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This paper deals with the analysis of seasonally, fractionally integrated, multivariate models. We present a procedure that permits us to test the seasonal fractional differencing parameters from the reduced-form system, which allows us to recover the parameters of the structural model through simple restrictions as in the standard VAR case with the additional incorporation of seasonality and fractional integration. An empirical application based on a bivariate system using GDP and unemployment in the UK, USA and Japan is also carried out at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

We provide a structural framework for retail cost pass-through based on a neoclassical inverse demand model and retail profit maximization conditions. Unlike previous literature where game-theoretic structures are imposed on cost pass-through, our framework allows for estimating cost pass-through and the degree of market competition simultaneously. Further, our model incorporates potential cross-brand effects representing demand substitution and strategic complementarity effects. Our model supplements the traditional reduced-form approach to pass-through and is applicable in environments, where the lack of brand-level cost data renders reduced-form analysis infeasible. The empirical value of our model is illustrated in an econometric analysis of retail pass-through for national and store brand yogurt. Our results indicate that: (1) market competition has a positive impact on own-brand cost pass-through, especially for national brands, and (2) overlooking cross-brand effects results in biased own-brand pass-through estimates. Finally, we provide a graphical illustration of the relationship between cost pass-through and market competition.  相似文献   

This paper looks at interactions between foreign development aid, economic reform, and public sector fiscal behavior. It proposes a model of the public sector fiscal response to aid inflows, which allows for changes in structural relationships due to an exogenously imposed program of economic reform. This model is applied to 1960–99 time series data for the Philippines, which embarked on an IMF- and World Bank-funded structural adjustment program in 1980. Estimates of structural and reduced-form equations paint a dismal picture of the effectiveness of foreign aid to, and the structural adjustment program in, the Philippines so far as fiscal impacts are concerned. Both bilateral and multilateral aid inflows, and the presence of an economic reform program, are associated with decreases in public fixed capital expenditure, decreases in taxation and other recurrent revenue, and decreases in public sector saving. Multilateral aid also appears to be highly fungible.  相似文献   

The structural Quantal Response Equilibrium (QRE) generalizes the Nash equilibrium by augmenting payoffs with random elements that are not removed in some limit. This approach has been widely used both as a theoretical framework to study comparative statics of games and as an econometric framework to analyze experimental and field data. The framework of structural QRE is flexible: it can be applied to arbitrary finite games and incorporate very general error structures. Restrictions on the error structure are needed, however, to place testable restrictions on the data (Haile et al., 2004). This paper proposes a reduced-form approach, based on quantal response functions that replace the best-response functions underlying the Nash equilibrium. We define a regular QRE as a fixed point of quantal response functions that satisfies four axioms: continuity, interiority, responsiveness, and monotonicity. We show that these conditions are not vacuous and demonstrate with an example that they imply economically sensible restrictions on data consistent with laboratory observations. The reduced-form approach allows for a richer set of regular quantal response functions, which has proven useful for estimation purposes. JEL Classification: D62, C73  相似文献   

The current research on credit risk is primarily focused on modelling default probabilities. Recovery rates are often treated as an afterthought; they are modelled independently, in many cases they are even assumed to be constant. This despite their pronounced effect on the tail of the loss distribution. Here, we take a step back, historically, and start again from the Merton model, where defaults and recoveries are both determined by an underlying process. Hence, they are intrinsically connected. For the diffusion process, we can derive the functional relation between expected recovery rate and default probability. This relation depends on a single parameter only. In Monte Carlo simulations we find that the same functional dependence also holds for jump-diffusion and GARCH processes. We discuss how to incorporate this structural recovery rate into reduced-form models, in order to restore essential structural information which is usually neglected in the reduced-form approach.  相似文献   

