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随着中国市场的不断发展,细分化市场形成,实行企业品牌战略是企业营销的必然选择,是从渠道竞争迈向品牌竞争的必由之路,是将企业与品牌渗透到客户终端的必要途径,也是品牌人性化的支柱性力量.为此,企业要树立强烈的品牌战略意识,选准市场定位,确定战略品牌,运用资本经营加快开发速度,同时利用信息网实施组合经营及规模化、集约化经营,营造优良的开发环境.  相似文献   

企业的品牌在自己市场得到消费者忠诚后,都要实行走出去战略,将品牌引入国际市场,成为全球品牌。联想是品牌国际化战略一个成功的范例,本文通过对国际化经营理论的研究,以品牌战略管理理论为基础,阐述了品牌国际化的含义及优势。分析联想集团进入国际市场的过程,以及联想集团的品牌国际化经营战略的成功经验和对中国企业的启示。  相似文献   

本文以SWOT分析为基础,探讨了物业管理企业的市场环境和企业状况,提出了相应的品牌战略,使得物业管理企业能够根据自身情况,选择合适的品牌实施战略。同时,为使物业管理企业品牌长盛不衰,指出了品牌战略实施中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

中国品牌国际化战略已开始起步。要提高我国企业的总体水平,必须以市场为导向,大力创建一批名牌企业和名优产品,走向国际市场,参与国际竞争,在竞争中发展,我国品牌国际化战略是品牌迈向国际市场的关键。  相似文献   

在全世界范围内,人们在研究市场营销策略的时候越来越多的把目光投向企业创立品牌的方面,品牌是21世纪中国市场的深切呼唤.在经济全球化的今天,中国的企业要在全球范围的竞争中生存下去,必须在战略的高度上重视品牌战略,国内很多企业在品牌经营上仍有很多问题,如今中国市场品牌发展水平还处于初级阶段,缺少"世界级"的品牌,一个企业没有品牌意识的话,它必定会在激烈的竞争性市场中失去市场.  相似文献   

世界经济一体化趋势不可能逆转,我国中高端品牌要创新图发展,实现更大更长远的发展。推进品牌战略、培育世界知名品牌是我国中高端品牌国际化发展战略的必由之路。企业是塑造品牌的主体。那么,如何有效建立我国中高端品牌的国际化发展战略?已走在国际化发展之路的部分中国企业,积极拓展国际市场并取得成效,为处在国际化发展之中的中高端品牌,提供了有益借鉴和思路。  相似文献   

中小商业银行的品牌战略构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周冰 《浙江金融》2002,(6):36-36,35
市场经济实际就是名牌经济,在买方市场条件下往往是名牌企业和名牌产品瓜分市场,面对众多拥有驰名品牌、雄厚实力的国际化大银行、大金融财团的入境,我国中小商业银行在实施品牌战略过程中,必须研究和制定一套适应自身未来长期发展的战略目标,包括服务战略、产品战略、科技战略和企业文化发展战略,才能逐步形成与大品牌和洋品牌抗争的实力,并逐步改变在品牌和实力竞争中的劣势.  相似文献   

王波 《时代金融》2008,(4):123-124
在中国加入世贸组织国际化背景下对我国水产企业品牌发展进行系统的研究,丰富和发展了企业品牌战略管理的理论和方法,有利于提高我国水产企业品牌战略决策水平,提升其国际竞争力,为我国水产企业进入国际市场铺平了道路,为企业的国际化经营提供了更多的有利条件。我国水产企业要增强品牌意识,制定品牌战略,打造中国的国际品牌,在全球范围内提升自己的竞争力。  相似文献   

江群 《武汉金融》2004,(7):52-53
<正> 品牌战略是指行为主体根据自身优势和品牌形成的客观规律,制定创建品牌工程的全局性指导方针和策略,其构成要素主要包括:(1)战略主体;(2)战略目标,即战略主体实施品牌战略所要实现的最终目的,是品牌战略的核心部分;(3)战略策略,即战略主体为实现战略目标而采取的具体实施策略。  相似文献   

论商业银行的品牌战略建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩文亮  戚焱 《新金融》2008,(2):45-48
随着金融产品和金融服务同质性的日益显著、价格手段运用空间的逐步缩小,商业银行必须在明确市场定位的基础上,加强塑造企业品牌的个性特征,努力赢得差异化竞争优势.本文通过研究国内外商业银行品牌战略的实践与运用,为中国商业银行在实施品牌战略时的切入点以及具体方案提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

文化产业的主体是企业,要走改革开放后我国其他企业的发展之路:深化文化体制改革,不断适应市场经济条件下对文化产业的要求;实行文化品牌战略,打造民族文化的名牌产品;积极开拓市场,用好现代营销策略;重视人才,实施企业的人才发展战略;坚持创新,在创新中求发展.  相似文献   

品牌延伸是指企业利用其成功品牌的声誉不断推出改良产品或全新产品。目前,国内外很多企业将品牌延伸策略作为企业的重要经营策略。但是,我们必须认识到,品牌延伸是一把“双刃剑”,成功的品牌延伸能够使品牌资产得到充分利用并在利用中增值,但品牌延伸也有许多陷阱,盲目的品牌延伸存在很多潜在的风险。为此,企业在实施品牌延伸策略时必须慎重作出决策。  相似文献   

