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One of the most important topics in the current debate on immigration policy is whether receiving countries should make immigration conditional upon the achievement of formal education by the would-be immigrant in the source country. The answer to this question depends, among other factors, on the transferability of schooling and professional education from the sending to the receiving region. The paper uses German household data of 1978, 1982 and 1989 to evaluate to what extent formal education acquired by the main immigrant groups (Italians, Yugoslavs, Turks) in their countries of origin leads to earnings advantages in Germany. Consistent with earlier research, an assimilation effect is found. The results also show that schooling and professional education lead to earnings advantages. However, income differences between the three immigrant groups can only partially be explained by differences in schooling and professional education. It is found that nonobservable characteristics such as motivation, talent and the dynamics of the migratory chain also play a major role. The results indicate that Germany and other European receiving countries could, in theory, increase their welfare by integrating qualitative restrictions along educational characteristics in their immigration policies. The size of the increase, however, would be limited because of the importance of nonobservable characteristics and declining transferability of human capital as the source composition of immigrants shifts towards less developed countries.  相似文献   

This paper studies individual characteristics of earnings inequality within the population of blacks and whites in the United States over the period 2005–2017. Beyond education and age serving as a proxy for professional experience, applying a new Shapley income decomposition methodology enables us to isolate and measure two discriminative factors in earnings differences: race and gender. We show that these two factors explain a significant share of total earnings inequality, as defined by the Gini index, for all the geographical administrative divisions used. Whatever the division, the share of earnings inequality associated with gender greatly exceeds that of race. While gender earnings inequality has fallen over time, inequality associated with race has tended to increase since 2010 and is stronger in the Southeast of the country.  相似文献   

Economics has been shown to be a relatively high-earning college major, but geographic differences in earnings have been largely overlooked. The authors of this article use the American Community Survey to examine geographic differences in both absolute earnings and relative earnings for economics majors. They find that there are substantial geographic differences in both the absolute and relative earnings of economics majors, even when controlling for individual characteristics such as age, education, occupation, and industry. They argue that mean earnings in specific labor markets are a better measure of the benefits of majoring in economics than simply looking at national averages.  相似文献   


By most available measures, the level of inequality in the MENA region, including Egypt, is considered relatively low. This regularity applies to both inequality of outcomes as well as inequality of opportunity. This paper challenges this view. It argues specifically that circumstances beyond the control of individuals account for a larger share of inequality of opportunity when asset distribution is considered rather than the distribution of earnings, essentially because earnings are subject to measurement errors and idiosyncratic shocks. The paper tests this proposition by estimating the extent to which factors related to the circumstances a person is born into contribute to inequality of opportunity in earnings as well as asset ownership. The results show that circumstances account 26–32% of inequality of asset distribution, compared with only 8–10% of inequality of opportunity in earnings. The analysis further shows that the area of birth and fathers education level are the two most important circumstance factors contributing to inequality of opportunity, for both assets and earnings.  相似文献   

Utilizing a micro sample of 7317 individuals extracted from the General Household Survey 1973, we show that money earnings and real earnings vary considerably across British regions even when other factors such as education and industry mix are held constant. We also find that real earnings do not follow the pattern of money earnings; if anything, quite the reverse. Whereas monetary rewards are the greatest in the South East of England, real rewards are the greatest in the Midlands and the North East of England. Scottish regions, however, appear to fare the worst in both money and real terms.  相似文献   

The paper analyses students' expectations of earnings with and without higher education at three career points: at entry to the labour force, at the five year point, and career peak, constructing paths of expected earnings. The estimated expected internal rates of return to investment in different types of higher education are quite high. Considering ratios of expected peak-year to entry earnings, the highest gradient is in the case of specialised/professional education. Similarly for the case of students of urban origin as compared with those of semi-urban or rural origin. Likewise, the gradient is relatively high in the case of students with an English medium of study compared with the case of students with Punjabi or Hindi. As expected, the gradient is higher for those who aspire to higher education than those who do not, in all three types of higher education. The association between expected peak earnings and the proportion of gains in earnings that take place in the first five years is negative in all cases; only expectations of sustained growth in earnings lead to the highest predicted peak earnings levels. The regression results suggest that socio-economic background, social capital, ability, and school-related variables significantly influence the formation of expectations about earnings.  相似文献   

Twenty Years of Rising Inequality in U.S. Lifetime Labour Income Values   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we study the evolution of lifetime labour income inequality by constructing present value life cycle measures that incorporate both earnings and employment risk. We find that, even though lifetime income inequality is 40% less than earnings inequality, the total increase in lifetime income inequality over the past 20 years is the same as earnings inequality. While the total increase is the same, the pathways there differ with earnings inequality experiencing a steady increase and lifetime income inequality increasing in spurts particularly in the latter half of the 1990s. Finally, we find the changes in lifetime income inequality are primarily driven by changes in earnings mobility and changes in the earnings distribution itself, changes in employment risk and the composition of the sample, such as the shift toward attaining more education and the ageing population, do not play a large role.  相似文献   

