accounting for income differences across countries than that found by past studies. The finding that different aggregate production functions lead to significantly different conclusions about the role of TFP in accounting for cross-country income differences calls for a more general approach to understanding such differences.  相似文献   

We determine the optimal degree of price inflation volatility when nominal wages are sticky and the government uses state-contingent inflation to finance government spending. We address this question in a well-understood Ramsey model of fiscal and monetary policy, in which the benevolent planner has access to labor income taxes, nominally risk-free debt, and money creation. Our main result is that sticky wages alone make price stability optimal in the face of shocks to the government budget, to a degree quantitatively similar as sticky prices alone. Key for our results is an equilibrium restriction between nominal price inflation and nominal wage inflation that holds trivially in a Ramsey model featuring only sticky prices. Our results thus show that when nominal wages are sticky, setting real wages as close as possible to their efficient path is a more important goal of optimal monetary policy than is financing innovations in the government budget via state-contingent inflation. A second important result is that the nominal interest rate can be used to indirectly tax the rents of monopolistic labor suppliers. Taken together, our results uncover features of Ramsey fiscal and monetary policy in the presence of a type of labor market imperfection that is widely-believed to be important.  相似文献   

James Yetman   《Economics Letters》2003,80(3):421-427
Elsewhere, papers comparing fixed prices with predetermined prices have assumed that the frequency of re-setting price contracts is equal in either case. This note demonstrates that in equilibrium, the frequency of re-setting price contracts is greater with fixed prices than predetermined prices.  相似文献   

Price effects of an output tax in sector 1 and an equivalent production subsidy in the second industry are analyzed in a general equilibrium model. Each commodity satisfies final demand and uses two primary inputs and the other good as an intermediate product. Production coefficients are variable and demand is elastic. In a Leontief model with fixed coefficients, Metzler showed that price of the taxed good will rise and price of the subsidized good will fall. This result generally holds under less restrictive conditions also although it is sometimes reversed. How the topic relates to the tax-incidence literature is also discussed.  相似文献   

Using multivariate unit root test methods, this paper investigates the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis at the sectoral level across six European countries over the last 17 years. Evidence of mean reversion towards PPP is found for the relative prices of some sectors and countries. Mean reversion in relative prices is explained by cross-country and cross-sectoral characteristics such as the distance between countries, nominal exchange rate volatility, differences in GDP per capita, non-tariff barriers, research and development, advertising, industrial concentration and tradeability of the products.  相似文献   

This article investigates the dynamics of aggregate wages and prices in the United States (US) and the Euro Area (EA) with a special focus on persistence of real wages, wage and price inflation. The analysis is conducted within a structural vector error-correction model, where the structural shocks are identified using the long-run properties of the theoretical model, as well as the cointegrating properties of the estimated system. Overall, in the long run, wage and price inflation emerge as more persistent in the EA than in the US in the face of import price, unemployment, or permanent technology shocks. This finding is robust to the changes in the sample period and in the models’ specifications entertained in the article.  相似文献   

This study investigates the diffusion of two early Information technologies across 1348 institutions of higher education: (1) the adoption of Because It's Time Network (BITNET), a precursor to the Internet as we know it today and (2) the adoption of the Domain Name System (DNS) with its registration of domain names, an essential feature of the modern Internet. We find that the time paths of adoption for both generally exhibit the typical S shape found for other innovations. We identify factors likely responsible for the patterns observed and in the process extend the scope of the diffusion literature by incorporating insights from the optimization behaviour of nonprofits. Using a proportional hazards framework, we find that faster adoption occurred among institutions focused on research and doctoral education as well as among select liberal arts colleges relative to nonselect colleges. Faster adoption also occurred for larger institutions, suggesting that they benefited from economies of scale. Adoption was slower for institutions having a larger percent of female faculty members. Also, there is some evidence to suggest that public institutions were faster to innovate than private institutions, while institutions in the South tended to innovate more slowly than institutions located in other regions of the country.  相似文献   

We employ the Brock, Dechert and Scheinkman statistic to investigate non-linearity in conditional mean in UK real wages, employment and output, and to fit threshould regression models to the series. The latter porvide reasonable representations for thenon-lineraity in real wages and output but the residuals from the threshold autoregressive model for employment still contain a non-linear component. In a forecast comparison the TAR models performed better than simple autoregressions. Using the lagged share of wages as an error-correction term we find evidence that all three series respond asymmetrically to lagged changes in wage share and other variables. Fore-casts of real wages and employment derived from these models were superior to those derived from standard, symmetric, ECMs.  相似文献   

This article contains tests for the direct effects of inflation on household saving. Empirical results with cross-country data from five OECD countries indicate that both unanticipated and anticipated inflation affect the household savings ratio. This latter result, which furthermore turns out to be robust in terms of aggregation and additional variables, is clearly at variance with some previous analyses, particularly those of Deaton.  相似文献   

We use a computable general equilibrium model incorporating trade unions, efficient Nash contracts, existing distortions, and international trade to measure the deadweight loss in Canada arising from the ability of unions to raise wages above competitive levels. The model incorporates two features new to CGE analysis: parameterization of union bargaining power and variations in union preferences. Estimates indicate the deadweight loss to be no more than 0.04 per cent of GNP. However, the small aggregate effect masks considerable adjustments at the industry level, in imports and exports, and in the distribution of income. Adjustments are also larger with employment-oriented unions.
Pouvoir de négociation des syndicats, salaires relatifs et efficacité au Canada. Les auteurs utilisent un modèle d'équilibre général calculable qui prend en compte les syndicats ouvriers, des contrats efficients à la Nash, les distorsions existantes, et le commerce international pour mesurer les pertes de bien-être au Canada attribuables au fait que les syndicats engendrent des niveaux de salaires au dessus des niveaux concurrentiels. Le modèle incorpore deux éléments inédits: la paramétrisation du pouvoir de négociation des syndicats et les variations dans les préférences des syndicats. Les résultats indiquent que les pertes de bien-être ne dépassent pas 0,04 pourcent du PIB. Cependant, ce petit effet agrégé masque des ajustements substantiels au niveau de l'industrie, dans les importations et exportations, et dans la répartition des revenus. Les ajustements sont aussi plus importants quand les syndicats mettent l'accent sur l'emploi.  相似文献   

This article has formally identified distinct historical inflation regimes in Canada since 1961 in order to facilitate an investigation of the impact of regime changes on the wage-price dynamics in the economy. Both in and out-of-sample evidence suggest that wage growth exerts an influence on inflation only during a high-inflation regime but inflation exerts a more systematic and quantitatively stronger influence on wage growth regardless of the prevailing inflation regime. Overall, the results do not support either the ‘cost-push’ view of inflation or the ‘new view’ that claims that increased globalization during the 1990s has reduced the feedback from wage growth to inflation by weakening the bargaining power of workers.  相似文献   

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