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We study the formation of mutual funds by generalizing the standard competitive noisy rational expectations framework. In our model, informed agents set up mutual funds as a means of selling their private information to uninformed agents. We study the case of imperfect competition among fund managers, where uninformed agents invest simultaneously in multiple mutual funds. The size of the assets under management in the mutual fund industry is determined by endogenizing the agents' information acquisition decisions. Our model yields novel predictions on the informativeness of price, the optimal fees of mutual funds, and the equilibrium risk premium. In particular, we show that a sufficiently competitive mutual fund sector yields more informative prices and a lower equity risk premium. 相似文献
Hubert Roosma 《International Advances in Economic Research》1996,2(2):132-136
This study investigates the possibility of identifying those mutual funds in the Fidelity Family which might outperform the S&P 500 by using Jensen's alphas. An average of Jensen's alphas for a three-year period covering 1991–93 was computed and 1994 was used as a test case. A total of 152 Fidelity mutual funds were included in the study. Data were obtained fromAlexander Steele's Mutual Fund Expert Data Base [Steele Systems, Inc.] andHuntington Financial Optima Data Base [Huntington Associates Financial, Inc.]. It was found that it was possible to identify high performance funds. These funds had an alpha over 0.80. There were 21 funds in this group which produced an average total return of 4.44 percent, while S&P 500 had a total return of 1.32 percent in 1994.Any errors found in this paper are the sole responsibility of the author. The author would like to express sincere appreciation to Steele Systems, Inc. and Huntington Associates Financial, Inc. for providing the necessary data used in this study. Special appreciation also goes to Melissa Luo who so diligently and carefully performed all the computer work. 相似文献
We study the optimal trading strategy of mutual funds that face both position limits and differential illiquidity. We provide explicit characterization of the optimal trading strategy and conduct an extensive analytical and numerical analysis of the optimal trading strategy. We show that the optimal trading boundaries are increasing in both the lower and the upper position limits. We find that position limits can affect current trading strategy even when they are not currently binding and other seemingly intuitive trading strategies can be costly. We also examine the optimal choice of position limits. 相似文献
Expense ratios of North American mutual funds 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract The average expense ratio paid by Canadian mutual fund investors is 50% higher than that paid in the United States. This discrepancy is commonly thought to exist because Canadian funds do not take advantage of economies of scale and have less competition. A monopolistic competition framework is used to develop a model for the mutual fund industry. By allowing each fund to have different attributes, the model permits funds to charge different expense ratios in equilibrium and is found to strongly fit the North American mutual fund market. Empirical analysis indicates that these two common explanations and measurable fund attributes account for 24% of the discrepancy. JEL Classification: L11, L13 and G15
Les ratios de dépenses des fonds mutuels nord‐américains Le taux moyen de dépenses payées par les investisseurs canadiens dans les fonds mutuels sont de 50% plus élevées que celles qu'on paie aux Etats‐Unis. Cet écart est attribué d'habitude au fait que les fonds canadiens ne tirent pas profit des économies d'échelle et qu'il y a moins de concurrence au Canada. On utilise un modèle de concurrence monopolistique pour analyser l'industrie des fonds mutuels. En permettant à chaque fond d'avoir certains attributs, le modèle permet aux fonds de charger des taux de dépenses différents en équilibre. Il semble que cela corresponde aux caractéristiques du marché des fonds mutuels américains. Une analyse empirique montre que les deux explications usuelles et les attributs mesurables des fonds expliquent 24% de l'écart. 相似文献
Les ratios de dépenses des fonds mutuels nord‐américains Le taux moyen de dépenses payées par les investisseurs canadiens dans les fonds mutuels sont de 50% plus élevées que celles qu'on paie aux Etats‐Unis. Cet écart est attribué d'habitude au fait que les fonds canadiens ne tirent pas profit des économies d'échelle et qu'il y a moins de concurrence au Canada. On utilise un modèle de concurrence monopolistique pour analyser l'industrie des fonds mutuels. En permettant à chaque fond d'avoir certains attributs, le modèle permet aux fonds de charger des taux de dépenses différents en équilibre. Il semble que cela corresponde aux caractéristiques du marché des fonds mutuels américains. Une analyse empirique montre que les deux explications usuelles et les attributs mesurables des fonds expliquent 24% de l'écart. 相似文献
Juan Carlos Matallín-Sáez 《Applied economics》2013,45(27):4069-4079
