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Financial deepening can improve economic growth by facilitating capital liquidity and promoting efficiency of allocating resource, which has played an important role in the development of the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta in China. As a new economic growth pole, Circum-Bohai-Sea Region should focus on internal financial deepening. In this paper, SWOT analysis is used to observe the level of financial deepening in Circum-Bohai-Sea Region, and some related policy suggestions are given in the end.  相似文献   

As a newly emerging factor, data can promote economic growth by driving technological progress, and nonbalanced growth between digital industries and nondigital industries has been notable in recent years. This paper provides a novel growth model with two sectors that differ in the degree of data deepening and the factor structure of the production function. In the model, data in one sector is the by-product of economic activities not only in its sector, but also in the other sector. More importantly, data utilization within and across sectors can spur new ideas and promote technological innovation. The model indicates that increases in the stock of data in the two sectors have opposite effects on the allocation of skilled labor between the two sectors. The skill premium (the wage of skilled labor relative to the wage of unskilled labor) decreases with an increase in the fraction of skilled labor employed in the data-extensive sector. With credible parameter values, model calibration shows that faster growth of output occurs in the more data-intensive sector and the high skill premium persists in the long run.  相似文献   

The impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening and growth in Cameroon is examined. We employ five proxies of financial deepening against deposit rate, a proxy for interest rate reforms. The impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening is sensitive to the proxy used for financial deepening. The impact is almost negative and significant for all the indicators, except for the ratio of broad money to Gross Domestic Product, where it is positive and significant in the first lag. This means that financial repression helps improve broad money and hinders the development of the other indicators of financial development in Cameroon.  相似文献   

随着中央国库现金管理业务的不断开展,地方政府也开始试水现代国库现金管理。但由于起步比较晚,地方国库现金管理仍存在国库现金收益较低、质量不高等一系列问题。为进一步提高地方国库现金管理质量,在分析地方国库现金管理现状和必要性的基础上,引入介绍西方国家用于预测国库现金最佳持有量的Miller—Orr模型,并对下一步怎样提高地方国库现金管理质量提出建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the dynamic relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania using two tests. In the first test, we examine the impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening using a financial deepening model. In the second test, we examine whether the financial deepening, which results from interest rate reforms, Granger‐causes economic growth – using a trivariate model. The empirical findings of our results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between interest rate reforms and economic growth in Tanzania. However, the results fail to find any support for finance‐led growth.  相似文献   

金融深化与经济增长:文献综述与中国实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代后西方学者对经济增长和金融深化的研究多数支持"供给主导"假说,即金融深化过程会通过提高外部融资可得性、降低外部融资成本来促进经济增长。对我国1978年~2007年间宏观层面的经济增长和金融深化数据进行Grang-er因果关系检验显示,长期内多数结果支持金融深化是经济增长的原因的假说,而短期内两者是相互影响的。  相似文献   

中国金融深化改革与西部金融相关配套制度供给不足是造成西部金融抑制的主要原因。打破区域金融的非均衡发展和消除西部金融对经济的抑制,应重点发展政策性银行,组建区域性政策融资机构,探索建立区域性、小型民营金融机构,提高直接融资比例,建立西部基金,实行区域化的金融政策,尽快构建符合西部经济发展的金融体制与组织制度。  相似文献   

谌玲 《经济研究导刊》2014,(21):110-112
中国长期以来实行轻农村,重城市的发展战略使得城乡经济发展不均衡,农村金融的发展也落后于城市金融,农村地区普遍存在着金融抑制现象,呈现需求抑制和供给抑制并存的特征,严重阻碍了中国农村经济的发展。只有改变传统的信贷供给逻辑,通过打造农村资金供给的回流机制,引入竞争机制,发展金融机构,在竞争中形成多层次的农村金融机构,进一步推进利率市场化改革的进程,完善农村金融法规、审核监管以及风险保障措施,才能提高农村金融市场的效率,加强金融对新农村建设的支持力度。  相似文献   

金融深化、资本深化及其互补性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究了金融深化、资本深化及其相互关系,提出金融深化是资本深化的被动反应,同时又通过渠道效应促进了资本深化。文章在1952~2004年的时间区间上验证了上述假说,并分析了导致这种资本深化的经济和体制因素。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether financial deregulation causes economic growth through financial development. Financial development is measured by two channels: (1) changes in the allocation of credit across sectors, and (2) changes in savings and investment rates. We measure financial deregulation in China at the provincial level from 1981 to 1998. Our results suggest that financial reform causes economic growth in China. Further, its effect largely comes through the reallocation of credit across sectors, rather than changes in savings and investment rates.  相似文献   

Dual Financial Systems and Inequalities in Economic Development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper analyzes the emergence and the evolution of a modern banking system, in a developing economy where banks coexist with informal credit institutions. Banks have a superior ability in mobilizing savings while informal lenders enjoy a superior information on borrowers. More specifically, banks cannot observe perfectly the behavior of borrowers; therefore the latter need to provide collateral assets in order to obtain bank loans. Physical collateral is not needed to borrow in the informal credit market: informal lenders can rely on social networks to obtain information on borrowers' behavior and invoke social sanctions to enforce repayment. The sustained growth path is associated with the successful development of the banking system that gathers savings on a large scale. However, informal lenders and other traditional credit institutions are necessary in the first stage of development when collateral is scarce. In this economy, the development of modern financial intermediaries is closely associated with the accumulation of collateral assets by entrepreneurs. This implies that the initial level of development as well as the initial distribution of wealth will determine the joint evolution of the real side of the economy and the financial system. Under certain conditions, two long-run steady-state equilibria exist: in the first one the economy stops growing and the banking system never successfully develops; in the second one the economy reaches a sustained growth rate and the informal sector asymptotically vanishes. The impact of the following policies is discussed: financial repression, micro-credit institutions and redistribution of assets.  相似文献   

