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WTO Exceptions as Insurance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper formalizes the notion that GATT exceptions such as antidumping and escape clause actions can act as insurance for import competing sectors affected by adverse price shocks. The authors use a general‐equilibrium model with several import competing sectors and assume incomplete markets so that agents cannot contract insurance. It is shown that sector‐specific contingent protection measures are superior to uniform contingent tariffs as an insurance mechanism. A tax‐cum‐subsidy policy (i.e., taxing all sectors in order to subsidize the shocked sector) also improves welfare and is superior to contingent protection.  相似文献   

A general equilibrium trade model is constructed to study the issue of income redistribution between the state sector and the private sector induced by a tariff reduction in the transforming Chinese economy. The analysis is conducted in the presence of price control, tariff protection, and the coexistence of state and private sectors. It is shown that the way in which income levels of the two sectors are affected by the tariff reduction depends on (i) the way in which the price of nontradables is affected, (ii) the degree of privatization, and (iii) the extent of price control.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that the size of the informal sector in the developing countries has increased considerably during the liberalized economic regime. The present paper purports to analyze the consequences of economic reforms on the wellbeing of the informal sector workforce using a three-sector general equilibrium model with two informal sectors. The theoretical analysis finds that different liberalized policies produce diverse effects on the informal wage and that these results are independent of the nature of capital mobility between the informal and the formal sectors. It also shows that labour market reforms, contrary to the common wisdom, are likely to produce favourable effects on the informal wage.  相似文献   


Many developing countries are establishing a new export sector by accepting foreign direct investment. Developing a three-sectors three-factors general equilibrium model with tariff, this paper considers the condition under which the acceptance of direct investment is desirable for the developing countries. We show that the factor intensity rankings among the sectors play a key role on the welfare effects and that direct investment increases the output of both the new export and the traditional export sector and promotes the export-led growth in developing countries.  相似文献   

We study the dynamic general equilibrium effects of introducing a social pension program to elderly informal sector workers in developing countries who lack formal risk sharing mechanisms against income and longevity risks. To this end, we formulate a stochastic dynamic general equilibrium model that incorporates defining features of developing countries: a large informal sector, private transfers as an informal safety net, and a non-universal social security system. We find that the extension of retirement benefits to informal sector workers results in efficiency losses due to adverse effects on capital accumulation and the allocation of resources across formal and informal sectors. Despite these losses recipients of social pensions experience welfare gains as the positive insurance effects attributed to the extension of a social insurance system dominate. The welfare gains crucially depend on the skill distribution, private intra-family transfers and the specific tax used to finance the expansion.  相似文献   

Green technological progress (GTP) is crucial for environmental protection and economic growth in China. Over the past decades, China made huge GTP which exerts a far-reaching consequence on economic and social development. However, a paucity of research investigates the distributional effect of GTP. Meanwhile, we incorporate agricultural producer service sector into a three-sector general equilibrium model to reflect the modernization of small-scale agriculture. The agricultural producer service sector that acts as an intermediate sector can facilitate the utilization of intermediate inputs indirectly. To desalinate this process, a two-layer vertical production structure is established: parts of manufacturing goods are utilized by the service sector, outputs of which are intermediate inputs that could substitute labor in agriculture. Theoretical analysis shows that GTP increases both wage of skilled labor and unskilled labor. Nevertheless, GTP generates a greater impact on the wage of skilled labor than unskilled labor, leading to widening income disparity. Then, we examine the impact of GTP on wage inequality using a balanced panel data covering 30 provincial units in China during 2000–2019. In line with our theoretical conjecture, we find strong supportive evidences that GTP significantly widens the wage inequality.  相似文献   

Prices of food vary greatly among the developed countries, and some countries' food prices have been consistently far above the OECD average. The main explanation for food price difference is the extent of protection of agricultural products at the farm level. A second important influence is the level of VAT on food. A third is deviations of aggregate country price levels from the levels that would be predicted from their per capita incomes, presumably because of omitted characteristics of the countries' economies, such as, possibly, inefficient or monopolistic service sectors. In addition, there are occasional episodes of high or low price levels due to temporary factors affecting exchange rates.
The degree of protection of agricultural products is treated both as an exogenous factor and as an endogenous one. In the latter case, it is explained by climatic conditions and, presumably, the political influence of the agricultural sector or a general desire to retain an agricultural sector despite poor growing conditions.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to analyse the consequence of trade liberalization in agriculture in the developed countries on the incidence of child labour in a developing economy in terms of a three‐sector general equilibrium model with informal sectors. Adult labour and child labour are substitutes for each other in the two informal sectors of the economy and are used together apart from capital in producing two exportable commodities. The interesting result that appears from the analysis is that agricultural trade liberalization in the developed countries may be effective in bringing down the incidence of child labour in the system. The paper substantiates the desirability of trade liberalization in agriculture in the developed nations from the perspective of the developing economies for reasons other than welfare improvement.  相似文献   

