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This article presents the details of an investigation into the relationship between investment and savings in Australia over the period 1960 to 2007. Using five time series techniques our results reveal that the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle exists in a weak form, with a lower saving retention coefficient. Granger causality tests illustrate that savings Granger causes investment, both in the short and long runs. Our results suggest Australia could effectively adopt policies that focus on increasing investment through increasing domestic savings.  相似文献   

This article shows that global capital markets cannot, by themselves, achieve net transfers of financial capital between countries and that both the integration of global financial markets and the integration of global goods markets are needed to achieve net transfers of capital between countries. Frictions (barriers to mobility) in one or both of these markets can impede net transfers of capital between countries, produce the Feldstein and Horioka (1980) results and prevent real interest rates from being equalized across countries. Moreover, there is empirical evidence that barriers to the mobility of goods and services are an important obstacle to international capital mobility.  相似文献   

The high correlation between national saving and investment rates in advanced economies—the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle—has been referred to as the “mother of all puzzles.” Perhaps more puzzling is that for emerging economies saving–investment correlations tend to be significantly lower, though still positive. This deepens the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle because the mobility of capital is generally believed to be much lower in emerging economies than in advanced economies, and a country with less mobile capital should have a tighter relationship between local saving and investment rates. This paper develops a DSGE model that, without resorting to any real or financial friction, simultaneously explains these two aspects of the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle: positive saving–investment correlations in both advanced and emerging economies and significantly lower saving–investment correlations in emerging economies than in advanced economies. The main features of the model include long-run risk, an endogenous world interest rate, and cross-correlations of national and global shocks. The findings hold for both quarterly time series and long-run averages.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how terror threats and international openness affect the savings retention coefficient in the Feldstein–Horioka equation. We find that terrorism marginally increases the size of this coefficient, which may result from an increase in the precautionary saving motives. However, even a small increase in openness offsets this effect and significantly lowers the propensity to retain domestic savings for investment. This suggests that, given more channels, capital leaves domestic boundaries to land in safe places abroad. At least partly, the results explain the paradoxical finding in the literature that capital is more mobile in developing countries, even though they are less open. We also find that all types of terrorism reduce investment.  相似文献   

The large correlation between domestic savings and investment is well documented and is known as the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle. We demonstrate that estimates of the FH coefficients using the standard framework are biased upward in the presence of highly positively correlated inward and outward capital flows. Using data for the 14 OECD countries, the analysis shows that the significant home bias documented by FH and others is also consistent with much higher levels of capital mobility when capital outflows and inflows are highly positively correlated. Taking account for these correlations reduces the estimated home bias somewhere between 45% and 90%.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between investment and savings in 26 OECD countries and demonstrates that the relationship changes when the countries under consideration in the selected panel vary. Accordingly, panel estimations using annual data for the period from 1970 to 2008 have been made for various groupings of developed countries, specifically the OECD as a whole, the EU15, NAFTA and the G7. Additionally, the paper examines changes in investment savings relationships when the presence of structural shifts in developed countries – where such exist – are taken into account. Recently developed panel techniques are employed to examine the investment savings relationship and estimate saving-retention coefficients. The empirical findings reveal that the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle exists only in the panel of G7 countries, wherein the saving-retention coefficient is estimated as 0.754 and 0.864 (for the full sample of G7 countries and for stable G7 countries, respectively). The estimated saving-retention coefficient for unstable G7 countries is 0.482, which indicates a higher level of capital mobility in unstable countries with respect to stable ones. This conclusion is further supported by the estimations for OECD countries and the EU15.  相似文献   


In this paper, we reexamine the long-standing and puzzling correlation between national saving and investment in 14 European Union (EU) countries. We employ a panel data set for the period 1970–2015 and we apply recently developed maximum likelihood panel cointegration methodologies. We find that there exists a long-run relationship between savings and investment for this panel of EU member countries, with the savings retention coefficient being low in magnitude but statistically different than zero. Therefore, we argue that there is weak evidence in favour of the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle and that the long-run international solvency condition is maintained in most of these countries. This evidence implies a moderate degree of capital mobility which is consistent with the macroeconomic experience of these countries during the period under investigation.  相似文献   

