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套期保值是企业利用期货市场进行风险控制的重要过程。利用金融衍生产品进行风险管理的关键问题是确定套期保值比率。通过对中国沪铝期货套期保值绩效的实证研究发现基于DVECH-GARCH的动态套期保值比基于OLS的静态套期保值避险效果好。选择一定的套保模型进行对冲交易,铝加工企业能够有效地分散铝现货的市场风险,稳定企业生产经营。  相似文献   

We explore how futures traders make a tradeoff between risk and return by examining their risk-taking in the action. By applying a novel measure to their trade-by-trade transactions to capture their tendency in risk-taking, we find a general tendency to reduce risk-taking by cutting positions when facing losses or gains, and the tendency is stronger in the case of losses. However, great variations exist among traders in the risk-taking tendency and the results for trading are opposite for profitable and unprofitable traders. For the unprofitable, more risk-taking by trading more actively leads to greater losses. This is concrete evidence for the prevailing belief in the literature that trading too much, arguably due to overconfidence, is hazardous to investor's wealth. Contrary to that belief, however, we find fresh evidence that more active trading by the profitable traders leads to greater profits, suggesting their trades are likely based on ability and skills.  相似文献   

中国重新推出原油期货,这是中国经济发展的必然结果,也是中国政府与企业的诉求,对保障中国能源的稳定和安全起着至关重要的作用.目前,原油期贷上市时机日益成熟,进一步发展和完善原油期货市场,需要我们着手做好如下5个方面的工作:一是打破石油市场的垄断,吸引广泛的市场参与主体;二是建立更具开放性、操作性的交易机制;三是建立并完善石油战略储备体系;四是大力发展资本市场,构建多层次金融市场体系,推进石油金融一体化;五是多视角择机推动‘‘石油人民币”体系的建立,促进人民币的崛起.  相似文献   

This paper builds on the literature of the relationship between oil spot and futures prices from the NYNEX market, both in their means and in their conditional volatilities, to investigate whether the association is linear or not. The novelty of this work is based on intraday data from both markets. The empirical findings indicate the presence of nonlinearities both in means and conditional volatilities. Moreover, non-linear causality estimations both in means and in volatilities reveal the presence of bi-directional causality, a fact that provides additional support to the hypothesis that both markets are driven by the same information sets.  相似文献   

Summary We report an exploratory study of the process of price formation in a speculative market in the absence of liquidity traders. Traders exchange a futures contract because they interpret information differently. We formulate trading as a sequence of anonymous double auctions and introduce a notion of bounded rationality in which traders use approximate models of market response in forming their bids. We prove existence of a perfect equilibrium in the sequential anonymous auctions game, and show that the equilibrium has a no-regret property. After learning the market price, a trader regrets neither the bid that he made nor the position that he holds. We show that trading volume is related to changes in the distribution of information in the economy. We also show that volume and expected change in price are related to two different attributes of the pattern of private information flow. Fundamentally, no particular relationship between the time series of these variables is always valid for all futures contracts. This point is emphasized by an example.I am thankful for useful comments made by Avraham Beja, James Gammil, Chi-fu Huang, David Scharfstein and three anonymous referees. Financial support from Stanford Graduate School Faculty Fellowship is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper examines behavioural aspects of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil 1-month futures from 1995 to 2012. We consider that oil futures are formed based on an underlying generalised loss function with an unknown shape parameter that provides information regarding preferences. Even without observing fundamentals of WTI oil futures we can assess whether preferences lean towards a symmetric or asymmetric loss function. Our empirical evidence is robust across information sets and shows that overall loss preferences of WTI 1-month oil futures are rather optimistic and thus the underlying loss function is asymmetric. This implies that if one disregards this asymmetry the WTI oil futures should not be viewed as rational. We further provide statistical tests that allow deviations from a symmetric loss function. As part of a sensitivity analysis, and given the long span of our sample, we perform a novel analysis for detecting breakdowns in our series over time. Based on this analysis we re-examine the shape parameters of the loss function for WTI oil month futures for sub-periods. Interestingly, preferences of WTI 1-month oil futures have shifted towards optimism post 2008 period, marking the collapse of Lehman Brothers.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of foreign currency denominated debt (FCDD) as a natural hedging instrument using a sample of Australian firms. Our results show that the incidence of foreign debt use among industrial sector firms is associated with a lower level of exchange rate exposure. The practice of issuing foreign debt within the industrial sector also conforms better to the hypothesis that firms do so to satisfy a demand for hedging. In contrast, although the incidence of foreign debt issues is higher in the resource/mining sector, the underlying motive for such arises from a demand for financing.  相似文献   

