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This paper investigates the effects of interest rate and foreign exchange rate changes on Turkish banks' stock returns using the OLS and GARCH estimation models. The results suggest that interest rate and exchange rate changes have a negative and significant impact on the conditional bank stock return. Also, bank stock return sensitivities are found to be stronger for market return than interest rates and exchange rates, implying that market return plays an important role in determining the dynamics of conditional return of bank stocks. The results further indicate that interest rate and exchange rate volatility are the major determinants of the conditional bank stock return volatility.  相似文献   

The world economy has been subjected to numerous real shocks in recent years. In addition, purchasing-power parity seems to have collapsed. Critics of the monetary approach to the exchange rate have been quick to draw attention to these facts. This paper extends the basic framework of the monetary approach so that it provides a useful tool for explaining the impact of real shocks on the exchange rate and so that it is compatible with the existence of significant deviations from purchasing-power parity. The real shocks that are discussed include changes in commercial policy, the terms of trade, and productivity. It is demonstrated that real shocks influence the exchange rate through two distinct channels—a real-income channel and a deviations from purchasing-power-parity channel.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of macroeconomic shocks on key macro variables, including stock market returns in Korea, using the structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model. We suggest a three-variable SVAR model incorporating inflation, output growth and stock returns. We adopt a nonzero z-ratio restriction for the long-run identifying assumption to allow for economically meaningful relationships among variables. While our results support the negative (positive) relation of demand (supply) shocks to stock returns, we also find that demand shocks influence stock market variance more significantly than supply shocks do. The sub-period analysis finds that global market fluctuations during the global financial crisis have relatively little effect on Korean stock market performance. We also examine a generalized five-variable model that includes the foreign exchange rate and interest rate, confirming the results from the three-variable case.  相似文献   

This article aims to examine the long-run equilibrium relationship between bilateral trade linkages and stock market correlations of Australia and China using quarterly data from 1993 to 2015. Further, this study explores the impact of trade intensity on stock market correlations using OLS, Dynamic OLS (DOLS) and Fully Modified OLS (FMOLS) models. The empirical results confirm that there is a significant long-run relationship among the variables. In addition, our results, based on OLS, DOLS and FMOLS, show that increasing trade intensity between Australia and China has a significant and positive impact on their stock market correlations. The Global Financial Crisis also contributed for their stock market interdependence. Our results therefore suggest that the bilateral trade relations between Australia and China have brought their stock markets together over time. The findings of this study offer significant policy and practical implications. The policymakers need to be aware of the economic changes in those countries as they will immediately reflect on their stock market performance and relationship. Similarly, the global investors need to be aware of the fact that the diversification opportunities between Australia and China have considerably declined over time as their markets became more interdependent in the recent past.  相似文献   

