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ABSTRACT ** : Using an original database concerning 1102 French local public authorities in 2001, we explore the relationships between prices charged by private operators in water contracts and ex post competition. We show that prices charged in contracts in which operators are in a monopoly situation throughout the duration of the contract, are not affected by a ‘competition effect’ between private operators. However, a competition effect between private operators and public management appears to be crucial in explaining prices combined with a ‘termination effect’, reflecting the fact that the contract is close to being renewed, and hence re‐auctioned.  相似文献   

In most Western countries, the rate of unemployment has shown a rising trend over the last decades. One of the standard explanations for this is that the ‘natural’ rate of unemployment has risen. In order to investigate this hypothesis, a simple demand–supply model of the Finnish labour market was constructed and estimated. It is proposed that if the development of the unemployment rates can be explained is such a traditional model framework, this would suggest that changes in the ‘natural’ rate are not, after all, the crucial reason for the increasing unemployment rates.

According to the results, the simple model was able to account for the changes in the unemployment rate very well. Furthermore, they seem to support a traditional Keynesian view of the problem, emphasizing output level and labour productivity as the main explanatory variables. Indirectly, it can be concluded that there seem to be no clear signs of a rising ‘natural’ rate of unemployment.  相似文献   

The topic of this paper is the transition from unemployment benefit schemes to social assistance in seven European OECD countries. The unemployment benefit schemes are formally quite different in the seven countries. Most are mandatory but Denmark and Sweden have voluntary unemployment insurance and Finland has a mandatory basic scheme with a voluntary income related component on top of that. Self employed people can join the U.B. schemes in the 3 Scandinavian countries. All the U.B. schemes have working or contribution conditions to be met by the members in order to obtain eligibility for benefits. These conditions are relatively tight in the Netherlands, France and Sweden and relatively easy in Denmark and Great Britain with Germany and Finland in between (based on rules in 1994–95). Recent developments in several countries have been to tighten the access conditions to the U.B. schemes and from 1997 Denmark will be ‘on line’ with Germany. The Netherlands have tightened the access criteria very significantly in 1995. There is a considerable variation as far as the duration of the unemployment benefit period is concerned. Sweden has a benefit period in fact without effective time limitations. The Danish benefit period is also very long, 7 years now being reduced to 5 years. 5 years is also the maximum duration in the Netherlands and in France, but only after many years of work and after a relatively high age has been reached. The maximum period in Germany, 22/3 years, also requires a long work history and a relatively high age. Finland and Great Britain have uniform benefit period (just as in Denmark and Sweden), in Finland it is appr. 2 years (longer for elderly unemployed just as in Sweden and Denmark) and in Great Britain it was 1 year but from October 1996 it was reduced to 1/2 year. The differences in the duration of the benefit periods between the seven countries are very considerable. As already mentioned, there has been a tendency to reduce the benefit period in several countries. Such a change is also being considered for the ‘never ending’ benefit period in the Swedish U.B. scheme. The benefit formula is purely flat rate in Great Britain and income related in the other countries. There is a maximum benefit level in 5 of these countries, but not in Finland, where the compensation is stepwise decreasing with increasing income. In the 5 countries with income related benefits and a maximum benefit level, this maximum level is reached at a relatively low income in Denmark (2/3 APW income) and Sweden (close to APW income) and at a relatively high income in the Netherlands (appr. 1.5 APW income) and Germany (appr. 1.7 APW income) and at a very high income level in France. France is the only country among the 7, where the benefits after an initial period are being reduced regularly (every 4 months) in the benefit period down to a minimum level. Sweden and Germany have reduced the benefit levels in recent years. Denmark has the highest gross compensation percentage, 90, in relation to lost income, but it is only effective over a relatively narrow income interval, from approx. 133,000 DKK to 162,000 DKK (1996), ‘between’ the min. and max. U.B. rates. According to the 3 institutional criteria applied here, access to the schemes, duration of the benefit period and the type of benefit formula, the U.B. schemes of the seven countries studied are very different. The exit scheme from U.B is social assistance in most of the countries, but not in Germany, where it is possible to continue in a scheme with lower compensation but still income related. For Sweden it is hardly meaningful to speak of an ‘exit scheme’ when the U.B. insurance is without effective time limitations. The exit schemes in the other countries are all characterized by having flat rate benefits. All the exit schemes are means tested and this is a crucial difference to the U.B. schemes, and they are without time limitations. Means testing and no effective time limitations are usual characteristics for social assistance and social assistance like schemes. In all the countries, except in Denmark and Sweden, there is ‘topping-up’ from social assistance to a guaranteed minimum level disregarding the income sources. In the two Scandinavian countries mentioned, a ‘social event’, i.e. illness or