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This study creates analyses for the first time a continous index of returns on commercial bank common stocks listed in a specific market. The index is constructed from a unique set of historical data and is calculated on both a weighted and unweighted basis, first including and then excluding dividends. A measure of volatility is calculated annually.

The results indicate that the dividend component of holding period returns is very important. Including dividends, average returns were 6.0% for the century; excluding dividends, average returns were 0.1%. Excess returns were calculated using two different measures of a riskless rate of return. Cumulative excess returns for the first half of the nineteenth century were negative. Real returns were calculated, and found to be generally positive over the century. The volatility of returns was quite high during certain periods.

Examining the effects of significant economic and political events on bank common stock returns, we find that the War of 1812, the Civil War, and the National Banking System had a significant impact on bank stock returns. Several economic panics, several depressions, the First and Second Banks of the United States, the Embargo of 1807, and the Suffolk Bank had no measureable impact.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the model construction and the association between the Italy and the Germany's stock markets. The period of study data is from January 3, 2000 to June 30, 2008. This paper also utilizes Student's t distribution to analyze the proposed model. The empirical results show that the two stock markets are mutually affected each other, and the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) and the bivariate asymmetric-GARCH (1, 2) model is appropriate in evaluating the relation between them. The empirical result also indicates that Italy and Germany's stock markets show a positive relationship. The average value of correlation coefficient equals to 0.8424, which implies that the two stock markets return volatility have a synchronized influence on each other. In addition, the empirical result also shows that there is an asymmetrical effect between Italy and the Germany's stock markets, and demonstrates that the good news and bad news of the stock returns' volatility will produce the different variation risks for Italy and the Germany's stock price markets.  相似文献   

Fama and French (FF, 2015) propose a five-factor asset pricing model that captures size, value, profitability and investment patterns. The primary purpose here is to further investigate this new model using an improved GMM-based robust instrumental variables technique. A further purpose is to explore the relationship among the FF factors and the Pástor–Stambaugh (PS, 2003) liquidity factor. We conclude that except for the market factor, all of the factors including liquidity are not significant at even the 5% level using our GMM approach for almost all of the FF 12 sectors.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this article are 3-fold. First, we construct measures of real and nominal effective exchange rates for 14 Middle East and North African countries over the 1970–2004 period. Second, we test the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) by applying the ADF and KPSS tests to the real effective exchange rates. Finally, we employ the bounds testing approach to cointegration and error-correction modelling to show that nominal devaluation leads to real devaluation in the short-run as well as in the long-run in many of the countries.  相似文献   

This paper estimates fundamental equilibrium exchange rate of RMB based on internal and external balance of China’s economy. The findings indicate that RMB real exchange rate is overvalued in the period of 1982–1991, but the extent of the undervaluation has an enlarging trend since 2004. Then, we put forward a new theory called “Prior Equilibrium Exchange Rate” and apply it to RMB, finding that real effective exchange rate of RMB need to be appreciated about 20% between 2008 and 2010, and the appreciation range of bilateral nominal exchange rate between RMB and the world’s key currencies depends on the objective functions of the government. Policy implication indicates that decision makers need to refer to equilibrium exchange rate which is derived from different theories and to make great efforts to adjust it towards equilibrium level and establish RMB “Prior Equilibrium Exchange Rate.” Meanwhile, policymakers should implement a potential objective interval system of exchange rate appreciation. The appreciation range of bilateral exchange rate of RMB against USD from 2008 to 2010 may be set between 6% to 10%.  相似文献   

This article examines whether foreign exchange market interventions conducted by the Bank of Japan are important for the dollar–yen exchange rate in the long run. We rely on a re-examination of the empirical performance of a monetary exchange rate model. This is basically not a new topic; however, we focus on two new questions. First, does the consideration of periods of massive interventions in the foreign exchange market uncover a potential long-run relationship between the exchange rate and its fundamentals? Second, do Forex interventions support the adjustment towards a long-run equilibrium value? Our results suggest that taking periods of interventions into account within a monetary model does improve the goodness of fit of an identified long-run relationship to a significant degree. Furthermore, Forex interventions increase the speed of adjustment towards long-run equilibrium in some periods, particularly in periods of coordinated forex interventions. Our results indicate that only coordinated interventions seem to stabilize the dollar–yen exchange rate in a long-run perspective.  相似文献   