As the economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have moved towards closer economic ties and trade integration in recent years, the establishment of exchange rate stability is becoming an important regional policy concern, particularly in the wake of the Asian currency crisis of 1997. This paper examines the exchange rate volatility of the currencies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand between 1974 and 1999. Using variance decomposition (VDC) methods and impulse response functions, which are VAR-related estimation techniques, the study also investigates the regional currency linkages which may have played a role in transmitting exchange rate fluctuations. The results indicate that, in spite of the adoption of the crawling peg exchange regime following the breakup of the Bretton Woods system, all of the five ASEAN currencies experienced volatility, with the Indonesian rupiah posting the highest volatility level. The switch to de facto pegging against the US dollar in the mid-1980s helped to stabilize all ASEAN currencies with the exception of the Malaysian ringgit. Each of the five currencies became more susceptible to instabilities in other ASEAN currencies in the post-1985 period. Consistent with the experience of the Asian currency crisis, the Thai baht was the main channel through which regional currency fluctuations were transmitted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of government spending shocks on the real exchange rate and foreign trade balance in Turkey for the period of 2002:01–2012:04 within a structural VAR framework. The analysis shows that a positive shock to the government spending tends to induce real exchange rate appreciation and deterioration in trade balance. We also find that the composition of the government spending matters. Although shocks to the government nonwage consumption generate an appreciation in the real exchange rate and worsening of the trade balance, the effects of government investment shocks remain insignificant. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates that shocks to government spending are associated with a rise in taxes, which is indicative of a spending-driven tax adjustment process in Turkey.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the effect of monetary shocks on the Chinese stock market over the period of 2005 to 2011 with the MSVAR–EGARCH model. The evidence suggests that Chinese monetary policies have significantly asymmetric effects on the stock market in different time periods and market cycles. The effects of shocks from interest rate and reserve rate vary across market cycles but effects from money supply and exchange rate do not. Empirical evidence from the non-linear model shows that monetary policy changes increase stock market volatility, even though these monetary policies are often aimed at stabilizing macro-economic activities. The evidence suggests that both the market conditions and the effects on stock markets should be taken into consideration in monetary policy design and implementation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic linkages among major exchange rates during the Global Financial Crisis and Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis. We extend the previous literature on volatility spillover linkages among the currencies by taking into account the uncovered interest-rate parity hypothesis for 2004–2015. The results indicate that the Canadian Dollar and Great British Pound were affected mainly by the US Dollar across the two crises due to strong financial and economic ties among the three economies, while the Japanese Yen shows evidence of a safe-haven currency. We also provide evidence of varying vulnerability of currencies to both crises, implying increased portfolio diversification benefits, since holding a portfolio with diverse currencies is less subject to systematic risk. These results show that the policy makers need to adopt a stricter form of monetary policy coordination among central banks, since the different vulnerability of currencies across turbulent periods reveals possible non-cooperative monetary policies.  相似文献   

Countries are becoming economically integrated and it is contended that this will also lead to their financial markets becoming integrated. This contention is important since international financial market integration diminishes portfolio diversification benefits and creates contagion risk. We test this contention in this article in the context of the Australasian region. Australia and Asia have experienced very significant economic integration through a rapid growth in their bilateral trade. We utilize a battery of econometric techniques – cointegration, asymmetric generalized dynamic conditional correlations and panel regression models. As expected, we find that trade intensity significantly drives the interdependence between their stock markets in both the short run and the long run. Thus, given the ever increasing economic integration in this region, this finding implies that their stock markets face the risk of contagion, and that investors in these markets would also be confronted with the prospect of lower diversification benefits.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper investigates the dependence structure between the real Canadian stock returns and the real USD/CAD exchange rate returns, using the Symmetrized Joe‐Clayton (SJC) copula function. We estimate the SJC copula with monthly data over the period 1995:1 to 2006:12. Our results show significant asymmetric static and dynamic tail dependence between the real stock returns and the real exchange rate returns, such that the two returns are more dependent in the left than in the right tail of their joint distribution. We explain this asymmetric dependence in terms of an asymmetric interest rate policy by Canadian monetary authorities in response to changes in the real exchange rate during sub‐periods of falling and rising commodity prices.  相似文献   

Accurate volatility forecasts are required by both market participants and policy makers. In this paper, we forecast stock return volatility by using a wide range of technical indicators constructed based on the past behavior of stock price, volatility and trading volume. Our out-of-sample results indicate that the incorporation of technical variables in the autoregression benchmark can produce significantly more accurate volatility forecasts. The forecasting performance of the combination of technical indicators is further compared with that of the popular economic indicators. Technical variables perform better than economic variables when the economy is an expansion, while the economic variables generate more accurate forecasts when the economy belongs a recession. These two types of variables provide complementary information over the business cycle. We obtain more reliable forecasts by combining all economic and technical information together than by combining either type of information alone.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We explore a model where smuggling and a parallel currency market arise, owing to government restrictions that prevent agents from legally holding foreign exchange. Despite such restrictions, agents are able to diversify their savings, holding both domestic and parallel foreign cash, basing their portfolio allocation on current and prospective parallel exchange rates. We attribute movements in parallel rates to non‐fundamental uncertainty. The model generates equilibria with both positive and negative parallel premia and correlations between illegal trade and the premium. The model has the novel implication that currency speculation drives smuggling, affecting real activities in all sectors of the economy. JEL classification: F31  相似文献   

