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In this paper, an attempt is made to separate the short-run and long-run aspects of the purchasing power parity (PPP) relationship, using the techniques of band-spectral regression and cointegration for eight industrialized countries. The long-run PPP is first tested for all the eight countries, with reference to their nominal bilateral exchange rates vis-à-visthe US dollar. For five European currencies, the analysis is repeated with respect to the Deutschmark, with a separate consideration of the post-EMS period. In the concluding sections, possible reasons for PPP deviations are examined.  相似文献   

The long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis is tested for nine bilateral sterling exchange rates, using recently developed techniques on cointegration and seasonal integration. The empirical findings show that none of the exchange rates and relative prices contain seasonal unit roots, but all have an autoregressive unit root. The cointegration tests overwhelmingly reject the PPP hypothesis as a long-run equilibrium condition for all countries concerned.  相似文献   

This paper provides tests of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) for members of the EU-27 not in the euro area, using multivariate and panel cointegration techniques, for the period since the introduction of the euro currency in 1999 until the end of 2009. The results indicate that long-run PPP holds in ten cases and that domestic prices or the nominal exchange rate is the main driver of the short-run adjustment to stationarity. These results are discussed in terms of monetary convergence in the long-run.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) in Africa in the context of a multivariate error-correction model. This approach allows for the consideration of long-run elasticities as well as the dynamics of the short-run adjustment of exchange rates to changes in domestic and foreign prices. Monthly data for fourteen African countries are used, and the period examined is 1973:4 through 2007:7 (i.e., 412 observations). Results from long-run cointegration analysis, short-run error correction models, persistence profile analysis and variance decomposition all confirm the validity of PPP in these moderate-to-high inflation countries, where estimates of half-life deviations from PPP are found to be outside the range suggested by Rogoff (1996).  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for five major exchange rates using recently developed econometric techniques on the cointegration of economic time series. Our empirical results are extremely unfavourable to the PPP hypothesis as a long-run equilibrium condition, even with an allowance made for measurement error and/or tranportation costs. In particular, we are unable to reject the hypothesis of non-cointegration of the exchange rate and relative prices for any of the countries concerned. Far from finding a stable, long-run proportionality between exchange rates and relative prices, our results therefore suggest that they tend to drift apart without bound.  相似文献   

The paper uses a threshold cointegration methodology to explore the properties of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) in the Pacific nations. Using Japan and the USA as base countries, it is shown that long-run PPP holds for most Asian countries but that the adjustment mechanism is asymmetric. In contrast to symmetric error-correction models, it is found that asymmetric adjustments of nominal exchange rates play an important role in eliminating deviations from long-run PPP.  相似文献   

The existence of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) implies that a cointegration vector of nominal exchange rate, domestic price, and foreign price is expected regardless of using the Engle-Granger two-step method or Johansen maximum likelihood approach. However, this paper has found conflicting results: the Engle-Granger technique tends to reject the long-run PPP hypothesis whereas the Johansen method is generally supportive of long-run PPP. Via Monte Carlo simulations, the present paper finds that the Johansen approach has a bias toward supporting long-run PPP especially under the circumstances in which the assumption of normally or/and independently and identically distributed disturbance terms is violated.  相似文献   

The empirical validity of long-run purchasing power parity is investigated using multi-variate cointegration techniques. Both bilateral and multilateral PPP is examined. The data set is monthly and covers almost 22 years (January 1970–August 1991) for four countries — Germany, Japan, the U.S., and Great Britain. While three cointegrating relations are detected among the set of nominal exchange rates and domestic price levels (or equivalently, there exists a reduced number of common stochastic trends) none of these satisfy the linear constraints implied by PPP. We conclude that neither bilateral nor multilateral PPP can be supported by the behavior of the data.  相似文献   

This paper examines the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis over the modern float using data on 15 OECD currencies. Evidence is presented that suggests the price levels evolve as second-difference stationary processes, i.e., integrated of order two ( P1– I (2)). A necessary condition for PPP when prices are I (2) is that prices are cointegrated across countries to an I (1) relative price. In general this relative price is not the same as the simple price ratio. For some of the relationships examined, this relative price level is cointegrated with the exchange rate, implying a long-run equilibrium between nominal exchange rates and prices.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this article are 3-fold. First, we construct measures of real and nominal effective exchange rates for 14 Middle East and North African countries over the 1970–2004 period. Second, we test the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) by applying the ADF and KPSS tests to the real effective exchange rates. Finally, we employ the bounds testing approach to cointegration and error-correction modelling to show that nominal devaluation leads to real devaluation in the short-run as well as in the long-run in many of the countries.  相似文献   

An empirical analysis of long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) as a theory of international commodity arbitrage between UK and US prices and the sterling/US dollar exchange rate for the period 1975–1980 is presented. Econometric techniques concerning the cointegration of economic time series are applied to a sample of 35 manufactured commodities which in 1977 constituted approximately a quarter of the net output of all manufacturing industry in Great Britain. Our results are extremely unfavourable to the PPP hypothesis as a stable long-run proportionality between exchange rates and disaggregated prices.  相似文献   

This paper uses non-stationarity and cointegration of time series to investigate the validity of long-run purchasing power parity for Poland and Hungary for the period 1981:1-1993:2. Long-run PPP is examined vis-à-vis three countries, the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. Although the nominal exchange rates and relative price ratios between Poland and Hungary and each of the three countries are non-stationaary, they are not cointegrated indicating a rejection of the hypothesis. This conclusion is supported by the real exchange rate, which follows a random walk.  相似文献   

