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Food Price Policy in East Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary objective of this survey is to examine the extent to which the available empirical literature suggests that economies of East Asia are following the policy trend of earlier industrialising economies in gradually changing from taxing to assisting food producers in the course of their economic development. More specifically, the survey attempts (a) to summarise the trends in agricultural incentives in East Asia; (b) to examine briefly the literature on motivations for those policy trends; and (c) to mention some of the future trade and policy implications.  相似文献   

2006年国际粮食价格的短期大幅上涨,引发了随后一系列的经济和政治危机。本文认为,粮食价格上涨背后的实质,依然是全球经济增长需求推动的能源消耗与主导能源可耗竭特征之间的矛盾。在当下具化为替代技术(第一代生物燃料技术)产品价格的上升。基于可耗竭资源技术替代模型分析发现,在可耗竭资源与替代性资源品价格之间存在正相关,且当替代迅速发生时,后者价格的上升速度往往会高于前者。而事实上,正是以美国、巴西、欧盟为代表的生物燃料倡导国,通过法案和经济补贴政策推动了石油替代品生物燃料供给的迅速增长,从而最终直接或间接引致了作为替代品主要原料的粮食价格迅速上升。  相似文献   

This paper simulates how a doubling of food prices affects absolute poverty and the food‐price‐adjusted real income distribution. We assume unsubsidized world food prices in order to derive the cost of poverty deepening and poverty expansion. We also estimate the degree to which inequality increases if no measures are put in place to offset rising food prices. Both measures are vulnerability indicators useful for social policy planning. Our results show that low‐income countries experience dramatic increases in absolute poverty as a result of doubling food prices. Middle‐income countries experience the greatest decrease in absolute income, which contributes most to an increase in world income inequality. The paper estimates that the global dollar value of the absolute poverty gap ($1.25/day) has the potential to increase by 400%, with poverty deepening accounting for two thirds of the increase.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the benefits and costs, in qualitative terms, of managing food price instability in Asia in the context of promoting economic growth and poverty reduction to improve food security. The experience of Asian governments in actual practice with price stabilization is discussed in the context of managing an efficient transition to market‐mediated food security. Recent experience in Indonesia, where a sharp increase in rice prices (caused by a ban on rice imports) pushed 4 million people into poverty, provides continued motivation for the analytical story in this paper.  相似文献   

宋勃  高波 《亚太经济》2007,(3):73-77
文章通过比较分析国内外地价占房价的比例发现,我国地价占房价的比重与土地资源相对富裕的欧美发达国家美国、瑞典比较接近,远低于土地资源相对稀缺的亚洲发达国家和地区。土地稀缺程度、经济发展水平、政府政策和城市规划是影响房价与地价关系的主要因素。  相似文献   

中国的粮食安全与国际贸易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国政府向来重视粮食安全问题,自古及今皆是如此.然而,不同时期粮食安全面临的问题和解决问题的途径也是显著不同的.过去的相当长时期,中国的粮食生产一直存在以下问题:(1)实行了计划体制,生产效率低下;(2)投入水平和科技支撑能力非常有限,短缺成为常态;(3)国家尚未对外开放,利用国际市场的空间和能力亦十分有限.  相似文献   

原油作为世界生产过程中必不可少的能源动力以及化工用品原材料,它的价格波动通过各种方式传导至人们的日常生活中。通过对国际原油价格波动的梳理,文章将原油价格引入中间品生产函数,通过最终品的产出以及工资利率的确定,研究了原油价格波动对中国工资、利率、物价的影响机制。文章研究发现,国际原油价格因素对我国的宏观经济具有显著的冲击影响,影响到了原材料价格以及进口商品价格,通过中间品价格的传导对消费品价格、工资具有较强影响,但对利率水平影响较弱。  相似文献   

烟台美,美在蔚蓝浩瀚的大海、起伏逶迤的山丘;美在红瓦绿树和流光溢彩的近现代建筑交相辉映下的城市、马路、广场、草坪和韵味十足的小区;美在田野广袤的农村,炊烟袅袅,果实丰硕……更美在那可口的美食,莱肴、小吃、主食、点心……海的神韵,山的灵秀,自然与人文的交融,完全凝聚于美食之中.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the importance of accounting for absorption of inputs in a model of factor-augmenting international productivity differences when examining the consistency of international factor price differences with the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek (HOV) theorem. It is shown that the absence of such accounting has non-trivial implications in the form of introducing a bias in the calculation of productivity parameters based on the HOV theorem. JEL Classification Numbers: F1  相似文献   