Human capital earnings functions typically explain a small fraction of the total variation in earnings. The considerable uncertainty associated with expected future earnings streams enhances the desirability of a loans scheme for higher education possessing income contingent characteristics on the repayment side. The Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) possesses this feature The profitability of higher education even after taking account of the HECS suggests there is scope for higher student contributions. Other possible modifications to the HECS include higher repayment rates, a change to the tax base, and a minimum repayment amount  相似文献   

This article reports the value of a medical education as opposed to education for alternative professional careers, using 1970 Census data. When standard net present value computations are performed, it is found that the returns to investment in medical education exceed those to education for alternative professions. When the computations are adjusted for hours worked, physicians' earnings become roughly equal to those of dentists and lawyers but remain clearly superior to those of the other professions considered. Additional information on the earnings of physician cohorts vs. dentist cohorts for the post-Flexner era is also reported.  相似文献   

《Feminist Economics》2013,19(3):82-95
This paper compares earnings inequality between women and men in a growing sector of the U.S. economy – the service sector, and a shrinking sector – manufacturing. We examine the hypothesis that deindustrialization will reduce inequality, and find that the absolute magnitude of the gender earnings gap is, in fact, smaller in the service sector. Decomposition analysis is used to partition the gender earnings gap into three parts: (1) earnings differences due to differences in mean characteristics – such as education and experience; (2) earnings differences due to preferential treatment of men; and (3) earnings differences due to disadvantageous treatment of women. The latter two constitute estimates of gender discrimination. The results of this study suggest that, ceteris paribus, deirndustrialization will likely reduce the gender gap in hourly earnings. However, this will come at the cost of lower earnings for both males and females, with the drop in earnings being particularly large for males. While deindustrialization is predicted to reduce the absolute magnitude of male-female earnings inequality, evidence suggests that gender discrimination will persist – discrimination explains about 60 percent of the gender wage gap in both the service and the manufacturing sectors.  相似文献   

We examine how US immigrants would be affected by applying a simple point system for admission, as Canada does. Since US immigration policy emphasizes family reunification, immigrants have lower education and earnings than natives, with unauthorized immigrants’ education below legal ones. Using American Community Survey data, and Center for Migration Studies data, which allows us to distinguish legal from unauthorized immigrants, we examine the effects of requiring immigrants to meet 2 of 3 conditions: (1) a high school or college degree, (2) being less than 40 years old and (3) working in a professional occupation, while admitting the same numbers of immigrants. This policy changes the source countries of immigrants and there are large positive effects on immigrant earnings. Immigrants’ use of government transfer programs is reduced to below natives and income inequality falls. Finally, with existing policy, immigrant earnings growth is not enough to overtake natives given immigrants’ entering earnings disadvantage. With this point system, immigrants start at a higher level and surpass natives relatively quickly.  相似文献   

The paper attempts to investigate the earnings distribution using Japanese male individual data. The model was estimated by applying a recursive multinomial logit framework. Much emphasis has been placed on investigating both the influence of hierarchy on the determination of earnings and the promotion process in hierarchical organizations. It was found that hierarchical position was very significant in determining the level of earnings. At the same time, hierarchical position (in other words, promotion) is largely determined by education, experience and unrecognized factors. It is proposed that education is used as a screening device in the promotion process.  相似文献   

Joop Hartog 《Applied economics》2013,45(12):1291-1309
Taking a short-run view of the labour market, where individuals with given levels of education have to be matched with jobs differing in level of complexity and difficulty, wages are related to education and job levels. In a sample of some 13 000 observations, controlling for age, experience and sex, a model emphasizing both sides of the allocation process is favoured over the simple human capital view that ignores allocation once education is taken care of. It is claimed that the long-run human capital model can fruitfully be expanded with this short-run allocation structure. The empirical results measure the differences in earnings for individuals with given education working at different job levels, and shows them to be substantial. The relevance of adding job levels to the explanatory variables is illustrated with the case of female earnings discrimination and with differences in age–earnings profiles between general and vocational education.  相似文献   

