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While it is well known that resource exporting countries have higher export concentration, it is lesser known that there is substantial variance in export concentration fortunes within resource-based countries. Using several estimation techniques and other sensitivity checks, this paper offers a new explanation for success and failure in export diversification patterns in oil countries, an explanation which has an institutional and political background. In measuring the number of years between the beginning of oil production and the attainment of political independence in oil developing countries, we found that the greater the number of years, the higher the degree of export diversification ceteris paribus. Our interpretation of this result is grounded in an analysis of political constraints to diversification in resource-based countries. Institutions, unfavorable to diversification, which arose from the pre-independence period, were blocked in their positive evolution by national political elites in the post-independence period. This result contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics of institutions in resource-based countries.  相似文献   

This paper empirically studies the relationship between the governance mechanisms and the market valuation of publicly listed firms in China. The authors construct measures for corporate governance mechanisms and measures of market valuation for all publicly listed firms on the two stock markets in China by using data from the firm’s annual reports. They then investigate how the market-valuation variables are affected by the corporate governance variables while controlling for a number of factors commonly considered in market valuation analysis. A corporate governance index is also constructed to summarize the information contained in the corporate governance variables. The index is found to have statistically and economically significant effects on market valuation. The analysis indicates that investors pay a significant premium for well-governed firms in China, benefiting firms that improve their governance mechanisms. Translated from Economic Research Journal, 2005, 2 (in Chinese)  相似文献   


This contribution intends to clarify for the current discussion about knowledge and its importance within economic systems. It relies on the complementary character of the economics of knowledge of Marshall and Hayek. One of them is useful to discuss opportunities and limits of the so-called resource-based theory of the firm in order to deal with the relationship between the governance of knowledge and firms' innovative behaviours; the other is useful to insist on the importance of knowledge channelled by and within market dynamics. As a consequence, their combination allows one to pave better grounds to current knowledge economic importance by exploring in-depth characteristics of knowledge, expressing the need to deal with the governance of technological knowledge, and promoting the localized and distributed characters of firms' innovative behaviours. This finally leads to promote an innovation-system approach based on that localized character of innovative behaviours of firms in order to depict proper use made by firms in matters of knowledge generation, use, dissemination, and trade.  相似文献   

在中国金融深化和市场化进程中,有许多因素会影响到居民金融资产多元化进程,但深入研究股市的投资功能将更具重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文认为,证券资产持有不足是目前中国居民金融资产多元化进程中存在的主要问题;从表层看,中国居民不愿长期持有股票是由股市在过去年份的异常波动和近几年的持续低迷造成的;从深层次看,导致股市异常波动的重要原因之一是中国股市的投资功能较弱;因此,改善中国股市的投资功能将是推动中国居民金融资产多元化进程的关键。  相似文献   

基于资源基础理论和持续创新内生机制,利用435家高技术企业2010—2018年面板数据,对多元化战略对高技术企业创新持续性的影响进行探究。结果表明,产品多元化与创新持续性呈正U型关系,技术多元化对创新持续性具有正向促进作用,产品多元化与技术多元化协同效应对创新持续性具有负向影响;动态能力强化了产品多元化与创新持续性之间的正U型关系,并正向调节技术多元化与创新持续性之间的关系。在动态能力调节作用下,高技术企业产品多元化与技术多元化协同效应对创新持续性具有正向影响。  相似文献   

资源型地区是西部工业经济的有效依托,也是西部大开发战略实施要地。采用马尔科夫链模型和产业结构高级化指数,基于时空双维度,探究2008-2019年中国西部资源型地区产业发展进程;通过建立空间杜宾模型,分析地区产业发展空间溢出效应,并运用回归模型偏微分方法对溢出效应进行分解。结果显示:研究期间西部资源型地区产业综合发展水平呈缓慢提升态势,且稳定性偏弱;地区产业发展水平空间差距逐步扩大,产业高级化水平非均衡性特征显著;地区产业发展空间溢出效应显著,生产要素投入与产业结构优化对相邻地区产业发展存在差异性影响。为促进西部资源型地区经济高质量发展,提出应完善空间治理、发挥各地区比较优势、形成优势互补、促进各类要素合理流动和高效聚集,增强创新发展动力等建议。  相似文献   

