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The article brings new evidence that intra Euro Area trade imbalances should be thought of as the outcome of the interaction of opposing growth strategies between northern/surplus countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands) and southern/deficit countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Spain). By using a vector autoregression model, econometric evidence clarifies that the demand regime in the southern region is wage-led, while profit-led in the northern region. Moreover, a downward-wage adjustment in the northern region (negative wage shock) contributed to increasing the intra-EA trade surplus vis-à-vis the southern region by far more than an upward-wage adjustment in the southern region (positive wage shock).  相似文献   

The creation of the Euro area has increased the importance of obtaining timely information about short-term changes in the area's real activity. In this paper we propose a number of alternative short term forecasting models, ranging from simple ARIMA models to more complex cointegrated VAR and conditional models, to forecast the index of industrial production in the euro area. A conditional error-correction model in which the aggregate index of industrial production for the area is explained by the US industrial production index and the business confidence index from the European Commission harmonised survey on manufacturing firms achieves the best score in terms of forecasting capacity. First version received: Jan. 2000/Final version received: March 2000  相似文献   

I estimate the transmission of a common euro area monetary policy shock across individual euro area economies. To do so, I develop a global VAR model in which all euro area economies are included individually while, at the same time, their common monetary policy is modelled as a function of euro area aggregate output growth and inflation. The results suggest that the transmission of monetary policy across euro area economies displays asymmetries, and that, in line with economic theory, these are driven by differences in economies׳ structural characteristics. In particular, euro area economies in which a higher share of aggregate output is accounted for by sectors servicing interest rate sensitive demand exhibit a stronger transmission of monetary policy to real activity. Similarly, even though the evidence is less conclusive, euro area economies which feature more real wage and/or fewer unemployment rigidities also appear to display a stronger transmission of monetary policy to real activity.  相似文献   

Jim Lee 《Economics Letters》2012,115(3):438-440
Estimation results from a dynamic factor model confirm an increase in output synchronization across European countries during the run-up to the inception of EMU, but EMU by itself has not continued to foster the emergence of a common business cycle.  相似文献   

We build a model of the euro area incorporating financial market frictions at the level of firms and households. Entrepreneurs borrow from financial intermediaries in order to purchase business capital, in the spirit of the “financial accelerator” literature. We also introduce two types of households that differ in their degree of time preference. All households have preferences for housing services. The impatient households are faced with a collateral constraint that is a function of the value of their housing stock. Our aim is to provide a unified framework for policy analysis that emphasises financial market frictions alongside the more traditional model channels. The model is estimated by Bayesian methods using euro area aggregate data and model properties are illustrated with simulation and conditional variance and historical shock decomposition.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of the bootstrap when the system Wald test is employed to test for linear restrictions in a stationary vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The bootstrap test is conducted using the estimated generalised least square estimator for VAR parameters, which considers contemporaneous correlations among the error terms. It is found that the bootstrap test shows little size distortion in small samples. In contrast, the asymptotic Wald test exhibits serious size distortion, severely over-rejecting the true null hypothesis in small samples. The bootstrap test also has desirable power properties, with its power particularly high when the model is near non-stationary and the error terms are highly correlated contemporaneously. As an application, the bootstrap Wald test is employed to test for the predictability of stock return from dividend yield using U.S. data.  相似文献   

Academic research and policy makers in the Euro area are currently concerned with the threat of debt deflation and secular stagnation in Europe. Empirical evidence seems to suggest that secular stagnation and debt deflation in the Euro area may be rather slowly developing. Yet what appears as major peril is that debt deflation with a lack of economic growth, rising real interest rates and further rising debt may trigger household defaults, defaults of firms and banks, rise of risk premia, and default risk of certain sectors of the economy or sovereign defaults. It is this rising default and financial risk that may lead to a regime change to a slowly moving debt crisis with high financial risk and high financial stress. In order to explore those issues, a macro policy model of Svensson type is introduced, exhibiting a regime of low and high financial stress. Then, a four dimensional multi-regime VAR is employed to an Euro area data set to support the theoretical model and the claim that in particular Southern Euro area countries are affected by debt deflation and financial market stress.  相似文献   