One of the prominent explanations for the East Asian financial crises of 1997 relies upon East Asian currency overvaluation. However, most empirical studies of these crises do not undertake serious examination of whether these currencies were overvalued. In this article, three major approaches to identifying the equilibrium exchange rate are implemented: long-run purchasing power parity (PPP), a productivity-based model, and a monetary model of the nominal exchange rate. The PPP calculations indicate that as of May 1997, the Hong Kong dollar, baht, ringgit, and peso were overvalued, and the won undervalued. In a framework that explicitly accounts for the role of productivity, substantial overvaluation of the peso is detected, but an undervaluation of the won is also uncovered. Misalignments of the ringgit and baht are small. Finally, the estimated equilibrium rates from a monetary model do not imply much deviation from short-run equilibrium at the end of June 1997. A conclusion of substantial overvaluation on the eve of the East Asian currency turmoil is not very plausible, suggesting that some alternate mechanism for generating crises - other than one involving the conventional macroeconomic fundamentals - was at work.  相似文献   

We examine long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) using panel data methods to test for unit roots in US dollar real exchange rates of 84 countries. We find stronger evidence of PPP in countries more open to trade, closer to the United States, with lower inflation and moderate nominal exchange rate volatility, and with similar economic growth rates as the United States. We also show that PPP holds for panels of European and Latin American countries, but not for African and Asian countries. Our findings demonstrate that country characteristics can help explain both adherence to and deviations from long-run PPP.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explain changes in real house prices in Australia from 1970 to 2003. We develop and estimate a long-run equilibrium model that shows the real long-run economic determinants of house prices and a short-run asymmetric error correction model to represent house price changes in the short run. We find that, in the long run, real house prices are determined significantly and positively by real disposable income and the consumer price index. They are also determined significantly and negatively by the unemployment rate, real mortgage rates, equity prices and the housing stock. Employing our short-run asymmetric error correction model, we find that there are significant lags in adjustment to equilibrium. When real house prices are rising at more than 2 per cent per annum, the housing market adjusts to equilibrium in approximately four quarters. When real house prices are static or falling, the adjustment process takes six quarters.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the purchasing power parity (PPP) concept for five bilateral Canadian dollar exchange rates. The Johansen cointegration technique is employed. Evidence is found in favor of PPP when wholesale prices are used but not when consumer prices are utilized; whereas, in all but one case, it is not possible to reject the symmetry and proportionality hypotheses. Furthermore, it is shown that the dimension of the cointegration space may exhibit sample dependency, but the estimated coefficients are stable in recursive estimations. Finally, by implementing the multivariate KPSS test for the null hypothesis of cointegration, Johansen's results are overturned.  相似文献   

Conclusions A major result following from the analysis of ourstructural model of inflation under flexible exchange rates is that there is no such thing asstructural inflation in the long run. Long-run inflation rather becomes a purely monetary phenomenon if exchange rates are flexible and if on an international level functioning capital markets are postulated. While, in the light of the assumptions made in Part III, this finding is not nearly as paradoxical as it may appear at first sight, it can hardly be overemphasized considering the ongoing theoretical discussion and the empirical research on the Scandinavian approach to inflation and recalling that the Scandinavian model is basically intended to picture equilibrium dynamics.The results concerning equilibrium price and exchange rate dynamics also apply to the equilibriumlevels of prices and the exchange rate, i. e., the equilibrium price level depends exclusively on monetary factors while the equilibrium exchange rate is determined by a purchasing power parity element and the structural productivity gap component.Turning to the results of our analysis of disequilibrium dynamics, the overall picture does not change very much. Here the qualitative pattern of adjustment of both prices and the exchange rate is again completely independent of structural variables, but is exclusively determined by four adjustment coefficients. However, the particular quantitative values assumed by prices and the exchange rate during the adjustment process do indeed reflect the impact of the productivity gap.No conclusions can be derived from our model on the amount of time it takes to return to the neighbourhood of equilibrium once the economy has been subjected to some kind of external shock. A casual examination of post-1973 developments and especially the Swiss experience suggest, however, that in the case of a disturbance as, e. g., in the form of a monetary contraction (relative to the rest of the world), the economy may take so long to return to the neighbourhood of long-run equilibrium that the negative real consequences of the overvaluation of the domestic currency during the adjustment process provide a momentous rationale for short-run stabilization interventions in the foreign exchange market.We should like to thank Peter Bernholz and an anonymous referee for helpful comments on a previous version of this paper.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of oil prices on the real exchange rate in Iran during the 1961–2014 period using the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration as the estimation method. We find that higher oil prices lead to appreciation of the real exchange rate. The results reveal that oil prices have both short-run and long-run effects on the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

The long–run purchasing power parity (PPP) concept is empirically studied using the parallel market exchange rates of 17 African countries and employing the panel cointegration method. This approach is particularly useful when analysing African countries, which do not have long time–series. This paper presents results that support the weak–form of the long–run PPP hypothesis in Africa, which does not require a homogeneity restriction on prices.  相似文献   

This article studies the dynamic relationship between international (WTI, Brent and Dubai) and domestic (Da Qing) crude oil prices in China using threshold cointegration method. We find evidence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between each pair of international and Da Qing oil prices, favouring the market integration hypothesis. We also estimate asymmetric adjustments under the momentum threshold autoregressive (M-TAR) specification in a TVECM, and the results show that adjustments to eliminate disequilibrium happen faster when oil price spread increases than when it decreases. The long-run and short-run Granger causality tests support the notion that China has influence on the international oil markets. The results imply that China should open up its domestic and imported oil markets, and also establish a well-functioning crude oil futures market, as they are essential for arbitrage and hedging strategies.  相似文献   

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