股票已是中国居民主要的财富之一,股票投资也理应成为居民财产性收入的重要来源之一。通过股票投资增加居民财产性收入,有利于居民收入多元化和扩大消费需求,转变经济增长方式。但是,中国股票市场存在低投资回报率、低现金分红比率、高市盈率和偏高的市场风险等现状,弱化了股票投资对居民财产性收入的贡献。实证研究也表明股票投资收益率、现金分红同居民财产性收入、社会零售商品总额相关性不够显著。股票市场投资增值功能缺失、上市公司治理机制不完善、股票投资主体的不成熟和股票市场投资工具单一化是造成股票投资对居民财产性收入贡献不足的主要原因。为了发挥股票市场的投资和分散风险功能,应在扩大股票市场规模的同时,明确股票市场的投资功能和定位,完善股票市场的发行机制,优化投资主体结构,加强发行主体和投资主体的培育建设。  相似文献   

本文通过建立数学模型,描述了业务市场特征线的特征以及企业多元维度和规模选择与企业资源及市场特征之间的关系,并讨论了企业多元化决策的一般逻辑过程。本文目的在于为企业的多元化决策和从事该领域研究的学者提供一个基础性的理论分析框架。  相似文献   

罗小龙  沈建法 《经济地理》2008,28(4):543-547
在共同利益关系的理论框架下,通过对城市合作过程的追踪和参与者的互动分析,研究了长江三角洲城市经济协凋会主导的城市合作.研究发现城市合作是一个从信息交流、专题合作到共同市场建设的过程,并且总结出发展的、促销的、协调的、资源共享的和战略的合作五种类型的城市合作.同时研究也指出真正意义上的区域管治模式已经在我国出现.最后,文章不仅给出研究发现对区域规划和城市合作的政策应用,而且也指出了现有城市合作机制面临的问题.  相似文献   

塌陷区治理是我国煤炭资源型城市发展面临的重大问题。文章以两淮煤城为例,分析了采煤塌陷区所产生的耕地面积减少、生态环境改变、农村经济社会发展受损等多方面问题。指出塌陷区的全面治理,核心是兼顾生态、经济和社会效益,进行新型生态系统和新型经济社会系统的重建,最终实现资源型城市的可持续发展。围绕此观点,探讨了全面治理的重点措施。  相似文献   

该文将我国商业银行改革划分为商业化、市场化和股份化三个阶段.通过使用1994年到2003年的上市公司数据,我们发现我国上市公司的负债水平在逐步上升,但是企业盈利在不断下降.该文进而分析了在商业化和市场化两个阶段的银企关系.我们发现,借款较高的公司企业绩效较低,公司治理水平较差.银行贷款和经理代理成本的协同关系在银行市场化时期并没有得到改善.该文认为,现有的银行市场化举措没有能够从根本上解决银行坏账问题,而银行股份化是值得考虑的理论选择.  相似文献   

企业多元化时机选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究企业多元化时机选择,将影响多元化众多内部外部因素概括成企业拓展力和市场机会,构建判定企业多元化时机选择的MOEP模型。克服以往学者研究多元化仅从单一指标单一角度出发的弊端,用动态观点指出企业应根据市场机会和企业拓展力变化,不同行业内企业应在不同时期选择实行不同多元化战略。  相似文献   

李广子 《经济管理》2020,42(5):54-70
多元化经营在现实企业中普遍存在,这也吸引了大量研究探寻企业多元化经营的动机。已有文献主要关注企业本身多元化经营,忽略了控股股东因素,从而存在一定的认知偏差。不同于已有文献,基于手工搜集数据,本文首次考察了控股股东多元化经营与上市公司多元化经营之间的关系及其影响因素。研究发现,首先,控股股东多元化经营与上市公司多元化经营之间存在着一定的替代关系,说明控股股东将上市公司多元化经营作为其整体多元化经营战略的一部分;其次,从影响机制上看,控股股东持有上市公司的权益在其总资产中份额越高、其他大股东持股比例越高、上市公司所处地区市场化程度越高,控股股东多元化经营与上市公司多元化经营之间的替代关系会越弱,说明那些有助于减轻控股股东对上市公司进行干预的因素将会弱化这种关系。本文为理解企业多元化经营行为以及企业与其控股股东的关系提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

In this study, a sample of 257 Singaporean domiciled non-financial listed companies is investigated using a system generalised method of moments (system GMM) estimator. This approach allows for controlling the potential sources of endogeneity which are inherent in the performance–governance relationship. Our findings strongly support the proposition that the relationship between corporate governance structures and firm performance is dynamic by nature. Moreover, our results show that the internal corporate governance structures do matter in Singapore, where the market for corporate control is relatively poor. This study is novel as it is the first to explore the corporate governance–firm performance nexus using a dynamic approach for the Singapore market. This study significantly contributes to a better understanding of international diversity on corporate governance by providing further empirical evidence from an emerging market characterised by the best corporate governance practices in the Asian region.  相似文献   

