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By using stochastic frontier analysis, this article examines the technical efficiency of different types of microfinance institutions in Latin America. In particular, it tests whether differences in technical efficiency, both intra- and interfirm, can be explained by differences in ownership. With a focus on non-governmental organizations, cooperatives and credit unions, non-bank financial intermediaries, and banks, the data set contains 1681 observations from a panel of 315 institutions operating in 18 Latin American countries. The results show that non-governmental organizations and cooperatives have much lower interfirm and intrafirm technical efficiencies than non-bank financial intermediaries and banks, which indicates the importance of ownership type for technical efficiency.  相似文献   

This study reappraises banks’ productivity by using 42 Taiwanese banks during 1999–2007 as observations. It introduces an input-oriented generalized metafrontier Malmquist productivity index (I-gMMPI), while considering the latent effect of risk-taking behavior in the analytic framework. We learn that public and private banks should face separate short-term technological frontiers, while the econometric model considering risk input can portray banks’ operating frontiers better. Moreover, neglecting the influence of risk input would bring about distortions of efficiency, technology and TFP dynamic estimations for banks; meanwhile, the degree of scale economies would also be overestimated. The paper concludes that neglecting the risk-taking essence in bank performance evaluation is equal to allowing banks to barter risk-bearing as the term for further output growth. Consequently, the potential cost is that banks may excessively aggrandize their scales of business, implying the possibility of another financial crisis.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of risk in determining the cost efficiency of international banks in eight emerging Asian countries. Researchers of this paper consider three distinct risk aspects under a total of eight risk measures: credit risk, operational risk, and market risk. We apply a heteroscedastic stochastic frontier model to estimate bank cost efficiency in our analysis. Additionally, this study analyzes the marginal effects of all risk measures on the inefficiency effect in order to explore a more detailed relationship between risks and efficiency. The empirical results indicate that the risk measures represent significant effects on both the level and variability of bank efficiency. We also find that these effects vary across countries and over time.  相似文献   

The primary role of a bank branch is evolving from a service provider towards a sales channel. Previous branch-level studies of sales efficiency consider a static setting of a single time period, ignoring the stochastic nature of sales outcomes. In this paper, we examine efficiency and performance of sales teams in a bank branch network over time, taking into account the changing demand and operational conditions, as well as random disturbances. The intertemporal sales frontier is estimated from the panel of monthly data over the years 2007–2010 using the stochastic semi-nonparametric envelopment of data (StoNED) method. The efficiency scores of sales teams and the trajectories of performance over time allow managers and the sales force to learn from past events and to develop the managerial and work practices across the network. While this study focuses on the case of a specific bank, some of the innovative features of our approach are applicable to sales efficiency assessment in other banks and financial institutions, as well as other network-based sales organizations.  相似文献   

This paper uses stochastic frontier analysis to provide international evidence on the impact of the regulatory and supervision framework on bank efficiency. Our dataset consists of 2853 observations from 615 publicly quoted commercial banks operating in 74 countries during the period 2000-2004. We investigate the impact of regulations related to the three pillars of Basel II (i.e. capital adequacy requirements, official supervisory power, and market discipline mechanisms), as well as restrictions on bank activities, on cost and profit efficiency of banks, while controlling for other country-specific characteristics. Our results suggest that banking regulations that enhance market discipline and empower the supervisory power of the authorities increase both cost and profit efficiency of banks. In contrast, stricter capital requirements improve cost efficiency but reduce profit efficiency, while restrictions on bank activities have the opposite effect, reducing cost efficiency but improving profit efficiency.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine technical efficiency and productivity growth in the Indian banking sector over the period from 2004 to 2011. We apply an innovative methodological approach introduced by Chen et al. (2011) and Barros et al. (2012), who use a weighted Russell directional distance model to measure technical inefficiency. We further modify and extend that model to measure TFP change with NPLs. We find that the inefficiency levels are significantly different among the three ownership structure of banks in India. Foreign banks have strong market position in India and they pull the production frontier in a more efficient direction. SPBs and domestic private banks show considerably higher inefficiency. We conclude that the restructuring policy applied in the late 1990s and early 2000s by the Indian government has not had a long-lasting effect.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an index and an indicator of productivity change that can be used with negative data. For that purpose the range directional model (RDM), a particular case of the directional distance function, is used for computing efficiency in the presence of negative data. We use RDM efficiency measures to arrive at a Malmquist-type index, which can reflect productivity change, and we use RDM inefficiency measures to arrive at a Luenberger productivity indicator, and relate the two. The productivity index and indicator are developed relative to a fixed meta-technology and so they are referred to as a meta-Malmquist index and meta-Luenberger indicator. We also address the fact that VRS technologies are used for computing the productivity index and indicator (a requirement under negative data), which raises issues relating to the interpretability of the index. We illustrate how the meta-Malmquist index can be used, not only for comparing the performance of a unit in two time periods, but also for comparing the performance of two different units at the same or different time periods. The proposed approach is then applied to a sample of bank branches where negative data were involved. The paper shows how the approach yields information from a variety of perspectives on performance which management can use.  相似文献   

This paper provides parametric estimates of technical change, efficiency change, economies of scale, and total factor productivity growth for large banks (those with assets in excess of $1 billion) in the United States, over the period from 2000 to 2005. This is done by estimating an output distance function subject to theoretical regularity within a Bayesian framework. We find that failure to incorporate theoretical regularity conditions results in mismeasured shadow revenue and/or cost shares, which in turn leads to perverse conclusions regarding productivity growth. Our results from the regularity-constrained model show that total factor productivity of the large US banks grew at an average rate of 1.98% over the sample period. However, our estimates also show a clear downward trend in the growth rate of total factor productivity and our decomposition of the primal Divisia total factor productivity growth index into its three components – technical change, efficiency change, and economies of scale – indicates that technical change is the driving force behind this decline.  相似文献   

This paper compares the productivity and efficiency of large banks and community banks in the United States over the period 1997–2006. This comparison is performed by estimating a true random effects stochastic distance frontier model—a model that is capable of disentangling unobserved heterogeneity from inefficiency—within a Bayesian framework. We find that failure to consider unobserved heterogeneity results in a misleading ranking of banks and mismeasured technical efficiency, productivity growth, and returns to scale. Our results show that, compared with community banks, large banks have experienced much higher productivity growth and higher levels of returns to scale. Our estimates of total factor productivity growth show a clear downward trend for both large and community banks, and our decomposition of the output-distance-function-based Divisia productivity index indicates that technical change is the driving force behind this trend.  相似文献   

In this study we estimate technical efficiency of Indian commercial banks from 1989 to 2009, using a multiple-output generalized stochastic production frontier and analyze the effects of financial reforms on estimated efficiency. The generalized method estimates technical efficiency in the presence of multiple outputs, filling a gap in the existing literature. Our results show that Indian commercial banks were operating with 64% efficiency on average during the sample period. The initial phase of reform had a positive impact on while the later phase adversely affected technical efficiency of banks. Public sector banks show higher efficiency levels compared to private and foreign banks.  相似文献   

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