Using data for a large sample of manufacturing and service sectors in 14 EU countries, this paper shows that the value added and TFP growth rate differential between high and low human capital intensive industries is greater in countries with low than countries with high levels of employment protection legislation. We also find that such negative effect of EPL is slightly stronger for countries near the technology frontier, in the manufacturing sector and after the 1990s. We interpret these results suggesting that technology adoption depends on the skill level of the workforce and on the capacity of firms to adjust employment as technology changes: therefore, firing costs have a stronger impact in sectors where technical change is more skill-biased and technology adoption more important.  相似文献   

The paper develops a dynamic general‐equilibrium framework to illustrate that trade liberalization may speed up the process of globalization and industrialization by enabling a small open economy to reallocate production factors to modern export sectors where increasing returns to experience are present. The authors emphasize the role of knowledge in service activities related to the export of modern sector goods, which has the form of a public good that can be utilized in exporting of other modern sector goods. As a consequence of this knowledge accumulation, the economy begins to take off and exhibits more rapid rates of wage and output growth. The accumulation of knowledge also shifts comparative advantage in the modern sector to more service‐intensive goods, thus leading to a natural evolution of comparative advantage. These results lend theoretical support to the different development experiences in the 1960s between East Asia and Latin America.  相似文献   

Tourism generates considerable income and employment in host countries and regions, which substantially improves local economies. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector remains the most important part in regional and national economies. This paper investigates their interdependence through a general‐equilibrium analysis. On the one hand, a tourism boom is pro‐industrialization because the income generated by tourism attracts more manufacturing firms and, on the other hand, de‐industrialization for attracting labour from the manufacturing sector. We clarify conditions of trade balances in three sectors. The welfare analysis clarifies conditions for the smaller country to be better off, and conditions for the equilibrium to be optimal.  相似文献   

Many poor economies depend on open access resources for their livelihoods. Households in resource-based economies allocate their time and other factors between resource extraction and other activities. As a result, factors may shift from one sector to another as marginal returns change. This has two important implications. First, it implies potentially strong linkages between resource and non-resource sectors. Second, it means that unmanaged resources cause inefficient allocations of inputs across all sectors, and the effects of resource management spill into other sectors. We construct a local general equilibrium model that accounts for inputs that over-allocate to an open access resource and create a general equilibrium tragedy of the commons. This model describes resource rent dissipation more adequately in economies with mobile factors than a model with slowly dissipating rents. Perfectly mobile factors dissipate rent in every period, but endogenous wages cause labor and capital allocations to change with the resource stock. We use the model to illustrate medium-run impacts of a limit on capital in an artisanal fishery in Honduras. Simulation results reveal that fishery management has economy-wide impacts on prices and wages. Managers in developing countries thus should consider these linkages when implementing policies to conserve fish stocks.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic general equilibrium model and studies structural change in a small open economy with two tradable sectors, agriculture and manufacturing, and a non‐tradable sector, services. In addition to obtaining results for a falling employment share of agriculture and a rising share of services, we demonstrate analytically the hump‐shaped share of manufacturing by identifying two countervailing effects: the productivity effect and the Balassa–Samuelson effect. The first effect, arising from differential rates of productivity growth among sectors, increases the share of manufacturing; the second effect, together with low rates of substitution between products, enhances the service sector and eventually draws labour from the manufacturing sector. At the aggregate level, however, the economy maintains a constant rate of growth. We calibrate the model with data from South Korea and find that the calibration fits the country's historical path of structural change.  相似文献   

The public sector is defined here to include government plus public enterprises. Historically, economists and statisticians have been more concerned with its separate components than with the public sector as a whole, but it is suggested that the public sector may be an appropriate concept for studying several current problems of economic policy. While there is general agreement as to what constitutes government, countries have differing views about what makes an enterprise public. Differences in country definitions of public enterprises are identified as one of the main problems in making international comparisons for the public sector. Statistics are presented for up to 16 OECD countries on the share of the public sector in total final demand, value added, employment, and net lending. It is argued that there is rarely a unique answer to the question “How big is the public sector?” For most countries judicious selection of data and careful definition will lead to different conclusions about the size and growth of the public sector. Because of the lack of data, it is not possible to analyse public sectors in developing countries in the same detail as OECD countries. The evidence available suggests that while public sectors are about the same size in both OECD and developing countries, public enterprises play a more important role in the latter.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exploratory input–output analysis of the nonprofit sectors in former West Germany and the USA based on the conceptual and data structure provided by the System of National Accounts. When compared with the USA, the West German nonprofit sector catered more to government demands. A higher proportion of West German nonprofit services went to government and a smaller proportion went to households. In terms of the multiplier effect of nonprofit output, we find that an additional dollar of nonprofit services delivered to households and/or government induced indirectly an additional 83 cents of business output in the USA. By comparison, West Germany's nonprofit sector had a lower multiplier effect, with 43 Pfennig per DM1. We also find that businesses have a much larger stake in nonprofit production as intermediate suppliers when compared to their role as intermediate consumers. The economic position the nonprofit sector occupies in both countries is that of a producing sector, taking inputs from businesses and providing outputs for households and governments. This general structural characteristic suggests that the nonprofit sector is particularly sensitive to changes in government policies as well as to shifts in private household incomes, yet relatively insensitive to demand changes in other industries.  相似文献   

