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This paper investigates nonlinearities in the dynamics of real exchange rates. We use Monte Carlo simulations to establish the size properties of the Teräsvirta-Anderson test, when the dynamics of the real exchange rate is influenced by an exogenous process. In addition, we show that a modified nonlinearity test, which includes additional right-hand-side variables, performs much better than the original in both Monte Carlo exercises and in the actual data on 1431 bilateral real exchange rate series. Finally, we investigate the dynamics of the real exchange rate for both developed and developing countries using the modified test for the recent floating period. In general, the results find a greater incidence of nonlinear dynamics for developing country real exchange rates.  相似文献   

L. Achy 《Applied economics》2013,45(5):541-553
This article investigates purchasing power parity (PPP) in the specific context of middle income countries. To circumvent the low power of traditional stationarity tests (Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests), it performs variance ratio and fractional integration tests in addition to Perron's test that accounts for potential structural changes in real exchange rate processes. Beyond estimating half-life shocks to PPP, this article attempts to explain these estimates using a set of country specific variables as suggested by economic theory. The evidence suggests that reversion to parity tends to be faster in high inflation countries and that productivity improvement leads to a higher level of persistence. Openness to trade tends to reduce the extent of deviations from parity but this result does not appear to be statistically robust. Evidence shows also that deviations are less persistent under a fixed exchange rate regime and under unrestricted capital mobility.  相似文献   

This article presents first estimates of the growth impact of the equilibrium real exchange rate (ERER) for a sample of 63 developing countries over 1970–2007. The results suggest that real exchange rate misalignment, not the level of the ERER, matters for macroeconomic performance in these countries.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of the real exchange rate on job flows in Turkish manufacturing industries between 2006 and 2015 using data at the four-digit NACE Revision 2 level. Using dynamic panel data models, we find that a real appreciation increases gross and net job creation rates, and that the effect of appreciation is magnified as the exposure to international competitiveness of industries increases. We think that this is because Turkish manufacturing firms import a greater share of their inputs compared to the firms in developed countries. Hence, an appreciation creates more jobs because lower imported input costs enable firms to outcompete foreign producers.  相似文献   

Agriculture is thought to play a number of roles in the early development process. All of these roles involve fostering non‐agricultural development, in particular manufacturing. It is argued in this paper that agriculture plays a role that has hitherto been ignored. Specifically, if agricultural labor productivity increases faster than manufacturing labor productivity, the real effective exchange rate will depreciate. This depreciation of real effective exchange rate occurs because in very poor countries agriculture makes up the dominant share of both GDP and employment. The depreciation also makes it easier for a country to expand the production of tradables relative to nontradables, with manufacturing being the main tradable. This proposition, which as agricultural labor productivity increases relative to manufacturing labor productivity the real effective exchange rate depreciates, is tested using data drawn from 10 sub‐Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the money demand function is estimated using a linear regression of the logarithm of money demand on a number of variables. In this article, we aim to estimate the long-run properties of money demand specification for a number of East Asian economies and within a panel framework with the presence of structural breaks. Various country-specific coefficients are allowed to capture inter-country heterogeneities. Consistent with theoretical postulates, it is found that (a) the demand for money in the long-run positively responds to real income and inversely to the interest rate spread, inflation, the real effective exchange rate and the US real interest rate; (b) the long-run income elasticity is greater than unity; and (c) both the currency substitution and capital mobility hypotheses hold. The empirical findings in this article can provide useful policy guidelines to the East Asian countries’ central banks in their quest for price stability. If one of the primary objectives of these countries is to minimize price instability, they should avoid creating unnecessary disequilibrium in the money market, while the employment of cointegration with the presence of structural breaks clearly recommends to central banks to use the supply of money to attain price and macroeconomic stability.  相似文献   

Modelling regime shift behaviour in Asian real interest rates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we investigate whether real interest rates for a number of Asian economies are constant but subject to occasional jumps using the Markov switching technique. We find evidence that all six rates under consideration have generally been stable, only shifting in response to either international or country-specific shocks.  相似文献   

