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研究了碳交易机制、补贴机制以及碳交易及补贴机制下,一个二级供应链中普通产品和低碳产品竞争的差别定价策略,通过求解Stackelberg博弈模型得出单一的补贴政策并不能激励制造商进行节能减排,应与碳交易机制结合使用,其节能减排效果优于单一的碳交易机制。最后通过一个算例分析验证了碳交易及补贴机制的有效性。研究表明:碳交易价格升高到一定程度时,普通产品的零售价批发价均升高,低碳产品的价格均下降,普通产品的销量下降,低碳产品销量上升,碳排放总量下降;随着低碳补贴的增加,普通产品的零售价,低碳产品的批发价、零售价均降低,普通产品的销量下降,低碳产品的销量上升,其中低碳产品的价格和需求量对低碳补贴的反应更加敏感,使碳排放量降低的同时还提高了制造商和零售商的利润。  相似文献   

This study examines the transmission of wholesale prices to retail prices for differentiated beef products. Specifically, we study vertical price movement for products differentiated by quality grades and primal cuts in the US beef industry. Our study considers two quality grades– United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Choice and USDA Select, and three primal cuts– chuck, round and sirloin. Using threshold-based autoregressive and error correction models, and non-linear impulse response functions, we explore if characteristics of price adjustment differ by quality attributes of the products. Results show that there exists the ‘rocket and feather’ effect in the adjustment of retail prices of most beef grades and cuts in response to changes in wholesale prices, and such asymmetric adjustment effect is more pronounced for higher quality grade (Choice) than lower quality grade (Select). Evidence of similar price adjustment is found from the high-quality cut (sirloin). Our results underscore the differences in price adjustment by product quality in the US beef industry.  相似文献   

为解决产需不确定性给绿色农产品供应链运营带来的复杂影响,寻求绿色农产品生产商和销售商面对产需双重不确定情形下各自的最优决策,研究从农产品产出和市场需求双重不确定性视角出发,结合目前消费者对绿色农产品的需求偏好,构建由生产商和销售商组成的Stackelberg博弈模型,探究收益共享契约能否有效协调产需都不确定的绿色农产品供应链。研究结果表明:分散决策时的批发价契约无法协调此供应链。引入收益共享契约后,在合适的共享系数范围内,生产商的农资投入量会增加,农产品的绿色度会比分散决策时高,同时销售商的销售价格降低;当农产品订购量变大后,引入契约后的生产商和销售商各自的利润相较于分散决策时更高。  相似文献   

我国农业补贴政策实施效果的模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对我国农业补贴政策的实施现状进行分析的基础上,通过构建投入产出模型,对我国粮食直接补贴政策和最低收购价政策所产生的影响分别进行了模拟分析。结果表明,粮食直接补贴政策的实施会对农业内部产生较大的影响,而对其他部门的影响相对较弱;粮食最低收购价政策的实施,会对农业部门内部的畜牧业的影响较大,并且更多地是直接影响;在对非农业部门的影响中,对化学工业的影响最大,其中既有直接影响又有间接影响。  相似文献   

农产品价格与农民收入增长关系的动态分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实证分析表明,在1978~2010年的样本区间内,农产品生产价格上涨对我国农民收入水平的提高没有显著作用。因此,在出台提高农产品价格的政策选择上,应持谨慎的态度。农业生产资料价格上涨对农民收入增长具有较微弱的负向影响。切实控制农业生产资料价格的非理性上涨,应是政府的长期政策取向。而加大政府对农业的支持力度,建立和完善符合国际惯例和中国国情的农业综合补贴支持体系,推进农业产业化以加快农村劳动力的转移,不失为解决农民增收困难问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

This paper examines the formation of trade policy for a small open developing economy where lobbying activities may be carried out to influence policy‐making decisions. The paper presents a three‐sector economy in which the manufacturing sector can lobby policymakers for favorable policies. Under some plausible conditions, it is demonstrated that lobbying activities carried out by the owners of the specific factor in the manufacturing sector would secure a protectionist trade policy through either an import tariff or an export subsidy. The government also imposes a consumption tax on agricultural products, which further strengthens the protectionist measure applied to the manufacturing sector. In general equilibrium, there will be a movement of labor to the manufacturing sector, an output expansion in the manufacturing sector, and an output contraction in the agricultural sector, exactly as suggested by factual evidence.  相似文献   

We characterize and compare equilibrium pricing strategies in a marketing channel in two scenarios. In the first scenario, the manufacturer chooses the wholesale prices of the two versions of a product, i.e., tangible and digital. and the retailer their prices to consumer. In the second scenario, the players use a revenue-sharing contract for only the digital version, while the competing version is managed by a wholesale price contract. The problem is inspired from a pricing controversy in the e-book industry.  相似文献   

