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We introduce inventories into an otherwise standard New Keynesian model and study the implications for inflation dynamics. Inventory holdings are motivated as a means to generate sales for demand-constrained firms. We derive various representations of the New Keynesian Phillips curve with inventories and show that one of these specifications is observationally equivalent to the standard model with respect to the behavior of inflation when the model's cross-equation restrictions are imposed. However, the driving variable in the New Keynesian Phillips curve – real marginal cost – is unobservable and has to be proxied by, for instance, real unit labor cost. An alternative approach is to impute marginal cost by using the model's optimality conditions. We show that the stock–sales ratio is linked to marginal cost. We also estimate these various specifications of the New Keynesian Phillips curve using GMM. We find that the predictive power of the inventory-specification at best approaches that of the standard model, but does not improve upon it.  相似文献   

The New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) was developed as a response to the New Classical critique that Keynesian macroeconomics lacked micro-foundations. The NKPC provides theoretical micro-foundations that attempt to explain, inter alia, nominal rigidities and, explicitly price stickiness. This paper investigates the validity of the NKPC for Australia. In contrast to the findings for the USA and Euro area, we find that neither the output gap nor marginal cost appears to be a key driving force variable across different set of instruments and estimators (GMM and 2SLS) over the sample period from 1959 to 2009. The flattening of the NKPC along with significant presence of price stickiness is also found in the data. In particular, the reduced form coefficients and implied estimates from the structural parameters of the model support the view that inflation dynamics are forward looking while the role of lagged inflation is also statistically important only after 1980s. However, we claim that the forward looking baseline NKPC contrary to the hybrid NKPC is stable and better explains inflation dynamics for the Australian economy.  相似文献   

In this empirical paper, we take a close look at the impact of the observed decline in the product market regulation, and hence in the barriers to entry and in impediments to competition, on inflation dynamics since the early 1980s.We use an enlarged new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) allowing for entry of firms and increasing competitive pressures with the number of firms and non zero trend inflation.Using OECD indicators on product market regulations, characterized by persistent fluctuations, and taking into account the non stationary properties of the inflation process, we investigate the empirical relevance of this NKPC for inflation dynamics in the US and France, assuming VAR expectations. The results point out that product market regulation is a good candidate as an exogenous structural source of the observed persistence in inflation for the past thirty years in both the US and France.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the performance of the New Keynesian Phillips curve when survey forecasts of inflation are used to proxy for inflation expectations. Previous authors such as Brissimis and Magginas (2008) have applied survey measures of inflation expectations to the NKPC, and have concluded that these estimates are superior to those estimated using actual data on future inflation. However this approach employs the use of the labor income share as the proxy for real marginal cost, something which is highly problematic once we consider the countercyclicality of this variable. This paper develops and tests a procyclical marginal cost variable alongside various survey measures of inflation forecasts in the NKPC, while recognizing the problem of weak instruments that occurs when estimating the model using conventional GMM. We find that the NKPC produces a counter-intuitive negative and significant coefficient on procyclical marginal cost when surveys of inflation forecasts are used, which casts serious doubt on the empirical viability of the NKPC model, even when estimated with survey inflation forecasts.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between wage inflation and the unemployment rate in the U.S. economy for the 1964–2014 period by means of a three-regime threshold regression model. The estimated threshold parameters suggest that this relationship changes when the unemployment rate transitions between regimes defined by 5.61% and 7.63%. During mild recessions and their subsequent recoveries, the time-varying estimates of the model indicate a negative relationship between both variables, consistent with the implications of a wage Phillips curve (WPC) derived from the standard New Keynesian model with staggered wage setting in Galí (2011). However, we find that this relationship breaks down during deep recessions and their recovery periods, which explains the difference between wage inflation predicted by standard New Keynesian models and the observed low wage growth in the aftermath of the ‘Great Recession’. This finding and the fact that statistical tests strongly favor our three-regime model suggest that linear and two-regime models are insufficient to account for all the variability in the relationship between wage inflation and unemployment.  相似文献   

