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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the welfare gains from financial integration for developing and emerging market economies. To do so, we build a stochastic endogenous growth model for a small open economy that can: (i) borrow from the rest of the world; (ii) invest in foreign assets; and (iii) receive foreign direct investment. The model is calibrated on 46 emerging market and developing economies for which we evaluate the upper bound for the welfare gain from financial integration. For plausible values of preference parameters and actual levels of financial integration, the mean welfare gain from financial integration is around 13.5% of initial wealth. Compared with financial autarky, actual levels of financial integration translate into higher annual growth rates.  相似文献   

近年来,中央和地方政府的财政行动主要是为了获得拉动经济快速增长的资本积累。具体表现为:地方政府高度倚重土地财政收入,并将其作为拉动经济增长的投资资金;同时,中央和地方均高度重视通过政府投资来拉动经济增长。然而,政府的财政行动却导致中国经济陷入未来增长的不确定和发展环境不公的困境。作为应对,政府应在财政公共化的框架下逐步完成省以下分税分级财政体制的构建、规范土地出让金用途,以及建立以公共服务为导向的干部政绩考核制度。  相似文献   

推动铜陵工业转型升级的一个重要路径是发展产业金融,通过产融结合,快速高效地推进产业转型升级。产业金融是更高层次的发展平台,铜陵市是一个高度工业化的城市,具备推动产业资本与金融资本融合的基础条件。产业投资基金是产融结合的主要形式,目前国内的产业投资基金主要有市场化专业投资机构主导的股权投资基金、政府主导促进特定产业发展的基金、政府与市场化投资机构合作基金三种类型。针对铜陵的实际情况,铜陵市应选择政府导向型基金模式。从组织方式看,契约性产业投资基金更适合铜陵市。从基金形式方面看,伞形基金的模式是一个好的选择。  相似文献   

According to Gurley and Shaw, economic development typically is accompanied by a transition from self-financed to intermediated investment activity. In their account, economic growth stimulates financial market development, and financial market development is a strong contributing factor in enhancing real growth. We model the co-evolution of the real and financial sectors during the growth process. To do so, we embed a role for liquidity provision into a conventional neoclassical growth model. Following Baumol and Tobin, we also introduce a fixed cost associated with “trips to the bank”. We describe conditions under which the development of a financial system may or may not proceed smoothly. When it does not, development traps are observed. We also discuss policy interventions that may reduce the potential for development traps to arise.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) and equity foreign portfolio investment (EFPI) on economic growth using data on 80 countries from 1979 through 1998. The results largely suggest that lagged FDI and EFPI do not have direct, unmitigated positive effects on growth, but some data are consistent with the view that the effects of FDI and EFPI are contingent on the ‘absorptive capacity’ of host countries, with particular respect to financial or institutional development. Moreover, extreme bound analysis (EBA) of significant results indicates that the estimates are robust compared to other empirical studies on growth.  相似文献   

This paper adds to the debate on the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth which suggest that the link between FDI and economic growth is rather the consequence of both FDI and growth responding endogenously to economic integration. We investigate if the impact of FDI on growth is dependent on the channel of integration used to attract FDI. We use four different indexes of economic integration including Trade Openness, Chinn-Ito, and KOF and our newly constructed index of financial integration. We employ these four indexes to investigate the role played by economic integration in linking FDI and growth. We use a panel consisting of 134 developing countries and data spanning the period 1989-2017 estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) technique. The results show that FDI is an important determinant of growth. The results also suggest that at least some of the integration variables do matter and work as channels to attract FDI leading to growth. However, after stratifying countries by income level, we also find that integration matters mainly for high income countries. Integration variables for other income groups do not show much significance. These are interesting results and may have important policy implications.  相似文献   

The rapid development of a new comparative advantage in thehi-tech sector in Israel in the period 1995–2005 providesan example of a new form of foreign direct investment (FDI).Unlike traditional FDI, this new form of international investment,that we dubbed financial foreign direct investment (FFDI), involvescapital flows from developed countries to small countries andto the emerging markets. The providers of this capital, definedin our study as "sector-specific capital", are financial andrisk intermediaries like venture capital funds and private equityfunds. Like multinational enterprises they transfer factorsof production across borders seeking to maximize their value.In doing so, they are a part of a process of generating newcomparative advantages. We focus on the case of Israel and showthat, due to the inherent asymmetry, it takes government actionto trigger the process of importing sector-specific capitalto Israel primarily from the US capital market, but once theprocess has begun, it has led to economic growth via reducingtangible and intangible trade costs, creating trust and thusgenerating competitive advantage for innovative technology firmsfrom Israel in the global markets.  相似文献   