The authors present a pedagogical graphical exposition to illustrate the stabilizing effect of price target zones. Based on a textbook AD-AS apparatus, they find that authorities' commitment to defend a price target zone will affect the public's inflation expectations and, in turn, reduce actual inflation. They also find that, when the economy experiences supply shocks, the announcement that the monetary authorities intend to defend a price target zone will reduce the variability of domestic prices but raise the variability of domestic output relative to a free-price regime. However, when the economy experiences demand shocks, a price target zone tends to lower the variability of both domestic prices and out-put relative to a free-price regime.  相似文献   

E-commerce allows farmers to cut out intermediaries and sell agricultural products to consumers directly. This raises the question of whether farmers get a greater return when they use e-commerce to sell their products than when they use conventional marketing channels (i.e., intermediaries). To answer this question, we collected rural household data on sales of agricultural products from Zhejiang and Shandong provinces, in which we selected pairs of villages where e-commerce was advanced and villages where e-commerce was less advanced and households in each village that used or did not use e-commerce. We employed a fixed effects model to investigate the impacts of e-commerce on the selling prices and marketing costs of agricultural products. The model results revealed that compared with the conventional marketing channel through intermediaries, the marketing costs through the e-commerce channel significantly increased, but the selling price increases much more, which results in increases in gross returns for farmers. The increases in selling prices and marketing costs using e-commerce varied among agricultural products and between different qualities of the same product. It has important policy implications for improving farmers’ incomes and agricultural marketing channels in developing countries.  相似文献   

随着金融自由化的逐步推进,资本市场存量日益增大.这既体现了金融深化程度的提高,又意味着货币供应与国民经济主要指标之间稳定性的弱化.资产价格对货币政策的制订和执行会产生深刻的影响.其中股价、房价等资产价格在货币政策传导机制中扮演的角色越来越重要.本文从实证角度出发,通过构建VAR模型检验我国资产价格对货币政策的反应以及资产价格对货币政策目标的影响,发现资产价格、货币政策及货币政策目标间存在长期协整关系,资产价格对产出有正向冲击作用,股市显著影响通货膨胀,但房地产市场对通货膨胀推动作用不明显,资产价格受货币政策的冲击影响显著,其中股市对货币政策冲击的反应明显大于房地产市场.  相似文献   

经过20多年的改革开放,河北省的农业市场服务体系有了较大发展,但仍需进一步完善。主要政策建议包括:进一步发展农副产品批发市场,大力发展农产品物流,提高农业生产资料流通的组织化程度,加大信息化建设的力度,进一步完善农业技术服务体系,以及大力发挥地方政府的支持与协调作用。  相似文献   

发展生物燃料乙醇对我国区域农业发展的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用"中国农业可持续发展决策支持系统"分析了不同燃料乙醇发展政策可能对我国农产品价格、整体和各区域农业生产及净产值等的影响。研究结果表明:燃料乙醇发展将显著提高能源作物的农产品价格,对农业发展和农民增收将起到积极的促进作用,但对稻谷和小麦等粮食安全有一些负面影响;燃料乙醇发展对不同区域及不同农户的影响有较大差异;多数地区的农业部门都将从中受益,获益的大小主要取决于各地区在种植能源作物上的比较优势。研究也指出,未来的重点应放在非粮作物以及第二代生物燃料乙醇技术上(即用纤维素生产乙醇),并且应该提高在这些方面的科研投资水平。  相似文献   

叶旭  杨湘浩  邓思远 《技术经济》2022,41(2):155-166
促进企业低碳生产和消费者绿色消费,是在社会经济高质量发展条件下实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的充分保障。构建由地方政府、企业和居民多主体构成的碳税再循环系统,结合当前中国国民收入水平和低碳经济发展状况,利用三方演化博弈理论研究多主体策略选择的演化过程,并应用Python程序设计语言对整个演化过程进行数值仿真,探究地方政府不同的补贴策略、产品的收入需求弹性和需求价格弹性等变量对碳税再循环分配效应的影响。研究结果表明:在低碳补贴和收入补贴策略之间,地方政府实施前者更能够促进居民绿色消费和企业低碳生产,但实施后者有利于改善收入不平等问题,同时产品的收入需求弹性和需求价格弹性差异也会影响地方政府碳税返还政策的效果。  相似文献   

基于粮食安全背景下的农业补贴安排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球农产品价格上涨,甚至在一些国家造成了通胀。粮食安全问题再次引起各国政府关注。结合当前的国内外形势,从贸易扭曲、战略选择、粮食安全等角度对农业补贴进行分类。直接补贴,农民可以直接受益,如农民收入补贴。另一种是间接补贴,农民只能间接受益,如农产品价格补贴,包括中国采取的按保护价收购农民余粮的价格补贴。  相似文献   