Following the approach suggested by Engel and Kim (1999 Engel, C. 1999. Accounting for U.S. real exchange rates changes. Journal of Political Economy, 107: 50738. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), we estimate the permanent and transitory components of the real exchange rates in four Latin–American countries for the period 1957:01 to 2002:04. Results suggest that transitory component is the driving force of the real exchange rates in Argentina and Mexico. A principal role of the permanent component is observed in the real exchange rates of Brazil and Chile. Estimates probabilities of the high-variance regime allow to identify the principal events happened in these countries. This information is closely related to nominal shocks and therefore, it explains the significant role of this component in these countries.  相似文献   

Using Vector Error-Correction (VEC) model estimation on monthly data from Morocco for the period January 1974 to December 1992, this article tests the hypothesis that there is a long-run stable relationship between the official and the black-market exchange rates for US dollars. We also examine the short-run dynamics in the relationship between the two markets. The econometric results indicate that the two exchange rates are cointegrated. Furthermore, we reject weak exogeneity in the case of the official exchange rate, but fail to reject it in the case of the black-market rate. Granger causality tests show that the black-market rate causes the official exchange rate. The results seem to support the efficiency hypothesis, suggesting that participants in the black-market are able to anticipate changes in the official exchange rate. The findings also suggest that Morocco's decision (in January 1993) to introduce only current account convertibility and keep controls on capital accounts was wise.  相似文献   

Nepal and India are developing countries in Asia whose (hard) peg has existed for almost forty years as well as no restriction on capital mobility between both countries. However, empirical results suggest that Nepal and India do not face symmetric patterns of shocks and are thus not suitable for a fixed exchange rate under this criteria. One possible explanation may be that the monetary authority plays some role in the short run to reduce the cost of the exchange rate regime. This suggests that some caution should be used in basing optimal exchange rate policy on this single criteria.  相似文献   

The introduction of the euro was expected to have an effect not only on real convergence of economies but also on stock markets. This research compares the dynamics and synchronization of stock market regimes in European markets before and after the euro launch. Countries of the euro zone are found to have different dynamics with regard to switching between bull and bear markets, but the differences become less pronounced after the introduction of the single currency, increasing the overall level of stock market synchronization. Nevertheless, Austria and Portugal reduced the level of regime synchronization with other stock markets. The results delineate a framework of core–periphery stock markets, i.e., a large group of stock markets that share the same market regime, with some others on the periphery characterized by distinctive behavior.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to explain movements of real wages in the Philippines in terms of the standard trade-theoretic Stolper-Samuelson-Rybczynski model. In view of the factor intensities in the Philippines, commodities are aggregated into two composite goods — traded and non-traded — whose relative price — the so-called ‘real exchange rate’ — is shown to have been an important determinant, with changes in relative factor supplies of less importance in determining real wages. A conventional two-sector model is set out, which distinguishes between the short and long run effects in terms of the ‘quasi-fixity’ of sector specific capital. A simple regression model is estimated and seems to provide a fairly good explanation of what has hitherto appeared to be a puzzling feature of post-war Philippines economic performance — high growth rates of output and employment, accompanied by declining real wages (in turn being associated with a rising incidence of poverty) in at least two periods.  相似文献   

Between 2002 and 2008, Argentina experienced a phase of very high and sustained economic growth. During this period, macroeconomic policy aimed to preserve a stable and competitive real exchange rate (SCRER). There is controversy on whether the SCRER policy was a key factor fostering growth and, even more, on whether it helped promote the expansion of tradable activities and exports. We use a methodology to detect episodes of export surges among Argentina’s export industries and find that labor-intensive industries—especially low- and medium-technology manufactures—experienced the highest proportion of export surges within this period. We also find that between 1980 and 2015, the highest proportion of surges in total exports occurred during the 2003–8 period. The performance of export of services was also particularly dynamic during this period. This evidence suggests that the SCRER policy was instrumental for export surges in Argentina during 2002–8.  相似文献   