Arusha Cooray 《Applied economics》2013,45(12):1501-1510
We study the relationship between the saving and investment rates for 20 African countries using a long period of data. A high correlation between saving and investment is often taken as evidence of capital immobility. We use the new Ng–Perron unit root tests to examine the stationarity of saving and investment rates. Both Johansen cointegration tests and fractional cointegration tests are used. The results are mixed. The Johansen cointegration tests show that the saving and investment rates are cointegrated only for Rwanda and South Africa. This implies that for the other 18 countries, there is evidence of capital mobility. The fractional cointegration test results are different. The two rates are found to be fractionally cointegrated for the following 12 countries: Algeria, Burundi, Egypt, Morocco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Tunisia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. For Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Lesotho and Sierra Leone there is some evidence of capital mobility while the results for Ethiopia, Malawi, Mauritius and Nigeria are mixed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the level of capital mobility in European Union members using the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle proposed by Feldstein and Horioka (1980) in order to investigate relations between saving and investment flows. In this paper, data for 23 European countries were used over the period of 1995–2009 on the quarterly basis. Two different tests were used to estimate the stationarity of the model variables, which are the Ng and Perron (2001) unit root test procedure and approach proposed by Zivot and Andrews (1992) for unit root test allowing for a structural shift. Then the Kejriwal and Perron (2008, 2010) structural break test was applied to determine the presence of structural breaks in series. In most countries except Belgium and Finland UDmax and WDmax tests rejected the hypothesis of no breaks. To test the cointegration relationships between investment and saving flows of European Union members three different cointegration techniques were applied to the data. Firstly, the Johansen (1988) cointegration approach was used for the case of no cointegration shifts, then the Gregory and Hansen (1996) cointegration test was applied, which allows for one structural shift. Finally, again the Johansen' cointegration approach was used; however, this time with the inclusion of dummy variables related to earlier selected structural break locations. The empirical results provided stronger evidence of cointegration between investment and saving variables in the case of structural break accommodation compared to the case where the presence of structural breaks was ignored. The estimated saving retention coefficient in the presence of structural breaks using the Kejriwal and Perron (2008, 2010) approach appeared relatively low in many cases, illustrating by this the openness of estimated countries. In general, world and European countries with time have a tendency to a higher level of their capital market openness. Estimations of a saving retention coefficient in the presence of structural changes do not support the existence of the Feldstein–Horioka Puzzle in the considered EU countries, except Belgium.  相似文献   

China's fast growth is perceived as a major determinant of its savings glut that contributes to global imbalances, but China's income inequality has been largely overlooked as the economy moves rapidly toward the Kuznets curve peak. This paper provides a new explanation for the complex issue of Chinese saving using a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model. We find that China's growth is positively affected by saving but has a limited effect on saving, that inequality mainly has a negative impact on growth but has a positive impact on saving, and that inequality is a stronger factor than growth in explaining high saving. Therefore, inequality must be mitigated to lower the high saving rate in China, and growth will be unaffected by lowering both inequality and saving.  相似文献   

Beaudreau (1996) argued that the decline in investment expenditure in the early 1930s was the result of two factors, namely the electrification of U.S. manufacturing in the 1910s and 1920s which had resulted in significant excess capacity, and secondly, to the failure of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill in October 1929 to be passed by the Senate, resulting in (i) the Stock Market Crash in October 1929 and (ii) the ensuing precipitous decline in investment expenditure which touched off the Great Depression. In short, the manufacturing sector in the late 1920s found itself with excess capacity, prompting Senator Reed Smoot and the Republican Party to propose another upward revision of the tariff schedule. The failure to deliver on this promise led to the Crash and the ensuing decline in investment expenditure, the cumulative effect of which led to the Great Depression. This paper tests this hypothesis using two-digit industry investment data. As electrification varied considerably across industries it would stand to reason that sectors that electrified the most would have witnessed the largest decreases in investment expenditure (plant and equipment), owing to the presence of excess capacity. The results confirm this hypothesis, leading us to conclude that electrification-based excess capacity may have been an important cause of the downturn in 1930 and 1931.  相似文献   

Several explanations have been put forward for the Meese–Rogoff puzzle that exchange rate models cannot outperform the random walk in out-of-sample forecasting. We suggest that a simple explanation for the puzzle is the use of the root mean square error (RMSE) to measure forecasting accuracy, presenting a rationale as to why it is difficult to beat the random walk in terms of the RMSE. By using exactly the same exchange rates, time periods and estimation methods as those of Meese and Rogoff, we find that their results cannot be overturned even if the models are estimated with time-varying coefficients. However, we also find that the random walk can be outperformed by the same models if forecasting accuracy is measured in terms of the ability to predict direction, in terms of a measure that combines magnitude and direction and in terms of profitability.  相似文献   

This article analyses the level of competition in Angola’s banking industry using the Panzar–Rosse model with data from 2005 to 2014. Competition is a vital aspect of the banking market and therefore it is central to policy-making. The results reveal that Angola banking competition is monopolist and therefore lower competition is found in Angola banks. Policy implication is derived.  相似文献   