Why do some firms choose to be ‘born global’ and become early internationalizing firms (EIFs) while others choose to be ‘born-again global’ and develop into late internationalizing firms (LIFs)? What are the main factors impacting a firm’s decision on the timing of global diversification? Based on the theories of diversification, this study examines the role of peer influence and desire for growth on the timing of a firm’s globalization decision. We further study the idiosyncratic risk and the adoption of technological innovation hypotheses on global diversification. Our results document that innovation efficiency strongly enhances EIFs’ propensity to global diversification. On the other hand, peer pressure and idiosyncratic risk level significantly influence EIFs not to globalize. In contrast, LIFs are positively influenced by their industry peers, showing how young and mature companies respond to the market competition in a different manner.  相似文献   

家族企业引入利益相关者共同治理模式的障碍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国外部市场环境、融资环境、职业经理人市场的不完善,家族企业内部存在的业主权威、信息分享风险,以及社会诚信缺失和文化环境等因素构成了我国家族企业本身难以破解的逻辑障碍,不能全面引入西方现代公司治理模式,利益相关者共同治理模式只能作为家族企业治理模式演进的一个目标方向而非现实选择.  相似文献   

This article investigates the comparative performance of International Islamic and conventional portfolio diversification across different financial market regimes and provides an optimal choice from an American investor’s viewpoint during the period 2002–2014. Using a bootstrap-based stochastic dominance (SD) test and monthly MSCI prices of Islamic stock market indices and their conventional counterparts in 38 countries from North and Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific regions, we find that SD relationships between Islamic and conventional optimal-diversified portfolios change systematically according to investment region and market regime. Essentially, for all regimes, US investors are indifferent between Islamic diversification and its conventional counterpart, which implies that arbitrage diversification opportunities are rare and short lived in all regions. However, across all regions, especially in a crisis regime, Islamic portfolio diversification can be a good substitute for conventional diversification. Islamic portfolio diversification in North and Latin America, Europe and Global regions is an optimal choice for the risk-averse American investors. Finally, results imply that portfolio diversification among Islamic market indices can be a good hedge, offering investors superior investment alternatives during any financial meltdown or economic slowdown due to the conservative nature of Sharia-compliant investments.  相似文献   

上市公司的可持续发展问题不仅涉及到上市公司自身的健康成长,而且直接影响到资本市场的稳定与发展.作为影响企业可持续发展的因素之一,企业多元化和专业化经营究竟孰优孰劣,业界一直争论不休.研究多元化与可持续发展能力的关系对于上市公司选择合理的经营模式,实现可持续发展具有重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

This work examines the influences of ownership concentration and insider ownership on corporate strategies for diversification within a scenario characterized by poor protection of shareholder interests. We find evidence of a quadratic relationship between ownership concentration and diversification, and a cubic relationship between diversification and insider ownership. These results point towards the high probability of both expropriation and entrenchment phenomena, respectively, in this kind of scenario. We also find that concentrated ownership requires high levels of insider ownership, in order to prevent negative externalities of diversification. Another result shows that entrenchment externalities affect diversification before they erode firm value, which suggests that for low levels of diversification, firm value is still not negatively affected. Additionally, our results show that control mechanisms, such as debt, director remuneration and compliance with codes of good practice, are negatively related to the level of diversification. Overall, our results confirm the theoretical relevance of agency theory in explaining managerial attitudes towards corporate strategy, i.e. diversification. Furthermore, companies characterized by deficiencies in shareholder legal protection, concentrated ownership structures and a higher likelihood of managers being entrenched, should focus on the correct functioning of corporate governance mechanisms.  相似文献   

我国证券公司法人治理结构规范与发展探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
证券公司法人治理结构的规范与发展是证券公司健康发展的内在需要 ,也是我国证券市场乃至国民经济健康发展的需要。本文通过阐述公司法人治理结构的基本范畴、治理原则、组织形式 ,阐明其基本作用 ,通过比较国际上证券公司法人治理结构的特点及我国特征 ,指出了中国证券公司法人治理结构存在的问题和缺陷 ,提出完善中国证券公司法人治理结构的具体措施 ,强调了法人治理结构的规范和发展中应进一步鼓励股权结构多元化、分散化 ,积极引入独立董事制度 ,进行以经营者为主体的约束和激励制度创新 ,建立完善风险监控机制和信息披露规则。  相似文献   

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