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Using China’s provincial data from 1991 to 2005, this paper analyzes the impact of urban income disparity on their consumption based on static and dynamic panel data models and state space model. The GMM and Kalman Filter methods are used in the estimation and the variables such as income and price are controlled. The empirical results show that the elasticity of permanent income to consumption is much higher than that of temporary income; and the impact of income disparity on consumption is negative and substantial. A rise of 0.01 in the absolute value of Gini coefficient will cause a reduction of 0.35% in consumption on average. The effects fluctuate with the change of economic structure, consumption expectation and economic cycle. In the beginning years of 1990s, it is positive to enlarge income disparity moderately for consumption. It is the year of 1996 that the negative effect first appears in China. During 1998–2004, an increase of 0.01 to the absolute value of Gini coefficient will result in the reduction of consumption to fluctuate between 0.37% and 0.54%. In order to enlarge domestic demand and promote consumption, the focus should be the improvement of permanent income instead of temporary income, and the vigorous policies to reduce income disparity.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on backward linkages—the degree of localization in input usage, focusing on the potential interdependence between foreign and domestic producer firms. Drawing on Irish sectoral data during 2000–2013, our main objective is to empirically examine how foreign and domestic producer firms' backward linkages might dynamically influence each other, and the extent to which they respond to export intensity and productivity levels from the two groups of firms. We find an interesting asymmetric interdependence pattern: (1) domestic firms' backward linkages are not impacted by the backward linkages of foreign firms; (2) more robust backward linkages of domestic firms can potentially induce more backward linkages from foreign firms; and (3) domestic firms' productivity shocks could generate a dynamic crossover impact on foreign firms' backward linkage status, but similar shocks originating from foreign firms generate little crossover impact on domestic firms’ backward linkage status. Our result on interdependent local linkages points to a potentially important role for domestic-to-domestic backward linkage formation in promoting foreign-to-domestic backward linkages.  相似文献   

国有外经公司在体制改革深化的进程中,有许多探索的模式。尤其是处于与国际接轨第一线的海外承包公司,人们对它的改革方向提出了许多意见和方案,我们很难说哪一种方案和模式最适合国有外经企业。在这里,仍然需要强调“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”和“具体情况具体分析”的原则。我们应该防止全盘否定或全盘肯定,以及用简单的拿来主义吸纳海外管理思想和制度的倾向。本文将以上海外经公司在关岛的经营管理为案例,客观分析国有外经企业进行海外承包管理过程中存在的优势和劣势,为国有外经企业的改革提供一些借鉴。优势相对而言,国有外…  相似文献   

北京市外商直接投资的独资化趋势及动因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外商对华投资一般分为直接投资方式和其他投资方式。在直接投资方式中,采用较多的形式有中外合资经营、中外合作经营、外商独资经营、外商投资股份有限公司和合作开发等,其中尤以中外合作、中外合资、外商独资,即“三资”企业的组织形式最为常用。中外合作经营企业亦称契约式合  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of financial deregulation on consumption expenditure in France during the period 1970–1993. A nonlinear model for consumption which allows for liquidity constraints through a time-varying parameter dependent on a proxy for financial deregulation is estimated using nonlinear instrumental variables. It is concluded that in France financial deregulation has significantly reduced liquidity constraints faced by consumers, allowing a higher percentage of the population to smooth consumption over time. Evidence is also provided that the intertemporal elasticity of substitution is not significantly different from zero at conventional nominal levels of significance. First version received: January 1997/final version received: May 1999  相似文献   

外汇储备增加对通货膨胀的影响分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国近些年外汇储备的大幅增长导致了货币供应量的大量增加,并由此产生了巨大的通货膨胀压力;而这在一定程度上归因于现行汇率制度的弊端。为缓解外汇储备增加对通货膨胀的压力,必须对外汇储备管理制度、人民币汇率制度等进行改革,逐步使人民币汇率的波动真正反映市场供求的变化。  相似文献   

中国企业对外直接投资:发展状况与问题解析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来,中国每年在吸收500—600亿美元的外国直接投资项目,《2003年世界投资报告》显示,去年流入中国的外商直接投资达527亿美元。外资的流入不但促进了中国经济的增长,也给中国企业学习如何对外直接投资提供了绝佳的机会。因为只有更多的有效率的高附加值的中国企业走向国际市  相似文献   

The paper studies the determinants of information sharing between Swedish tax authorities and 14 EU tax authorities for value-added tax (VAT) purposes. It is shown that trade-related variables (such as the partner country’s net trade position and population size), reciprocity, and legal arrangements are significant determinants of Sweden’s trade in tax information. Countries that are net exporters of goods to Sweden appear to be net importers of information from Sweden, reflecting their need for information to combat export-related VAT fraud. Reciprocity plays a more important role in Sweden’s export of information upon official request than in its spontaneous export of information.  相似文献   

