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Previous research has concluded that the 1981 and 1994–1995 Major League Baseball (MLB) strikes have caused short-term losses in attendance but have not resulted in any long-term effects on attendance. While total attendance at MLB games following the 1994–1995 strike has recovered to its pre-strike levels, this has been done only through the construction of new stadiums at an unprecedented pace which cannot continue into the future. After accounting for stadium effects, average MLB baseball attendance has dropped significantly since the 1994–1995 strike.  相似文献   

The study stresses the importance of one relatively neglected restriction on demand equations: the negativity condition (i.e., the necessity of a negative semidefinite substitution matrix). That condition is implemented by using the Cholesky decomposition. It implies nonlinear combinations of the parameters which are estimated by a maximum likelihood procedure. The method, applied to Dutch and German data, leads to an acceptance of the theoretical restrictions stemming from consumer theory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to characterize the class of systems of consumer demand functions that are representable as ratios of first-order polynomial functions and are integrable. Starting from a general system of consumer demand functions representable as ratios, we impose successively the restrictions corresponding to homogeneity, summability, symmetry, non-negativity, and monotonicity. We find that the only such systems which are capable of modeling arbitrary own- and cross-substitution effects are the systems generated by transcendental logarithmic utility functions.  相似文献   

In this paper, time series annual data on five consumer goods for Korea are analyzed using the neoclassical model of consumer behavior. The approach taken is the indirect utility function and employs a translog form. Various restrictive specifications of consumer preferences with respect to homotheticity and separability are examined and rejected by the likelihood ratio test. Income and price elasticities are estimated, which appear to be generally high relative to those of developed countries. Growth in real income is primarily responsible for changes in commodity demand. Marginal utilities of income and associated income elasticities are calculated, which are consistent with normal expectations.  相似文献   

An additive partially linear regression model is used to estimate non-parametrically the effects of total expenditure and age in the context of Engel curves and to investigate the specification and welfare interpretation of the age effects in parametric models of consumer behaviour. Empirical analysis based on data drawn from the U.K. Family Expenditure Survey shows that modelling of the effects of age requires a more sophisticated approach than that generally adopted in parametric demand analysis. It also shows that failing to adequately capture these effects can have misleading welfare implications. JEL Classification: C14, D12
L'effet de l'âge sur la demande des consommateurs : un modèle de régression additif partiellement linéaire. On utilise un modèle de régression additif partiellement linéaire pour faire la calibration non paramétrique des effets de la dépense totale et de l'âge dans le contexte de courbes de Engel, et pour enquêter sur la spécification des effets d'âge et leur interprétation en termes de bien-être dans des modèles paramétriques de comportements du consommateur. L'analyse empirique est construite sur des données de la U.K. Family Expenditures Survey et montre que la modélisation des effets de l'âge réclame une approche plus sophistiquée que celle qui est généralement utilisée dans l'analyse paramétrique de la demande. On montre aussi que le manque à bien saisir ces effets peut conduire à des conclusions fausses pour ce qui est du niveau de bien-être.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the household demand for energy and fuels. The linear expenditure model is estimated using data from eight OECD countries over a period of sixteen years. The basic similarities in household demand for fuels and the differences among OECD countries are discussed. The results indicate that household demand for energy is highly income dependent. With regard to four basic fuels, the income and price elasticities for gasoline and gas are higher than for either coal or oil. The demand patterns are shown to differ significantly among groups of OECD countries. Coal has been gradually replaced by oil as the major household fuel in OECD countries, whereas the demand pattern for gas has changed only a little during the fifties and sixties.  相似文献   

Empirical estimates of long run effects on residential electricity demand from changes in the electricity price are usually estimated by cross-sectional variation in the current stock of electric household appliances across households at a certain point in time. Here, we use a discrete–continuous approach modeling the long run effects by investments in new appliances. We apply the annual Norwegian Survey of Consumer Expenditure for the period 1975 to 1994 to estimate the short and long run own price elasticities in the two approaches. We find the estimated long run elasticity only slightly more price elastic than the short run. We also find that the long run elasticity does not differ significantly between the two approaches. The reason for both results is that, since there is no alternative source of energy for these appliances, there are no substitution effects.  相似文献   

