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Many public service organizations have to deal with rapidly changing environments. Government offers less financial security than in the past and stimulates organizations to develop a market orientation. The focus of this article is explaining the shape of strategic management in public service organizations that have merely a public orientation (task organizations) and organizations that combine a public orientation with a market orientation (hybrid organizations). On the basis of four case studies it is concluded that task organizations also move in the direction of hybrid organizations. Strategic management in hybrid public service organizations is a dynamic process in which changing the organization context, i.e. metagovernance, seems to be the predominating dimension of strategic management.  相似文献   

Renegotiation and Collusion in Organizations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It has been argued that collusion among the members of an organization may lead to inefficiencies and hence should be prevented in equilibrium. This paper shows that whenever the parties to an organization can renegotiate their incentive scheme after collusion, these inefficiencies can be greatly reduced. Moreover, it might not be possible to prevent collusion and renegotiation in equilibrium. Indeed, if collusion is observable but not verifiable, then the organization's optimal incentive scheme will always be renegotiated. If, instead, collusion is not observable to the principal, both collusion and renegotiation will occur in equilibrium with positive probability. The occurrence of collusion and renegotiation should therefore not be taken as evidence of the inefficiency of an organization.  相似文献   

Most theories about organizations assume implicitly or explicitly that the members of organizations are individual persons. However, a large and growing number of organizations are “meta-organizations” whose members are other organizations. How organizations function is affected by the kind of members that they have. In this article it is argued that meta-organizations differ from individual-based organizations in important ways, and that they thus call for somewhat different theories. An outline of a theory for meta-organizations is suggested below. It aims to explain three fundamental elements in any theory of organizations: the creating and sustaining of formal organizations, the sources of and the reactions to conflict within organizations, and the question of organizational change.  相似文献   

组织中心理契约的变化——当代人力资源管理面对的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由于全球化竞争越来越激烈,以及员工方面期望的变化,界定员工与组织之间关系的心理契约也相应发生了巨大变化.传统心理契约的核心内容--员工努力工作、听从指挥并忠于组织,企业给员工提供合理的工作条件和长久的工作保障--越来越受到冲击和挑战,而一些新的内容,如对于灵活性、公正性、自我依赖性、工作丰富化的要求.在心理契约中所占比重越来越大.那么,在竞争全球化、企业结构重组、人员精简、不断变革的大环境下.当那些传统上给员工提供的工作安全感和稳定感不再存在时,如何开发和维持员工的承诺.如何管理员工的心理契约?我们首先阐述在新的社会一经济环境中,新型心理契约具有什么样的内容和特点.进而提出人力资源管理措施应该做出哪些方面的调整.  相似文献   

1921年马克思·韦伯提出的科层制组织理论,19世纪40-50年代得到各行业广泛关注和运用,今天其已成为包括行政组织在内的各种组织的主要特征和组织形式.然而随着社会的发展,其反功能及负面影响也不断涌现,许多专家、学者因此对其提出了批评和质疑.对此,就行政组织而言,笔者认为,在相当的时段内,官僚科层制具有不可替代性,它仍将是行政组织的主要特征.  相似文献   

1921年马克思·韦伯提出的科层制组织理论,19世纪40-50年代得到各行业广泛关注和运用,今天其已成为包括行政组织在内的各种组织的主要特征和组织形式。然而随着社会的发展,其反功能及负面影响也不断涌现,许多专家、学者因此对其提出了批评和质疑。对此,就行政组织而言,笔者认为,在相当的时段内,官僚科层制具有不可替代性,它仍将是行政组织的主要特征。  相似文献   

A BSTRACT . We explore the relevance to the theory of economic organization of the distinction introduced by Hayek between two kinds of social order: spontaneous orders and organizations. We argue that Hayek's ideas lead to an understanding of the business firm as a process, which comes very close to some of the core notions of the evolutionary theory of the firm, while they still view the firm as the outcome of a contract among asset owners. First of all, we put forth a simple conceptual schema in order to differentiate between contracts that lead to the formation of an organization and ordinary market contracts. We then explore the conditions for an understanding of the firm as a set of interconnected processes, rather than as an end state. Finally, we introduce the concept of purposeful direction as an important condition for the existence of the firm and we show the history-contingent character of the firm's growth.  相似文献   