This article provides an assessment of the comparative effectiveness of four econometric methods in estimating the optimal hedge ratio in an emerging equity market, particularly the South African equity and futures markets. The article bases the effectiveness of hedging on volatility reduction and minimization of the coefficient of variation of hedged returns as well as risk-aversion-based utility maximization. The empirical analysis shows that the vector error-correction method and multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity methods are most effective over relatively long horizon, weekly and monthly hedging periods.  相似文献   

Li Liu  Jieqiu Wan 《Economic Modelling》2012,29(6):2245-2253
In existing researches, the investigations of oil price volatility are always performed based on daily data and squared daily return is always taken as the proxy of actual volatility. However, it is widely accepted that the popular realized volatility (RV) based on high frequency data is a more robust measure of actual volatility than squared return. Due to this motivation, we investigate dynamics of daily volatility of Shanghai fuel oil futures prices employing 5-minute high frequency data. First, using a nonparametric method, we find that RV displays strong long-range dependence and recent financial crisis can cause a lower degree of long-range dependence. Second, we model daily volatility using RV models and GARCH-class models. Our results indicate that RV models for intraday data overwhelmingly outperform GARCH-class models for daily data in forecasting fuel oil price volatility, regardless the proxy of actual volatility. Finally, we investigate the major source of such volatile prices and found that trader activity has major contribution to fierce variations of fuel oil prices.  相似文献   

This article first uses dynamic probability of informed trading (DPIN) for measuring the probability of informed trading in the CSI300 index futures market and proves its validity for predicting future price movements. Instead of using the original Lee–Ready algorithm, this study uses bulk volume classification (BVC) for classifying volume. BVC could effectively improve the predictive power of DPIN for future price movements. The relationship between DPIN and returns indicates that informed buying raises the futures price while informed selling moves the futures price downward. DPIN could effectively capture price information in the index future markets in China.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the equity market uncertainty (EMU) index contains incremental information for forecasting the realized volatility of crude oil futures. We use 5-min high-frequency transaction data for WTI crude oil futures and develop six heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models based on classical HAR-type models. The empirical results suggest that EMU contains more incremental information than the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) for forecasting the realized volatility of crude oil futures. More importantly, we argue that EMU is a non negligible additional predictive variable that can significantly improve the 1-day ahead predictive accuracy of all six HAR-type models, and improve the 1-week ahead forecasting performance of the HAR-RV, HAR-RV-J, HAR-RSV, HAR-RV-SJ models. These findings highlight a strong short-term and a weak mid-term predictive ability of EMU in the crude oil futures market.  相似文献   

《Economics Letters》1986,21(2):139-143
This paper establishes the properties of (1) separation between production and risk elements, and (2) full hedging under unbiased price even in the presence of basis risk in the futures market. Also, a comparative statics highlights the richer effect of a change in the risk aversion on hedging when futures and forward markets coexist compared to that in the presence of just one market for hedging.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed sharp increases in the price of crude oil. There are two possible explanations for these increases: dramatic increases in financial firms' position in the oil futures market and recent increases in oil prices from changes in economic fundamentals. This paper examines the causal relationship between the net financial position and the crude oil price by using three types of Granger non-causality tests: the classical Granger non-causality test, a robust Granger non-causality test and a Granger non-causality test in quantiles. The empirical results provide some evidence of causality from the net financial position to the spot price of crude oil. In addition, futures prices serve as a transmission mechanism underlying the causal relationship between the net financial position and the crude oil price.  相似文献   