供应链协调是鲜活农产品供应链高效运作的基础。本文通过引入新鲜度因子和风险规避系数的Stackelberg博弈模型,研究了由专业合作社和超市构成的鲜活农产品供应链协调问题,分析了收益共享契约机制下供应链成员的最优定价策略及供应链成员风险规避行为对批发价和零售价的影响。数值分析结果表明,鲜活农产品批发价随着新鲜度、收益共享率的增大而增大;零售价随着零售商风险规避程度的增大而减小;而批发价随着生产商风险规避程度的增大而减小,随着零售商风险规避程度的增大而增大。要改变现状应通过大力培育农产品流通组织,提高流通主体组织化程度;设计合理的收益共享机制和风险分担机制,协调供应链成员利益;加强农产品流通基础设施建设及先进物流技术的应用等措施,提升供应链整体绩效,提高鲜活农产品流通效率。  相似文献   

Sam Meng 《Applied economics》2013,45(8):796-812
The carbon tax policy proposed by Australian government has triggered deep concerns about the high electricity prices facing households and the sustainability of electricity industry. By employing a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and an environmentally extended Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), this article simulates the effect of Australian carbon tax on the electricity industry. The modelling results show that the wholesale electricity prices indeed increase by about 90%, but the retailer prices only increase by 25%. The coal-fired electricity generators will reduce their output by 8% (for black-coal) to 18% (for brown-coal), but the profitability of the industry will drop dramatically. On the other hand, generators using oil, gas or renewable resources, will increase their output significantly and enjoy a handsome profit. Through the price, cost and profitability mechanisms, the carbon tax will transfer the Australian electricity generation to a low emission industry in the long term.  相似文献   

国际农产品价格如何影响了中国农产品价格?   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文使用月度数据考察国际农产品价格是否影响中国农产品价格,以及影响程度和可能的影响机制。在控制了其他影响因素的条件下,本文证实了国际农产品价格对国内价格具有经济意义上的显著影响,各种农产品的国内价格对相同产品国际价格的反应程度存在较大差异,玉米、大米和大豆价格的国际价格弹性介于0.20到0.36之间,小麦的国际价格弹性为0.05左右,国内外农产品市场间高度的整合关系主要是通过国际贸易建立的。中国在未来为保持粮价稳定需要加大对农业的扶持力度,加强国内农产品储备,合理地对农产品贸易进行管制,建立农产品价格预警机制,并通过财政补贴等手段平抑因国际价格波动而带来的国内农产品价格上涨。  相似文献   

The rising prices of pharmaceuticals have generated considerable, and often acrimonious, debate. Yet, there is little conceptual work or empirical evidence on pharmaceutical pricing strategies or on the time paths of these prices. This study provides a conceptual framework describing the interplay between quality and product differentiation in determining the preferred pricing strategy. We hypothesize that higher quality products will engage in price skimming strategies in markets where products are sufficiently differentiated, but will choose a market penetration strategy in markets that are less differentiated. We apply an empirical analysis to brand name antidepressants during the years 1999–2002, a market where differences in quality are modest. A nationally representative data set on drug utilization and expenditures is combined with a physician survey on the quality attributes of drugs to examine the effect of drug quality on pharmaceutical pricing strategies. Results indicate that higher quality antidepressants engage in a market penetration strategy, charging initially lower prices that rise over time. At approximately 6–7 years post-entry, prices of the antidepressant drugs examined converge. Prices of higher quality antidepressants continue to increase thereafter, eventually becoming the highest priced drugs in the therapeutic class. These findings are consistent with a market in which product differentiation is modest and consumers learn which drug works best for them through experience.  相似文献   

It has been documented that retail gasoline prices respond more quickly to increases in wholesale prices than they do to decreases in wholesale prices. However, there is little empirical evidence that identifies the link between the pass-through of oil prices to gasoline in different volatility regimes. Using a Markov-switching model on weekly observations of fuel prices from 1990 to 2011, we find that fuel prices respond significantly faster to increases in crude oil prices than to decreases in crude oil prices. However, when volatility is low, the transmittal of a price change from crude oil to retail fuel is higher compared to periods of high volatility. These results provide important information on the behavior of retailers. The findings of this paper therefore provide clues for better understanding the recent dynamics of fuel prices and some policy implications.  相似文献   

We study the relationship between regulatory regimes and pharmaceutical firms’ pricing strategies using a unique policy experiment in Norway, which in 2003 introduced a reference price (RP) system called “index pricing” for a sub-sample of off-patent pharmaceuticals, replacing the existing price cap (PC) regulation. We estimate the effect of the reform using a product level panel dataset, covering the drugs exposed to RP and a large number of drugs still under PC regulation in the time before and after the policy change. Our results show that RP significantly reduces both brand-name and generic prices within the reference group, with the effect being stronger for brand-names. We also identify a negative cross-price effect on therapeutic substitutes not included in the RP system. In terms of policy implications, the results suggest that RP is more effective than PC regulation in lowering drug prices, while the cross-price effect raises a concern about patent protection.  相似文献   

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