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Small sample bias in conditional sum-of-squares estimators of fractionally integrated ARMA models 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper considers estimation of the parameters for the fractionally integrated class of processes known as ARFIMA. We consider the small sample properties of a conditional sum-of-squares estimator that is asymptotically equivalent to MLE. This estimator has the advantage of being relatively simple and can estimate all the parameters, including the mean, simultaneously. The simulation evidence we present indicates that estimation of the mean can make a considerable difference to the small sample bias and MSE of the other parameter estimates. 相似文献
This paper investigates Threshold Autoregressive (TAR) models that contain a limited number of observations in some regimes. Simulations show that within the context of the real exchange rate literature, parameter estimates exhibit significant small sample bias even with long time series data. These distortions create substantial power losses in attempting to identify values of coefficients from data. 相似文献
《Economics Letters》1986,21(2):173-176
This paper presents a fairly general and sufficiently weak condition on the observation matrix for the asymptotic normality of the least squares estimator of coefficient vector in a linear regression model. The asymptotic distribution of a statistic for testing the nullity of coefficient vector is also considered. 相似文献
Arndt Reichert 《Applied economics》2013,45(7):762-768
The classical Heckman (1976, 1979) selection correction estimator (heckit) is misspecified and inconsistent, if an interaction of the outcome variable with an explanatory variable matters for selection. To address this specification problem, a full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimator and a simple two-step estimator are developed. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations illustrate that the bias of the ordinary heckit estimator is removed by these generalized estimation procedures. Along with OLS and ordinary heckit, we apply these estimators to data from a randomized trial that evaluates the effectiveness of financial incentives for reducing obesity. Estimation results indicate that the choice of the estimation procedure clearly matters. 相似文献
Standard sample selection models with non-randomly censored outcomes assume (i) an exclusion restriction (i.e., a variable affecting selection, but not the outcome) and (ii) additive separability of the errors in the selection process. This paper proposes tests for the joint satisfaction of these assumptions by applying the approach of Huber and Mellace (Testing instrument validity for LATE identification based on inequality moment constraints, 2011) (for testing instrument validity under treatment endogeneity) to the sample selection framework. We show that the exclusion restriction and additive separability imply two testable inequality constraints that come from both point identifying and bounding the outcome distribution of the subpopulation that is always selected/observed. We apply the tests to two variables for which the exclusion restriction is frequently invoked in female wage regressions: non-wife/husband’s income and the number of (young) children. Considering eight empirical applications, our results suggest that the identifying assumptions are likely violated for the former variable, but cannot be refuted for the latter on statistical grounds. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a constrained maximum likelihood estimator for misclassification models, by formulating the estimation as an MPEC (Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints) problem. Our approach improves the numerical accuracy and avoids the singularity problem. Monte Carlo simulations confirm that the proposed estimator reduces bias and standard deviation of the estimator, especially when the sample is small/medium and/or the dimension of latent variable is large. 相似文献
Although the Heckman approach has often been used in empirical analysis, the marginal effects, necessary to interpret the effect of the regressors on the dependent variable, appeared to be overlooked. Using the Heckman approach, general expressions are derived for calculating the conditional and unconditional marginal effects. Based on a sample of Brazilian women, the conditional and unconditional return to education are calculated for the logarithm of earnings equation estimated by Heckman's procedure, comparing them to the marginal effect of education obtained without correcting for selectivity bias. The same analysis is carried out for a discrete variable ‘black’. 相似文献
We estimate a remittance model in which we address endogeneity and reverse causality relationships between immigrants' remittances, pre-transfer income and consumption. In order to take into account the fact that a large share of individuals do not remit, instrumental variable variants of the double-hurdle and Heckit selection models are proposed and estimated by Limited Information ML; semiparametric extensions are considered as robustness checks. Our results for a sample of recent immigrants to Australia show that endogeneity is substantial and that estimates obtained by the methods previously employed in the literature may be misleading if given a behavioral interpretation. 相似文献
