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An indirect translog utility function is estimated for U.S. expenditure on domestically produced non-durables, durables, services and consumer imports. Empirical tests lead to the rejection of homogeneity and linear logarithmic utility as valid functional forms. Estimates of expenditure elasticities indicate that imported varieties of consumer goods are luxuries. An exogenous decrease in the price of these goods, which would occur when tariff barriers are relaxed, would be especially beneficial to upper income consumers. Finally, a redistribution of expenditure from upper income consumers to lower income consumers will increase expenditure on domestically produced goods and reduce expenditure on consumer imports.  相似文献   

Michael Wüger 《Empirica》1986,13(2):155-172
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Studie wird ein Modell entwickelt, das Auswirkungen von Umverteilungen der persönlichen Einkommen auf den privaten Konsum und die gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfrage abbilden kann. Effekte auf die Angebotsseite können von solchen Modellen naturgemëß nicht erfaßt werden, woraus aber nicht auf die Geringschätzung dieser Effekte geschlossen werden soll und kann.Die Ergebnisse der Studie sind als eine erste Annäherung an diese wirtschaftspolitisch interessante Frage zu werten, da das vorhandene Datenmaterial keine exakte Quantifizierung zuläßt. Es läßt sich daher lediglich folgern, daß mit Hilfe von Umverteilungen der persönlichen Einkommen die Gesamtnachfrage in Österreich zumindest kurzfristig erhöht werden kann. Deutliche Auswirkungen sind jedoch nur bei relativ starken Eingriffen in die Verteilung zu erwarten — ein Ergebnis, das für hochentwickelte Länder allgemein gültig sein dürfte, da in diesen Ländern die Verteilung egalitärer als in wenig entwickelten ist.  相似文献   

Employing a multiple regression model, the purpose of the study is to statistically analyze the variations in income concentration between the federal entities of Mexico. The model presented accounts for 72 percent of inter-state variations in individual income concentration.  相似文献   


Folbre's 'structures of constraint' analysis treats women as socially embedded in 'multiple, often contradictory positions, because they belong to multiple groups'. This paper addresses the problem of women's multiple collective identities by arguing that Sen's capability framework offers a means of explaining how women can maintain coherent personal identities. Using Sen's real opportunities sense of capabilities, the paper argues that women can acquire personal identities apart from their multiple collective identities if they acquire the specific capability of being able, freely and successfully, to negotiate their multiple group involvements. Folbre's list of policies for a more egalitarian family is reconsidered from this perspective.  相似文献   

夏爽 《时代经贸》2008,6(5):52-53
企业统计是企业统计人员收集、汇总企业生产经营过程中的有关数据和情报,进行整理之后提供给各级领导,使领导掌握企业的生产和经营的具体情况,作为下步的调度和决策依据。本文主要分析目前我国企业在统计制度改革过程中存在的一些误区,提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

Income distribution within a fixed-membership firm is modeled assuming that all net revenue is distributed to workers. The payment system used is a generalization, for heterogeneous workers, of an income equation first adopted by Sen. We introduce the assumption that payment rates for different workers are chosen to maximize an individualistic welfare function for the firm. A general result for a maximin welfare function is obtained and, using a simulation, we explore the effects of different elasticities of substitution in individual utility functions and different weights put on egalitarianism in the welfare function.  相似文献   

This study considered the conservation of money in a closed economic system. In such system, the probability distribution of money is exponential, and similar to the Boltzmann-Gibbs function in a closed energy system. The theoretical concept of econophysics is compared here with empirical data. The current work analyzes the recent data with regard to personal income distribution obtained from United States Census Bureau for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. The data was best fitted with the exponential function, which supports the theoretical assumption for the income of the majority of the population. This study also investigates this distribution for a population with high personal income.  相似文献   

"A common hypothesis regarding the distribution of income is that it tends to become more unequal in the initial and middle stages of economic development, in part because of demographic changes. However, previous studies of the effect of demographic changes on income distribution are not based on the underlying micro determinants of the income components." In the present paper, "the micro determinants of the probability of receipt and amount received conditional on receipt of four income components are estimated for three regions defined by the degree of urbanization. Five simulations of hypothetical demographic changes are conducted. The simulated effects on some of the regional income component distributions are fairly considerable in regard both to equalizing the distributions and increasing the shares of the poorest. However, the overall effects are regressive in both urban and rural regions."  相似文献   