Zheng Yang  Yong Zeng 《Applied economics》2013,45(11):1184-1201
This article applies the Granger causality test in quantiles to investigate causal relations between stock returns and exchange rate changes for nine Asian markets over the period 1 January 1997 to 16 August 2010. Our empirical results indicate that the quantile causal relations vary across different quantiles and different periods. Although the causal effects of exchange rate changes on stock returns (or stock returns on exchange rate changes) are heterogeneous across quantiles, the overall evidence suggests that most stock and foreign exchange markets are negatively correlated. The result shows that there are more bidirectional causal relations in accordance with this method than the conventional least square (LS) estimation. The symmetry of these quantile causal effects (the ‘averaging effect’) helps to explain why conventional LS method usually obtains an insignificant result of causality.  相似文献   

Utilizing the formal linearity test of Luukkonen, Saikkonen and Teräsvirta (Biometrika, 75, 491-499, 1998) as diagnostic tool, the empirical finding suggests that the linear autoregressive (AR) model is inadequate in describing the real exchange rates behaviour of 11 Asian economies. It is noted that the conventional battery of diagnostic tests is capable of identifying the inadequacy of the linear model in only three of these series. Moreover, the linearity nature of this behaviour has been formally rejected in favour of the non-linear smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) model. The finding of non-linearity in the data generating process of these real exchange rates warrants that the use of linear framework in empirical modelling and statistical testing procedures in the field of exchange rates may lead to an inappropriate policy conclusions.  相似文献   

Hem C. Basnet 《Applied economics》2013,45(29):3078-3091
This article analyses the impact of oil price shocks on real output, inflation and the real exchange rate in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia (ASEAN-5) using a Structural VAR model. The cointegration tests indicate that the macroeconomic variables of these countries are cointegrated and share common trends in the long run. The impulse response functions reveal that oil price fluctuations do not impact the ASEAN-5 economies in the long run and much of its effect is absorbed within five to six quarters. The variance decomposition results further assert that with a few exceptions oil price shocks do not explain a significant variation in any of the variables under consideration. We also identify a very unique pattern of response to oil price fluctuations between Malaysia and Singapore and between the Philippines and Thailand. The pairs exhibit a high degree of similarity in their responses; they do not share any commonalities across the group.  相似文献   

This study examines dynamic linkages between exchange rates and stock prices for seven East Asian countries, including Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand, for the period January 1988 to October 1998. Our empirical results show a significant causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices for Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand before the 1997 Asian financial crisis. We also find a causal relation from the equity market to the foreign exchange market for Hong Kong, Korea, and Singapore. Further, while no country shows a significant causality from stock prices to exchange rates during the Asian crisis, a causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices is found for all countries except Malaysia. Our findings are robust with respect to various testing methods used, including Granger causality tests, a variance decomposition analysis, and an impulse response analysis. Our findings also indicate that the linkages vary across economies with respect to exchange rate regimes, the trade size, the degree of capital control, and the size of equity market.  相似文献   

This article examines the long-run Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis for 12 Latin American Real Effective Exchange Rates (REERs) using fractional integration techniques. The empirical results, applying parametric approaches, provide evidence of mean reversion in the REERs in the cases of Nicaragua, Belize, Costa Rica, Guyana and Paraguay and lack of it for the remaining seven countries. Employing semiparametric methods, the evidence of mean reversion covers the following countries: Belize, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Mexico. Thus, only for Belize and Guyana do we obtain consistent evidence of mean reversion in the real exchange rates. At the other extreme, lack of mean reversion, and thus, lack of PPP, is obtained with both methods in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. For the remaining six countries, the results are ambiguous. The results for the PPP theory in Belize and Guyana may show the importance of promoting policies based on exchange rate flexibility and economic liberalization to reach a long-run stability scenario that leads to greater international competitiveness and lower external vulnerability.  相似文献   