中国已进入全面通胀时期,通胀现象将在小幅振荡中持续攀升。通胀的主要根源是过度投资造成的流动性过剩,控制通胀必须在较长时期内坚持总量从紧的货币政策,必须改善和优化经济增长结构,降低各级政府投资冲动,依赖于政府职能转变,即把大部分经济职能移交给市场,由市场与政府共同分担调控责任。保证增长、控制物价,需进一步深化产权改革,刺激以农民为主体的有恒产者掀起新一轮投资热潮,并以此作为未来最主要的经济增长点。  相似文献   

Emerging and frontier markets in Africa have witnessed various economic and financial reforms aimed at integrating the domestic markets into the global financial market to attract investment. Whether these reforms promote high economic growth remains inconclusive. The paper applies the pooled mean group estimation technique to empirically re-investigate the link between financial market development, global financial crisis, and economic growth in selected African economies. The results strongly support our hypotheses that stock market and banking sector development promotes economic growth in the selected countries. Moreover, financial crisis reduce the positive effects of both the stock market and banking sector developments on economic growth. The study suggests that both the banking sector and stock market are important to deliver the long-run economic growth that the African region desired. Moreover, effort should be made to enact policy measures that would ensure development of the stock market which has received inadequate attention.  相似文献   

Developed and well regulated financial markets are usually seen as a precondition for an efficient allocation of resources and can foster long term economic growth. This paper explores the institutional determinants for financial development in the countries of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region. Institutional conditions are from the International Country Risk Guide. Panel‐econometric techniques are applied to assess the development in the banking sector and the stock market. As a main finding, institutional conditions are important in both financial segments, even after controlling for standard macroeconomic determinants and fixed effects. For the banking sector, corruption seems to be most decisive. For the stock market, the impact of corruption and law and order appear to be relevant. While per capita income and inflation do not seem to play a vital role, openness to foreign trade is quite important for all areas of financial development. Hence, overall, faster real economic integration is of key policy priority to improve financial development as a condition for higher GDP growth. Better law and enforcement practices and anti‐corruption policies are strategies to accompany this process.  相似文献   

隐形税收机制瓦解后,储蓄动员型的金融发展模式取代了财政投资的主导地位,通过金融支持政策为公有经济部门融资,支撑了经济的高速增长。然而,随着市场约束机制的变化,金融支持政策的收益逐渐下降,成本却在递增。本文认为储蓄动员型的金融支持政策在一定阶段促进了经济的发展,但是也伴随着一系列经济发展的成本,比如降低了资本配置效率,过度投资产生的宏观经济成本和经济持续增长的外部风险加大等。因此,中国金融体制应深化改革,提高金融体系的资本配置效率,促进技术进步和生产效率的改进。同时,通过发展消费信贷和商业保险,减少信贷约束和不确定性,推动消费型经济的增长。  相似文献   

国际投资组合选择理论研究的是在一定的假设条件下,当经济实现均衡时,投资者所应持有的本国与外国金融资产的比例。它的发展有5个特征:从追求金融市场的局部均衡到追求经济的一般均衡;从不考虑投资者的存在到考虑投资者个人效用的最大化;从单纯的理论模型构建到结合现实数据进行实证检验;从假设金融市场完全到考虑金融市场不完全的情况;从假设金融市场一体化到考虑金融市场存在分割的情况。  相似文献   

经济发展方式转变是我国现阶段经济发展的必然选择,也是经济增长与自然、社会、人的全面发展相协调的客观要求。我国28个省(市、自治区)1990---2012年数据显示:我国经济增长呈粗放型发展;投资拉动和工业化是经济发展主要依靠,第三产业带动作用不强,人力资本的外溢效应不明显,技术具有正向作用,但科技资本存量的产出弹性较小.,外资和出口具有拉动作用;东部经济增长受出口拉动最为显著但受外资企业出口影响而削弱,合适的政府规模才有利于经济发展和增长。因此,未来我国应在人力资本、新型工业化、转变政府职能、均衡发挥内外生因素等方面转变和加强。  相似文献   

International Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper pulls together existing theory and evidence to assess whether international financial liberalization, by improving the functioning of domestic financial markets and banks, accelerates economic growth. The analysis suggests that the answer is "yes." First, liberalizing restrictions on international portfolio flows tends to enhance stock market liquidity. n turn, enhanced stock market liquidity accelerates economic growth primarily by boosting productivity growth. Second, allowing greater foreign bank presence tends to enhance the efficiency of the domestic banking system. In turn, better-developed banks spur economic growth primarily by accelerating productivity growth. Thus, international financial integration can promote economic development by encouraging improvements in the domestic financial system.  相似文献   

政府财政支出与经济增长存在一定的相关关系,但孰为因果莫衷一是。通过对1956-2008年日本政府财政支出与经济增长的协整分析和格兰杰因果关系检验,发现日本政府财政投资性支出与财政消费性支出均与经济增长长期内存在稳定的正向协整关系及单向因果关系,经济增长是财政支出增长的格兰杰因,而财政支出无论是投资性还是消费性支出都不是经济增长的格兰杰因。从这一结论出发,我国应吸取日本的经验教训,在实施积极的财政政策时,要控制规模、优化结构、确保质量、提高效益。  相似文献   

知识生产和创新是促进技术进步和经济增长的重要因素。企业通过R&D投入可以生产出新知识,知识积累形成知识存量,知识存量又推动了技术进步,并进一步引致经济增长。基于新增长理论关于知识生产函数的基本设定,本文首先给出了一个扩张形式的知识生产函数,而后根据我国现实经济数据,在向量自回归的框架下通过脉冲响应函数和方差分解考察了各类因素对我国知识生产的影响。研究表明,R&D经费、R&D人员和知识存量对我国知识生产具有显著的促进作用;外商直接投资和进口对我国知识生产的促进作用不显著。本文认为,应采取切实措施鼓励企业增加R&D投入,同时增加政府财政支出中R&D投入的力度。  相似文献   

We investigate the extent to which an increase in financial development affects the positive effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth. Although the financial sector is beneficial for economic growth, the effect of further financial development on growth is found to become insignificant. Using a dynamic panel threshold model on 62 middle- and high-income countries spanning the period 1987–2016, we re-examine the possible nonlinearity between finance, foreign direct investment, and growth. Consistent with the “vanishing effect” of financial development, we find significant evidence that foreign direct investment fosters growth in general, but the growth effect of foreign direct investment becomes negligible when the ratio of private sector credit to gross domestic product exceeds 95.6%. This finding is robust to different econometric methods, various subsamples and interaction analyses, and distinct financial development indicators.  相似文献   

在中国经济转型过程中,众多地方政府选择产业投资基金作为优化经济结构的助推工具,但实践中各地方产业基金的投资效果与期望目标存在较大差异,因此需要对产业基金的经济优化效应进行检验。运用诺依曼定理分析产业基金与经济结构优化的互动机制并提出研究假设,采用面板向量自回归模型将经济结构优化表示为经济增长与产业升级,并与产业投资基金进行实证检验。结果表明,产业基金并不是经济结构优化的驱动因素,而只是其结果。一方面,产业基金并不会直接驱动经济增长与产业结构升级,而是通过增加金融投资总量间接作用于经济结构优化;另一方面,产业升级与经济增长会显著吸引产业投资基金。鉴于大量设立产业投资基金对于优化经济结构效果不显著,因而应当重点促进多元金融产业发展、提高企业融资能力、发展多种形式的金融工具。  相似文献   

杨小玲 《经济前沿》2010,(2):97-104
本文分析了社会资本与金融发展对经济增长的资本积累和技术创新效应,并利用我国31个省(市)1997-2008的面板数据,对社会资本、金融发展与经济增长的关系进行了实证研究。结论表明:社会资本对我国经济增长具有明显的促进作用,而金融发展却阻碍了经济的发展,社会资本与金融发展的互动效应对经济增长起着推动作用。最后本文从政府应注重投资社会资本的角度提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

Since China's opening to the outside world, a large amomt of foreign investment has flowed into the country. The domestic economy has been full of vigor and vitality after adepting the socialist market economy, which contributes to a higher economic growth. However, ecological enviromnent has a close relationship with the foreign economic development. The good ecological environment and natural resources are the foundation of foreign economir development. With the expansion of its market economy. China is confronted with a series of sustainable development challenges related to population, resources and environmental protection, etc. How we should prevent and control effectively the impact of economic development upon the environment and avoid serious. effect and damages on environmental quality are the key points this paper will discuss.  相似文献   

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