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Much of the short‐run movement in energy demand in the UK is seasonal, and the contribution of long‐run factors to short‐run forecasts is slight. Nevertheless, using a variety of techniques, including a recently developed estimation procedure that is applicable irrespective of the orders of integration of the data, we obtain a long‐run income elasticity of demand of about one third, and we are unable to reject a zero price elasticity. An econometric model is shown to provide superior short‐run forecasts to well‐known seasonal time series models ex post , but is inferior to Box‐Jenkins SARMA models when the determinants themselves have to be forecast. However, the relatively short data sample and small number of forecasts suggest caution in generalising these results.  相似文献   

The paper offers an analysis of current account dynamics and its sustainability in Turkey using quarterly data. The focus is on the nonlinear characterization of the long run intertemporal budget constraint and the stationarity tests. Several well-known tests are applied to identify nonlinearity in the current account time series. The analysis reveals that while the classical unit root tests based on linear specification give rise to conflicting results as to the nonstationarity of the current account deficit series, a threshold unit root test due to Caner and Hansen (2001) fails to reject the null of nonstationarity, implying that the intertemporal budget constraint would not be satisfied in the long run.  相似文献   

This study re-examines the issue of causality between investment shares and economic growth. A methodology is applied based on Arellano and Bond (1991), and Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen (1988) to quinquennial panel data on growth and investment shares for the post war period and shows that, contrary to previous results in the literature, causality between fixed investment and growth runs in both directions. Investment shares Granger-cause growth rates and growth rates Granger-cause investment shares. Granger causality from investment shares to growth rates is found to be negative. The result is in contrast with a capital fundamentalist view which sees fixed investment as the key to long run growth, but is fully consistent with the predictions of Solow-type growth models.  相似文献   

Recent work by Clements and Hendry elucidate why forecasting systems that are in terms of differences, dVARs, can be more accurate than econometric models that include levels variables, EqCMs. For example, dVAR forecasts are in some cases insulated from parameter non-constancies in the long run mean of the cointegration relationships. In this paper, the practical relevance of these issues are investigated for RIMINI, the quarterly macroeconometric model used in Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway), an example of an EqCM forecasting model. We develop two dVAR versions of the full RIMINI model and compare EqCM and dVAR forecasts for the period 1992.1–1994.4. We also include forecasts from univariate dVAR type models. The results seem to confirm the relevance of the theoretical results. First, dVAR forecasts appear to provide some immunity against parameter non-constancies that could seriously bias the EqCM forecasts. Second, the misspecification resulting from omitting levels information generates substantial biases in the dVAR forecasts 8 and 12 quarters ahead.  相似文献   

In this paper we forecast annual budget deficits using monthly information. Using French monthly data on central government revenues and expenditures, the method we propose consists of: (1) estimating monthly ARIMA models for all items of central government revenues and expenditures; (2) inferring the annual ARIMA models from the monthly models; (3) using the inferred annual ARIMA models to perform one-step-ahead forecasts for each item; (4) compounding the annual forecasts of all revenues and expenditures to obtain an annual budget deficit forecast. The major empirical benefit of this technique is that as soon as new monthly data become available, annual deficit forecasts are updated. This allows us to detect in advance possible slippages in central government finances. For years 2002–2004, forecasts obtained following the proposed approach are compared with a benchmark method and with official predictions published by the French government. An evaluation of their relative performance is provided.   相似文献   

This paper uses generational accounts to analyse the long term sustainability of Belgian public finances. We derive age-profiles of detailed tax and expenditure categories from micro data and microsimulation models, and plug them into a long run demographic projection. We assess fiscal long term sustainability under current fiscal and budgetary policy for the base year 2010, and perform simulations of counterfactuals to determine the relative contribution of the most important factors of the long run unsustainability. This update of the generational accounts for Belgium shows that, not unexpectedly, the budgetary situation in Belgium violates the intertemporal budget constraint and hence is unsustainable in the long run. The current level of explicit debt, however, only plays a minor role in explaining this sustainability problem. Ageing and the related increase in age related expenditures are the main drivers of the long run fiscal imbalance and the high level of implicit debt. We disentangle the Belgian generational accounts into their regional components and show that the major explanation for regional differences in generational accounts is not divergent demographic projections, but the wide differences in socio-economic situations, as revealed by the region specific age-profiles.  相似文献   