The article examines how the volatility of exchange rate affected Armenia’s export to its main trading partner, Russia, in the period from January 2007 to February 2016. Along with real foreign income and competitiveness, the exchange rate volatility is considered as a determinant of real export. The estimation results indicate that the exchange rate volatility has negative significant effects on real export both in the long run and in the short run.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new framework for the determinants of real exchange in the long-run in developing and emerging countries (DECs). We assume that currencies should be regarded as an asset. In consequence, dealers in the foreign exchange market play a crucial role on its dynamics. To set our model, we connect the model developed by Kaltenbrunner, which is grounded on chapter 17 of the General Theory, with productivity’s differential effect. By doing so, it states that even short-run factors and monetary variables affect the long-run real exchange rate. Moreover, it points out that the hierarchical nature of the international monetary system is crucial to understand exchange rate movements in DECs. Besides presenting such theoretical approach, our contribution is to test it empirically for 45 DECs from 1990 to 2008 by applying econometric techniques appropriate for panel data. We use a new data-set, which comprises, among other variables, foreign portfolio flow, interest rate differential, external vulnerability measures, and international liquidity, on annual basis. The empirical results endorse this framework. Overall, it shows the primacy of financial factors as determinants of the long-run real exchange rate and points to the endogenous and self-perpetuating nature of international monetary system hierarchy.  相似文献   

通过分析东亚国家在东亚金融危机前、中、后不同阶段汇率制度选择的变化,发现东亚国家或地区汇率制度以“钉住美元”为主线,基本符合东亚经济特征。汇率波动存在传染效应,汇率制度缺乏合作且存在一定程度的浮动恐慌。东亚汇率制度演变的基本结论是:东亚各国或地区能否抵抗货币攻击,与采取的汇率制度密切相关。东亚各国或地区的汇率制度需要根据内外经济形势变化进行相应调整,单一钉住美元的汇率制度变得困难且不合时宜。  相似文献   

This paper revisits the nexus between real effective exchange rate (REER) and total factor productivity (TFP) by controlling for trade openness, financial development and natural resources rents. We use a sample of 60 high‐income and upper‐middle income countries over the period 1995–2015 and employ the GMM estimation framework. Our results advance the empirical knowledge on the drivers of REER by providing robust evidence that the impact of TFP is not uniform across different country clusters. We find that in high‐income countries, increasing productivity causes the REER to depreciate hence becoming more trade competitive while the opposite is true for upper‐middle income countries. Furthermore, financial development and natural resources rents have no meaningful impact in the case of upper‐middle income countries but retain a significant effect in high‐income countries. Trade openness plays a key role in explaining the variation in REER in both country clusters.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of oil prices on the real exchange rate in Iran during the 1961–2014 period using the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration as the estimation method. We find that higher oil prices lead to appreciation of the real exchange rate. The results reveal that oil prices have both short-run and long-run effects on the real exchange rate.  相似文献   


This article analyses macroeconomic policies capable of influencing the long-run real exchange rate (RER). In this vein, it identifies economic policy tools that can devalue RER, covering a theoretical issue neglected by the economic literature, which argues that competitive exchange rate enhances growth. After discussing the “Trilemma,” we identify those variables that could affect RER without constraining monetary policy or exchange rate regime choice. In what follows, we model the probability of achieving an undervalued (small or large) RER for a sample of 14 developing countries from 1980 to 2010 (30?years) by applying econometric techniques for discrete choice and censored data. Afterwards, we compare the results for Latin American nations with Asian ones. They suggest that competitive exchange rate requires different approaches depending on the region. Moreover, Latin American countries need to take on additional policies so that interventions in the foreign exchange market become effective.  相似文献   

The theoretical frameworks that explain the impact of trade openness on informal employment suggest an ambiguous effect. This has been verified in a few countries, based solely on microeconometric evidence. This study contributes to the literature by specifying a macroeconometric relationship for a panel of 17 Latin American countries.  相似文献   

This article studies the real interest rate parity (RIP) for several Asian countries. This is done by examining the stationarity in the real interest rate differentials (rids) with respect to the US using the quantile unit root test. Our results show that rids exhibits unit-root behaviours in the lower quantile levels, and mean reversion in the upper quantile levels. Furthermore, large positive shocks tend to induce strong mean reversion and the adjustment towards the long-run equilibrium level is faster as rids gets larger, with shorter half-lives in the extreme quantile levels.  相似文献   

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