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We study unemployment insurance (UI) in an equilibrium environment in which unemployed workers only receive benefits for a finite length of time. Although all workers have identical productivity and leisure value, the random arrival of job offers creates ex-post differences with respect to their time remaining until benefit expiration. Firms, which are also homogeneous, can exploit these differences, leading to an endogenous wage distribution.This allows us to examine the equilibrium effect of policy changes in both the size and length of UI benefits. Surprisingly, an increase in benefits can actually cause wages to fall, which is contrary to the predictions of on-the-job-search models. Moreover, we explain well-documented patterns of how the hazard rate of exiting unemployment responds to these policy changes. Our theory also explains why this hazard rate jumps at the time of benefit exhaustion.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the impact of wages on job search decisions in Eastern Germany immediately after reunification and in later periods. Several concepts measuring wage effects are used. The results of bivariate probit estimates with incomplete classification for a global and local job search show that the wage level had stronger effects on the former than on the latter job search decision directly after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The degree of satisfaction with current income and the earnings capacities were irrelevant for the search decision. Low-paid East German workers had a higher propensity to search for a new job in the old Länder than others. This is contrary to the misleading result of isolated estimates about the job search in Western Germany. In the subsequent periods the situation has changed. The difference of earnings capacities between Eastern and Western Germany, specific East German wage premiums and intraregional wage inequality affect the decision to search for a new job in the west.For helpful comments I thank Michael Burda, Knut Gerlach, Robert A. Hart, Stefan Niermann, Liz Regan and two referees.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study on unemployment benefit sanctions. The experimental set-up allows us to distinguish between the effect of benefit sanctions once they are imposed (the ex post effect) and the threat of getting a benefit sanction imposed (the ex ante effect). We find that both effects matter. Moreover, the ex ante effect turns out to be substantial and bigger than the ex post effect. Benefits sanctions stimulate the outflow from unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates why educated jobseekers tend to experience longer search and unemployment durations than their less educated counterparts. The empirical analysis based upon a survey of Delhi jobseekers indicates that while the duration of search is mainly determined by educational level, the duration of unemployment is more closely related to personal and family characteristics normally associated with education. Earnings function results are consistent with the proposition that the educated search longer because their returns are higher.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine a continuous model of job search. Job offers are received randomly over time according to a renewal process. The wage offers are assumed to be positive, independent, and identically distributed random variables. There is a search cost of c monetary units per unit time. The only decision the searcher must make is when to stop searching and accept an offer. It is shown that the optimal stopping strategy which maximizes the searcher's expected net return over the class of all stopping times possesses the reservation wage property, provided that the interarrival time between two successive job offers in NBUE (new better than used in expectation).  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of sectoral shifts among industries on unemployment duration. These effects are decomposed into two subeffects: the overall effect and the specific industrial effect. The former is equal for all of the unemployed in all industries, while the latter depends on the tightness of the demand for labour of the industry in question. In addition, the impact of the aggregate labour market on unemployment duration is also explored. The empirical results show that most of the overall and all of the specific effects are significant, indicating that the sectoral shifts among industries as well as the aggregate labour market do in fact impact unemployment duration, and that the effects on unemployment duration vary in terms of their tightness in the different industrial labour markets.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the literature on unemployment and well-being by investigating the linkage between personal life satisfaction and a macroeconomic indicator of the duration of unemployment. Using data for more than 50?000 individuals in 10 European countries, 1992–2002, we find that the social costs of unemployment, in terms of general unemployment's impact on life satisfaction, relate significantly and to a considerable extent to unemployment duration. It is thus not just the risk of becoming or staying unemployed that people worry about, but especially the prospect of staying long-term unemployed. This fear affects employed and unemployed people alike. Our findings provide a strong point for focusing labour market policies on long-term unemployment, in addition to considerations of human capital depreciation.  相似文献   

In this paper models for the duration of unemployment are estimated using aggregate data on incomplete unemployment spells. In particular the elasticities of the probability of leaving unemployment with respect to age and unemployment percentage are estimated. Special attention is paid to the time dependence of the re-employment probability and to the effect of omitted regressors. Because models are fitted for male and female unemployed separately, these groups can be compared. We find that their position on the labour market is different.  相似文献   

"Based on survey data on 1,400 rural migrants in Delhi, this paper examines within a multivariate context the determinants of migrating with a pre-arranged job and of the initial duration of urban unemployment. The results show that the probability of moving with a pre-arranged job increases with education and with age, and is higher for those who seek non-manual jobs. For migrants who arrive in the city without a pre-arranged job, unemployment duration depends on marital status, premigration information on urban employment opportunities, and on the reliance on contacts for job search."  相似文献   

