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《Journal of Relationship Marketing》2013,12(1):63-87
Abstract The concept of Customer-Perceived Value (CPV) has become a matter of increasing concern in marketing literature. However, there are few empirical studies that attempt to examine the notion of it. Filling this gap, this study provides a conceptual as well as empirical investigation of CPV as a formative construct and also offers an insight regarding the role of CPV in influencing, through satisfaction and loyalty, the behavioral intentions of word of mouth, repurchase intention and cross-buying. Furthermore, the potential moderating role of social pressure in the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty is also examined. The results suggest that delivering superior customer value enables a firm to achieve favorably behavioral intentions. Implications for practice, study limitations and future research are discussed. 相似文献
Understanding loyalty and disloyalty in conjunction can ensure comprehensive understanding of loyalty which is important for sustained profitability of online retailers. This study examines the simultaneous impact of consumer-related (e-lifestyles) and technology-related (website quality) dimensions on loyalty and disloyalty of Indian online clothing shoppers. Two survey-based samples of data were collected from 217 (Sample 1) and 644 (Sample 2) experienced online shoppers. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis techniques were used to validate e-lifestyle (three dimensions) and website quality dimensions (four dimensions). Sample 2 was divided into loyal and disloyal groups (based on loyalty scores) which were subject to logistic regression. While both e-lifestyle and website quality dimensions are significant in discriminating between the loyal and disloyal groups, the effect of website quality dimensions is more pronounced with website visual-engagement having the highest positive impact on loyalty. The study draws on conclusions for marketers and suggestions for future research. 相似文献
《Journal of Foodservice Business Research》2013,16(4):3-19
AbstractTo attract customers, restaurants will often use coupons. This research examined the impact of a promotional coupon on service quality expectations, perceived purchase risk and purchase intentions. It was found that the use of coupons does increase purchase intentions and reduce perceived purchase risk. However, coupons were found to negatively influence service quality expectations. Implications of these findings for restaurant managers are discussed. 相似文献
Christopher J. White 《The Service Industries Journal》2013,33(8):837-847
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between mood states, emotions, perceptions of service quality and consumer loyalty in an extended service context. A quantitative research design, using multivariate statistical techniques, facilitated the data analysis. The sample consisted of 220 students from a private university in Switzerland. The results indicated that all of the variables were significantly correlated and mood state was demonstrated to influence the way judgements were formed. The contribution of mood to explaining the variance in loyalty was however minimal. 相似文献
O2O模式下服装零售业的市场细分策略更精准、促销应用策略较广泛、更注重品牌体验营销。O2O模式下服装零售业面临的营销难题是:如何发挥传统渠道优势,提升实体店营销绩效;如何实现线上线下协作,整合全渠道营销;如何增强客户体验,提高顾客的忠诚度。从拓展实体店的经营优势、实施差别化营销战略、采用反向营销思维和线上线下同步营销等方面提出了解决对策。 相似文献
The exponential growth of the online retail sector has attracted the attention of researchers across the globe. Understanding the consumer decision-making process in an online retail context is of vital importance to all online retailers. The objective of this study was to examine the direct and indirect impacts of perceived risks on consumers’ purchase intentions in an online shopping context. This study applied structural equation modeling to test the study model with data from 234 samples. We found a significant negative full mediating impact of performance risk, financial risk, physical risk, and psychological risk on consumers’ purchase intentions. Moreover, we found a partial mediating impact of social risk on purchase intentions. However, we did not find a mediating impact of time risk on purchase intentions. These empirical results may help online retailers to better understand their consumers, their intentions to purchase, and their level of risk perceptions. Accordingly, online marketers can frame contemporary strategies to attract retail customers, leading to greater profitability of the organization. 相似文献
<正>进入21世纪的中国企业面临越来越多的挑战:全球金融危机、能源短缺、环境保护、网络营销等。应对市场竞争的策略也是百家争鸣,莫衷一是,其中有战略论、蓝海 相似文献
2006新的企业会计准则中广泛地引入了公允价值的计量属性。在深刻理解公允价值含义的基础上,从金融工具确认与计量、投资性房地产、债务重组以及非货币性资产交换等方面可以了解公允价值应用的财务影响,由于公允价值的应用对财务报表列报有很大的影响,同时在应用公允价值时要注意很多的问题。 相似文献
企业文化对知识员工忠诚度的影响研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为探讨企业文化与知识员工忠诚度的关系,依据企业目标偏好差异将企业文化分为员工导向与任务导向两类,对员工忠诚度等概念进行了界定,并就员工导向和任务导向的两类企业文化与知识员工忠诚度的关系构建一个分析框架模型,提出了一系列相关命题,以期为企业提高知识员工忠诚度提供理论上的指导。 相似文献
Sandrine Macé 《Journal of Retailing》2012,88(1):115-130