The paper estimates different versions of an equation for private investment in Mexico during the post-liberalization period 1988–2013, with the aim of studying the operation of the recently discussed real exchange rate’s profitability channel. During this period, the real exchange rate (RER) was broadly positively correlated with the Mexican price/wage ratio and the Mexican/US relative profit margin in the manufacturing sector, particularly so when the RER experienced large fluctuations, before the end of disinflation in the early 2000s. In the estimations, the effect of the profit margin appears to be ‘deeper’, wiping out the effect of the RER when the two variables are included together in the investment equation. From this, the paper argues that the positive effect of the RER on investment, observed in previous studies that omitted the profit margin, reflects indirectly the positive link of the RER with the profit margin, supporting the existence of a profitability channel in Mexico.  相似文献   

The ASEAN–China free trade agreement went into effect January 1, 2010 and became the world's third largest FTA by trade volume after the European Economic Area and the North American Free Trade Agreement. This paper focuses on highlighting the impacts of the reduction of barriers to trade on investment in a dynamic general computable equilibrium framework. We present and compare two alternative views/models of investment which yield different investment creation and diversion effects. As a first step, we adapt the dynamic GTAP model to take account of bilateral ownership of investment. Two versions of the model are considered. The first version is an example of applied models of investment demand, while the second is a model of investment supply. The two versions are based on different assumptions in their determination of cross-border investment. We simulate the implementation of ACFTA and we focus on the welfare impacts of investment creation and diversion.  相似文献   

The creation risk investmentof the high and new technology enterprise isthe way to finance:and invest for the business period. After we putting the capital into the high and new. technology project.that is in the devetopment stage, the enterprise can, acquire high, increase, by the. support and assistance 'of, the. capital and management. After the enterprise grew up, it can achieve high benefits by selling stock, attorning the enterprise, and dealing property rights, etc. Finally it secedes form the enterprise invested. The purpose of total analysis in the respective stage for the business investment cause including cause prosperities, object, risk, is to comprehensively understand the effect on the anticipation ratio of the benefit, investment distribution, the stock property proportion which is offered by the activity content, and the emphasis of the assessment in the respective stages of the creation risk investment cause.  相似文献   

Social identity greatly affects behavior. However, less is known about an individual’s investment in identification, i.e., in belonging to a social group. Using a language-learning platform utilized by refugees to learn the host country’s language, we design a field experiment that allows us to make effort as an investment in a new group identity salient. The social identity in our treatment is a refugee’s identification with the host society. We modified a mailing to 5600 refugees who use an online language-learning platform to learn the host country’s language. These treatment emails make salient that improving the host country’s language ability increases the belonging to the host society. Our analysis reveals that the treatment has a significant positive effect on the effort exerted on the language-learning platform, leading to more completed exercises and more time spent learning the host country’s language. This suggests that refugees invest in becoming part of the host country’s society for its social identity component. Our findings can inform policy considerations on the use of nudges for other integration measures intended for refugees and immigrants in general.  相似文献   

Imad A. Moosa 《Applied economics》2016,48(44):4201-4209
Some economists suggest that the failure of exchange-rate models to outperform the random walk in exchange rate forecasting out of sample can be attributed to failure to take into account cointegration when it is present. We attempt to find out if cointegration matters for forecasting accuracy by examining the relation between the stationarity and size of the forecasting error. Results based on three macroeconomic models of exchange rates do not provide strong support for the proposition that cointegration matters for forecasting accuracy. The simulation results show that while stationary errors tend to be smaller than non-stationary errors, this is not a universal rule. Irrespective of the presence or absence of cointegration, none of the three models can outperform the random walk in out-of-sample forecasting, which means that cointegration cannot solve the Meese–Rogoff puzzle.  相似文献   

Investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) has come to the forefront of debate over corporate rights in the contemporary era. While proponents laud ISDS as a neutral and efficient means of dispute resolution, critics claim that it shields transnational corporations from the oversight of national legal systems while enhancing their ability to interfere in host state policy matters. Moreover, because dispute settlement is carried out in international tribunals, ISDS is argued to disable citizen-driven politics. Governments have called on arbitration bodies to enhance the transparency of ISDS procedures and open spaces for civil society involvement. This reflects a desire to increase the legitimacy of ISDS in the face of mounting contestation. In this paper, I examine the multiple ways in which civil society actors intervene in investor–state arbitration inside and outside of formal channels. I focus specifically on two disputes involving foreign investors active in the water and hydrocarbons sectors of Argentina and Ecuador, respectively. I find that political pressure exerted by civil society actors influenced government decisions to break with investment rules and helped to shape government positioning within arbitral processes. Civil society actors must therefore be recognised as important participants in investor–state disputes.  相似文献   

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