Errors introduced by using aggregate data in estimating a consumer demand model have long been a concern. We study the effects of such errors on elasticity estimates derived from AIDS and QUAIDS models. Based on a survey of published articles, a generic parameterization of the income distribution, and the range of Gini coefficients reported for 28 OECD countries, we generate and analyze a large number of “observations” on the differences between elasticities calculated at the aggregate level and those calculated at the micro level. We suggest a procedure for evaluating the likely range of aggregation error when a model is estimated with aggregate data.  相似文献   

Under a particular class of utility functions, intertemporal price discrimination (IPD) is not feasible. That is, customers cannot be made to pay different prices for a durable good at different points in time. Other factors such as falling costs, and differing discount rates between buyers and sellers have been found to make intertemporal pricing schemes feasible, or even profitable. None of these factors, however, were fundamental demand differences which give rise to static price discriminations. In this paper we argue that IPD is indeed feasible and sometimes profitable, if only we allow for a nondurable good in the utility function. A simple additively separable utility is examined first, which is then extended to a nonseparable utility function which allows richer substitution/complementary relations between the durable and the nondurable goods. This may help us to better understand the similarities between static and intertemporal price discriminations.  相似文献   

In the direct utility function, quantities axe exogenous, while prices and total expenditure are endogenous. Consequently, this utility function is appropriate for analyzing the impact on prices and total expenditure from an exogenous change in the quantity of a commodity. Such an exogenous change in quantity could occur when quotas change. The direct translog utility function is estimated for a four commodity breakdown of U.S. expenditure. Estimates of quantity elasticities of price and expenditure indicate that domestically produced non-durables are necessities. As a result, the imposition of quotas on these goods will be particularly deleterious to lower income consumers.  相似文献   

Though meat products are considered the primary sources of protein in the U.S., people consume a variety of protein sources including meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and beans. This study expands the typical meat demand study by including alternate protein sources. We implement state-space modelling and Bai-Perron tests to examine structural change in U.S. expenditure patterns on protein sources across pre- and post-recessionary periods. Results are integrated into a Time-Varying Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) including beef, pork, poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products, dried beans, and an ‘other meat’ composite. Expenditure elasticities generally become relatively more elastic post-recession for protein sources across all income quintiles, with the largest changes in beef and pork. The lowest income group exhibits the least change in own-price and in expenditure elasticities, likely an indication of already limited flexibility.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1993,47(2):215-232
This paper is divided into two parts which deal with closely connected issues. The first section of the paper explores the structure of consumer demand systems necessary and sufficient for exact aggregation. The second section addresses a related empirical question: what, if anything, do the restrictions imposed on exactly aggregable demand systems buy the econometrician engaged in estimating integrable consumer demands? In particular, if the objective of an empirical exercise is to estimate the demand systems of individual utility maximizing consumers and only aggregate expenditure information and information on the income and demographic composition of the population are available, then under what conditions can the parameters of the estimated aggregate expenditure system be used to uniquely identify the parameters of the underlying individual demand systems?  相似文献   