A thorough understanding of the transmission mechanism is a key requirement for central banks for successful implementation of monetary policy. This paper investigates the existence of the interest rate channel, exchange rate channel and asset price channel in Vietnam by employing a vector autoregressive model analysis using monthly data ranging from 2003M1 to 2012M12. The results from the analysis present evidence for a cost channel. However, we find no evidence for the existence of an exchange rate channel or asset price channel of monetary transmission in Vietnam.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on the effect of elementary index choice on inflation measurement in the euro area. Using scanner data for 15,844 individual items from 42 product categories and 10 euro area countries, we compute product category level elementary price indexes using eight different elementary index formulas. Measured inflation outcomes of the different index formulas are compared with the Fisher ideal index to quantify elementary index bias. We have three main findings. First, elementary index bias is quite variable across product categories, countries and index formulas. Second, a comparison of elementary index formulas with and without expenditure weights shows that a shift from price only indexes to expenditure weighted indexes would entail at the product level multiple percentage points differences in measured price changes. And finally, we show that elementary index bias is quantitatively more important than upper level substitution bias.  相似文献   

Forecasting house price has been of great interests for macroeconomists, policy makers and investors in recent years. To improve the forecasting accuracy, this paper introduces a dynamic model averaging (DMA) method to forecast the growth rate of house prices in 30 major Chinese cities. The advantage of DMA is that this method allows both the sets of predictors (forecasting models) as well as their coefficients to change over time. Both recursive and rolling forecasting modes are applied to compare the performance of DMA with other traditional forecasting models. Furthermore, a model confidence set (MCS) test is used to statistically evaluate the forecasting efficiency of different models. The empirical results reveal that DMA generally outperforms other models, such as Bayesian model averaging (BMA), information-theoretic model averaging (ITMA) and equal-weighted averaging (EW), in both recursive and rolling forecasting modes. In addition, in recent years it is found that the Google search index, instead of fundamental macroeconomic or monetary indicators, has developed greater predictive power for house price in China.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis (2008–09) led to a sharp contraction in both Euro Area (EA) and US real activity, and was followed by a long-lasting slump. However, the post-crisis adjustment in the EA and the US shows striking differences—in particular, the EA slump has been markedly more protracted. We estimate a three-region (EA, US and Rest of World) New Keynesian DSGE model (using quarterly data for 1999–2014) to quantify the drivers of the divergent EA and US adjustment paths. Our results suggest that financial shocks were key drivers of the 2008–09 Great Recession, for both the EA and the US. The post-2009 slump in the EA mainly reflects a combination of adverse aggregate demand and supply shocks, in particular lower productivity growth, and persistent adverse shocks to capital investment, linked to the continuing poor health of the EA financial system. Adverse financial shocks were less persistent for the US. The financial shocks identified by the model are consistent with observed performance indicators of the EA and US banking systems.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether German or synthetic European pre-EMU data provides the appropriate empirical basis for evaluating Euro/Dollar exchange rate behavior. Monetary exchange rate equations are estimated for both data sets over the pre-EMU period, and out-of-sample forecasts are evaluated to assess their ability to explain the Euro/Dollar exchange rate from 1999 to 2004. While forecast accuracy tests confirm the usefulness of synthetic European data for Euro exchange rate analysis, forecasts based on the German pre-EMU experience cannot even beat a random walk. Our results indicate that the Euro does not simply follow the German Mark, but that it has its origins in the other pre-EMU currencies as well.  相似文献   

One criticism of Vector Autoregression (VAR) forecasting is that macroeconomic variables tend not to behave as linear functions of their own past around business cycle turning points. A large amount of literature therefore focuses on nonlinear forecasting models, such as Markov switching models, which only indirectly capture the relation with turning points. This article investigates a direct approach to using information on turning points from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) chronology to model and forecast macroeconomic data. Our Qual VAR model includes a truncated normal latent business cycle index that is negative during NBER recessions and positive during expansions. We motivate our forecasting exercise by demonstrating that if starting from a linear specification, a truncated normal variable is an omitted variable, then forecasts of the remaining variables will become nonlinear functions of their own past. We apply the Qual VAR model to recursive out-of-sample forecasting and find that the Qual VAR improves on out-of-sample forecasts from a standard VAR.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have used multivariate unobserved components models to identify the output gap and the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment. A key assumption of these models is that one common cycle component, such as the output gap, drives the cyclical fluctuations in all variables included in the model. This article also uses the multivariate approach to estimate the euro area output gap and the trends and cycles in other macroeconomic variables. However, it adopts a flexible way of linking the output gap to the cycle components in the other variables, in that we do not impose any leading or lagging restrictions between cycle components, as has been done in most previous studies. Our approach also allows us to assess the strength of cycle association and cross-correlation among cycle components using the model??s parameter estimates. Finally, we demonstrate that our multivariate model can provide a satisfactory historical output gap estimate and also a ??real-time?? estimate for the aggregate euro area.  相似文献   

