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The sustainable development supposes a development strategy that would ensure the interdependence and complementarily of objectives from the social, economic and environmental fields. The degree of priority established for the three dimensions of sustainable development differs from one country to another, a fact that confers a national and local meaning to this issue. For the Central and Eastern European countries, balanced economic development represents one of the fundamental objectives of the reforms started in 1990. Education represents a priority of any country's economic development and an extremely important element of economic growth. This paper presents the characteristics of the Romanian educational system while achieving a comparative analysis regarding different countries of the European Union, both from a quantitative viewpoint (using the main indicators in the education field) and a qualitative viewpoint (using student performances in international evaluations). In the end, we present some proposals for the improvement of the present state of the Romanian educational system.  相似文献   

Haydar Sengul 《Applied economics》2013,45(20):2421-2431
This study investigates the relationship between food consumption and economic development in Turkey and European Union countries. Differences in food diets are analysed by using data on per capita consumption in caloric terms based on the period from 1970 to 2000. The cluster analysis is employed to derive country grouping on the basis of similarities in dietary structure in the 1970 and 2000. Existence of a trend towards a common European diet is explored with Beta convergence. The empirical results show that per capita food consumption is becoming less responsive to changes in income and appears to be reaching a ceiling in the majority of EU countries and Turkey. However, the share of animal products in food consumption diet is low and income expenditure elasticity of animal products is higher with 0.84 values in Turkey than that in European countries in 2000. There are great differences in dietary structure between Turkey and the European Union. Differences also exist between European Union countries; however, despite these differences there is a general tendency for dietary structure to become increasingly similar across the majority of European Union countries. The result also supports the absence of a convergence towards a common diet if Turkey joins the European Union.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between exports and economic growth in four of the Arab Gulf countries, namely, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Oman for the period 1973–93. The estimates presented indicate a positive and significant relation between the two variables. Also, the statistical adequacy of the models used is supported by the following diagnostic tests. The Bruesch-Godfrey statistic suggests the absence of serial correlation. The Farely-Hinich test fails to reject the null hypothesis that the models are structurally stable. And both the White and Hausman specification tests show that the models are correctly specified.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies the contribution of exports to economic growth in Central and East European countries (CEECs) during transition. Two theoretical models are examined: the first is based on an aggregate production function which includes exports as an additional ‘input’; while the second is based on a two-sector (exports and non-exports) model where exports provide positive externalities in non-export production. Each model is estimated with both fixed and random effects using panel data. Results show that the random effects model is preferred and that exports have a significant impact on economic growth.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which diplomatic relations are related to cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) activities in the European Union during the years 2001–2019. Implementing a gravity model, we find a positive relationship between diplomatic distance and M&A activities, meaning that weaker diplomatic relations are linked to increases in inward M&As. This finding holds when foreign investors target high-tech firms, are private rather than state-owned enterprises, or buy larger shares of the target companies. This evidence suggests that cross-border acquisitions could be a way for the investing firm to mitigate issues related to weak diplomatic relations, such as access to host markets’ information and technological knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the causal relationship between the degree of openness of the economy, financial development and economic growth by using a multivariate autoregressive VAR model in Greece for the examined period 1960:I-2000:IV. The results of cointegration analysis suggest that there is one cointegrated vector among GDP, financial development and the degree of openness of the economy. Granger causality tests based on error correction models show that there is a causal relationship between financial development and economic growth, but also between the degree of openness of the economy and economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper uses data for the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU) from 2000 to 2010 to support the thesis that a positive and significant correlation exists between a nation’s quality of governance and its economic output. To achieve this goal, the elements of governance that have been reported by the Worldwide Governance Indicators project are considered. Four individual indicators for the quality of policies and institutions and a global indicator of governance quality are constructed. We estimate that, for our database, a standard deviation shock in these indicators causes changes between 0.03-fold and 0.05-fold in income per capita.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) activities in the European Union (EU). Evidence is based on panel Poisson models drawing on two investment monitors at the individual project level. Greenfield investments (GI) and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are distinguished. The findings indicate that market size and bilateral trade are the main factors for Chinese investment in the EU. In contrast, business-friendly institutions do not foster FDI. Probably, Chinese investors are risk averse, and prefer regions with less competitive markets. The striking difference between GIs and M&As is related to unit labour costs. Higher costs make the host country less attractive for the establishment of new firms, but do not affect the involvement in existing firms. The sectoral dispersion of Chinese FDI in the EU did not change much since the global financial crisis. Most relevant shifts have occurred in research and development (R&D), where low-income EU countries have become increasingly attractive.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of innovation attempts on the venture capital and investment activity in the cases of the selected European Union plus European Free Trade Agreement countries using annual panel data and by controlling for real income growth and business sophistication. Our findings suggest that innovation has positively significant effects on venture capital in the cases without opt-out countries (United Kingdom and Denmark); however, these effects become negative in the cases with opt-out countries. Policy implications are provided in the conclusion section of this study.  相似文献   

This article utilizes a simultaneous equations model to study the relationships among economic growth, banking and stock market development. In contrast to conventional instrumental variable approach, we implement the analysis via the methodology of identification through heteroscedasticity. Using Beck and Levine (2004 Beck, T. and Levine, R. (2004) Stock markets, banks and growth:panel evidence, Journal of Banking and Finance, 28, 42342.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) dataset, we find that each of the three variables interacts in important ways. While both are conducive to economic growth, banking development matters more for growth in low-income countries and stock market development is more favourable to growth in high-income or low-inflation ones. The data also reveal coexistence of a positive effect of banking development on stock market development and a negative effect of stock market development on banking development. Besides, the feedback effects of growth on both banking and stock market development are found.  相似文献   