税收征管效率是目前税收研究中受到密切关注的热点问题.针对征收过程中流失较为严重的税种——个人所得税,构建了一个DEA模型,对1994年分税制改革以来我国个人所得税的征管效率进行了有效生评价,并分析了其变化趋势.一个税种的征管效率往往并不只受到一种因素的影响,而是多种因素协同作用的结果.DEA方法作为一种多指标的综合评价方法,在这方面具有非常好的应用价值.  相似文献   

Germany has experienced a period of extreme nominal and real wage moderation since the mid‐1990s. Contrary to the expectations of liberal economists, this has failed to improve Germany’s mediocre economic performance. However, Germany is now running substantial current account surpluses. One possible explanation for Germany’s disappointing performance is found in Kaleckian theory, which highlights that the domestic demand effect of a decline in the wage share will typically be contractionary, whereas net exports will increase (Blecker 1989 Blecker, R. 1989. International competition, income distribution and economic growth. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 13: 395412. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The size of the foreign demand effect will critically depend on the degree of openness of the economy. This paper aims at estimating empirically the demand side of a Bhaduri and Marglin (1990 Bhaduri, A. and Marglin, S. 1990. Unemployment and the real wage: The economic basis for contesting political ideologies. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 14: 37593. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) type model for Germany. The paper builds on the estimation strategy of Stockhammer, Onaran, and Ederer (2009 Stockhammer, E., Onaran, Ö. and Ederer, S. 2009. Functional income distribution and aggregate demand in the Euro area. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 33(1): 13959. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Hein and Vogel (2008 Hein, E. and Vogel, L. 2008. Distribution and growth reconsidered – empirical results for six OECD countries. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32: 479511. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2009 Hein, E. and Vogel, L. 2009. Distribution and growth in France and Germany – single equation estimations and model simulations based on the Bhaduri/Marglin‐model. Review of Political Economy, 21(2): 24572. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). The main contribution lies in a careful analysis of the effects of globalization. Since Germany is a large open economy by now it is a particularly interesting case study.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this research is to identify to which extent alternative ways of savings are treated differently by the Spanish personal income tax before and after the tax reform of 1998. The proposed measure for appraising savings tax neutrality is based on the methodology of effective tax rates, originally developed by King and Fullerton [1983a, 1983b] and adapted to the Spanish case by González-Páramo [1991, 1995] and González-Páramo and Badenes [1999]. In light of the results, support is found for the expected lack of neutrality under the 18/91 law and the 40/98 law. However, in the savings taxation arena, it is possible to appreciate a trend toward greater doses of simplicity and neutrality as means of a closer treatment between capital income and capital gains returns.This project was funded by the Distance Teaching National University.  相似文献   

In his 1960 book, Sraffa suggested using a composite commodity,which he called the ‘Standard commodity’, to solveRicardo's search for an invariable measure of value, i.e., astandard capable of isolating the price movements of any othercommodity induced by changes in income distribution. The absencein Sraffa's book of an explicit proof of the invariance propertyof this standard gave rise to many misunderstandings about itsmeaning and its role as an invariable measure of value. In orderto clear up these questions, Bellino (On Sraffa's Standard commodity,Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 28, 121–32, 2004)has proposed a ‘proper’ definition of an ‘invariablemeasure of value’, showing that Sraffa's Standard commoditydoes fulfil the requirements of this definition. He claims thatthe fulfilment of this property (but not the constancy of its‘nominal’ price) qualifies the Standard commodityas an invariable measure of value. In this paper, a proof ofthe invariance of the price of the Standard commodity with respectto changes in income distribution is given, and the equivalenceof this property with Bellino's definition of invariance isshown.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1996,50(3):223-234
Deaton's “excess smoothness” question can be reformulated by focusing attention on total income rather than labour income: the permanent income theory predicts that the relative volatility of consumption is equal to total income persistence, a fact that is contradicted by empirical evidence. This formulation is more general than the original one in that it is independent of the value of the interest rate, the univariate dynamics of labour income and the information set of the representative consumer. When properly formulated, the excess smoothness problem cannot be solved within Quah's superior information model; as a consequence, the interest of alternative solutions such as aggregation models is increased.  相似文献   

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