朱力 《新疆财经》2007,(6):34-37
近期我国出现了食品类商品价格的持续性上涨,导致了居民消费价格指数(CPI)的不断上涨和居民生活成本的提高,新一轮的通货膨胀预期在不断加重。本文运用灰色关联分析法,深入分析了我国的食品价格指数与哪些商品价格有关联,而又在多大程度上影响了CPI的上涨,最终说明食品价格上涨不会导致全面通货膨胀的爆发。  相似文献   

国际油价波动对中国经济影响的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李丽   《华东经济管理》2011,25(5):55-59
文章运用一般均衡分析方法,通过修正传统CGE模型关于完全竞争与固定规模报酬的不合理假设(此即我国能源市场中两个甚为重要却常被忽略的特性),评估国际油价上涨对我国总体经济与产业的影响。研究表明,国际油价波动对我国经济冲击幅度的评估受到生产技术与订价行为设定方式的影响。只考虑非完全竞争而忽略规模经济时,冲击幅度与传统CGE相差不大,均明显低于同时考虑规模经济与非完全竞争市场结构时的冲击幅度。与国外文献在油价上涨初期所做的预测相比,本文结果较为缓和,显示由需求拉动的油价上涨,对我国实际GDP的冲击并不如预期中的严重。  相似文献   

由于金融危机的压力以及世界新兴经济体地位的不断上升,以美国为首的西方权力集团地位开始出现下滑。为重振世界经济霸权地位,西方权力集团寻求通过提高粮食和石油等国际大宗商品价格以及货币战等来压制新兴经济体经济的发展。文章首先从历史背景出发,分析了以美国为首的权力集团操纵粮食、石油等国际大宗商品价格事实为依据,分析导致国际商品价格上升之动因,进而分析美国等西方权力集团利用其美元霸权来推行货币战对新兴经济体实施进一步打击,并最后提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

文章研究了中国上市公司的国际化经营对股价同步性的影响,以及机构投资者在二者关系中所起的作用。结果发现,相对于非国际化经营公司而言,国际化经营公司的股价同步性较高;而国际化经营程度越高,股价同步性越低,且二者的反向关系会随着机构投资者持股比例的增加而增强。结论表明,上市公司提供的信息量、投资者获取信息的成本、投资者的理性程度及结构等因素都会影响投资者识别和区分特质信息和噪音的能力,进而影响股价同步性。  相似文献   

文章通过分析以美元计价的铁矿石和原油等大宗初级产品价格波动的特征和原因,研究了初级产品价格波动对中国的影响机制和渠道,同时提出了应对初级产品价格波动的对策。  相似文献   

Based on sample survey data for the years 2006 and 2007, we find that inflation of food and energy prices in China is moving at a slower pace than in the international market; however, the livelihood of low income groups has been significantly impacted. Urban sample households in low income groups have been shifting from consumption of high value food to lower value substitutes; and all of the rural sample households are reducing their total consumption expenditure in real terms. The Engel' s coefficient of the rural household enlarged while their proportion of spending on clothing and energy declined. Farmers' households are moving toward more imbalanced diets, and the nutritional status of the poor is apparently deteriorating. The emergency-response measures that the government should implement include stopping subsidies to biofuel producers, who use foodstuffs as inputs, and providing food aid to the poor. The mid-term strategies should include anti-monopoly tactics, improving the market environment for the right competition, and eliminating price distortion. Midterm and long-term socioeconomic policy reform must be undertaken to adjust the social structure, to correct the mechanism of factor price formation, and to transform the pattern of economic growth.  相似文献   

This study examines spatial variation in the price and accessibility of fast food across a major urban area. We use novel data on the price of a representative fast-food meal and the location of fast-food restaurants belonging to one of three major chains in the District of Columbia and its surrounding suburbs. These data are used to test a structural model of spatial competition. The results of this study are easily interpreted and compared with a past analysis. We find that spatial differences in costs and demand conditions drive variation in the number of firms operating in a market, which in turn affects prices.  相似文献   

11月10日,以“打造绿色家园,共创食尚明天”为主题的2011中国(重庆)国际食品博览会,在重庆国际会展中心隆重开幕。来自海内外食品行业的1400多家参展商、投资者、采购商相聚山城,共推重庆和我国食品产业跨越式发展。  相似文献   

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