房地产行业已经进入品牌营销的时代,但部分房地产企业在提升房地产品牌时过于注重外在形象而忽略了内在品质,是本末倒置,是不能将品牌长期的维持和经营下去的.房地产企业要树品牌、创名牌,要使企业品牌深入人心,首要的、关键的在于向公众推出优质的房产、合理的户型设计和完善的物业管理等.也就是说原来房地产企业只注重项目的质量的观念必须更新了,加强房地产产品整体概念的质量,才会提升房地产企业品牌和项目品牌.面对日益激烈的市场竞争,房地产企业需要认真考虑如何创立品牌,并以品牌营销提升自己的竞争力,确立自己在行业的主导地位,做未来房地产市场的赢家.  相似文献   

吉林省发展大豆产业的比较优势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吉林省大豆产业无论是与竞争性作物相比,还是与其他大豆主产区相比都存在一定的比较优势,发展前景广阔。因此,吉林省应充分利用大豆非转基因优势,打造绿色盾牌;实行大豆产业化生产和订单农业;发展大豆深加工技术和龙头企业;建立大豆产品市场质量标准和自主品牌;加强政府对大豆产业的扶持;建立健全适应大豆产业化经营需要的社会化服务体系。鼓励大豆产业发展,使大豆成为吉林省农业的第二大支柱产业。  相似文献   

Subaru markets an L.L. Bean Outback station wagon. Dell stamps Microsoft and Intel logos on its computers. Such inter-weaving of different companies' brands is now commonplace. But one of the central tools of brand management-portfolio mapping--has not kept pace with changes in the marketplace. Most conventional brand maps include only those brands owned by a company, arranged along organizational lines with little regard for how the brands influence customer perceptions. In this article, the authors present a new mapping tool--the brand portfolio molecule--that reveals the way brands appear to customers. The brand portfolio molecule includes all the brands that factor into a consumer's decision to buy, whether or not the company owns them. The first step in creating a brand portfolio molecule is to determine which brands should or should not be included. The second step is to classify each brand by asking five key questions: 1) How important is this brand to customers' purchase decisions about the brand you're mapping? 2) Is its influence positive or negative? 3) What market position does this brand occupy relative to the other brands in the portfolio? 4) How does this brand connect to the other brands in the portfolio? 5) How much control do you have over this brand? The last step is to map the molecule using a 3-D modeling program or by hand with pen and paper. Individual brands take the form of atoms, and they're clustered in ways that reflect how customers see them. The usefulness of the tool lies in its ability to show the many forces that influence a customer's buying decision--and to provide a powerful new way to think about brand strategy.  相似文献   

When markets turn hostile, it's no surprise that managers are tempted to extend their brands vertically--that is, to take their brands into a seemingly attractive market above or below their current positions. And for companies chasing growth, the urge to move into booming premium or value segments also can be hard to resist. The draw is indeed strong; and in some instances, a vertical move is not merely justified but actually essential to survival--even for top brands, which have the advantages of economies of scale, brand equity, and retail clout. But beware: leveraging a brand to access upscale or downscale markets is more dangerous than it first appears. Before making a move, then, managers should ascertain whether the rewards will be worth the risks. In general, David Aaker recommends that managers avoid vertical extensions whenever possible. There is an inherent contradiction in the very concept because brand equity is built in large part on image and perceived worth, and a vertical move can easily distort those qualities. Still, certain situations demand vertical extensions, and Aaker examines both the winners and the losers in the game. Managers may find themselves facing a situation that presents both an emerging opportunity and a strategic threat, and alternatives to vertical extensions may have even higher risks and costs. Furthermore, a number of brands have been extended vertically with complete success. If after assessing the risks and rewards you conclude that a vertical extension is on the horizon, proceed with caution. And keep in mind that your challenge will be to leverage and protect the original brand while taking advantage of the new opportunity.  相似文献   

实施绿色农产品品牌发展战略,增加绿色农产品品牌文化含量,有利于提升农产品的知名度和市场竞争力.通过实证测度吉林省绿色农产品品牌文化含量,探究吉林省绿色农产品同外省知名品牌在品牌文化建设方面存在的差异,对于提高我省绿色农产品品牌价值,实现品牌个性差异化,增强我省农产品的市场竞争力具有十分重大的意义.  相似文献   

Brand positioning is a core activity of most marketing departments. In this paper, the relationship between six different positions and customer vulnerability is tested over time in the business financial services market. Two particular attributes relating to fees and charges and relationship/service were found to have strong relationships with customer vulnerability, both across brands and over time. This research suggests that the ’better‘ brand positions, as defined here, can be common across brands. Therefore, marketing managers of financial services should perhaps not be striving for a unique position for the brand, but aim for distinctiveness in the way the position is communicated. Research techniques to identify ’better‘ positions should also not assume that these ’better‘ positions will be those that differentiate between brands.  相似文献   

强势品牌在国际市场上具有较强的比较优势,但品牌在国际经济学上的研究还是空白。结合比较优势理论进行分析,强势品牌产品在与同类的非强势品牌产品进行竞争时具有成本上的相对优势,还在产品附加值方面胜于后者。那么,在获取出口比较优势方面,出口产品应该根据不同的情况选择品牌差异最小化的成本竞争与品牌差异最大化的附加值竞争。这可以为中国依靠提高出口质量,创建中国品牌来进一步扩大外贸出口奠定理论基础,从而减少甚至是避免低层次的出口数量扩张带来的贸易条件恶化与国际摩擦。  相似文献   

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