In decentralized water management with earmarked budgets financed by user taxes and distributed back in the form of subsidies, net gains are often heterogeneous across user categories. This paper explores the role of negotiation over budget allocation and coalition formation in water boards, to provide an explanation for such user-specific gaps between tax payments and subsidies. We propose a bargaining model to represent the sequential nature of the negotiation process in water districts, in which stakeholder representatives may bargain upon a fraction of the budget only. The structural model of budget shares estimated from the data on French Water Agencies performs well as compared with reduced-form estimation. Empirical results confirm the two-stage bargaining process and provide evidence for systematic net gains from the system for agricultural water users.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes data on subjective probabilities to study the impact of the stock market crash of 2008 on households' expectations about the returns on the stock market index. We use data from the Health and Retirement Study that was fielded in February 2008 through February 2009. The effect of the crash is identified from the date of the interview, which is shown to be exogenous to previous stock market expectations. We estimate the effect of the crash on the population average of expected returns, the population average of the uncertainty about returns (subjective standard deviation), and the cross-sectional heterogeneity in expected returns (disagreement). We show estimates from simple reduced-form regressions on probability answers as well as from a more structural model that focuses on the parameters of interest and separates survey noise from relevant heterogeneity. We find a temporary increase in the population average of expectations and uncertainty right after the crash. The effect on cross-sectional heterogeneity is more significant and longer lasting, which implies substantial long-term increase in disagreement. The increase in disagreement is larger among the stockholders, the more informed, and those with higher cognitive capacity, and disagreement co-moves with trading volume and volatility in the market.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether the observed time variation in the forecast accuracy of macro-econometric models can be reconciled with the monetary policy stance that induces (in)determinacy in stylized DSGE models. Using a small-scale New Keynesian monetary framework as laboratory and structural parameters calibrated to the estimates obtained on U.S. data from different macroeconomics regimes, we exploit reduced-form econometric models – such as Vector Autoregressions – to assess their regime-specific forecastability. We show that conducting (pseudo) out-of-sample forecast comparisons in the presence of indeterminacy is a non-trivial exercise, even when sunspot shocks play no role in generating the data. Overall, our simulation experiment suggests that equilibrium indeterminacy need not lead to superior (absolute or relative) forecast accuracy. This finding challenges the view that the deteriorating performance of forecast models over the Great Moderation relative to the Great Inflation was entirely due to changes in the U.S. monetary policy.  相似文献   

Analyses of Colombian data have generally failed to confirm the hypothesis of export-led growth. This paper generates several measures of export diversification and structural change in exports, and argues that these measures are useful in assessing growth externalities generated by the export sector. In a simultaneous-equations framework, increases in the rate of export structural change are associated with accelerated Colombian GDP growth. Export diversification, by contrast, is not a source of economic growth, and the reduced-form relationship between aggregate lagged export growth and GDP growth is weak.  相似文献   

The literature has recently asked whether the effects of fiscal policy vary with the state of the economy (Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo 2011; Rendahl 2014; Auerbach and Gorodnichenko 2012). We study this question in the context of vector autoregression (VAR) estimation. We show formally that, if (asymptotically) the parameters of the reduced-form VAR differ, then the dynamic effects of fiscal policy differ as well, generically and for any set of identification assumptions. Thus, in theory, the econometrician can detect these differences (either across time or space) generically just by relying on reduced-form VAR estimation.  相似文献   

We consider multiple sources of non-linearity in good-level law-of-one-price deviations across the globe using a structural model that accounts for previously omitted variables and allows estimation of good-level convergence rates both within and outside the bands of no trade. Accounting for the role of theoretically implied variables and their non-linear interactions in the convergence process of law-of-one-price deviations, we find that good-level convergence rates are systematically faster compared with convergence estimates based on reduced-form models. Contrary to conventional wisdom, good-level price differentials exhibit mean-reverting behaviour even within the bands of no trade. Moreover, mean-reversion rates are strongly related to economic characteristics such as tradability and a good's non-traded input content.  相似文献   


Almost all empirical research that has attempted to assess the validity of the Porter hypothesis (PH) has started from reduced-form models, for example, single-equation models for estimating the contribution of environmental regulation to productivity. This paper follows a structural approach that allows testing what is known in the literature as the ‘weak’ and the ‘strong’ version of the PH. Our ‘Green Innovation’ model includes three types of eco-investments to explain differences in the incidence of two types of eco-innovation, which are allowed to affect labor productivity. We allow for complementarity between the two types of eco-innovations. Using a comprehensive panel of Dutch manufacturing firm-level data we estimate the relative importance of environmental regulations on eco-investment and eco-innovations. The results of our analysis show a strong corroboration of the weak and a nuanced corroboration of the strong version of the PH.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Ruge-Murcia (2004) on asymmetric central bank objectives provides a new perspective on the policy roots of inflation in developed economies. More precisely, the paper demonstrates that if the distribution of the supply shocks is normal, then the reduced-form solution for inflation implies a positive (or negative) relation between average inflation and the variance of shocks. We argue that the evidence offered in support of this hypothesis suffers from lack of identification because Phillips curve nonlinearity combined with quadratic central bank preferences yield the same reduced-form solution for inflation. If so, estimating reduced form for inflation will not be able to discriminate between these models. Yet they have quite different implications for policy. Other, structural, evidence is needed.  相似文献   