We study a segmented financial markets model where only the agents who trade stocks encounter financial income risk. In such an economy, the welfare-maximizing monetary policy attains the novel role of redistributing the traders' financial market risk among all agents in the economy. In order to do that, optimal monetary policy reacts to financial market movements; it is expansionary in bad times for the financial markets and contractionary in good ones. In our quantitative exercise, a dividend shock generates different policy responses and consumption paths among the optimal and the 2% inflation targeting policy. The latter implies large distributional welfare losses and risk sharing losses of similar magnitude with those generated by business cycle fluctuations. In addition, the optimal monetary policy does not minimize stock price volatility and implies lower inflation volatility than other commonly used policies.  相似文献   

The impact of exchange rate volatility on trade flows continues to occupy the international finance literature. More recent studies have deviated from the traditional approach of using aggregate trade flows and have employed trade data at commodity level. This study investigates the impact of exchange rate uncertainty on the trade flows of 118 US exporting industries to Thailand and 41 US importing industries from Thailand. We find that exchange rate uncertainty has short-run effects on the trade flows of most industries. In the long-run, the main determinants of the trade flows are the level of economic activity in both countries.  相似文献   


The role of the exchange rates in emerging market economies that have adopted inflation targeting (IT) is a critical and contentious issue in the relevant literature. This article investigates whether an exchange rate-augmented Taylor rule describes the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey’s (CBRT) monetary policy. Covering the period from 2002:1 to 2017:8 it also explores possible nonlinearities in the reaction function of the CBRT by employing a Threshold Vector Autoregressive (TVAR) model. The linear estimation of the model highlighted the importance of the exchange rate in monetary policy under IT. The results of the nonlinear model indicate that the stance of monetary policy was asymmetric with respect to exchange rate movements during the conventional IT period. However, the asymmetric monetary policy stance disappeared in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. Increasing considerations of financial stability undermined the asymmetric policy stance of the CBRT in the post-crisis period.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the vacancy rate in competivive markets. It is shown that the competitive vacancy rate is suboptimal and that it can be higher or lower than the optimal rate.  相似文献   

This article is the first attempt in the literature to investigate the effects of public social security on aggregate consumption in a time-series setting for a developing country, Turkey that has one of the most generous social security systems in the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) region. In order to quantify the social security variable, this article uses the social security wealth (SSW) series calculated for Turkey in a separate study. This study indicates that SSW is the largest part of the household wealth in Turkey, and therefore should not be ignored in the aggregate consumption studies. The results show that its effect on consumption is positive and robust.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the hypothesis that the Great Moderation is partly the result of a less activist monetary policy. We simulate a New Keynesian model in which the central bank can only observe a noisy estimate of the output gap and find that the less pronounced reaction of the Federal Reserve to output gap fluctuations since 1979 can account for a substantial part of the reduction in the standard deviation of GDP associated with the Great Moderation. Our simulations are consistent with the empirically documented smaller magnitude and impact of interest rate shocks since the early 1980s.  相似文献   

股票市场系统动力学分析:以上海股票市场为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文突破了传统经济理论研究的线性框架,视股票为一非线性系统,运用分形、混沌等复杂性理论对上海股票市场的系统动力学特征进行实证研究,得出了上海股票市场系统的分形特征、复杂性程度、系统演化类型及稳定性,最后,探讨了这些结论对股票市场的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

This study examines dynamic linkages between exchange rates and stock prices for seven East Asian countries, including Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand, for the period January 1988 to October 1998. Our empirical results show a significant causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices for Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand before the 1997 Asian financial crisis. We also find a causal relation from the equity market to the foreign exchange market for Hong Kong, Korea, and Singapore. Further, while no country shows a significant causality from stock prices to exchange rates during the Asian crisis, a causal relation from exchange rates to stock prices is found for all countries except Malaysia. Our findings are robust with respect to various testing methods used, including Granger causality tests, a variance decomposition analysis, and an impulse response analysis. Our findings also indicate that the linkages vary across economies with respect to exchange rate regimes, the trade size, the degree of capital control, and the size of equity market.  相似文献   

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