In this Point–Counterpoint article we argue that institutional scholarship has become overly concerned with explaining institutions and institutional processes, notably at the level of the organization field, rather than with using them to explain and understand organizations. Especially missing is an attempt to gain a coherent, holistic account of how organizations are structured and managed. We also argue that when institutional theory does give attention to organizations it inappropriately treats them as though they are the same, or at least as though any differences are irrelevant for purposes of theory. We propose a return to the study of organizations with an emphasis upon comparative analysis, and suggest the institutional logics perspective as an appropriate means for doing so.  相似文献   

The role of marketing for public organizations has received limited attention in the academic or management literature.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that firms’ environments are becoming more complex and uncertain. This paper investigates the relationship between the complexity of a firm’s activities, environmental uncertainty and organizational structure. We assume agents are arranged hierarchically, but decisions can be made at different levels. We model a firm’s activity set as a modified NK landscape. Via simulations, we find that centralized decision making generates a higher payoff in more complex and uncertain environments, and that a flatter structure is better for the organization with centralized decision making, provided the cost of information processing is low enough. Financial Support from Zengin Foundation for Studies on Economics and Finance is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to examine relationships and better-fits between organizational structure and performance in public organizations. This study takes into account multiple dimensions of organizational structure: span of control, organizational personnel size, global organizational red tape and personnel red tape. The relationships between the first two physical dimensions and perceived organizational performance are examined by taking different combinations of measures, such as raw measures, log-transformation measures and squared measures. The results of ordinal logistic regression models find that, except for span of control, the other structural dimensions have a negative influence on perceived organizational performance. While span of control shows a better-fit with perceived performance in a linear and positive direction, personnel size fits better in a log-linear relationship. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Q公司所处的行业是与时尚、文化传播密切相关的朝阳产业,其企业结构基本属于矩阵式组织结构。这种矩阵式组织结构由纵横两套管理系统组成,一套是纵向的职能管理系统,另一套是为完成某项任务而组成的横向项目系统,横向和纵向的职权具有平衡对等性。一该结构打破了统一指挥的传统原则,它具有多重指挥线。  相似文献   

The Best Value regime, which is being introduced in the UK from April 2000, is rooted in the ‘new public management’ paradigm but also seeks to move beyond it. Like compulsory competitive tendering (CCT) which preceded it, the Best Value framework stresses the role of markets and performance management systems in the provision of public services. However, it appears to offer more scope for local flexibility, and has therefore enjoyed a much higher level of support among local policy makers.

There is though evidence that many in local government have not yet grasped the scale of the improvements in local services that ministers are expecting, and the extent to which this will require changes in existing structures and processes. The result is likely to be an increasingly differentiated pattern of service provision and, in an era of ‘evidence policy making’, researchers are likely to be called upon to develop methodologies which allow evaluation of the alternative models of service provision that begin to emerge.  相似文献   

透析组织中的员工沉默行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从企业管理的角度提出了员工沉默的四分法,即:个体沉默、群体沉默、同行沉默和上行沉默四种形式,并分析了员工沉默的产生原因,以及员工沉默对组织和员工个体带来的消极影响。在此基础上,提出了改善员工沉默的人力资源管理和开发策略。  相似文献   

企业业绩评价体系经过一百多年的变迁,已经从最初的观察性阶段演变到如今的战略性评价阶段。随着世界经济一体化和知识经济时代的到来,变化成为世界经济环境的主要特征,财务指标的滞后性以及不能及时反映企业长期价值创造能力的缺 点逐渐暴露出来:为了提高组织对外部环境的适应性,90年代初卡普兰(Kaplan)和诺顿(Norton)创立了平衡计分卡(Balanced Score—card),  相似文献   

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