This paper estimates and compares four versions of the sticky price New Keynesian model for the Euro area using a Bayesian approach. We find that the average duration of price contracts is between two and four quarters, while the average duration of wage contracts is estimated to be below two quarters. Both mechanisms of price and wage indexation are not important when autocorrelated price markup shocks are introduced in the model. These results are in stark contrast to Smets and Wouters (2003): when we use their priors, our estimated posterior distributions are similar to theirs, but the models’ fit to the data is worse. We are thankful to the Econometric Modelling Unit at the European Central Bank for providing us with the Euro area data. We also thank two anonymous referees for helpful suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (“la Caixa”).  相似文献   

This paper examines macroeconomic effects of external shocks and their transmission mechanisms in one of the most commodity-abundant countries-Mongolia using a large Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) based on the approach proposed by Bańbura, Giannone, and Reichlin [(2010). Large Bayesian Vector Auto Regressions. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25, 71–92]. Nine structural shocks (five external and four domestic shocks) are identified using a recursive ordering. Results show that external shocks are important sources of macroeconomic volatility in Mongolia. Commodity price shocks affect the economy through exchange rate and budget expenditure channels, while China’s growth and FDI shocks are primarily transmitted through the real sector and bank lending channels.  相似文献   

Rita Soares 《Applied economics》2013,45(19):2724-2744
In order to overcome the omitted information problem of small-scale Vector Autoregression (VAR) models, this study combines the VAR methodology with dynamic factor analysis and assesses the effects of monetary policy shocks in the euro area in the period during which there is a single monetary policy. Using the Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) approach of Bernanke et al. (2005 Bernanke, B, Boivin, J and Eliasz, P. 2005. Measuring the effects of monetary policy: a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (FAVAR) approach. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120: 387422. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), we summarize the information contained in a large set of macroeconomic time series with a small number of estimated factors and use them as regressors in recursive VARs to evaluate the impact of the nonsystematic component of the European Central Bank's (ECB's) actions. Overall, our results suggest that the inclusion of factors in the VAR allows us to obtain a more coherent picture of the effects of monetary policy innovations, both by achieving responses easier to understand from the theoretical point of view and by increasing the precision of such responses. Moreover, this framework allows us to compute impulse-response functions for all the variables included in the panel, thereby providing a more complete depiction of the effects of policy disturbances. However, the extra information generated by the FAVAR also delivers some puzzling responses, in particular those relating to exchange rates.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical investigation of the feasibility of an optimum currency area (OCA) in South Asia. Countries are good candidates for forming an OCA if their economies are similarly structured and if their economies share similar responses to exogenous shocks. That is, among other characteristics, good candidates for forming an OCA will share a coincident pattern of economic booms and recessions. We use a state space time series model with a stochastic trend to explore the extent to which the Indices of Industrial Production for South Asian nations share common dynamic responses to exogenous shocks.  相似文献   

The slope of the yield curve has long been found to be a useful predictor of future economic activities, but the relationship is unstable. One change we have identified in this paper is that, between the early 1990s and the collapse of the housing market in 2007, movements at the long end of the yield curve have an increase in predictive power. We use a medium-scale DSGE model with a housing sector and a yield curve as a guide to find out the sources of such change. The model implies that an increase in the short-term interest rate and a decrease in the long-term interest rate have different impacts on the economy, and to use the slope as a predictor one needs to distinguish movements at the two ends of the yield curve. Based on simulated data from the model, we find that nominal wage rigidities and the capital adjustment costs are closely related to the predictive power of the yield curve. This result is further confirmed with actual data.  相似文献   

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