Gravity models are widely used to explain patterns of trade. However, two stylized features of trade data, sample selection and heteroscedasticity challenge the estimation of gravity models. We propose a two-step method of moments (TS-MM) estimator that deals with both issues. The Monte-Carlo experiments show that the TS-MM estimates are resistant to various combinations of sample selection and heteroscedasticity. Moreover, the TS-MM estimator performs reasonably well even when the data generating process deviates from the TS-MM assumptions. We revisit the world trade in 1990 to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model, with emphasis on the identification of the extensive margin of trade. 相似文献
This paper discusses the estimation of parameters of a traditional transportation model, as it is typically present in so-called Takayama–Judge type spatial price equilibrium models. In contrast to previously used estimation methods, observations of regional prices as well as of trade costs are used in a direct estimation of the first order conditions. The proposed method uses bi-level programming techniques to minimize a weighted least squares criterion under the restriction that the estimated parameters satisfy the Kuhn–Tucker conditions for an optimal solution of the transport model. A penalty function and a smooth reformulation are used to iteratively approximate the complementary slackness conditions. Monte-Carlo simulations are used to trace out some properties of the estimator and compare it with a traditional calibration method. The analysis shows that the proposed technique estimates prices as well as trade costs more precisely than the traditional calibration method. It is suggested to apply the same method to a range of linear and quadratic models. 相似文献
Kerry Patterson 《Applied economics》2013,45(15):1993-2005
This paper shows that the first order bias of least squares estimators of the coefficients of an AR(p) model is important for ‘typical’ macroeconomic time series and proposes a simple to apply method of bias reduction. Biases in individual coefficients often cumulate in the sum with far-reaching consequences for the cumulative impulse response function. This function, being nonlinear in the underlying coefficients, is particularly sensitive to biases when, as is often the case, the shocks are long-lived. Simulations and examples demonstrate some of the magnitudes involved. 相似文献
In this paper, we demonstrate that using finite sample correction bootstrapping techniques is advisable in samples that cover less than two complete business cycles, even when high-frequency data seemingly provide a sufficient number of observations to overcome the small sample bias. This is particularly relevant in the current research environment. Because the recent financial crisis is considered as a structural break, research on current problems is often conducted using post-crisis data. That is, the available samples cover only a few years of data, often spanning only one business cycle or even less. We provide ample simulation-based evidence that samples of daily or monthly dynamic data covering periods of this magnitude are prone to a fairly substantial bias. Moreover, we are able to show that standard bootstrap-based bias correction techniques still work in those cases. 相似文献
In this paper, we study the Jarque-Bera test for the normality of the innovations of multivariate GARCH models. It is shown that the test is distribution free and its limiting null distribution is a chi-square distribution. 相似文献
Wei Yang 《Applied economics letters》2016,23(14):1026-1028
We propose using the rank-based variance ratio test as an easy-to-implement test for testing the independent and identically distributed assumption of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models. We apply the proposed test to duration data of five stocks and get the same conclusions as previous studies. 相似文献
Rodolfo M. Nayga 《Applied economics》2013,45(3):345-352
The factors affecting household expenditures on four types of prepared food products from a sample selection model estimated using a two-step method are explored. Results suggest that several variables affect household expenditures on various prepared food products. Factors examined are presence of children, number of earners, region, household size, seasonality, age, race, education, and income. 相似文献
We consider the bias of the two-stage least squares (2SLS) estimator in linear instrumental variable regression with only one endogenous regressor. By using asymptotic expansion techniques, we approximate the 2SLS coefficient estimation bias under various scenarios regarding the number and strength of instruments. 相似文献
Artem Prokhorov 《Economics Letters》2012,114(2):195-197
For covariance structure models, the QMLE second-order bias is derived and compared with EL and GMM. Surprisingly, QMLE and EL have the same second-order bias if QMLE and GMM(EL) are equally first-order efficient. Other examples favoring QMLE are given. 相似文献
《Economics Letters》1986,21(2):163-167
An estimator for regression coefficients of Kadiyala (1984) is considered. It is proved that the estimator is asymptotically unbiased. The asymptotic weak mean squared error of the estimator is also derived and it is proved that, under certain conditions, the estimator dominates a general class of estimators given by Vinod and Ullah (1981). 相似文献
Alan Woodfield 《Economics Letters》1981,8(4):335-339
Optimal redistributive tax-subsidy schemes are devised leading to maximum unweighted and class-weighted balanced growth per capita consumption levels in the two-class neoclassical model. A subsidy, and, if workers are numerically dominant, a tax are required in each respective case. 相似文献
This paper examines evolutionary equilibrium selection in bargaining models. We show that random best-response and continuous best-response learning dynamics give rise to (different) simple sufficient conditions for identifying outcomes as stochastically stable. This allows us to characterize the implications of these dynamics in simple bargaining games. 相似文献