This paper uses household level unit record data from South Africa to examine the behavioural and welfare impacts of private and public transfers. We allow for joint endogeneity of resource variables and the expenditure shares. Our results show that crowding out of private transfers as a result of the introduction of public pensions holds only for poor households and not for the non-poor. Both private transfers and public pensions significantly reduce poverty but private transfers have a larger impact on expenditure patterns. The results also reject the hypothesis of income pooling underlying the conventional unitary model by finding that the marginal impact on expenditures are different for public pension received, private transfer received and other resources flowing into the household. The principal conclusions are robust to changes in specification.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the pattern of consumer demand in Greece exploring systematically the questions of the functional form of demand that best fits the data, the appropriate dynamic structure and the empirical validity of the constraints of demand theory. A general dynamic Almost Ideal demand model for four categories of consumer non-durables for the period 1958–1994 is estimated. The maintained specification rejects the static AI, its counterparts implied by the partial adjustment and autoregressive disturbances models and, upon applying a non-nested test, the Rotterdam specification. However, it cannot reject homogeneity and symmetry nor the hypothesis of structural stability.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes quantile-regression techniques in order to estimate the effects of demographics and maternal behavior during pregnancy at various quantiles of the birthweight distribution. Due to the high costs and long-term effects (both medical and economic) associated with low-birthweight babies, there is a great deal of interest in quantifying these effects, particularly at the lower end of the birthweight distribution. Using large samples of 1992 and 1996 births in the United States, the quantile-regression estimates indicate that several factors (including race, education, and prenatal care) have a significantly higher impact at lower quantiles and lower impact at higher quantiles. These effects at lower quantiles are underestimated by least-squares regression estimates. The inequality in birthweights implied by these results is quite significant, and there is little indication that the inequality has changed much in recent years.  相似文献   

Germany has experienced a period of extreme nominal and real wage moderation since the mid‐1990s. Contrary to the expectations of liberal economists, this has failed to improve Germany’s mediocre economic performance. However, Germany is now running substantial current account surpluses. One possible explanation for Germany’s disappointing performance is found in Kaleckian theory, which highlights that the domestic demand effect of a decline in the wage share will typically be contractionary, whereas net exports will increase (Blecker 1989 Blecker, R. 1989. International competition, income distribution and economic growth. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 13: 395412. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The size of the foreign demand effect will critically depend on the degree of openness of the economy. This paper aims at estimating empirically the demand side of a Bhaduri and Marglin (1990 Bhaduri, A. and Marglin, S. 1990. Unemployment and the real wage: The economic basis for contesting political ideologies. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 14: 37593. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) type model for Germany. The paper builds on the estimation strategy of Stockhammer, Onaran, and Ederer (2009 Stockhammer, E., Onaran, Ö. and Ederer, S. 2009. Functional income distribution and aggregate demand in the Euro area. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(1): 13959. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Hein and Vogel (2008 Hein, E. and Vogel, L. 2008. Distribution and growth reconsidered – empirical results for six OECD countries. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32: 479511. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2009 Hein, E. and Vogel, L. 2009. Distribution and growth in France and Germany – single equation estimations and model simulations based on the Bhaduri/Marglin‐model. Review of Political Economy, 21(2): 24572. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). The main contribution lies in a careful analysis of the effects of globalization. Since Germany is a large open economy by now it is a particularly interesting case study.  相似文献   

The impact of meat product recall events on consumer demand (beef, pork, poultry, and other consumption goods) in the USA is tested empirically. Beef, pork, and poultry recall indices are constructed from both the Food Safety Inspection Service's meat recall events and from newspaper reports over the period 1982–1998. Following previous product recall studies, recall indices are incorporated as shift variables in consumers’ demand functions. Estimating an absolute price version of the Rotterdam demand model, findings indicate that Food Safety Inspection Service's meat recall events significantly impact demand, and newspaper reports do not. Moreover, although elasticities related to recall events are significant they are small in magnitude relative to price and income effects. Any favourable effects on the demands of meat substitutes for a recall are offset by a more general negative effect on meat demand. The general negative effect indicates a shift out of meat to non-meat consumption goods.  相似文献   

In order to account for currency substitution, the majority of recent studies relating to the specification of the demand for money include the exchange rate as another determinant of the demand for money. However, those who have estimated the demand for money in China have been unable to find any significant effects of exchange rate changes on the demand for money by the Chinese. We show that this is due to the assumption that exchange rate changes have symmetric effects. Once depreciations are separated from appreciations of the yuan, those exchange rate changes are shown to have significant effects on the demand for money in China, but in an asymmetric manner.  相似文献   

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