Research into nine-ending pricing indicates a clear effect on sales but strong variance, suggesting that their effects are context dependent. This research relates nine-ending effects to a broad set of determinants and investigates the influence of brand, category, store, and store area clientele characteristics. The numerous empirically supported hypotheses indicate that the framework built on level and image effects is well adapted for explaining the effectiveness of nine-endings. They validate that a wide and indiscriminate practice of nine-ending pricing is not effective. The findings show that the impact of nine-endings can lead to sales losses (e.g., premium brands); however, a nine-ending price is more effective for increasing sales of small brands (e.g., low market-share, low price, and new items) that belong to weaker categories (e.g., low price, low budget-share). The effect erodes as the store's nine-ending pricing practices intensify. For category sales, a simulation reveals the existence of a threshold for which overuse is counterproductive. 相似文献
The Impact of Frequent Shopper Programs in Grocery Retailing 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Frequent shopper programs are becoming ubiquitous in retailing. Retailers seem unsure however about whether these programs are leading to higher loyalty, or to higher profits. In this paper we analyze data from a U.S. supermarket chain that has used a number of frequent shopper rewards to improve sales and profitability. We find that while these programs are profitable, this is only because substantial incremental sales to casual shoppers (cherry pickers) offset subsidies to already loyal customers. In this way our findings are inconsistent with existing theories about how frequent shopper programs are supposed to work. We construct our own Hotelling-like model that explicitly models cherry picking behavior and show that its predictions match the data quite closely. We further test the predictions of our model by characterizing the impact of such programs on trip frequency and basket size. We then use the model to examine more complex scenarios. For example, our analysis suggests that frequent shopper programs may be unprofitable if they eliminate all cherry picking. This may explain why some retailers seem dissatisfied with their programs. We end by proposing a solution that retains the benefits of the frequent shopper programs and yet continues to let supermarkets benefit from price discrimination. 相似文献
《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(1-2):61-88
The purpose of this research is to contribute to a better knowledge about the impact of retailing loyalty programmes on repeat purchase behaviour. It is based on the BehaviorScan single-source panel which has been crossed with the store data base of a French retailer. We implemented the multinomial Dirichlet model, in order to test the impact of loyalty programmes on the general market structure. The double jeopardy phenomenon is present and loyalty programmes do not substantially change market structures. When all companies have loyalty programs, the market is characterized by an absence of change of the competitive situation. 相似文献
旅游者参与是旅游者重要需求,通过参与达到正面的情感体验;在激烈的市场竞争中,实现旅游者忠诚是旅游地重要目标,因此对旅游者参与及相关变量对旅游者忠诚的影响研究具有重要意义。文章构建了旅游者参与对旅游者忠诚影响的整合模型,并提出若干研究假设。通过对武夷山观光旅游者调查获取基础数据,实证了旅游者参与、服务质量、消费情感、旅游者满意等变量的相互关系及其对旅游者忠诚的影响。研究发现,旅游者参与对服务质量、正面消费情感、旅游者满意具有显著直接正向影响,对负面消费情感具有显著直接负向影响,并通过服务质量、消费情感、旅游者满意三个中介变量对旅游者忠诚产生间接影响;服务质量通过旅游者满意对旅游者忠诚产生产生间接影响;消费情感对旅游者忠诚既产生直接影响,又通过旅游者满意对其产生间接影响;旅游者满意是旅游者忠诚的直接前因变量。最后指出研究局限及未来研究方向。 相似文献
A tool retailers often use to improve their negotiating position with brand manufacturers is to delist - or threaten to delist - the manufacturers’ brand. Because brand manufacturers rely mainly on retailers to sell their products to consumers, a brand delisting will cause a sales loss for the brand manufacturer. Therefore, many brand manufacturers feel enormous pressure to give in and improve buying conditions to favor the retailer. The question thus emerges: Can a brand manufacturer resist a retailer's threat to delist its brand(s)? If a brand delisting severely hurts retail sales, it is easier for a brand manufacturer to resist. The authors study the impact of brand delistings on store switching and brand switching using a controlled online experiment and in-store shopper survey. They develop and test a conceptual model with several antecedents of consumers’ reactions to a brand delisting and conclude that brand equity, market share, and the products’ hedonic level drive store and brand switching. 相似文献
在稳定性偏好、理性与均衡假设下,基于欧几里德确定性空间,人类的交换行为可以简化为简单的需求-供给耦合问题,但现实世界商品交易过程存在着复杂的结构。通过将交易过程中"需要的双重一致性"耦合问题模型化,本文构建了流通机制概念模型,分析了它的三大特征:交易双方的偏好结构以及了解这种结构的交易成本、处理这种偏好信息的过程以及交易实现、保障交易有效实施的制度环境。流通机制下任何个体行为的理性均衡等价于激励相容的协调机制,这一机制的内在结构可以表现为业态及生产-流通-消费的动态反馈,流通机制与生产、消费两侧的结合界面通过威廉姆森的交易费用分析框架确定。本文通过一个典型的镶嵌在特定社会结构中、政府主导型产业发展模式的实例,考察了流通机制的生产知识、需求知识与信息配置特征,印证了流通机制作为一种中心化机制的重要意义及政策含义。 相似文献
客户忠诚理论的价值分析和驱动模式研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在客户关系管理(CRM)中,客户忠诚是其基本目标。客户忠诚是一种导致消费者与品牌发生联系的态度,进而表示出来的一种由个人特征、环境和购买情景共同作用的购买行为模式。在分析客户忠诚对客户关系管理的价值,客户忠诚的度量指标和维度分类的基础上,提出了客户忠诚的满意驱动、价值驱动、双因素驱动和多因素驱动四种驱动模式以及各因素对客户忠诚的驱动机理,揭示了客户忠诚的本质,为企业客户关系管理中达到客户忠诚提供理论支持和实践方法。 相似文献
本文认为,加入WTO后各种大型卖场、超级市场、便利店、专卖店、仓储中心及社区店不断出现,客观上要求企业依据国内外价值创造理论与实践的演变,构建更为合理的价值创造模式。第一,加强基于核心环节的价值链管理模式。零售企业价值链管理的核心环节在于强化基础设施、卖场管理与人力资源管理。第二,建立基于信息手段的供应链管理系统。主要包含电子交换系统、电子数据交换系统、快速响应系统、管理信息系统、价值网络、顾客反应系统、决策支援系统、电子收款机(单品管理)信息系统、全球定位系统等。第三,完善全面价值共享的价值网管理业态。 相似文献