The impact of tax reforms on unemployment in a SMOPEC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes revenue-neutral tax reforms for a small open economy which is constrained to a balanced current account and whose producers have market power on the world market. We consider origin-based and destination-based commodity taxes as well as taxes on income, the payroll, and on an imported factor of production. Our main findings are the following. First, the strength, and for some parameter constellations, even the sign of the employment effect of tax reforms varies with the degree of openness of the economy. Second, the indeterminacy of the sign of the employment effect crucially hinges on the presence of an internationally mobile factor. The central mechanism underlying our results are adjustments of the real exchange rate which have repercussions on wage and price setting and therefore on employment.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the model used by Layard and Nickell to account for changes in unemployment is highly restrictive in that it imposes cross-equation constraints and neglects labour supply as a source of the increase in unemployment. A less restrictive model, which circumvents some of the problems encountered in the Layard-Nickell approach, is suggested as a tool to account for an unemployment path. Dynamic simulations with the model suggest that labour supply persistence, increased mark-up of prices over wages and low GDP growth have, in particular, contributed to the UK unemployment increase from 1967 to 1983.  相似文献   

After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 and the financial panic that ensued, the Federal Reserve moved rapidly to reduce the federal funds rate to .25%. It was quickly judged that additional measures were needed to stabilize the US economy. Beginning in December 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank initiated three rounds of unconventional monetary policies known as quantitative easing (QE). These policies were intended to reduce long-term interest rates when the short-term federal funds rates had reached the zero lower bound and could not become negative. It was argued that the lowering of longer-term interest rates would help the stock market and thus the wealth of consumers. This article carefully investigates three hypotheses: QE impacting long-term interest rates, QE impacting the stock market and QE impacting unemployment using a Markov regime switching methodology. We conclude that QE has contributed significantly to increases in the stock market but less significantly to long-term interest rate and unemployment.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between disembodied technological progress and unemployment in a standard search-matching model. We find that the sign of the correlation crucially depends on the degree of idiosyncratic uncertainty. The analysis uncovers a new effect whereby an increase in growth intensifies the endogenous rate of job separation because it raises the workers' outside option. For plausible parameter values, the outside option effect outweighs the capitalization effect, so that disembodied technological progress increases the rate of unemployment.  相似文献   

《Applied economics》2012,44(21):2743-2756
This article investigates the hypothesis that the extent to which hysteresis occurs in the aftermath of recessions depends on monetary policy reactions. The degree of hysteresis is explained econometrically by the extent of monetary easing during a recession and by standard variables for labour market institutions in a pooled cross country analysis using quarterly data. The sample includes 40 recessions in 19 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries for which the required data is available. The time period lasts for the period from 1980 to 2007. This article builds on Ball (1999) and extends the sample of countries, the time period under investigation and the set of control variables.  相似文献   

Volatility, and the uncertainty it creates, has long been recognized as a factor in economic decision making. Since hiring occurs before shocks to productivity are realized, firms’ investment in new labour is inherently risky. How large a role uncertainty in productivity has on aggregate unemployment is an empirical question that we attempt to answer. In this paper we measure the impact of higher volatility in labour productivity on the unemployment rate in the U.S. economy using a SVAR-GARCH-M model. Using the conditional standard deviation of productivity innovations from a multivariate GARCH model to measure uncertainty, we provide compelling evidence that unemployment increases with volatility. This estimated relative effect is actually larger for positive productivity shocks leading to unemployment declines only 60% as large as would have occurred using models that exclude uncertainty.  相似文献   

The paper explores the connection between the natural rates of unemployment and interest first put forward in the literature by Dennis Robertson in the 1930s. This looks at monetary dynamics in the business cycle and assesses the Robertsonian contribution to developments in macroeconomics before and after Keynes's General Theory. Robertson showed how unanticipated price level changes affect supply and demand in the labour market, as well as the saving–investment process in the credit market. Robertson's approach to economic policy was that of getting the relations right between cyclical changes in prices, output and employment and their long-run equilibrium values over time.  相似文献   

The well known Lucas-Rapping (1969, 1970) U.S. Labour market model has been estimated with a simple disequilibrium estimation method. Neither the wage rate nor the employment level are found to adjust to clear the labour market within the unit time period. The elasticity of labour supply in the short run is found to be high which is consistent with the recent theories of real business cycle. Adjustment in employment towards equilibrium is faster than the adjustment in the wages. The rate of unemployment is satisfactorily explained by the excess supply rate without the need for the lagged unemployment rate. Thus our unemployment equation is superior to the Lucas-Rapping equation based on the equilibrium framework.I am grateful Professors J. W. Nevile, V. K. Srivastava, the editor of this Journal, Professor Baldev Raj and two referees for their comments on an earlier version of this paper. I wish to thank Kris Corcoran for her excellent research assistance. The research contained in this paper is financed by a grant from the Faculty of Commerce and Economics.  相似文献   

On January 1, 1987, the legal minimum wage for workers aged 18 and 19 in Portugal was raised by 49.3%. This shock is used as a “natural experiment” to evaluate the impact of the minimum wage change on teenagers’ employment. The method is to compare, based on firm-level microdata, the employment growth of 18-19-year-old workers with employment growth of older workers. The main findings are that the increase in the minimum wage significantly reduced employment of 18 and olds, but increased employment of 20- olds.  相似文献   

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