One of the perceived advantages in mutual fund management is the presence of economies of scale resulting from fund size. This article analyses the impact of mutual fund cash flows on the relation between size and performance, demonstrating that performance determines asymmetric variations in fund assets, particularly in mutual equity funds. Therefore, the more efficient funds generate broad enough cash flow entry that increases the relative size of the fund, leading to an implicit and positive relation between size and performance. So, if the average size over the period sample is used as a measure of size, such a relation would be biased. When the initial size is used, this bias is avoided and, in general, an insignificant relation is found between size and performance. These results are controlled by mutual fund costs using gross returns to estimate performance. The evidence is robust, and shows only weak evidence of a negative relation between size and performance for the balanced funds that is driven by a low positive relation between costs and size; precisely, the contrary that is expected from the hypothesis of the presence of economies of scale. 相似文献
This article employs a variety of econometric models (including OLS, VEC/VAR, DCC GARCH and a class of copula-based GARCH models) to estimate optimal hedge ratios for gasoline spot prices using gasoline exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and gasoline futures contracts. We then compare their performance using four different measures from the perspective of both their hedging objectives and trading position using four different measures: variance reduction measure, utility-based measure and two tail-based measures (value at risk and expected shortfall). The impact of the 2008 financial market crisis on hedging performance is also investigated. Our findings indicate that, in terms of variance reduction, the static models (OLS and VEC/VAR) are found to be the best hedging strategies. However, more sophisticated time-varying hedging strategies could outperform the static hedging models when the other measures are used. In addition, ETF hedging is a more effective hedging strategy than futures hedging during the high-volatility (crisis) period, but this is not always the case during the normal time (post-crisis) period. 相似文献
David G. Hartman 《Economics Letters》1978,1(3):221-224
The effects of taxation on the holding of ‘risky’ assets are explored when price level uncertainty means that the alternative asset, money, cannot be regarded as riskless and yieldless. Traditional conclusions are confirmed for the cases of a non-indexed and of a completely indexed tax. 相似文献
Using Riyad Capital mutual funds as a proxy for Saudi Arabian mutual funds, this paper empirically compares the risk-adjusted performance and investment style of Islamic mutual funds with that of conventional funds in the wake of the recent global financial crisis of 2009–2014. Absolute and relative risk-adjusted measures with single factor (Jensen) and multifactor (Carhart) models are applied. Our findings suggest that Islamic funds outperformed conventional funds domestically, given similar risk exposure, and produced comparable results under lower market risk globally. The results show that Islamic funds are a relatively big cap from the strong statistical significance registered on the global side as evidenced by the difference portfolio outcomes. In addition, the difference portfolios provide statistical evidence that Islamic funds are more value-oriented compared to conventional funds on both fronts. Furthermore, Islamic funds tend to slightly favour a contrarian trading investment strategy as suggested by statistically significant local portfolio value and global difference portfolios results. The results of home bias test show stronger ties by local Islamic funds to local market relative to the global proxy suggesting that domestic investors and managers favour Islamic funds over conventional funds, thus confirming a local preference for Shari’ah-compliant investments. 相似文献
Alan J. Marcus 《European Economic Review》1984,25(3):373-385
This paper seeks to explain fixed-wage labor contracts. The traditional rationale that fixed wages represent an implicit sale of ‘wage insurance’ by risk-neutral firms to risk-averse workers is rejected as being incompatible with the fact that firms are owned by risk-averse investors. Instead, it is shown that fixed-wage contracts might arise from the non-marketability of labor income. When human capital is not marketable, it becomes optimal to shift all the risk in production onto the firm, since trading in equity markets enables efficient allocation of the uncertainty. The fixed-wage contract shifts the risk to equity owners and in fact replicates the first-best equilibrium that would emerge if individuals were paid their realized marginal product and allowed to trade shares in human capital. 相似文献
Leif Danziger 《Economics Letters》1981,8(2):181-186
This note studies risk sharing in labor contracts when the price of the firm's product is uncertain. It demonstrates that if the firm adjusts employment at its own discretion, then the wage should not in general be constant, but should be constant only if the production function is of the Cobb-Douglas type. 相似文献
