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There are several research papers focusing on the detrimental effects of the credit crunch on the economic performance. A sector of the economy where the implications of the credit crunch have not been thoroughly studied is the agriculture. This is surprising given the importance of agriculture for the European economy. We focus on agriculture in fourteen European Union (EU) Member States in the aftermath of the credit crunch. To this end, we employ the micro-econometric data set of Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) of EU at NUTS 2 level. From a methodological point of view, we model agriculture investment based on a flexible panel Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model that provides impulse response functions (IRFs) and variance decompositions (VDCs). The empirical estimates indicate that agriculture investment has been constrained by negative shocks in interest paid and total liabilities. Unless those financial constraints are eased, agriculture investment in EU would remain rather sluggish at best.  相似文献   

陈曦 《经济研究导刊》2014,(14):207-209
微型金融机构主要客户是财务不健全、缺少抵押与担保、信息严重不对称的小微企业与个人,如何有效管理信用风险、控制信贷审核成本是微型金融机构信贷业务亟待解决的问题。通过分析微型金融机构信贷业务面临的问题,利用贷款承诺与关系贷款理论,对微型金融机构信贷业务中存在的问题提出对策建议。  相似文献   

It is commonly observed that high grade loans with better ratings are often associated with low recoveries if they default (i.e. with relatively high loss-given-default (LGD)). To address the mismatch problem, this paper proposes a credit risk approach by minimizing LGD for higher rated loans as a risk-rating matching standard in the sense that the decreasing LGD from creditors’ perspective is associated with higher credit rating for the borrower. This standard forces customers’ credit rating of each grade to be optimally determined in correspondence to its LGD, which means the LGD of high grade loans tends to be low. The approach is then tested using three credit datasets from China, i.e. credit data from 2044 farmers, 2157 small private businesses and 3111 SMEs. The empirical results show that the proposed approach indeed guides the way to solve the mismatch phenomenon between credit ratings and LGDs in the existing credit rating literature. By optimally determining credit ratings, the findings derived from this paper help provide a valuable reference for bankers, and bond investors to manage their credit risk.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to test whether the credit market conditions affect the strength of transmission of real estate wealth effects on household consumption in the US economy. Although many different works have dealt with the analysis of the existence of a real estate wealth effect, most of them as a reaction to the dramatic increase of housing prices in several OECD countries, there are only few papers analysing whether the consumption response depends on the positive or negative sign of the wealth shock and, as far as we know, none of them takes the effects of credit market conditions on that asymmetric response into account. This article tries to fill the existing gap in the literature on this matter. From an econometric perspective, we estimate the asymmetries in the consumption response within the momentum threshold autoregressive model (M-TAR) proposed by Enders and Siklos (2001), but following Stevans (2004), it is applied to a multivariate framework. The main results show that the credit market conditions play a significant role in the transmission of changes in real estate wealth to consumption. In addition, we find that there exists an asymmetric behaviour in the US aggregate consumption spending responses to real estate wealth and credit market shocks, which is only significant when a negative shock takes place.  相似文献   

Measuring access to finance represents an important challenge in empirical studies. Due to data limitations, perception‐based indicators or the usage of finance are often used as approximations of access to finance. However, these approximations disregard firm‐specific differences in the demand for finance. We derive a direct measure of access to credit from firm‐level survey data and explicitly model credit demand. We study the determinants of access to credit and disentangle, in contrast to other measures, their effects on demand for and access to credit. We find that the usage of credit is not a sufficient approximation, while perception‐based indicators are surprisingly precise.  相似文献   

Using survey data from 2009 to 2011, we analyse the effects of the recent euro area economic, financial and private debt crisis on the supply of and demand for bank finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). At the country level, we identify three distinct aspects of the recent crisis in the euro area affecting firm credit through different channels. Controlling for country fixed effects, the impact of a weak real economy on firm credit operates both by reducing firms’ demand for bank financing and by lenders increasing loan rejections and tightening terms and conditions on credit allocated. On the other hand, financial conditions have no significant effect on demand, but they do affect credit supply as we find that financial tensions worsen the chances of obtaining credit and its terms and conditions. We interpret this as evidence of a bank balance sheet channel negatively impacting credit provision. We find that private sector indebtedness has important effects on SMEs’ credit access and its terms and conditions.  相似文献   