The article develops a dynamic model of habitat–fishery linkage in which the habitat is being converted. The basic model is applied to a case study of the impacts of mangrove deforestation on the artisanal marine demersal and shellfish fisheries in Thailand. The comparative static effects of a change in mangrove area on the long-run equilibrium level of effort and fish stocks, as well as on the resulting market harvesting supply of the fishery, are determined. By estimating parameters through pooled timE-series and cross-sectional data over the 1983–96 period for the five coastal zones along the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea, the welfare impacts of mangrove deforestation are estimated. Mangrove conversion is expected to be a function of the return to shrimp farming and the input costs to farming shrimp, plus exogenous economic factors. The resulting aggregate reduced-form level of mangrove clearing by all farmers in coastal areas is empirically estimated across the five coastal zones in Thailand over 1983–96. The policy implications of the findings are discussed with respect to Thailand and the modeling of habitat–fishery linkages.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical attempt to quantify caste-based discrimination in the labor market using household data taken from rural North India. In the regression analysis, transaction costs associated with entry into the labor market and reservation wages are estimated simultaneously along with market wages. The estimation results provide evidence of the existence of transaction costs in the labor market and discrimination against backward classes with regard to access to regular employment. In line with previous studies, the results suggest that the achievements of India's reservation policy so far have at best been limited. In addition, a comparison between the estimates from the model employed in this paper and conventional (reduced-form) approaches shows that discrimination in labor market entry is likely to be underestimated in the conventional reduced-form approaches.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2006,90(10-11):1879-1901
In an influential paper, Baily (1978) showed that the optimal level of unemployment insurance (UI) in a stylized static model depends on only three parameters: risk aversion, the consumption-smoothing benefit of UI, and the elasticity of unemployment durations with respect to the benefit rate. This paper examines the key economic assumptions under which these parameters determine the optimal level of social insurance. I show that a Baily-type expression, with an adjustment for precautionary saving motives, holds in a general class of dynamic models subject to weak regularity conditions. For example, the simple reduced-form formula derived here applies with arbitrary borrowing constraints, durable consumption goods, private insurance arrangements, and search and leisure benefits of unemployment.  相似文献   

The major aim of this paper is to formulate and estimate a model to explain occupational mobility in Australia. The main hypotheses advanced in the development of the theoretical model are that occupational mobility varies with excess demand (or supply) in the aggregate labour market, that segmentation occurs within individual markets for specific occupations, and that net mobility between occupations is responsive to changes in relative occupational wage rates after adjustment for differential risks of unemployment. The empirical results support the hypothesis that net mobility is a function of changes in relative occupational certainty equivalent wage rates. Further, the statistical properties of the estimates suggest that the structural approach can be highly successful in comparison to previous reduced-form studies in this area.  相似文献   

This paper presents a failsafe method for analyzing any linear perfect foresight model. It describes a procedure which either computes the reduced-form solution or indicates why the model has no reduced form.  相似文献   

I present reduced-form and structural evidence that the reorganization of the Russian economy in the post-transitional period increased the demand on law and business graduates. This demand shock provides a novel unified explanation of the Russian wage structure for 1985–2015. I then show that this shock is a common feature of all transitional economies, and it contributed to the transformational recession. The demand behaviour is identified with a new skill-biased technical change model of demand for skills with three production inputs (high school graduates and bachelor-level educations with two majors), showing that a technology shift that favours a particular skill might emerge within the skilled group rather than between skilled and unskilled. This is relevant because similar shifts (e.g., data scientists vs. liberal arts) emerge today in the frontier economies that adopt new general-purpose technologies (e.g., machine learning). Thus, this paper informs policymakers today on tools to counteract a potential drop in economic equality and performance that result from this adoption. Lastly, because of similarities between the mechanics of the transition and the 2022 sanctions to discourage Russia's war effort, my results highlight the importance of additional sanctions against the education system to prevent the regime's structural adaptation and preservation.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes developing-country public-sector fiscal behavior. It is concerned specifically with how aid inflows affect various categories of revenue and expenditure. An econometric model is developed, which differs from those used in previous studies by allowing domestic borrowing to finance both capital and recurrent expenditure. Structural and reduced-form equations are derived and estimated using 1956–95 time-series data for Pakistan. Results indicate that aid is allocated mainly to investment, is positively associated with both investment and consumption expenditure, and has no final impact on taxation.  相似文献   

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