unemployment, is required in order to be eligible for social assistance benefits. Net replacement rates are used to illustrate the levels of compensation within the U.B. and the S.A. schemes, to identify possible incentives problems, and to illustrate the economic implications of the transition from U.B. to S.A. schemes. The net replacement rates presented are calculated by using the ‘disposable income after net housing costs’ income concept. The calculations include several family types, singles and couples with and without children and for the couples with one or two incomes. A general result but with some modifications, cf. the following, could be that the U.B. based replacement rates usually are higher than the S.A. based, but that the difference is minor when the U.B. scheme is flat rate or income related with a maximum benefit level being reached at a relatively low income, for Great Britain there are in several cases no difference at all. The ‘topping-up’ has the implication that the U.B. and S.A. based replacement rates are often identical at the lower end of the income scale. The very high S.A. based replacement rates (well over 100 per cent) often seen for Denmark and Sweden at low income levels do not necessarily imply, that social assistance in those two countries is more generous than in the other countries, it is very much an effect of not having more or less automatic ‘topping-up’ to a guaranteed minimum income level when earned income is low. The single parent family type seems to have incentives problems at relatively low income levels in most of the countries, especially when receiving U.B., she may temporarily be caught in the ‘unemployment trap’. The one earner couple with children may also be exposed to the ‘unemployment trap’ but on a more permanent basis. The S.A. based replacement rates for this family type are extraordinarily high (and higher than the U.B. based) in Denmark and Sweden, where this family type, however, is very rare. For the two earner family (where one of the spouses always has earned income) the means testing of S.A. makes an impact on the S.A. based net replacement rates, they are in most cases substantially lower than the U.B. based. The results of the net replacement calculations indicate no or only minor economic implications by a transition from U.B. to S.A. in the lower end of the income scale while the effect in most cases will be more substantial in the higher end of the income scale. This is not always the case in Sweden and Denmark where S.A. for some family types are preferable to U.B. and where the difference in other cases may be so small, that it implies incentives problems for joining the voluntary U.B. scheme. The calculation of ‘long term’ (5 years) net replacement rates for families at a low income level (the point in the income distribution where only 5 per cent have lower income) and only including one earner families, reveals that either the long benefit period in the U.B. scheme (Sweden and Denmark) or ‘topping-up’ (Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain) generate ‘constant’ net replacement rates, and quite high ones, at low income levels. Only in France and to some extent in Finland will there be a decrease in net replacement rates over time. Most of the differences concerning the duration of unemployment benefit periods and to some extend the benefit formulas have no effect on the long term net replacement rates. At higher income levels the time limitations in the U.B. schemes will be visible again, except in Great Britain where the U.B. and S.A. benefits are almost identical. It is not possible to point out a ‘worst’ country with respect to ‘incentives’ problems, but the Danish, and to some degree also the Swedish, U.B. schemes with their high net replacement rates at lower income levels and long duration periods ‘stand’ out in many cases, and the S.A. schemes in those two countries may also contribute to permanent ‘unemployment traps’ as well as lack of incentives to join the voluntary insurance schemes. The two Scandinavian countries are, however, not alone with ‘incentives problems’. The section on long term net replacement rates showed that for low income levels the replacement rates were high and constant in most countries. This result is often due to ‘topping-up’ to a guaranteed minimum standard.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the validity of the conventional wisdom that, unlike in developed countries, exchange rate pass‐through (ERPT) should be ‘complete’ for developing economies. To test this hypothesis, we construct new variables as well as original data sets, which are not readily available in the literature, and employ an alternative error correction model technique for a typical small open developing economy—Bangladesh. The transmission of exchange rate movements to import prices is found to be ‘complete’; however, the ‘second stage pass‐through’ is ‘partial’ both in the short and long run. The response of traded goods prices to exchange rate shocks is found to be significant and larger in the long run compared with the short run. Trade liberalization is also a significant phenomenon for ERPT. The analysis has wider applicability to other small open economies.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to make some limited comparisons between the ‘new’ institutionalism of Williamson, Schotter, Hayek and others and the ‘old’ institutionalism, particularly of Veblen. It is argued that a fundamental feature of the ‘new’ institutionalism in which it contrasts with the ‘old’ is its close attachment to the idea of the abstract individual of classic liberal ideology. This attachment is found even in those minority subsets of ‘new’ institutionalists who are hostile to promarket policies, or non-neoclassical in matters of theory. Consequently, ‘old’ institutionalist warnings against proceeding on such individualistic assumptions should not be ignored, despite the value of much ‘new’ institutionalist analysis.  相似文献   

