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In this paper we propose an aggregate measure of income inequality for the founding countries of the European Monetary Union. Applying the methodology of the Theil index we are able to derive a measure for Euroland as a whole by using complementary data from the European Community Household Panel and the Luxembourg Income Study. The property of additive decomposability allows us to determine each country's contribution as well as that of each demographic group to overall income inequality. In addition the impact of government transfers on this inequality measure is assessed.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the effects of different decision rulesin the ECB on monetary stability. We consider a model where asymmetricshocks and divergent propagation of shocks on output and inflation arepotential causes of tension within the ECB concerning the conduct ofmonetary policy. Given divergence of desired interest rates we analyze theeffect of different voting procedures within the Governing Council of theECB. We find that under ECB-rule the ECB Board is able to impose its desiredinterest rate as the Euro-wide interest rate. Large countries benefit fromECB-rule as it implies higher voting power for them at the GoverningCouncil. Our welfare analysis indicates that under particular parameterspecifications ECB-rule is strictly preferred to Nationalistic rule.  相似文献   

The introduction of the euro marks a milestone in the process of European financial market integration. This paper analyzes the implications of the euro for cross-border banking activities. A portfolio model is used which captures the role of banks as providers of informational and of risk-diversification services. By eliminating exchange rate risks, the euro enhances the incentives of banks to expand within Euroland. Yet, while the currency bias in bank portfolios will be eliminated, the home bias will remain. Implications of market integration for the risk-taking and the monitoring of banks are not clear-cut.  相似文献   

On the real effects of inflation and inflation uncertainty in Mexico   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We estimate an augmented multivariate GARCH-M model of inflation and output growth for Mexico at business cycle frequencies. The main findings are: (1) inflation uncertainty has a negative and significant effect on growth; (2) once the effect of inflation uncertainty is accounted for, lagged inflation does not have a direct negative effect on output growth; (3) However as predicted by Friedman and Ball, higher average inflation raises inflation uncertainty, and the overall net effect of average inflation on output growth in Mexico is negative. That is, average inflation is harmful to Mexican growth due to its impact on inflation uncertainty. (4) The Mexican Presidential election cycle significantly raises inflation uncertainty both during the year of the election and the year following the election which has correspondingly negative effects on output growth.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):317-322
This paper forecasts inflation in China over a 12-month horizon. The analysis runs 15 alternative models and finds that only those considering many predictors via a principal component display a better relative forecasting performance than the univariate benchmark.  相似文献   

The inflation rate is a key economic indicator for which forecasters are constantly seeking to improve the accuracy of predictions, so as to enable better macroeconomic decision making. Presented in this paper is a novel approach which seeks to exploit auxiliary information contained within inflation forecasts for developing a new and improved forecast for inflation by modeling with Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA). Unlike other forecast combination techniques, the key feature of the proposed approach is its use of forecasts, i.e. data into the future, within the modeling process and extracting auxiliary information for generating a new and improved forecast. We consider real data on consumer price inflation in UK, obtained via the Office for National Statistics. A variety of parametric and nonparametric models are then used to generate univariate forecasts of inflation. Thereafter, the best univariate forecast is considered as auxiliary information within the MSSA model alongside historical data for UK consumer price inflation, and a new multivariate forecast is generated. We find compelling evidence which shows the benefits of the proposed approach at generating more accurate medium to long term inflation forecasts for UK in relation to the competing models. Finally, through the discussion, we also consider Google Trends forecasts for inflation within the proposed framework.  相似文献   

This paper uses the ARFIMA-FIGARCH model to investigate the China’s monthly inflation rate from January 1983 to October 2005. It is found that both first moment and second moment of inflation have remarkable long memory, indicating the existence of long memory properties in both inflation level and inflation uncertainty. By the Granger-causality test on inflation rate and inflation uncertainty, it is shown that the inflation level affects the inflation uncertainty and so supports Friedman hypothesis. Therefore, as for policy maker, they should roundly concerns on long memory properties of inflation and inflation uncertainty, and their single-direction relationship between them. __________ Translated from Guanli shijie 管理世界 (Management World), 2007, (7): 14–21  相似文献   

Rangan Gupta 《Applied economics》2017,49(24):2316-2321
We propose a comparison between atheoretical and theoretical models in forecasting the inflation rate for an inflation-targeting country such as South Africa. In a pseudo real-time environment, our results show that for shorter horizons, the atheoretical error correction models, with and without factors, perform better; while for longer horizons, theoretical (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium-based) models outperform their competitors.  相似文献   