Barriers to entry for multinational banks (MNBs) have been reduced in many countries. This paper studies the effect of the presence of MNBs on the supply and quality of credit in emerging economies. This study uses data from the Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund. The results indicate that the credit supply declines in response to increased competition from MNBs. However, the adverse effect of MNBs on the credit supply is less pronounced when the presence of MNBs is larger. The paper also provides some tentative results on the effect of MNBs on the quality of loans. The results suggest that banks shift their portfolios away from loans as a result of increased international financial competition, thereby reducing default risk, which is also reflected in a negative relationship between MNB presence and the chance of a banking crisis occurring.  相似文献   

关于拓展我国农村消费信贷的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拓展农村消费信贷是建立现代农村金融制度的客观需要,约束我国农村消费信贷发展的因素主要是消费信贷的配套服务机制缺失、农村金融业不发达、农民收入不稳定等。因此,转变消费观念、改善消费信贷环境、增加消费信贷品种、健全社会保障制度、建立现代农村金融制度是拓展我国农村消费信贷的有效对策。  相似文献   

This article discusses the significance of the recent growth in household credit across a range of middle-income economies. This growth is understood primarily as a result of policy, including the promotion of individual borrowing as a means to fund access to housing, education and health. A formal model of credit extension and allocation is developed, establishing that consumption lending makes a comparatively stronger contribution to aggregate profitability as well as financial fragility than production lending. Consumption lending may be understood to create distinctive endogenous tendencies to credit-market instability. The findings point to the need for a critical reconsideration of reliance on this lending for social and macroeconomic policy.  相似文献   

通过采集1990—2010年共21年来新疆各项贷款合计数据与GDP数据,运用回归分析模型和Granger因果检验,分析了信贷规模与GDP之间的关系。分析结果表明(:1)新疆信贷规模与GDP之间存在显著的关联关系;(2)信贷规模的短期波动对GDP有着显著的正影响,其弹性系数为1.19;(3)在短时期内,信贷是带动新疆GDP增长的原因之一,但长时期内,信贷规模与经济增长两者间不具有因果关系。  相似文献   

张富英 《时代经贸》2006,4(8):76-77,79
本文剖析了当前农民群众对金融需求的现状和信贷支农面临的问题,基于农村信用社在农村经济发展中的主力军地位,论述了完善小额信用贷款的操作程序,大力推广小额信用贷款,加快金融创新、改善金融服务,实现农、信双赢。  相似文献   

This paper tests the predictive value of subjective labour supply data for adjustments in working hours over time. The idea is that if subjective labour supply data help to predict working hours, the subjective data must contain at least some information on individual labour supply preferences. In this paper, I formulate a partial-adjustment model that allows for measurement error in the observed variables. Applying estimation methods that are developed for dynamic panel data models, I find evidence for a predictive power of subjective labour supply data concerning desired working hours in the German Socio-Economic Panel 1988–1995.I wish to thank John Haisken-DeNew, Astrid Kunze, Markus Pannenberg, Winfried Pohlmeier, Frank Windmeijer, Rainer Winkelmann, my former colleagues at IZA and two anonymous referees for their valuable comments. The author gratefully acknowledges DIW for providing the data.First version received: December 2001/Final version received: December 2003  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in the development of microfinance, spillover effects on the non-using population and redistributive issues remain largely unexplored. I study a competition game between microfinance institutions (MFIs) offering joint-liability loans and moneylenders offering individual loans in presence of adverse selection. I show that one unintended consequence of the entry of a microfinance sector in local credit markets can be to trigger an increase in the equilibrium informal interest rate, because MFIs tend to attract a disproportionately-safe share of the borrower pool away from incumbent moneylenders. The existence of such composition externality depends crucially on the size of the microfinance sector and the risk composition of the borrower pool. The model predicts a non-linearly increasing relationship between informal interest rates and MFIs' capacity in relatively safe credit markets, and no relationship in risky villages. I show evidence supporting these predictions, using a first-hand panel database that records all credit transactions over 8 years for a sample of about 1000 households living in Indian villages with extensive space and time variation in the size of their microfinance sector.  相似文献   