The paper associates inequality of opportunities with outcome differences that can be accounted by predetermined circumstances which lie beyond the control of an individual, such as parental education, parental occupation, caste, religion, and place of birth. The non‐parametric estimates using parental education as a measure of circumstances reveal that the opportunity share of earnings inequality in 2004–05 was 11–19 percent for urban India and 5–8 percent for rural India. The same figures for consumption expenditure inequality are 10–19 percent for urban India and 5–9 percent for rural India. The overall opportunity share estimates (parametric) of earnings inequality due to circumstances, including caste, religion, region, parental education, and parental occupation, vary from 18 to 26 percent for urban India, and from 16 to 21 percent for rural India. The overall opportunity share estimates for consumption expenditure inequality are close to the earnings inequality figures for both urban and rural areas. The analysis further finds evidence that the parental education specific opportunity share of overall earnings (and consumption expenditure) inequality is largest in urban India, but caste and geographical region also play an equally important role when rural India is considered.  相似文献   

Together with the rapid growth of the Chinese economy, there has been a growing divide between the earnings of urban and rural residents. This paper focuses on China’s household registration system, or ‘hukou’, as a potential source of the earnings gap. Using multiple waves of data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey from 1993 to 2011, we take advantage of variation in hukou status generated by individual-level changes. We control for fixed individual-specific characteristics that determine earnings and estimate an urban hukou ‘premium’. Urban hukou holders earn almost 30% more than rural hukou holders, but after we account for individual fixed characteristics, the urban hukou premium drops to 6–8%. We also find important differences between men and women. The empirical evidence indicates the hukou system is a component of the urban-rural earnings differential, but its importance should not be overstated. The elimination of the hukou system alone cannot address long-standing inequities in access to social services between rural and urban populations.  相似文献   

经验收入曲线向上倾斜的原因是人力资本理论中教育、培训带来的较高生产力还是其他制度因素?由于个人产出品衡量上的困难,文章选择学术劳动力市场作为研究对象,利用M incer(1979)的经验收入方程对中国某一高校教师收入进行经验分析,结果验证了人力资本理论的同时并不排除制度因素的作用,在其他条件不变的情况下,经验对收入大于产出对收入的影响;教师职称对收入有较大的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of asymmetric information upon labour market decisions. First, in the face of uncertainty concerning person-specific information, self-selection employment contracts develop which induce ‘sorting’ within the labour market. Second, we show the existence of a smaller share in investment in specific human capital for those who accept the self-selection contract relative to those who refuse such contracts. Thus, the earnings of those who accept such contracts are less responsive to changes in specific human capital than the earnings of those who refuse these contracts. Third, we applied the model to the market for professional teachers in British Columbia, Canada. The results of the empirical tests were shown to be consistent with the hypotheses proposed. In addition, once we controlled for the level of and the distribution to human capital the Public–Independent earnings differential fell from 64.3% to 23.9%.  相似文献   

The analysis of the determinants of differences in wages across workers has traditionally relied on the estimation of average earnings functions. In this article, we propose a new theoretical model where it is the workers who decide the amount they wish to invest in human capital, taking into account the costs of acquiring those skills, for the purpose of maximizing earnings. In this model, both human capital and marginal productivity are likely to be influenced by the individual’s (unobserved) characteristics such as ability or motivation, potentially giving rise to endogeneity problems. In this context, the empirical implementation of our theoretical model allows us, under certain assumptions, to obtain consistent estimates even under the assumption of endogeneity. We present an empirical application to the education sector using data from the Spanish Structure of Earnings Survey 2010. Our results show that females and workers in the private education sector face more difficulties in achieving their maximum potential wage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the relationship between informality and earnings inequality using the data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE) for 2000–2010. We determine that during the entire period, earnings inequality was substantially higher in the informal sector. Informality increases earnings polarization, widening both tails of the earnings distribution. Nonetheless, inequality has declined in both formal and informal sectors. In the formal sector, changes in the distribution of monthly earnings between 2000 and 2010 were primarily generated by changes in the distribution of hourly earnings. In the informal sector, reduction of variation in monthly earnings went through two channels: declining differences in hourly rates and considerable compositional shifts within the informal sector. The results point to the importance of distributional analysis of earnings gaps and explicit accounting for the sector choice.  相似文献   

We examine gender differences in earnings among South Korean workers in 1988 – the year the South Korean National Assembly enacted the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. Using the "88 Occupational Wage Bargaining Survey on the Actual Condition," we calculate women's mean earnings as a percentage of men's mean earnings by major industrial category and educational attainment. We find a larger wage gap among clerical and sales workers than production workers or professionals. Generally, the more education a woman has, the smaller the gap between her earnings and those of her male counterparts. Women with a middle-school education have a mean income 53.5 percent that of comparable men, while the female-to-male wage ratio among college graduates is 76.1 percent. We analyze wage differences separately for women and men. Following Ronald Oaxaca's (1973) work, we decompose male–female wage differentials. We also calculate a discrimination coefficient. Our work shows that, all else equal, men earn from 33.6 percent to 46.9 percent more than women with comparable skills. We attribute the difference to gender discrimination.  相似文献   

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