中国农村金融深化对经济增长作用渠道的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融深化具有储蓄效应、投资效应和资源配置效应,农村金融深化可以通过这三大效应促进农村经济增长。基于中国数据的实证研究表明,农村金融深化对农村经济增长的作用渠道主要是通过农村金融发展规模的扩大来提高储蓄和投资水平,以促进农村经济增长。金融发展效率和投资效率不高,是阻碍农村经济增长的重要原因。  相似文献   

Employing the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)-Bounds testing approach, and using GDP – excluding the contributions from oil and gas, as well as the financial services sector – as the growth indicator between 1969 and 2008, the paper establishes a long-run relationship between economic growth and financial liberalisation, which is represented by an index. This index is calculated by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The paper finds that financial liberalisation policies have a positive and significant effect on economic growth in Nigeria – both in the short run and in the long run. The study, therefore, recommends that appropriate financial liberalisation policies should be pursued in Nigeria, in order to foster economic growth. However, considering the fact that financial markets are prone to market failures, the study cautions against adopting a laissez-faire approach to financial reforms.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the causal interactions between financial deepening, trade openness and economic growth in 13 Latin American and Caribbean countries. We construct a composite indicator for financial deepening and use it to detect Granger causality within a modified Vector Autoregressive/Vector Error Correction Model (VAR/VECM) framework. We find almost no evidence for the popular hypothesis of finance-led growth. Evidence of bidirectional finance–growth causality is stronger but mostly instable in the long run. Most results indicate a demand following or insignificant causal relationship between finance and growth. There is also no evidence that finance indirectly induces growth via the channel of trade openness. Hence, policies that prioritize financial and trade sector development cannot be supported.  相似文献   

The paper empirically examines the dynamic relationship between financial development and economic growth in Australia in terms of bank-based and market-based financial structure. A time-series approach using the VAR Model is used to provide evidence for the dynamic relationship. The paper provides empirical evidence on the causal impact of the financial market on the economic growth of the Australian economy. The results suggest that financial intermediaries and financial markets have different impacts on economic growth given their diverse roles in the domestic economy. In particular there is evidence of causality from economic growth to the development of the financial intermediaries. On the other hand, development in the financial markets causes economic growth but there is no evidence of any causality from economic growth to financial markets. The sensitivity test using different interest rates does not change the results.I Jel classification: O16, G18, G28I We would like to thank Tilak Abeysinghe and Rajagurn Gunasekaran for their helpful comments on the first draft. Also, we would like to thank the Editor, Prof. Baldev Raj, and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.First version received: October 2001/Final version received: October 2002  相似文献   

经济增长、金融深化与全球经济失衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章建立了一个囊括经济增长、金融市场和资本流动等诸多因素的全球均衡模型,并采用ECM模型实证检验了这些因素对全球经济失衡的影响.研究发现,由于亚洲新兴国家和美国之间存在经济增长率的差异和非对称的金融市场,导致全球经济失衡.解决全球性经济失衡的根本出路在于改变现有的资产组合的供求关系,降低亚洲新兴国家对美元储备资产的需求,而美元贬值则并不能纠正全球经济失衡.  相似文献   

我国金融发展与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
金融发展与经济增长的模型显示,金融发展对我国的经济增长具有积极的推动作用,但力度有限;不同发展阶段的金融变量对经济增长表现出不同的作用效果。我国的金融发展滞后于经济增长,加快金融深化和金融体制改革有助于推动经济增长。  相似文献   

Takaaki Aoki 《Applied economics》2013,45(20):2985-2993
This article empirically investigates the effect of international trade on the deviation of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) law and on the international economic deepening in four developed countries (Japan, USA, UK and France), and three Asian developing ones (South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia), using International Financial Statistics (IFS) data issued by International Monetary Fund (IMF). Our results show that in some developed countries the imbalance effect of balance of payments is significant for both international deepening and deviation from PPP, and in some developing countries the volume effect of balance of payments is significant for international deepening.  相似文献   

We use an iterative finite difference method to establish theoretical models that reflect the relationships among climate threshold, financial hoarding and economic growth. We build a simultaneous equations model to conduct an empirical analysis based on China’s statistical data from 1979 to 2012. Our study yields the following results: China’s climate threshold has shown a zigzag-shaped rising trend since 1979; the main reasons for the rapid expansion of financial hoarding were high savings rate, savings leakage, higher marginal efficiency of financial hoarding compared to capital efficiency or higher internal creativity of the financial sector; there were positive cumulative effects between financial hoarding and economic growth, which were significantly inhibited by climate threshold; the climate threshold had discrepant influences on different industries. To achieve a balanced economy, more money should be invested in the real sector to appropriately reduce the rate of savings leakage; the financial sector should move from scale expansion to service efficiency improvements to increase its marginal contribution to the economy and to enhance capital efficiency; the real sector should improve technological innovation and speed up the adaptive adjustment in climate-sensitive industries to move from economic growth to advanced development.  相似文献   

金融发展理论:一个文献综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在麦金农和萧之后 ,2 0世纪 80年代末 ,现代金融发展理论在利用现代金融理论和内生经济增长理论重构自己的理论基础之后 ,已经成为一个包括发展中国家和发达国家金融发展问题的一般理论。本文依照金融发展理论的发展脉络系统评述了这一领域的主要文献 ,介绍了最新研究进展。  相似文献   

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