中国宏观经济形势与政策2001-2002年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国宏观经济政策应该遵循竞争性市场经济的均衡原则,并且其短期效应与长期效应应该是相互包容和内在一致的,短期的反周期需求管理在长期均衡的宏观经济政策框架下实现。中国经济需求管理的财政政策、货币政策、汇率政策长期组合应该是平衡财政预算、稳定货币供应与均衡汇率机制。  相似文献   

We model inflation forecasts as monotonically diverging from an estimated long‐run anchor point towards actual inflation as the forecast horizon shortens. Fitting the model with forecaster‐level data for Canada and the US, we identify three key differences between the two countries. First, the average estimated anchor of US inflation forecasts has tended to decline gradually over time in rolling samples, from 3.4% for 1989–1998 to 2.2% for 2004–2013. By contrast, it has remained close to 2% since the mid‐1990 for Canadian forecasts. Second, the variance of estimates of the long‐run anchor is considerably lower for the panel of Canadian forecasters than US ones following Canada's adoption of inflation targets. And third, forecasters in Canada look much more alike than those in the US in terms of the weight that they place on the anchor. One explanation for these results is that an explicit inflation‐targeting regime (Canada) provides for less uncertainty about future monetary policy actions than a monetary policy regime where there was no explicit numerical inflation target (the US before 2012) to anchor expectations.  相似文献   

Using rich panel data including potential output for euro area countries, we analyse budget balance forecasts and their errors. We find that budget balance forecasts are systematically biased and subject to mean reversion (tendency towards more balanced budgets). A robust result is that errors in budget balance nowcasts contribute to errors in budget balance forecasts. In addition, we find that nowcasted macroeconomic conditions can affect over-optimism in budget balance forecasts. Overall, our results emphasize the central role of nowcasting in the EU fiscal framework.  相似文献   

Aid is said to be fungible at the aggregate level if it raises government expenditures by less than the total amount. This happens when the recipient government decreases domestic revenue, decreases net borrowing, or when aid bypasses the budget. This study makes three contributions to both fungibility and fiscal response literature. First, fungibility at the aggregate level is re‐examined on a larger recent panel 1980–2012, distinguishing between short‐ and long‐term impact of aid. The results indicate that aid is partly fungible in the long run and highly fungible in the short run. Second, to account for aid bypassing the budget, technical cooperation is used as a proxy for off‐budget aid. Off‐budget aid is found to be non‐fungible and on‐budget aid is partly fungible. Third, fungibility of bilateral and multilateral aid is analyzed: the results indicate lower fungibility of multilateral aid.  相似文献   

The article examines some statistical evidence that supports the view that US labour and capital shares of income return to some long-run historical values. We estimate the long-run share values and the length of time it takes to converge to them. We account for the interdependence of the shares by using a vector error–correction model, and this specification is tested against a VAR alternative using Johansen's method to characterize the properties of the cointegrating vector. We find support for the idea that labour and capital shares have historically been mean reverting, in spite of the fairly restrictive assumptions implied when invoking the Cobb–Douglas production function as the rationale. The cumulative impulse response functions indicate that for capital and labour shares, the time required to revert back to long run levels is in the order of thirty quarters.  相似文献   

Recent generalisations of the Linear Expenditure System have concentrated on its restrictive assumption of separable preferences but underplayed its equally restrictive assumption of linearity in income, i.e., constant marginal budget shares. This reflects the data base which has usually been long time series of disaggregated consumer expenditure data. Such generalisations are inappropriated for developing countries which rely on highly aggregated commodity expenditure data from budget surveys with more variation in income responses is introduced, variation in prices. A general procedure for non-linearising income but rather limited applied to some recent LES generalisations to generate still further geenralisations and then used to analyse rural India's expenditure behaviour. The results decisively support the suggested generalisation and, also, provide evidence in favour of dynamic behaviour and habit persistence on budget data.  相似文献   

The efficacy of official forecasts in the EU has been under the spotlight since the introduction of the euro, with biases widely reported prior to the 2008–12 financial and sovereign bond market crisis. Changes to the EU fiscal rules and procedures, in the form of the European Semester and Fiscal Compact, in the early 2010s were adopted to improve forecasting, including through providing a role for independent fiscal institutions. Using data for 22 countries between 2013 and 2019, this paper shows that, despite these changes, biases, of a pessimistic form, remain in forecasts of budget balance and output variables in Stability and Convergence Programmes and the European Commission's Spring Forecasts. Econometric analysis indicates forecast errors in both the headline budget balance and the structural budget balance being explained by forecast errors in output variables and by EU fiscal rule requirements. Member states under an excessive deficit procedure provide optimistic headline budget balance forecasts compared to non-EDP countries, while those that have not met their medium-term objective report smaller forecast errors for the structural budget balance. Independent fiscal institutions are linked to a smaller bias to forecasts of the structural budget balance but have no effect on the forecast errors of the headline budget balance.  相似文献   