This article explores how inflation persistence relates to the conduct and goals of monetary policy by presenting a new approach to modelling US inflation persistence and the Fed's dual mandate. Our framework fills a gap in pre-existing models by more flexibly accounting for diverse dynamic properties and shocks. Estimating a Phillips Curve model augmented with inflation volatilities and expectations, we find that the degree of monthly inflation persistence is time variant since World War II. Variations in persistence continue to be observed regardless of the absolute level of inflation and the extent of the trade-off between inflation and unemployment. We demonstrate that inflation persistence varies in line with expectations formed by memories of past inflation. This supports the case for more flexible monetary policy at times, as in the 1980s or especially the present decade, when inflation is more persistent.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the inflation process in Slovenia through an examination of some commonly used determinants of inflation in transition economies. Granger causality tests and an analysis of unrestricted VAR models suggest a strong linkage between both growth in broader monetary aggregates and changes in the tolar-deutsche mark exchange rate on retail price inflation. While the growth in wages affects inflation, it appears that both changes in the exchange rate and growth in monetary aggregates provide the initial impulse. A discussion of the present money-exchange rate policy framework and its influence on inflation is also provided.  相似文献   

We evaluate whether labour mobility is likely to act as a sufficient adjustment mechanism in the face of asymmetric shocks in Euroland. As no adequate data on cross-border migration are available, migration elasticities within nation states (Western Germany, France and Italy) are estimated and interpreted as upper bounds for cross-border migration elasticities between European nation states. Labour mobility is highest in Germany, followed by France and Italy. However, the accommodation of a shock to unemployment by migration takes several years. We conclude that labour mobility is unlikely to act as a sufficient adjustment mechanism to asymmetric shocks in Euroland.  相似文献   

Divergent inflation rates in EMU   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  

Neil Lawton 《Applied economics》2020,52(29):3186-3203

This article tests the Friedman–Ball hypothesis for the European Monetary Union (EMU) countries, using a GARCH methodology. The empirical results show a positive relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty, largely supportive of the Friedman–Ball hypothesis. Furthermore, the ECB’s price stability mandate is found to have asymmetric, if not limited, effects on inflation uncertainty since 1999, with the findings different for the so-called peripheral countries when compared to the core. For the majority of the EMU countries, shifts away from the 2% target served to increase inflation uncertainty. The credibility of the ECB since the financial crisis, in attempting to meet its 2% inflation target has seen inflation uncertainty increase for some, likely driven by inflation failing to re-anchor. Furthermore, recent periods of deflation are found to generate inflation uncertainty, with short-term price variability increasing in line with observed negative price growth for the majority of the EMU countries. The results are supportive of a U-shaped relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty. Using spline techniques, we formally provide support for such a U-shaped relation where inflation uncertainty broadly increases below a certain threshold for each country’s inflation rate. Asymmetric effects across countries are found in the level of this threshold.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence that if agents forecast inflation rationally, using an estimate of the reduced form equation which generated the data, then the size of their forecast errors is positively correlated with the level of inflation. Forecast errors are measured first as the residuals from a full sample OLS regression, and secondly from one period ahead, outside sample, forecasts using a regression estimated from only data available at the time of the forecast. Thus, agents who form rational expectations about the variance, as well as the mean, of inflation should form conditional variances dependent on the level of inflation, at the date of the forecast.  相似文献   

The persistence property of inflation is an important issue not only for economists, but especially for central banks, given that the degree of inflation persistence determines the extent to which central banks can control inflation. Further, not only is it the level of inflation persistence that is important in economic analyses, but also the question of whether the persistence varies over time, for instance, across business cycle phases, is equally pertinent, since assuming constant persistence across states of the economy is sure to lead to misguided policy decisions. Against this backdrop, we extend the literature on long-memory models of inflation persistence for the US economy over the monthly period of 1920:1–2014:5, by developing an autoregressive fractionally integrated moving-average-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic model with a time-varying memory coefficient which varies across expansions and recessions. In sum, we find that inflation persistence does vary across recessions and expansions, with it being significantly higher in the former than in the latter. As an aside, we also show that persistence of inflation volatility is higher during expansions than in recessions. Understandably, our results have important policy implications.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of inflation uncertainty on inflation from January 1982 through March 2016 for Turkey by using the Stochastic Volatility in Mean model with time-varying parameters. Our empirical evidence from consumer price index (CPI) inflation suggests that the observed positive relationship between inflation and inflation uncertainty is not robust. This positive relationship diminishes after 2002. This finding is valid for all five subcomponents of CPI inflation; however, for Health Services, Transportation Services, and Recreational and Cultural Services, an inflation-positive association is reported after 2010.  相似文献   

This paper examines the intellectual environment in Canada that led to the adoption of inflation targets starting in 1991, reviews some of the Canadian contributions to the vast literature on inflation targeting and presents evidence in support of the view that the implementation of inflation targeting in Canada has been particularly successful when compared with the experiences of other inflation‐targeting countries and the US.  相似文献   

Fiscal theorists warn about the risk of future inflation as a consequence of fiscal imbalances in the US. Because actual inflation remains historically low and data on inflation expectations do not corroborate such risks, warnings for fiscal inflation are often ignored in policy and academic circles. This paper shows that a canonical NK-DSGE model enables identifying an anticipated component of inflation expectations that is closely related to fiscal policy. Estimation results suggest that fiscal inflation concerns have induced a 1.6%-points increase in long-run inflation since 2001. The model also rationalizes why data on inflation expectations do not reveal such concerns outright.  相似文献   

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