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组织激励与知识员工的信息产出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖飞  冯帆  杨忠 《经济管理》2008,(1):11-16
本文以知识属性为组织激励效果的调节变量,即当个体对知识属性的认知不同时,外生激励促进个体产生知识转移的内生动机的效果不同。以江苏省两家大型商业银行信贷部门员工为对象的实证研究(N=307)支持了本文的假设。本文为冯帆、廖飞和杨忠(2007)的理论模型提供了实证依据。  相似文献   

采用世代交叠模型(OLG)分析框架,研究了环境质量对居民幸福感的影响机制,即追求健康水平的消费动机,并利用CGSS2010年住户调查数据进行实证分析。结果显示:无论居民是否关注环境问题,环境污染越严重,家庭消费支出越高;环境污染越严重,关注环境问题的居民的幸福感越低;环境污染是否严重不会改变不关注环境问题的居民的幸福感;居民的环保意识不会影响其环保意愿,但会影响其环保支出意愿,不关注环境问题的家庭有"搭便车"倾向;不同区域、不同污染类型的环境问题对居民幸福感的影响存在差异;收入差距会改变人们的环保行为。  相似文献   

Traditionally, organizations assume that compensation/pay and monetary benefits are what all employees need to work harder, be productive, or remain with the company. According to Abraham Maslow, within every person is a hierarchy of five needs: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs Organizations must be able to identify what employees desire to secure optimum performance and to meet the needs of both employees and employers. This research focuses on the generational gap and the significance of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the workforce. The purpose and objective of this research are to test the significance of monetary versus non-monetary rewards among the different generations in the organization. A self-designed questionnaire distributed to a multi-generational group of employees of selected organizations was used to collect the analyzed data. Sixty-five (65%) responses were obtained. Secondary data were used to elucidate the needs in this area of study. Because the workforce is predicted to become more diverse in terms of age, organizations will be unlikely to implement one set of rewards for the multiple generations. This is due to the differing expectations and requirements among the generations. However, the results indicate no significant difference in monetary versus non-monetary rewards among the different generations in the workforce.  相似文献   

This article compares the salary structure of tenured and tenure-track faculty across schools within the university systems of North Carolina and New York. Specifically, we establish a positive relationship between school prestige and salary inequality, both overall and within specific academic ranks. This result suggests that the value to teaching is less discipline-specific than the value to research output. Marked differences in the aforementioned statistical linkage across academic ranks also confirm prior speculation that junior faculty salaries are more closely tied to academic value than senior faculty salaries.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview highlighting some major themesof the recent literature on the role of pro-social motivationin the provision of social services. We focus on the insightsobtained from two alternative ways of modelling pro-social motivation;action-oriented and output-oriented altruism. This literaturehas implications regarding the design of optimal incentives,the selection of motivated agents and its interaction with monetaryrewards, and the optimal organizational form required to exploitsuch motivations. We also discuss the implications for governmentprovision of social services from the perspective of a parallelliterature that emphasizes the non-contractible nature of output,and contrast it with the implications derived from work emphasizingthe role of pro-social motivation. (JEL codes: H11, J32, J45,L31, L33)  相似文献   

从幸福与收入的关系来看,幸福悖论的成因是:达到临界收入后,收入的功能目的(必然性)向手段(可能性)的转换、收入边际效用递减与收入的负外部性凸显以致人们对收入的公平性和可持续性等需要递增、个人自我实现与带来收入的工作的偏离等导致幸福悖论。揭开幸福悖论的面纱,可以清楚地看到,我国现阶段只有大力发展经济,同时克服经济发展的负外部性,重建公共家园,即关注民生、创造社会财富,把社会进步与个人自我实现有机地结合起来,实现幸福的帕累托最优,才能真正踏上幸福经济之路。  相似文献   

发放1 000份问卷调查影响老人幸福感的自然因素、经济因素、社会因素、家庭因素等,分析一线城市、二线城市、农村老人养老差异,发现城市老人养老更加注重精神养老,农村养老依赖政府养老。因此,社会各界应采取不同的措施。政府应将解决老年人幸福养老的关键点放在农村;企业应推进社区养老模式,与政府共同分担中国养老问题,加大对老年产业的投资与开发,带动相关产业的发展;子女在做好自己本分的同时,要注重老年人的精神慰藉。  相似文献   