When comparing ‘new’ and ‘old’ behavioral economics (BE), many argue that ‘new’ BE has close ties with what is often called ‘mainstream’ economics. The aim of this paper is to reframe the ‘old’ vs. ‘new’ BE debate and investigate the nature of the relationship between psychologists, behavioral economists, and ‘mainstream’ economists. This will lead us to develop the concept of ‘space of interaction’, building on Galison’s metaphor of ‘trading zones’, to emphasize the role of outsiders, strategic thinking, and negotiation in ‘new’ BE. By discussing some often implicit arguments in an otherwise disconnected literature, we seek to bring new arguments to the discussions through a careful study of those relationships in the history of ‘new’ BE and its more recent developments. Leaving aside the orthodox/heterodox contrast and comparative approaches, we hope to provide a different account of the changes in ‘new’ BE and its relationship with the ‘mainstream’.  相似文献   

This article develops an overlapping generations model with multiple categories of capital. The importance of this article is in its ability to analyse changes in the distribution of various categories of capital along the growth path of the economy. Economic growth is accompanied by capital growth as well as increase in pollution emissions. Implementing a government policy to reduce pollution emission would change the equilibrium path of capital distribution. Within the model, the government builds a corporate tax function that defines the tax rate as a function of a ‘desired’ pollution level. The tax rate decreases as the ‘desired’ pollution level is higher. When the ‘desired’ pollution level is higher than the actual pollution level, production is subsidized and pollution levels rise. An example and a simulation are presented in order to confirm the theoretical results and demonstrate that the model can be used for empirical analysis.  相似文献   

Lars Osberg 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1707-1717
The determinants of interindustry mobility of labour, and its relationship to the unemployment rate is examined, using micro-data on Canadian workers from 1980/81, 1982/83 and 1985/86. It contrasts the implications of the ‘dynamic reallocation’ model (Lilien, 1982) in which rising aggregate unemployment is due to in creased dispersion in the net hiring rates of firms (implying positive covariance of interindustry mobility and unemployment rates) with the older ‘Keynesian’ perspective that high unemployment ‘chills’ labour market mobility, implying a neative relationship. Qualified support is obtained for the ‘chilling’ model, as well as standard results on the role of job tenure, hours worked, etc. The general moral is the cyclical sensitivity of labour market behaviour, i.e. individuals appear to react to the aggregate unemployment rate.  相似文献   

The article features a temporal approach to analyzing the impact of Western colonialism on contemporary levels of democracy. We present a new data set with dates of colonization, independence, and a colonizing event for all former colonies and dependencies that are regarded as countries today (143 observations). Our data, as well as the existing literature, suggest that the very heterogeneous era of colonization should be divided into an early ‘mercantilist’ wave and a much later ‘imperialist’ wave with quite different characteristics. We show that there is a strong positive effect of colonial duration on democracy, an effect which turns out to be driven primarily by former British colonies and by countries colonized during the imperialist era.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of interest rates on city‐specific house price to household income ratios is important for managing local housing markets. In particular, there is concern that keeping interest rates at sufficiently low levels can distort the relationship between local house prices and fundamentals. We use house price to income ratios across capital cities in Australia to investigate this issue and show that there is a national interest rate ‘transition’ point below which housing dynamics can become unstable. This result lends support to the presence of a duration‐dependent threshold effect (hitherto mainly explored in theoretical models).  相似文献   

This paper examines the stabilization policy of post 1973 Chile and attempts to explain the coexistence for four years of rates of inflation averaging well over 200 percent/year with a demand deficient depression comparable in its severity to the Depression of the '30s. The analysis is conducted in the framework of ‘disequilibrium’ models. It concludes that the origins, severity and duration of such ‘hyperstagflation’ lie in the stabilization policy's neglect of inflationary expectations, especially in the product market, thus forcing the labor market to absorb the brunt of a disequilibrium whose origins lay in the product market.  相似文献   

The paper estimates the money demand in Croatia using monthly data from 1994 to 2002. A failure of the Fisher equation is found, and adjustment to the standard money‐demand function is made to include the inflation rate as well as the nominal interest rate. In a two‐equation cointegrated system, a stable money demand shows rapid convergence back to equilibrium after shocks. This function performs better than an alternative using the exchange rate instead of the inflation rate as in the ‘pass‐through’ literature on exchange rates. The results provide a basis for inflation rate forecasting and suggest the ability to use inflation targeting goals in transition countries during the EU accession process. Finding a stable money demand also limits the scope for central bank ‘inflation bias’.  相似文献   

The study examines the largely unexplored effect of changes in the competitive landscape for large, global financial institutions on their ability to take risks, as well as deploy capital and labour in an efficient manner based on a novel measure of inefficiency. The analysis shows during 2001–2013 that inefficiency peaked during the 2008 crisis period and has fallen back to levels close to pre-crisis periods. The model also performs well in out-of-sample forecasts of the financial firms’ future market values. These results suggest that large financial firms have been adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of the post-crisis period and thus are able to use capital and labour more efficiently within the constraints of current market conditions. In addition, a non-linear pattern between inefficiency and a firm’s asset size suggests that there might be an optimal scale for such firms in the $450–650 billion range.  相似文献   