The New Keynesian Phillips curve implies that the output gap, the deviation of the actual output from its natural level due to nominal rigidities, drives the dynamics of inflation relative to expected inflation and lagged inflation. This paper exploits the empirical success of the New Keynesian Phillips curve in explaining China's inflation dynamics with a new measure of the output gap. We estimate the output gap using the Bayesian multivariate Beveridge–Nelson decomposition method, based on a multivariate dynamic model featuring distinct interactions among inflation, money, and real output in China. The empirical results using quarterly data spanning 1979–2010 show that the new measure of the output gap outperforms the traditional measures in fitting the New Keynesian Phillips curve. This result provides useful insights for inflation dynamics and monetary policy analysis in China.  相似文献   

I discuss theoretical identification of the New Keynesian Phillips curve, and show that it can be identified with limited information techniques when the data generating process is a New Keynesian model with enough macro frictions or persistent shocks. Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the quantitative relevance of the results.  相似文献   

This article evaluates various models’ predictive power for U.S. inflation rate using a simulated out-of-sample forecasting framework. The starting point is the traditional unemployment Phillips curve. We show that a factor Phillips curve model is superior to the traditional Phillips curve, and its performance is comparable to other factor models. We find that a factor AR model is superior to the factor Phillips curve model, and is the best bivariate or factor model at longer horizons. Finally, we investigate a New Keynesian Phillips curve model, and find that its forecasting performance dominates all other models at the longer horizons.  相似文献   

Modern theories of inflation incorporate a vertical long-run Phillips curve and are usually estimated using techniques that ignore the non-stationary behaviour of inflation. Consequently, the estimates obtained are imprecise and unable to test the veracity of a vertical long-run Phillips curve. We estimate a Phillips curve model taking into account the non-stationary properties in inflation and identify a small but significant positive relationship between inflation and unemployment. The results also provide some evidence that the trade-off between inflation and the rate of unemployment in the short-run worsens as the mean rate of inflation increases.  相似文献   

The wrong or insignificant sign of the forcing variable in the new Keynesian Phillips curve estimations may be a result of the endogeneity of the labour share and misspecification of real marginal cost in the baseline model. We address the misspecification of real marginal cost by formulating a broad measure that features the labour share, output gap and supply shock variables. The endogeneity of the labour share is addressed by using an appropriate lag of the labour share in the Phillips curve. Reduced-form evidence from five developed and five emerging market economies support the empirical validity of the NKPC.  相似文献   

Explicit modelling of factor markets clarifies two fundamental aspects of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC). First, we clarify the relationship between output and marginal cost. Second, for the NKPC in inflation–output space, we identify the key stochastic influences on inflation without recourse to ad hoc cost or excess demand shocks. The econometric implementation of this clarified NKPC, which evolves strictly according news on the stream of future marginal costs, allows us jointly to derive inflation as a forecast of future variables. Our approach clarifies the empirical successes and failures of the NKPC and allows us to provide new aggregate evidence on the degree of price rigidity in the UK economy.  相似文献   

The usual version of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve is shown to contain several inconsistencies. In particular, it does not take account of the dependence of labor demand and supply on the real wage, nor does it treat the goods and labor markets symmetrically. When the model is revised to meet these points, it is found that standard accelerationist results are largely unaffected. However, the important issue as to whether inflation accelerates depends not on wage but on price behavior. A unit coefficient on the expectations variable in the wage equation is seen to be irrelevant to this question.  相似文献   