企业行为的道德水平已成为政府、社会、企业和公众共同关心紧迫问题。文章在简要阐述企业行为的道德水平现状基础上,探讨了社会转型期企业行为的道德问题产生的体制原因和机理,提出了从内控因素和外控因素两个角度去提高企业行为道德水平的对策。  相似文献   

Considerable differences are found among countries regarding the importance of the agricultural labour force, between rural and urban labour, and in poverty and living conditions in rural areas. Declines in the agricultural labour force and rural population are foreseen for each of the countries, but with significant variations between them. Showing different patterns over time, labour market developments in the sector and in rural areas have been shaped by the overall labour market institutions, conditions and factors in each country, such as the legal basis, educational attainment and migration flows, and the presence of non-agricultural activities in rural areas.  相似文献   

Jaakko Pehkonen 《Empirica》1997,24(3):195-208
In 1994 the number of workers participating in active labour market programmes in Finland was 299,000. On average there where 125,000 workers in these programmes at any one time, the average length of participation in a programme being about 5 months. In relation to the 2.5 million-strong Finnish labour force, these figures are proportionally large. In 1994 the total expenditure on unemployment amounted to 6.7 per cent of GNP of which the share spent on active labour market programmes was about 25 per cent. The study investigates the displacement effects of active labour market programmes in the youth labour market in Finland. The two age groups analysed are 15-19-year-olds and 20-24-year-olds. The results, based on a VAR analysis of quarterly data from the period 1981.1-1995.2, suggest that the displacement effects of job-creation programmes may be substantial. The study cannot, however, provide any robust estimates of the likely size of such displacement effects on youth employment in Finland. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

幸福教育:大学生生命教育的重要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生选择自杀行为的一个重要原因是感受不到生存的幸福。因此,对大学生的生命教育要从关注学生的生活世界出发,激活和提升学生的感性素质,引导学生感受和体验生活的美好,体会人生的幸福,进而找到自身存在的价值和生命的意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the transitions between the labour market and inactivity in Britain between 1995 and 2004. A substantial degree of behavioural heterogeneity exists between inactive individuals, and the social security system appears to influence both the timing and probability of moving between labour market states. The results presented here suggest that policy makers should not be misled by the term ‘hidden unemployment’, into thinking that substantial spare capacity exists on the periphery of the labour force. In light of recent proposals to reduce the number of Incapacity Benefit claimants, it is important to note a high degree of detachment among the long‐term sick and disabled, reinforced by duration dependence and poorer educational attainment.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to analyze the dynamics that arise in Values-based Organizations when ideal quality deteriorates. On the basis of Hirschman's “exit and voice” model, we analyze the mechanism that encourage the best subjects, the ones intrinsically motivated who care most about the mission and ideal quality of the organization, to leave the organization if their voice is ignored. By combining Hirschman's and a “critical mass” model, we show the possible cumulative effects caused by the “exit” of the intrinsically motivated members, which can bring the organization into a deterioration process.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the impacts of finance and corporate governance reforms on organised labour since 1980. The argument is made that contemporary institutional and ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ as well as ‘Varieties of Unionism’ perspectives on labour market reform have overstated the power of states, institutions and organised interests in deflecting global economic pressures. Drawing on a range of recent Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) statistics and qualitative studies, it is claimed that current developments in finance and corporate governance mark a fundamental break with post-war developments. Capital has reasserted its power over organised labour and labour markets not only in the US and UK, but throughout Western Europe as well. In assessing how far this reversal has gone, the article focuses on three key political economic changes: i) the rise in finance and adoption of corporate ‘shareholder’ systems; ii) the expansion of mergers and acquisitions and their negative effects on unionisation and manufacturing jobs; and iii) the effects of financial pressures and corporate reform on collective bargaining and wages. This is the first study to report on comparative changes and qualitative reforms to both finance and labour in 13 OECD countries between 1980 and 2005.  相似文献   