The article discusses Wicksell's assessment of the controversy between Böhm-Bawerk on one side, and Fisher and Bortkiewicz on the other, on the role of productivity (the ‘third reason’) in the determination of the rate of interest. It is shown that in the process of arguing out the third reason Wicksell came remarkably close to Frank Ramsey's view of the determinants of saving in economies with a positive subjective rate of discount. The similarities between Wicksell and Ramsey result from the fact that – in contrast with Fisher and Böhm-Bewerk – they assumed reinvestment, with the corollary that maximum permanent consumption will be reached at zero interest if the subjective rate discount of future utility is zero. Wicksell used his Ramsey–like saving rule to explain the interaction betwen Böhm–Bawerk's three reasons in either dynamic or stationary conditions, which enabled him to reformulate the third reason as the ‘marginal productivity of waiting’. Finally, the relevance of Wicksell's savings rule for the perennial debate on ‘Wicksell's missing equation' is considered in the last section of the article.  相似文献   

This paper provides a full characterization of unemployment rate forecasts using the mean values from Consensus Economics for a sample of nine advanced economies between 1989 and 2012. It also assesses the performance of unemployment rate forecasts around business cycles’ turning points. We find evidence for biasedness, inefficiency or information rigidities and lack of accuracy of unemployment rate forecasts and the distribution of projection errors appears to be slightly twisted to over-prediction (which decreases during recession episodes). Additionally, there is a sense of ‘pessimism’ among forecasters during recovery periods.  相似文献   


This paper defends Adam Smith against his critics on his ‘additive’ theory of value as well as his theory of ‘falling rate of profits’. It argues that Adam Smith did not forget the raw materials, and so forth, in his resolution of the price into wages, profits, and rent, and that the constraint binding on the total income was also taken into account by treating rent as the residual. It further argues that there is no fallacy of composition in Smith's explanation for the ‘falling rate of profits’. It was explained on the basis of rising real wages and the farmers’ inability to shift the burden of the rise in wages from profit to rent in the context of a growing economy.  相似文献   

We focus on extreme price movements known as mini flash crashes (MFCs). After reviewing the literature, we provide a taxonomy based on a sample of MFCs identified by Nanex on the U.S. financial markets over a three-year period. We detect significant differences between crashes and exchanges. In comparison to ‘up crashes’, we find that ‘down crashes’ exhibit lower absolute returns but have longer duration. We also show that the dynamics of MCFs varies across exchanges. For example, the MFCs on ARCA are on average both less severe and shorter in duration than those on the NASDAQ. We finally review all the key implications of MCFs in terms of public policy.  相似文献   

In the literature on monetary economics, there is the ‘inflationary bias’ result which predicts that the rate of inflation will be biased towards a higher level under discretionary monetary policy than under a rule‐based policy regime. It is established that a credible nominal target can eliminate this ‘inflationary bias’. In this paper, we examine the case of nominal GDP targeting, which is a rule‐based monetary regime. Depending on the degree of conservativeness by the central bank, we show in a stylized model the choice of different combination of inflation and real GDP targets can still result in an ‘inflationary bias’, and there also exists the possibility of a ‘dis‐inflationary bias’.  相似文献   

This article presents estimates of labour values and prices of production following two approaches: the first is based on the classical and Marxian theory of value and distribution; the second on the so-called ‘new solution’ to the ‘transformation problem’ and its variant, the Temporary Single-System Interpretation (TSSI). The major advantage of the latter approach is its simplicity, along with the relatively low data requirements. Our empirical findings from the economies of China, Japan and South Korea suggest that both approaches give estimates of labour values and prices of production which are extremely close to each other as well as to actual market prices. On further examination, however, we conclude that our empirical findings are absolutely consistent with the theoretical requirements of the classical approach and contradict those of the TSSI.  相似文献   

This study applies ‘old’ and ‘new’ second‐generation panel unit root tests to check the validity of the long‐run real interest rate parity (RIP) hypothesis for ten Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) with respect to the Euro area and an average of the CEECs’ real interest rates. When the ‘new’ panel unit root tests are carried out relative to the Euro area rate as reference, we confirm the results of previous studies that support the RIP hypothesis, and the results of the ‘old’ tests used as a benchmark. Nevertheless, when the ‘new’ tests are performed using the average of the CEECs’ rate as reference, our results are mitigated, revealing that the hypothesis of CEECs’ interest rates convergence cannot be taken for granted. From a robustness analysis perspective, our findings indicate that the RIP hypothesis for CEECs should be considered with caution, because the RIP hypothesis is sensitive to the retained reference rate for computing the real interest rate differential, and also to the retained countries in the sample.  相似文献   

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