The flattening of the Phillips curve is a vigorously investigated phenomenon in many advanced economies. Still little evidence has been presented for emerging, small open economies facing persistently low inflation. In this paper I address this issue through rigorous estimation of a substantial number of stylized, open-economy hybrid new Keynesian Phillips curves for Poland. I find robust evidence of the flattening of the Phillips curve and the rising impact of external factors for both headline and core inflation. I conclude that during excessive disinflation in Poland the flattening of the Phillips curve can be partly explained by the underutilization of labour, whereas the stronger impact of global factors on core inflation suggests strengthening indirect effects. The changes in the estimated parameters indicate that the macroeconomic cost of bringing inflation back to the desired target has increased. Further identification of the reasons behind the flattening of the Phillips curve in an emerging, small open economy should provide useful insights for monetary policy.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on the fit of the hybrid New Keynesian Phillips curve for selected Euro zone countries, the US and the UK. Instead of imposing rational expectations and estimating the Phillips curve by the Generalized Method of Moments, we use direct measures of inflation expectations from the CESifo World Economic Survey. Our main findings are as follows: (i) The use of survey data gives empirical results, which are more reliable than those obtained from the GMM approach. (ii) The purely forward-looking Phillips curve can be rejected in favor of the hybrid New Keynesian Phillips curve. (iii) The estimated coefficients on past inflation are higher when using survey expectations than when using the rational expectations GMM approach. (iv) It remains unclear whether real unit labor costs or a measure of the output gap should be used as a proxy for real marginal costs. (v) Theory-based restrictions lead to an improvement of the empirical results.  相似文献   

Andrea Carriero   《Economics Letters》2008,100(2):241-244
We propose a way to test the New Keynesian Phillips Curve without having to estimate its structural parameters. We find that it does not exist as a combination of the structural parameters consistent with the US data. This might be due to the failure of the joint hypothesis of rational expectations.  相似文献   

张成思 《金融评论》2010,2(5):75-81
本文对基于微观公司定价机制而发展起来的新凯恩斯菲利浦斯曲线理论的最新研究动态做了系统性的归纳与综述,总结了该理论模型在现代货币政策传导机制中的重要理论价值。同时。文章分析了西方主要国家以及中国近年来通货膨胀率的最新动态走势特征,指出现有理论在解释现实通胀率走势过程中存在的缺憾,提出了完善现有理论模型的建议.期望使基于微观基础的宏观通胀率动态理论机制更好地解释实际中的经济运行规律。  相似文献   

中国新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线研究   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:31  
陈彦斌 《经济研究》2008,43(12):50-64
本文提出了包含需求拉动、成本推动、通胀预期和通胀惯性四种因素的新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线模型,该模型推广了Gordon(1996)的三角模型和Gaíland Gertler(1999)的混合模型等经典菲利普斯曲线模型,具有理论上的完整性。本文使用中国数据对所提出的模型进行了检验,其中采用了基于微观调查数据的通胀预期。经验研究结果表明,新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线模型的最小二乘估计比GMM估计更具有稳健性。在通胀的四个决定因素中,通胀预期对当前通胀的影响最显著,通胀惯性次之,需求拉动排第三,而成本推动的影响不显著。  相似文献   

This paper examines the theory of the Phillips curve, focusing on the distinction between “formation” of inflation expectations and “incorporation” of inflation expectations. Phillips curve theory has largely focused on the former. Explaining the Phillips curve by reference to expectation formation keeps Phillips curve theory in the policy orbit of natural rate thinking where there is no welfare justification for higher inflation even if there is a permanent inflation–unemployment trade-off. Explaining the Phillips curve by reference to incorporation of inflation expectations breaks that orbit and provides a welfare economics rationale for Keynesian activist policies that reduce unemployment at the cost of higher inflation.  相似文献   

Using a two-stage quantile regression framework, we uncover significant asymmetries across quantiles for all coefficients in an otherwise standard New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) for the euro area. A pure NKPC specification accurately captures inflation dynamics at high inflation quantiles.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》2007,94(3):323-328
This paper compares the out-of-sample inflation forecasting performance of two non-linear models; a neural network and a Markov switching autoregressive (MS-AR) model. We find that predictable non-linearities in inflation are best accounted for by the MS-AR model.  相似文献   

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