This article provides a critical assessment of the line of research that measures speculative and hedging activities in futures markets from volume and open interest data. It makes several contributions. First, a detailed theoretical analysis of the measures proposed in the previous literature as proxies for speculative activity clarifies the circumstances in which they fail, as well as the assumptions that have to be made, when they are used as intended. Second, we propose a new way of combining the volume and the open interest figures, which provides additional information regarding the type of trading activity that takes place in the market on a given date. Finally, we analyse empirically the basic statistical properties of all the ratios when they are applied to real data for some of the stock index futures contracts most actively traded in the world. This empirical analysis shows the diverse behaviour of the ratios when they are applied to a common sample of real data, which confirms our previous theoretical findings. Our contributions should be taken into account when any of the measures is used as a proxy for the relative importance of speculative demand in empirical analyses.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that in a two-period economy with a continuum of states and real assets, the following holds: (1) if the asset structure is complete, then generically the number of equilibria is finite; (2) if there are a finite number of real assets (this can approximate completeness arbitrarily close) then, for a nonempty open set of economies, there are a continuum of distinct equilibria. Asymptotic versions (on the number of states and on the number of assets) of the result are also given. It is argued, therefore, that incompleteness, by itself, may be a leading source of indeterminacy.I want to thank R. A. Dara, J. Geanakoplos and the audience of a larger number of presentations (at Brown, Stanford, Columbia, Harvard, Paris,...) for useful comments.  相似文献   

Stochastic volatility models with fixed parameters can be too restrictive for time-series analysis due to instability in the parameters that govern conditional volatility dynamics. We incorporate time-variation in the model parameters for the plain stochastic volatility model as well its extensions with: Leverage, volatility feedback effects and heavy-tailed distributed innovations. With regards to estimation, we rely on one recently discovered result, namely, that when an unbiasedly simulated estimated likelihood (available for example through a particle filter) is used inside a Metropolis-Hastings routine then the estimation error makes no difference to the equilibrium distribution of the algorithm, the posterior distribution. This in turn provides an off-the-shelf technique to estimate complex models. We examine the performance of this technique on simulated and crude oil returns from 1987 to 2016. We find that (i): There is clear evidence of time-variation in the model parameters, (ii): Time-varying parameter volatility models with leverage/Student's t-distributed innovations perform best, (iii): The timing of parameter changes align very well with events such as market turmoils and financial crises.  相似文献   

Politics and the stock market: Evidence from Germany   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analyze the interaction of stock market movements and politics in Germany. Evidence from popularity functions and VAR-based evidence suggests that stock market returns have affected the popularity of German governments. We only find weak evidence that the political process has had an impact on the stock market. In contrast to empirical evidence for the U.S., we do not find that German stock market returns tend to be higher during left-wing than during right-wing governments. Also in contrast to results for the U.S., we find no evidence for an election cycle in German stock market returns.  相似文献   

Stock market interdependencies: Evidence from the asian NIEs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
National asset markets have become more integrated in recent years. This paper investigates the interrelationship, if any, among the stock markets in four newly industrialized economies (NIEs) in Asia. The results indicate that a significant link exists between the stock markets of Hong Kong and Singapore and those of Japan and the United States. On the other hand, the markets with severe restrictions on cross-country investing, that is, Korea and Taiwan, are not responsive to innovations in foreign markets. Finally, the United States stock market influences, but is not influenced by, the four Asian markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates the market reaction to cash dividend announcements for the period 2000–2004 employing data from the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). In particular, the paper examines both the stock price and trading volume response to dividend distribution announcements. Dividend distributions in Greece demonstrate noticeable differences to those of the US, the UK and other developed markets. First, dividends in Greece are paid annually rather than quarterly or semi-annually. Second, the Greek corporate laws 2190/1920 and 148/1967 specifically designate the minimum amount for distribution from the taxed corporate profits. Third, neither tax on dividends nor on capital gains was imposed during the period under examination. Fourth, Greek listed firms are characterized by high ownership concentration where major owners are usually involved in management and therefore have less need for dividend announcements as an information source. Despite this neutralized information and tax environment, we document significant market reaction to dividend change announcements, lending support to the “information content of dividends hypothesis”.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the futures market for crude oil has been the subject of significant study, with the basis regression representing a popular methodology. However, the parameters of this model are subject to a structural break, casting doubt on any conclusion regarding the efficiency of the futures market. To address this problem, this article employs a simple generalization which is capable of testing the efficiency of a futures market in the presence of a structural break. Using this approach, strong evidence of inefficiency is found in the one month futures contract for West Texas Intermediate for the period between 1985 and 2013, which is otherwise not detected.  相似文献   

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