焦翠影  王桂荣 《经济与管理》2005,19(5):17-18,40
人类内心最渴望的是快乐,那么经济增长究竟能否给人类带来快乐、能带来什么快乐呢?分析了济增长与快乐的关系,指出经济增长虽然不一定给人类个体带来快乐,但有助于人类的长期快乐,因而应一如既往地发展经济,寻求增长与快乐的最佳配置。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to provide a rational reconstruction of Beveridge's theory of unemployment published in 1909. First and foremost, it shows that his theory of unemployment is coherent – what Beveridge refers to as ‘the reserve of labour’ represents ‘unemployment’ as a whole; unemployment is due to the imperfection of the labour market and associated friction and the organisation of the labour market is necessary. Second, it suggests that as early as 1909, a negative relationship already existed between unemployment and job vacancies and that the segmentation of the labour market and imperfect information are key factors of friction. The first part of the paper provides a reconstruction of Beveridge's theory of the reserve of labour (1909) including causes and factors of unemployment and unemployment policies. The second part shows that certain founding principles of the ‘Beveridge curve’ (Beveridge 1944 Beveridge, W. H. 1944 [1953]. Full Employment in a Free Society, London: George Allen and Unwin.  [Google Scholar] [1953]) were already to be found in his 1909 book and that links can be established between Beveridge (1909 Beveridge, W. H. 1909. Unemployment: A Problem of Industry, London: Longmans, Green and Co.  [Google Scholar]), Phelps (1970 Phelps, E. S. 1970. The new microeconomic in inflation and employment theory. The American Economic Review, 59(2): 14760. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Pissarides (2000 Pissarides, C. A. 2000. Equilibrium Unemployment Theory, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

论科技型中小企业实现自主创新的动因和有效组织   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自主创新是科技型中小企业的天然属性,同时也是其参与竞争的核心优势。在市场经济中,科技型中小企业具有其它各类创新机构无法替代的地位和作用。科技型中小企业的自主创新行为的动力来源可以划分为外在动因和内在动因两大类。为了充分发挥科技型中小企业在推动国家创新体系建设过程中的巨大作用,科技型中小企业自主创新的主导者即企业家必须有意识地为组织成员的自主创新提供条件、创造环境,有效地组织系统内部的自主创新活动。  相似文献   

Self-reported happiness does not generally increase with rising income, as established by Richard Easterlin. We argue that the current debate in economics about the income-happiness paradox has paid too little attention to the theoretical foundation of the expected positive relation between income and happiness, seeking an empirical resolution through better data and more elaborate estimating equations instead. We return to the history of economics and revisit the contributions of Irving Fisher and Kenneth Boulding for the missing economic theory that underlies the income-happiness paradox. According to both Fisher and Boulding, “consumer capital” is the ultimate source of welfare, whereby consumer capital is defined as an accumulated stock of tangible and intangible instruments that yield a stream of services over their useful life. In the view of Fisher and Boulding, it is the utilization of this capital stock that renders happiness to individuals. Moreover, income that pays for the goods of consumption can be a “bad,” reflecting the cost of maintaining the consumer capital stock. Therefore, Fisher and Boulding’s insights bring a new perspective to the Easterlin paradox, showing that the empirical finding that rising income contributes only little, if anything, to levels of happiness has been overemphasized at the expense of the theoretically more relevant relation between consumer capital and happiness, and the exact role of income therein.  相似文献   

This article uses Australian panel data for the years 2001–2009 to estimate returns to general experience, job and occupational tenure. We pay particular attention to issues of unobserved heterogeneity bias in our estimations. We find that both general experience and occupational tenure have statistically and numerically significant effects on wage outcomes, even after controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. Job tenure on the other hand only seems to matter in OLS regressions that do not control for heterogeneity biases. Once these biases are controlled for, only a modest effect from job tenure remains. The inclusion of occupational tenure in the estimating equation tends to negate even this modest job tenure effect. The only exception to this is for workers in large organizations. For these workers a small but statistically significant effect from job tenure remains, even once we have controlled for heterogeneity and included occupational tenure in the estimating equation. The results reported in this article have implications for the various theories of the labour market that predict upward-sloping wage-job-tenure profiles.  相似文献   

李想  李秉龙  张恒春 《技术经济》2009,28(5):98-103
本文利用对北京、辽宁和河北三省市调查所获得的1033个农户样本,运用有序逻辑模型进行数据处理,分析了不同的经济发展水平地区农村居民生活幸福感的影响因素。结果发现:收入、年龄、健康状况、对合作医疗满意度等因素对所有地区的农村居民生活满意度均有正向显著影响;性别、教育程度、婚姻状况、住房面积和结构等因素对不同经济发展水平地区农村居民生活幸福感的影响存在差异;宗教信仰、家庭人口、家庭成员的身体状况以及是否有需要赡养的老人等因素对我国不同经济发展地区农村居民生活幸福感的影响不显著。  相似文献   

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