孟加拉帕克西大桥河道治理工程位于孟加拉PUBNA地区的恒河上,是帕克西大桥与河道整治工程的组成部分。该工程自2000年9月开始设备调遣,到2004年4月全面竣工,共计完成产值3500万美元。该工程能够顺利竣工,施工期间的合同管理与技术管理工作起着至关重要的作用。现介绍几个典型事  相似文献   

我国的外汇市场主要指银行之间进行结售汇头寸平补的市场,就是通常所说的国内银行间外汇市场.中国当前外汇市场制度在实践中尚需要进一步改进和完善.为了加快与国际接轨的步伐以及适应经济市场化的整体要求,我国都应该进一步深化外汇市场改革.  相似文献   

浅析中国外汇市场的交易机制和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏斌 《时代经贸》2007,5(2X):119-119,122
我国的外汇市场主要指银行之间进行结售汇头寸平补的市场,就是通常所说的国内银行间外汇市场。中国当前外汇市场制度在实践中尚需要进一步改进和完善。为了加快与国际接轨的步伐以及适应经济市场化的整体要求,我国都应该进一步深化外汇市场改革。  相似文献   

随着国际工程承包市场竞争的日趋激烈,企业要想生存,必须拥有自己的竞争优势,而降低成本则是形成企业优势的方式之一。各种税负支出是成本费用的一个重要组成部分,对企业收益和经营目标的实现有着重要的影响。对外承包工程涉及许多国家和地区,而这些国家和地区间的税收政策存在  相似文献   

随着全球的经济一体化,对外直接投资成为了公司战略管理的核心内容.中国是最大的新兴国家,同时也是新兴经济体中最大的对外投资国.中国公司的对外直接投资成为新兴公司战略管理研究的重要课题之一.本文以制度、交易成本和资源三大主流理论为基础,从战略管理的角度,分析了中国公司的对外直接投资,提供了不同的战略管理理论对这类投资不同角度的认识和理解,并强调了制度理论在分析中国公司对外直接投资中的重要性.同时,本文也简要探讨了中国公司对外直接投资的实践经验对主流理论发展的影响.  相似文献   

The Sustainable Development Goals have refocused attention on ways of providing external finance to support development. Because they have different motivations and work through different modalities, remittances, foreign direct investment (FDI), and official development assistance may be expected to have different consequences for economic growth. Existing empirical evidence suggests that both positive and negative effects are associated with each source of finance. We use both a dynamic panel model and a fixed effects model to calculate the overall effects of each source of finance in isolation and taken together over the period 1976–2015. We include a range of control variables to allow for other potential influences on economic growth. We disaggregate the effects across geographical regions and income levels to test for heterogeneity. We also undertake a series of robustness checks. Our results suggest that FDI has a significant positive effect on economic growth, whereas remittances have a significant and negative effect. The effect of foreign aid is more ambiguous but is usually insignificant. The article offers an interpretation of the results drawing on ideas from the relevant theory.  相似文献   

The research on the consumption-based asset pricing theory is limited to the developed capital markets. This paper seeks to extend the research to the Chinese developing capital market. It analyzes the dynamic relationship between the Chinese residents’ consumption, stock market returns and interest rates with the CCAPM. According to the analyses of this paper, the IV regression results are mixed. However, the data can fit the model relatively well, and the empirical results fail to reject the model. Thus, the results show that a relationship between the Chinese residents’ consumption growth rates and the asset returns does indeed exist, and that the consumption volatility risk could influence the asset returns.  相似文献   

The equity premium puzzle is found during the test of the Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) with aggregate consumption data. Because of income disparity, many consumers lack financial assets to intertemporally allocate their consumptions under income constraints. Thus, it is likely to lead to a specification error by employing aggregate consumption data to test the CCAPM. This paper examines the impacts of the economically constrained (low-income) consumers and unconstrained (high-income) consumers on the CCAPM using urban consumption expenditures in China delineated by consumer income, and tests the income constraint hypothesis. The empirical results show that the CCAPM is not more consistent with the consumption pattern of the higher-income consumers. Including the income constraint into the analyses of the consumption and asset returns does not unravel the equity premium puzzle.   相似文献   

技术进步在经济增长中的作用,正随着市场化、工业化和经济全球化而越发重要。在对外投资过程中出现的技术转移,一般是投资国利用其技术优势,通过投资行为向东道国实施先进技术转移。这种现象多发生在发达国家对发展中国家的投资行为当中,我们称之为正向技术转移。然而,随着发展中国家从事对外投资活动的逐渐增多,投资者通过对外投资项目,吸引和学习东道国有关先进技术也是一种技术转移方式。这种现象多发生在发展中国家对外投资行为中,我们称之为逆向技术转移。在这些技术转移中,技术进步收益者在通过投资利益本身直接获取技术核心…  相似文献   

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