The article investigates the relationship between interest rates and loan amounts provided by commercial banks from both a theoretical and an empirical perspective. Theoretically, some scholars belonging to the post Keynesian endogenous money tradition advocate that a decrease (increase) in interest rates leads to a positive (negative) effect on the amount of loans demanded by households and firms. On the other hand, some heterodox economists maintain that interest rates do not stimulate firms’ credit demand but that a certain degree of influence is allowed for loans provided to households. By applying a vector autoregression (VAR) and vector error-correction model (VECM) methodology to European Central Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development data for the eurozone, this article proposes an empirical validation of such theoretical premises by analysing the relationship between the different types of credit provided by commercial banks and the corresponding interest rates. The main results show a negative relationship between the interest rates and the credit provided for the purchase of houses. Conversely, no significant relationship is found between loans granted to enterprises and loans for the purchase of consumption goods and the corresponding interest rates.  相似文献   

首先采用Panzar-Rosse模型定量研究近几年来我国商业银行业市场结构的变迁,在此基础上进一步研究信用卡的发展与商业银行市场结构变迁的关系。对我国商业银行近十年数据的实证研究表明,由于近些年我国对于银行业的政策不断放开,市场竞争总体来说越来越激烈。但是,信用卡的发展却减弱了商业银行业市场的竞争强度。  相似文献   

This paper implements a regime-switching framework to study speculative attacks against EMS currencies during 1979–1993. To identify speculative episodes, we model exchange rates, reserves, and interest rates as time series subject to discrete regime shifts between two possible states: “tranquil” and “speculative”. We allow the probabilities of switching between states to be a function of fundamentals and expectations. The regime-switching framework improves the ability to identify speculative attacks vis-à-vis the indices of speculative pressure used in the literature. The results also indicate that fundamentals (particularly budget deficits) and expectations drive the probability of switching to a speculative state. First Version Received: October 2000/Final Version Received: June 2001  相似文献   

A wage curve is a decreasing function of wages on the regional unemployment rate. Most empirical studies on the wage curve ignore possible spatial interaction effects between the regions which are the primary units of research. This paper reconsiders the western German wage curve with a special focus on the geography of labour markets. Spillovers between regions are taken into account. The paper tests whether the unemployment rate in the larger surrounding region also affects wages. In addition, agglomeration effects and effects of local monopsony are assessed.The main database is a random sample of 974,179 employees observed over the period 1980-2004 and covering 326 NUTS3 units (districts). This rich data set is used to estimate a dynamic wage curve according to the two-step approach of Bell et al. (2002). In the first step one controls for individual heterogeneity and in the second step one allows for spatial effects of unemployment across regions on wages. We check the sensitivity of this wage elasticity to various spatial weight matrices as well as allowing for the endogeneity of unemployment. We also estimate the wage elasticity for various population groups.  相似文献   

The main interest of this article is to propose an individual utility maximization model to explain the low participation of disabled people. We account for heterogeneity of preferences and furthermore time of self-caring for disabled individuals is considered as an argument in the utility function. The hours of work decided by disabled individuals are neither homogeneous (they depend on unknown characteristics) nor continuous (discrete choice sets). We use data of 4790 households from the Spanish Survey of Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency and find association between time of informal care and labour participation and, consequently, the choice between jobs.  相似文献   

供应链融资服务是一种新型的银行金融产品服务,是实现中小企业资金市场化的有效切入点。根据供应链融资业务运作特性以及影响融资企业信用水平的各观测点要素,建立了供应链融资企业信用水平评价指标体系,构造了评价指标的重合区间隶属度函数和隶属度向量,针对供应链融资企业信用水平,提出了阀值模糊评价、隶属度向量模糊评价以及典型模糊综合评价方法,并给出了评价操作流程,为供应链融资企业信用水平和风险管理提供了可以借鉴的方法和策略。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the identification of regional business clusters as a primary step in the design and implementation of cluster-based development strategies. A methodology that has not been used previously to identify clusters is applied to data on inter-industry linkages from the input–output table of a region in northern Spain. The first advantage of this approach, hierarchical clustering on principal components (HCPC), over the use of factorial analysis alone, is that it involves the application of objective clustering techniques to the principal components analysis results, which leads to a better cluster solution. A second advantage is derived from using a mixed algorithm for the clustering process – a combination of the Ward’s classification method with the K-means algorithm – which improves the robustness of the final results.  相似文献   

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