John Kambhu 《Journal of Regulatory Economics》1990,2(4):397-414
This paper analyzes the effectiveness of banking regulation when risk can be concealed from the regulator. Three banking regimes are considered: regulation with direct controls, incentives-based regulation, and laissez-faire banking. The relative performance of the three regimes depends on the effectiveness of monitoring. Regulation with direct controls is superior when monitoring effectiveness is low, while incentives-based regulation is superior when monitoring effectiveness is high. Laissez-faire banking is equivalent to incentives-based regulation if market analysts and the regulator have access to the same information. When monitoring effectiveness is low, a regulator with direct controls can better restrain banks' risk taking than can the market; this result applies when banks can conceal much of their risk from the regulator. 相似文献
投资理财已成时尚的当今社会,人们更关注所投资的企业的价值.DCF模型作为评估企业价值的一种主流方法,已被广泛运用于实践.但现实中的问题是,DCF模型被滥用、泛用现象严重,特别是在估算企业价值的重要驱动因素-FCF时评估者的主观随意性太大,从而影响到价值结果的客观性.本文着重阐述了对FCF的分析、理解、合理选择和估算时应注意的重要问题,以期在评估实践中能起到一定的指导作用. 相似文献
投资理财已成时尚的当今社会,人们更关注所投资的企业的价值。DCF模型作为评估企业价值的一种主流方法,已被广泛运用于实践。但现实中的问题是,DCF模型被滥用、泛用现象严重,特别是在估算企业价值的重要驱动因素-FCF时评估者的主观随意性太大,从而影响到价值结果的客观性。本文着重阐述了对FCF的分析、理解、合理选择和估算时应注意的重要问题。以期在评估实践中能起到一定的指导作用。 相似文献
We employ the asymmetric version of the Granger causality test to assess how Australian inbound and outbound tourism flows across 49 markets (countries) are driven by the sign-dependent variations in departure series or vice versa. A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (MGARCH) model is also estimated to study the time-varying co-volatility between inbound and outbound tourism growth rates. We find that rising co-volatility spillovers between inbound and outbound tourism are statistically significant for a number of markets. The six markets that are most susceptible to global shocks are China, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, South Africa and the United Kingdom. China is by far the largest of these markets and, except for the United Kingdom, both arrivals and departures for each of these countries represent growing markets for Australia. We present recommendations for policymakers and destination management organizations (DMOs) to assist in developing customized strategies targeting resilient inbound markets in order to optimize tourism performance and reduce potential losses in times of crisis. 相似文献
我国共同基金对动态资产配置策略的应用初探 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
动态资产配置策略的应用包括购买并持有策略、恒定混合比率策略和固定比率投资组合保险策略这三种最基本的策略。实证研究发现,购买并持有策略的业绩最差;其次是固定比率投资组合保险策略;业绩最好的是恒定混合策略。当然,我们的研究没有考虑交易费用、市场流动性约束等问题;它只是一个特定时段上的理论结果,因而不一定具有普遍意义。 相似文献
We explore the effect of interest rates on risk taking and find that it depends on the type of risk involved. In a Bayesian setting, investments can be risky either because payoff-relevant signals are noisy or because the dispersion of the prior is high. While both types of risk contribute symmetrically to the overall riskiness of an investment project, we show that changes in interest rates affect risk taking in these two types of risk in opposite directions. This makes the net effect of interest rates on risk taking—as measured by the average riskiness of financed projects—necessarily ambiguous and dependent on the sources of risk. 相似文献
Bourreau Marc Cambini Carlo Hoernig Steffen Vogelsang Ingo 《Journal of Regulatory Economics》2020,57(2):105-117
Journal of Regulatory Economics - Regulated access schemes shape incentives for both investment and entry in next-generation networks. We study in a general duopoly setting whether and how risk... 相似文献
Promises, trust, and contracts 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A transaction involving a buyer and a competitive seller isstudied under the hypothesis that individuals may have a certaintendency to keep promises. The parties can choose a completecontract where costly arrangements are made so that it is verifiablewhether the seller has delivered a certain quality. Alternatively,they can choose an incomplete contract where the quality agreedupon by the two parties is unverifiable, and one party is giventhe residual right to decide whether the quality is indeed delivered.Although complete contracts are always available, it may beoptimal to use incomplete contracts, and social surplus canincrease in contract costs. Social surplus is higher when thebuyer has the residual right if under this arrangement incompletecontracts are optimal; and social surplus is higher when theseller has the residual right if only under this arrangementincomplete contracts are optimal. 相似文献
《European Economic Review》2002,46(4-5):734-744
This paper shows that the possibility of interference in court proceedings, or more generally jamming other agents’ messages, has significant consequences for the form of optimal contracts and the flexibility of decisions that can be made inside firms. Our approach offers a new view of authority, basing it on the ability of parties to have their say in court. Interference gives authority a role in worlds where it is traditionally absent in contract theory, like simple employment relationships without specific investments. 相似文献