Abstract. We present an endogenous growth model with externalities of capital and elastic labor supply where we allow for public debt and welfare‐enhancing public spending. We analyze different debt policies as regards convergence to a balanced growth path and their effects on long‐run growth and welfare. Three budgetary rules are considered: the balanced budget rule, a budgetary rule where debt grows in the long run but at a rate lower than the balanced growth rate and a rule where public debt grows at the same rate as all other economic variables but where it guarantees that the intertemporal budget constraint is fulfilled.  相似文献   

This paper provides an investigation of alternative models of international telecommunications traffic for several of the main streams emanating from Australia. Specifically, several alternative functional forms are compared with the standard double-log specification so often used in such studies. The motivation for such a study is twofold. In the first place, the double-log specification generates elasticities that are constant over time. Given the intertemporal changes in the budget share of telecommunications, this may not be a resonable formulation. The second motivation derives from teh need to use the demand models to forecast. Although the double-log model may provide a good within-sample fit, this is no gurantee that it will provide good post-sample forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of the quality of private sector forecasts of the budget balance between 1993 and 2009 for a sample of 29 countries, grouped into advanced and emerging countries. We find large differences across the two groups: forecasts for advanced economies are much more accurate than for emerging economies and much less subject to a bias towards optimism (i.e. they are less likely to forecast a bigger budget balance than the realization). Forecasts for both groups, however, exhibit a tendency toward forecast smoothing: forecasts are revised slowly so that revisions to forecasts can be systematically predicted based on past revisions. This tendency proves costly around turning points in the economy when the budget balance moves sharply but the corresponding forecasts only adjust very slowly to the reality of the situation.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of long run effects on residential electricity demand from changes in the electricity price are usually estimated by cross-sectional variation in the current stock of electric household appliances across households at a certain point in time. Here, we use a discrete–continuous approach modeling the long run effects by investments in new appliances. We apply the annual Norwegian Survey of Consumer Expenditure for the period 1975 to 1994 to estimate the short and long run own price elasticities in the two approaches. We find the estimated long run elasticity only slightly more price elastic than the short run. We also find that the long run elasticity does not differ significantly between the two approaches. The reason for both results is that, since there is no alternative source of energy for these appliances, there are no substitution effects.  相似文献   

中国长期煤炭需求:影响与政策选择   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:48  
本文采用协整技术研究中国煤炭需求的长期均衡关系,估计出中国煤炭需求的长期收入弹性、价格弹性、结构弹性以及运输成本弹性;预测未来长期煤炭需求并分析其对环境、煤炭供给和煤炭价格的影响;模拟解释变量不同增长率下煤炭需求的演变并给出政策选择。中国高速经济增长是煤炭需求增长的主要原因。GDP是引导煤炭需求的原因,但煤炭需求不是引导GDP增长的原因,这也说明了将GDP作为解释变量的合理性。变量模拟得出的政策选择是工业结构的调整,即便是微调,也会对煤炭需求有很大的抑制作用;煤炭出厂价格的变动对煤炭需求变动的影响不太大,但煤炭需求对运输成本相当敏感,因而煤炭的最终价格对煤炭需求影响很大。  相似文献   

The familiar two-factor, two-commodity incidence model is extended to a dynamic setting in which the supply of capital is variable and the government can use money or bonds to balance its budget in addition to neutral lump sum taxation. The dynamic incidence effects of a sectoral tax on capital are qualitatively similar to the static incidence effects when the government balances its budget with neutral taxes, but are qualitatively different when the government uses money or bonds. In this case, while capital bears the burden of the tax in the short run, it is able to shift it in the long run.  相似文献   

The paper considers a monopolistically competitive intertemporally optimizing monetary economy featuring long-term growth. Inflation is generated through sluggish price-setting and contributes to budgetary finance through seignorage. This setup permits exploration of the interaction between inflation and growth in a tractable way. Superneutrality holds in the long but not the short run. The budget deficit fuels inflation with a hysteresis. Growth and inflation are negatively correlated in the long run, with causality running from the former to the latter, and positively correlated in the short run regardless of the origin of shocks. Price flexibility precipitates adjustment but appears also to destabilize output.  相似文献   

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