The paper presents an empirical investigation of the extent to which exchange rate movements affect export prices in the leading European countries. By extending the model proposed by Kasa (1992) to a context of monopolistic competition, an export price equation has been derived that allows us to clearly identify the effects of nominal exchange rate movements on the exporters' profit margins and therefore on his prices. This equation has then been estimated with reference to five different products (beer, car tyres, truck tyres, aluminium foil and cars) and six markets (United States, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain). The results show that the pass-through is more likely to occur and larger in absolute value for the less differentiated products, for which markets can plausibly be assumed to be more competitive. In line with previous empirical findings, the German and US markets are the ones in which it is most difficult for exporters to modify their prices expressed in local currency.  相似文献   

Industrial output in Central and Eastern Europe evolved in a U-shape during the first seven years of transition. The literature explains the initial collapse of industrial output as an inefficient outcome driven by supply side distortions that constrained the transition process. We show that the U-shape experience of industrial sectors is an outcome driven by an intrasector change, induced by investment demand shocks, in the market orientation of production away from products traditionally sold into the CMEA market and towards products traditionally sold into the EU market. This revisionist view has important implications for policy formation. J. Comp. Econom., December 1999, 27(4), pp. 730–752. LICOS, Centre for Transition Economics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Debériotstraat 34, 3000 Leuven, Belgium; and Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland, and LICOS, Centre for Transition, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Debériostraat 34, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.  相似文献   

The impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening and growth in Cameroon is examined. We employ five proxies of financial deepening against deposit rate, a proxy for interest rate reforms. The impact of interest rate reforms on financial deepening is sensitive to the proxy used for financial deepening. The impact is almost negative and significant for all the indicators, except for the ratio of broad money to Gross Domestic Product, where it is positive and significant in the first lag. This means that financial repression helps improve broad money and hinders the development of the other indicators of financial development in Cameroon.  相似文献   

The determinants of non-life insurance expenditure in a panel data set covering 36 developed countries and 31 developing countries for the period 2000–2011 are analysed. Results of our instrumental variable analysis indicate that economic freedom, income, bank development, urbanization, culture and law systems are the key drivers of the non-life insurance expenditure across countries. However, their impacts differ significantly between the groups of developed and developing countries, suggesting that the heterogeneity among countries in terms of the level of development plays an important role. The global financial crisis is also found to influence the direction of those effects, especially in developed countries. The article yields useful policy and economic implications for governments and multinational non-life insurance companies with regard to the development of the non-life insurance sector, an important engine for economic growth and prosperity.  相似文献   

In a study of 43 developing countries in the 1973–78 period of external shocks, the author has shown that intercountry differences in the rate of economic growth are affected by differences in investment rates and by the rate of growth of the labor force, by the initial trade policy stance and by the adjustment policies applied, as well as by the level of economic development and the product composition of exports. The results show that the policies adopted have importantly influenced the rate of economic growth in developing countries. In particular, an outward-oriented policy stance at the beginning of the period and reliance on export promotion in response to these shocks, appear to have favorably affected growth performance. The results further indicate the possibilities for low-income countries to accelerate their economic growth through the application of modern technology in an appropriate policy framework as well as the advantages of relying on manufactured exports.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the integration of EU money supplies for the ERM period 1979Q1-93Q4. An estimating equation is derived from a simple equilibrium model of the EU money markets. Estimation is undertaken using the Johansen maximum likelihood cointegration procedure. The results show that those EU members with relatively low exchange rate premia against the DM are those whose variations in the money supply have been most sensitive to those of Germany.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed a growth in foreign direct investments (FDI) in the real estate sector in most of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries. It is argued that FDI in the real estate sector may improve economic growth in recipient economies. On the other hand, property prices have increased considerably in OECD countries in recent years and some argue that FDI in real estate is one of the driving forces of high property prices in these countries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the interrelationship between FDI in the real estate sector, economic growth, and property prices while controlling for interest rate and inflation. We use observations from a set of OECD countries for the period between 1995 and 2008. The dynamic interrelationship is analyzed by applying a panel cointegration technique. Our empirical results show that FDI in real estate do not cause property price appreciations and also do not contribute to economic growth in OECD countries in the short run and the long run.  相似文献   

Portuguese Economic Journal - Due to urbanization and the need for people to go from one country to another either for commercial purpose or tourism, it is therefore important to determine the...  相似文献   

This paper investigates structural determinants of the current account balance and assesses whether the current accounts in the European Union countries were consistent with the calculated structural current accounts between 1995 and 2017. We estimate current account regressions using cross-sectional data for 94 countries in 2008–2016 and confirm the main findings with panel data estimates. We document that the current account depends on the real exchange rate in a nonlinear way. The real exchange rate affects the current account at low income levels, but it ceases to be important at high income levels. Based on structural current account estimates for the European Union countries, we document that after the 2008 crisis current accounts adjusted towards structural current accounts in deficit countries, but persisted above structural current accounts in surplus countries.  相似文献   

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