Matthew C. Li 《Applied economics》2013,45(15):1937-1953
This article attempts to answer the question of whether the gain and loss in property market speculations and rate of information flow play a significant role in stock market volatility in Hong Kong. To test for our wealth–volume–volatility hypothesis, two different measures of volatility: absolute (absolute value of SD from mean with monthly dimension) and conditional (EGARCH) are used and results are compared. In both measures, we find evidence of a statistical presence of a wealth effect on stock market volatility, particularly in the investment of luxury class of property in Hong Kong. To account for this result, we apply the prospect theory, house money effect and the newly developed conditional confidence theory. Although we fail to establish a volume–volatility relationship in our estimation, we offer additional dimensions to the explanation of our observation.  相似文献   

In terms of China’s financial intermediation ratio (FIMR) in stock, we make a thorough empirical study on the change of the ratios during 1992–2006. We find that: The monopoly position of bank credit in the financing channel of non-financial sector is weakened, but bank credit is still the most important financing channel for non-financial sector. There is a structure change in the financing channel of government sector and its FIMR is increasing. Though the scale of non-banking financial institutions underwent rapid development during 1992–2006, their role in social financing cannot be evenly matched with banking system. It is the change of various economy behaviors that induce the changes of FIMR in China.  相似文献   

Evidence on educational returns and the factors that determine the demand for schooling in developing countries is extremely scarce. Building on previous studies that show individuals underestimating the returns to schooling, we use two surveys from Tanzania to estimate both the actual and perceived schooling returns and subsequently examine what factors drive individual misperceptions regarding actual returns. Using OLS and instrumental variable methods, we find that each additional year of schooling in Tanzania increases earnings, on average, by 9 to 11%. We find that on average individuals underestimate returns to schooling by 74 to 79% and three factors are associated with these misperceptions: income, asset, poverty and educational attainment. Shedding light on what factors relate to individual beliefs about educational returns can inform policy on how to structure effective interventions in order to correct individual misperceptions.  相似文献   


This article analyses the extensive debate that took place from 1764 to 1769 between, on the one hand, François Quesnay and the Physiocrats and, on the other hand, a group of authors led by François Véron de Forbonnais. In this article, we argue that these exchanges have, to a large extent, structured the anti-physiocratic rhetoric.  相似文献   

What type of crisis is generated when debt increases? We extend the literature by framework by introducing currency and stock market crises in the analysis. We apply our proposal to the case of Spain, since this is a country that has experienced a very important amount of financial crises from the nineteenth century onwards. We find the same results as the previous literature for the determinants of banking and debt crises but substituting external and public debt with perpetual debt and where perpetual debt has a less important role than crises in the private sector. Moreover, we find evidence in favour of the hypothesis that currency crises depend strongly and positively on financial centre crises and negatively and mildly on perpetual debt. We justify the negative relalionship due to an inflation tax. We also find evidence in favour of the hypothesis that stock market crises depend only positively and strongly on financial centre crises.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1986,30(2):345-364
In this paper a small portfolio balance model, in the spirit of Obstfeld (1983), is estimated for the sterling pound-US dollar exchange rate, over the period 1973 quarter 2 to 1983 quarter 4. It is demonstrated inter alia, that pure, or sterilised, foreign exchange market intervention can be effective, even when agents form expectations rationally.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate how heterogeneity in grading standards across university degree courses is related to supply and demand factors. Using a sample of almost 26,000 students enrolled at an Italian University, we document how grades vary significantly across degrees. After controlling for student characteristics, class-size, classmate quality and degree fixed effects, it emerges that students obtain better grades and are less likely to drop-out when their degree course experiences an excess of supply. We adopt an instrumental variable strategy to account for endogeneity problems and instrument the excess of supply using the total number of universities offering each degree course. Our two-stage least squares (TSLS) estimates confirm that the teaching staff on degree courses facing low demand tend to set lower academic standards with the result that their students obtain better grades and have a lower probability of dropping out than they might otherwise. Similar results are obtained using a control function approach.  相似文献   

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