Agricultural producer service is an indispensable link in promoting agricultural modernization in developing countries, while agricultural pollution has become the largest source of pollution in many developing countries. Given that agricultural pollution is different from industrial pollution due to its endogenous characteristics, we linked agricultural pollution with the human capital level of labor and propose an endogenous model that reflects the agricultural pollution path, which is different from the traditional path. We studied the effects of government price subsidy, interest subsidy, and wage subsidy to agricultural producer service on agricultural pollution and other economic indicators by constructing a three-sector general equilibrium model including agricultural producer service. We found that the rise of price subsidy for the agricultural producer service and the wage subsidy of the agricultural producer service sector would increase the output of agricultural sector and reduce the output of agricultural producer service under certain conditions, but aggravate agricultural pollution; at the same time, the rise of interest subsidy of the agricultural producer service sector would decrease the output of the agricultural sector, enhance the output of agricultural producer service conditionally, and decrease agricultural pollution. Preconditions of the three subsidies to improve national welfare have been obtained.  相似文献   

Smooth and Sticky Adjustment: A Comparative Analysis of the US and UK   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper adopts the methodology of the microeconometric labor literature to analyze a common assertion from trade economists that reallocation within sectors is less costly than between sectors. Findings are compared across two countries (the UK and US) which have experienced very different recent aggregate unemployment experiences. Workers previously employed in "declining" sectors are more mobile than those employed in 'expanding' sectors in both countries, and individuals are more likely to switch sector the longer they are unemployed. A plausible explanation for this is that individuals initially attempt to find jobs that complement their general and specific skills in order to accrue the associated rewards, and move sector only as this prospect diminishes. This would seem to accord with the 'smooth adjustment hypothesis' which proposes that intraindustry adjustments are less costly than interindustry ones.  相似文献   

This paper develops a general equilibrium model that incorporates specific features pertaining to developing countries: a large informal sector and rural–urban migration. A calibrated version of the model is used to study the effects of energy tax changes and a reduction in agricultural‐sector energy subsidies on labor market outcomes. The results indicate that the incidence of energy taxes is partly shifted on to the rural sector through rural–urban migration. The results thus highlight the importance of modeling the features particular to developing countries and the economic general equilibrium effects when assessing the impact of environmental taxation in those countries.  相似文献   

K. C. Fung    Alan  Siu 《Pacific Economic Review》2008,13(1):124-133
Abstract.   In this paper we examine political economic issues of service trade liberalization of a developing country in the context of the Doha Round negotiations. We first discuss the various unique characteristics of the service industries. Then we incorporate these features in a Grossman-Helpman style political economy model and solve for the politically-determined service sector protection. We then examine how various factors such as increased cross-cutting lobbying, the reduction of state-owned service providers and linking negotiation on agricultural protection with negotiation on service sector liberalization can help reduce the political constraints on liberalizing the service sectors.  相似文献   

We explored a comparative static computable general equilibrium model with six regions and 12 sectors to estimate the impacts of the recent UK–Korea free trade agreement (FTA) along with the European Union (EU)–Korea FTA. The empirical results provide quantitative evidence of the impact on national GDP, national exports and imports by sector, and the changes in exports or imports among the United Kingdom, Korea, Japan, China, and the EU. The UK–Korea FTA, along with the EU–Korea FTA, increases GDP and welfare for the United Kingdom and Korea; moreover, there is a large increase in automobiles, transport equipment, and machinery exports between Korea and the United Kingdom. The GDP and welfare level of non-member countries such as Japan and China will slightly decline. Exports from the United Kingdom and Korea to non-member countries are also expected to decrease in most manufacturing sectors. The UK–Korea FTA will lead to increases in imports between the United Kingdom and Korea due to mutual trade creation effects and trade diversion effects. However, non-member countries such as Japan's exports are expected to experience a large decline in automobiles to the United Kingdom and in most manufacturing products to Korea due to the negative impact of the UK–Korea FTA.  相似文献   

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